Monday, December 31, 2012

Tuesday 1.1.13

Maya, 12 years old, doing sprint repeats with 20# vest.

5 miles, moderate - not for time.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Monday 12.31.12


1.  Snatch Complex
1 Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch + Squat Snatch + OHS - work up to a max set.

2.  Front Squat
3 RM

3.  4 RFT:
10 Squat Snatch, 115/80
15 TTB

Pick one of the following (A, B, or C), base on greatest weakness...
A.  Handstand Push ups
OTM x 14
5 HSPU - rings, elevated, kipping or strict

B.  Handstand Walking
OTM x 14
10M Handstand Walk

C.  Overhead Strength
OTM x 14
6 Push Press

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Week

Dan Camp, SPP, Andrew G.

This is a lower volume week by design - don't destroy it's intent by doing a bunch of extra stuff.

1.  Snatch 3x1 at 80%
2.  10 x 1 Front Squat
3.  2K Row at 1 minute slower than PR

Merry Christmas
Rest Day

Rest Day

1.  Clean and Jerk 5x1 across
2.  Back Sqaut, 3 rep heavy - not max
3.  3 RFT:  12 Thrusters (115/80), 6 Muscle ups

Rest Day

1.  AMRAP 8: 10 wall balls (30/20), 10 BJ (30/24), 10 TTB
rest 12 minutes
2.  3 RFT: 7 Deads (315, 225), 400m Run

Rest Day

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Sunday 12.23.12

Brian Kichton
Rest Day

Montoya's 195# Snatch Complex - 25 lbs over bodyweight.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Saturday 12.22.12

5 RFT:
10 Thrusters, 95/65
14 BJ, 24/20
12 SDHP, 95/65
12 Burpees
27 KBS, 53/35

Victoria was a teacher for 5 years.
The tragedy happened in room 10.
She was killed on 12-14-12.
She was 27 years old.
She was a CrossFitter and a true Hero.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Friday 12.21.12


1.  Front Squats
10 x 1, OTM -across.

2.  Up Ladder 8
In eight minutes climb as high as possible, adding 1 rep to each movement each round.
Power Clean
Front Squat

Dudes:  185
Chicks: 135
Round 1 would be 1PC+1FS+1J.  Round 2 would be 2PC+2FS+2J.  Rnd 3 would be 3 of each and so on.  
3.  Goat Training
Pick TWO of the following, based on greatest weakness...
A.  Overhead Strength Endurance
5 RFT: 15 unbroken Push Press, 115/80

B.  Overhead Squats
5 x 2 reps, moderate - not for time.

C.  Ring Dips
60 reps for time

D.  Rope Climbs
10 x 15' Rope Climbs for time

E.  L-Sits
10 RFT:  12 seconds of L-sit hold

F:  Toes To Bar
10 RFT: x 6 unbroken reps

Competitor's Competition WODs

Early Christmas Present....

We are announcing 4 of the WODs - There will be more, but here is something to munch on during the holidays.

1.  Clean and Jerk Ladder
Men start at 225 and go up by 10 lbs every minute.
Women start at 155 and go up by 5 lbs every minute.

2.  Muscle ups
30 reps for time

3.  AMRAP 3 of:
2 Deads 385/265
2 Free Standing HSPU - No wall.  Start at the top at full extension.  Head touches at bottom, control and full extension at the top.

4.  3 RFT:
4 Power Snatches 165, 115
12 Pistols (6/side)
20 Toe to Bar

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Thursday 12.20.12


1.  Snatch Complex
3 sets of:  Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch + Squat Snatch + OHS
1 set consists of 4 reps total.  Work up to a max set without dropping the bar.  Post all three scores.

2.  15-12-9-6-3 of:
Power Snatch, 115/80
Barbell Burpee

3.  Goat Training
Pick two of the following, base on greatest weakness...
A.  Box Jumps
For time:  10 x 12 unbroken Reps - you choose the height.

B.  Double Unders
For time:  10 x 20 unbroken reps

C.  Rowing
For time:  3 x 500m, OT3M

C.  Running
For time:  4 x 400m, OT3M

D.  Strength
Deadlift 3-10-10

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Wednesday 12.19.12

Three (3) wods will be announced on Friday.
Check out for updates.
Rest Day.

New Title Sponsor for the Competitors Competition - KillCliff

The product was created based on the theory that an integral part of enhancing sports performance is reducing inflammation. We observed that most recovery and sports performance products were only trying to do two things – artificially increase energy and replace depleted sugars and electrolytes. We recognized that these products were missing the fact that the real culprit for reduced performance and slowed recovery is inflammation.

A really beneficial sports recovery drink needs the right blend of nutrients and anti-inflammatory ingredients, with a low calorie count, making it a suitable option for every day consumption.
The result is Kill Cliff, an amazingly tasty, endurance and recovery drink that is good for you and isn’t laden with excessive calories.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Tuesday 12.18.12

Ali L.

1.  Clean and Jerk
1 RM

2.  Front Squat 
5x2, OTM

Pick one of the following (A, B or C), base on greatest weakness...
A.  C2B Pull ups
OTM x 20
Odd:  4 Squat Cleans (climb to a max) or max rep Pistols
Even:  10 C2B

B.  Muscle ups
OTM x 20
Odd:  4 Squat Cleans (climb to a max) or max rep Pistols
Even:  4-5 Muscle ups

C.  Upper body Pulling Strength
OTM x 20
Odd:  4 Squat Cleans (climb to a max) or max rep Pistols
Even:  3 Weighted Strict Pull ups or 10 KBS, 88/70

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Monday 12.17.12

Ally B.

1. Snatch 

5x1 Heavy, across

2.  Back Squat 
20 rep max

Pick one of the following (A, B, or C), base on greatest weakness...
A.  Handstand Push ups
OTM x 20
Odd: 5 HSPU - rings, elevated, kipping or strict
Even:  200m Run or 200m Row

B.  Handstand Walking
OTM x 20
Odd: 10M Handstand Walk
Even:  200m Run or 200m Row

C.  Overhead Strength
OTM x 20
Odd: 6 Push Press
Even:  200m Run or 200m Row

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Sunday 12.16.12

Soon enough young Skywalker.

Rest Day.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Saturday 12.15.12

Former Master's Champ, Big Bri.
5 RFT:
800m Run
30 KBS, 70/53
30 Pull ups

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Friday 12.14.12

Josh Wagner.
1.  Clean Pulls 
5x2 at 1rm Clean

2.  AMRAP 6
3 Power Cleans + 3 Hang Squat Cleans + 3 Squat Cleans, 225/155
3.  Goat Training
Pick TWO of the following, based on greatest weakness...
A.  Overhead Strength Endurance
5 RFT: 15 unbroken Push Press, 115/80

B.  Overhead Squats
5 x 10 reps, moderate - not for time.

C.  Ring Dips
60 reps for time

D.  Rope Climbs
10 x 15' Rope Climbs for time

E.  L-Sits
10 RFT:  12 seconds of L-sit hold

F:  Toes To Bar
10 RFT: x 6 unbroken reps

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Thursday 12.13.12

1.  Snatch 
1 Rep heavy
2x2 moderate

2.  Front Squat

3.  Opium Dream
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Plate GTO, 45/25
5 Burpees + 30 Double unders between rounds

4.  Goat Training
Pick two of the following, base on greatest weakness...
A.  Box Jumps
For time:  10 x 12 unbroken Reps - you choose the height.

B.  Double Unders
For time:  10 x 20 unbroken reps

C.  Rowing
For time:  3 x 500m, OT3M

C.  Running
For time:  4 x 400m, OT3M

D.  Strength
Deadlift 3-10-10

Taylor Domengeaux, 315 rack jerk at body weight of 166

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Wednesday 12.12.12


Rest Day


Just wanted to say thanks again to you and the whole CFNE crew.  Team CFRX took first in the Atlanta Affiliate Elite Team Competition this weekend.  We didn't just win - we swept the competition 11-0 against some good teams.  From L to R in the photo - Kelly Levens (owner), Steve Hoover, Joe Konieczny, and Sonya McMillan.  We've been following the competitors blog since late July and are seeing great results.  Trying to make the Competitors Comp in January.  

Thanks again.
Joe Konieczny

In addition to specific mobility work, you should be doing some variation 
of this 
active warm up before every training session.  
This complex involves; Spiderman, Samson, Kneeling Hammy, Sumo - repeat 4-10x each side.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Tuesday 12.11.12

James Hobart, double 2-pood OHS - give it a shot.

1.  Jerk
5 x 1 - From behind the neck, climbing

Pick one of the following (A, B or C), base on greatest weakness...
A.  C2B Pull ups
OTM x 20
Odd:  6 High Box Jumps or max rep Pistols
Even:  8 C2B

B.  Muscle ups
OTM x 20
Odd:  6 High Box Jumps or max rep Pistols
Even:  3-4 Muscle ups

C.  Upper body Pulling Strength
OTM x 20
Odd:  6 High Box Jumps or max rep Pistols
Even:  3 Weighted Strict Pull ups or 8 KBS, 88/70

Speaking of high box jumps...don't do this.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Monday 12.10.12

Derek M.

1. OTM x 20
Odd:  3 Power Snatch
Even:  6 Front Squats - from the ground, no racks
Set up two bars.  Weights do not need to be across.

Pick one of the following (A, B, or C), base on greatest weakness...
A.  Handstand Push ups
OTM x 20
Odd: 5 HSPU - rings, elevated, kipping or strict
Even:  200m Run or 200m Row

B.  Handstand Walking
OTM x 20
Odd: 10M Handstand Walk
Even:  200m Run or 200m Row

C.  Overhead Strength
OTM x 20
Odd: 6 Push Press
Even:  200m Run or 200m Row

Friday, December 7, 2012

Sunday 12.9.12

I am travelling this weekend so I am posting in advance.

Rest Day.

Saturday 12.8.12

100 Pull ups
100 Push ups
100 Sit ups
100 Squats

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Friday 12.7.12

Jessa Lamoine is one of FIVE former Individual Female Games Athletes 
that will be competing in the Competitors Competition, 1-19-13.

1.  Power Clean

2.  Macho Man
OTM for as long as possible:
3 Power Cleans + 3 Front Squats + 3 Jerks 
Ninjas:  165/115
Beasts:  185/135
Don't be a meat-head.  Lighter is harder than big weights in this wod.  Pick a weight that you can get 6-9 rounds of.  If you don't finish 5 rounds, you need to reduce the weight and go again.
3.  Goat Training
Pick TWO of the following, based on greatest weakness...
A.  Overhead Strength Endurance
5 RFT: 15 unbroken Push Press, 105/75

B.  Overhead Squats
5 x 10 reps, moderate - not for time.

C.  Ring Dips
60 reps for time

D.  Rope Climbs
10 x 15' Rope Climbs for time

E.  L-Sits
10 RFT:  10 seconds of L-sit hold

F:  Toes To Bar
10 RFT: x 6 unbroken reps

Competitors Competition Website

Click the above link for wod announcements, heat assignments, scoring, and more.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Thursday 12.6.12


1.  Snatch 
5 x 1, across off blocks at the knees.

2.  Front Squat
10 x 1 across, OTM

3.  30-25-20-15-10-5 rep for time of:
Wall Balls, 20/14

4.  Goat Training
Pick two of the following, base on greatest weakness...
A.  Box Jumps
For time:  10 x 12 unbroken Reps - you choose the height.

B.  Double Unders
For time:  10 x 20 unbroken reps

C.  Rowing
For time:  3 x 500m, OT3M

C.  Running
For time:  4 x 400m, OT3M

D.  Strength
Deadlift 3-10-10

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Monday, December 3, 2012

Tuesday 12.4.12

Bode, 6 mos. old  working on his goats. 
BTW, he is really holding himself up.

1.  Clean and Jerk
5 x 1 - heavy, across

2.  Back Squat
2x5 heavy

Pick one of the following (A, B or C), base on greatest weakness...
A.  C2B Pull ups
OTM x 20
Odd:  6 Squat Cleans, 135/95 or max rep Pistols
Even:  8 C2B

B.  Muscle ups
OTM x 20
Odd:  6 Squat Cleans, 135/95 or max rep Pistols
Even:  3-4 Muscle ups

C.  Upper body Pulling Strength
OTM x 20
Odd:  6 Squat Cleans, 135/95 or max rep Pistols
Even:  3 Weighted Strict Pull ups or 8 KBS, 88/70

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Monday 12.3.12

Heather B.

1.  Snatch
A.  Squat Snatch, 3x1 - from high hang - at the pockets
B.  Squat Snatch, 3x1 - from below the knees

2.  Front Squats
A.  3RM
B.  10RM

Pick one of the following (A, B, or C), base on greatest weakness...
A.  Handstand Push ups
OTM x 20
Odd: 5 HSPU - rings, elevated, kipping or strict
Even:  200m Run or 200m Row

B.  Handstand Walking
OTM x 20
Odd: 10M Handstand Walk
Even:  200m Run or 200m Row

C.  Overhead Strength
OTM x 20
Odd: 6 Push Press
Even:  200m Run or 200m Row

Goat Training Template

You are only as strong as your weakest link.  This is especially true in the sport of CrossFit, where one major hole can keep you from qualifying or getting on the podium.  It is an interesting thought experiment to realize that every sport has the ideal "Athletic Profile", and CrossFit is no exception.

If we use the 10 General Physical Skills as the basis for this profile we can begin to see the major differences between sports and how they lead to General Physical Preparedness (GPP).  For example, it is rather obvious that a powerlifter's skill set would be very different from an endurance athlete's.

POWER LIFTER                          ENDURANCE ATHLETE          


The exact numbers could be argued all day, but that isn't the important message.  The take-away from these graphs is the realization that while the Endurance Athlete and Power-Lifter have amazing capacity in some areas, the majority of their GPP is lacking.  Interestingly, while the Gymnast is more well rounded, he still wouldn't be able to compete with Rich in a well rounded GPP test like the CrossFit Games or Regionals.  

We know that you are as fit as you are competent in each of these 10 skills.  And, we can take this theory beyond the 10 Phsyical Skills to specific modalities that are know to our sport.  If you are really good at box jump, pull ups, handstand push ups, running, and everything related to a barbell but you suck at double unders - there is a good chance you won't be competitive.  The idea is to be good at everything, great at one or two things, and suck at nothing. 

So, now onto what we will be doing for the next 4-6 weeks.  We will be continuing to work on our O-lifts and strength, but we need to eliminate some weaknesses.  The first and most important aspect to improving your weaknesses is knowing what you need to improve.  Everyday you will need to take a serious assessment of yourself and honestly figure out what needs the most work - not what looks like the most fun.  The next step to killing your goats is getting exposure to them.  Don't do the "Goat Training" as extra work or supplemental training.  This is the focus of this next month.  Work hard and kill some goats.  

Monostructural Goat:  Choose Running or Rowing 
Overhead Goat:  Choose HSPU, HSW, or PP

Below Parallel Goat: Squat Cleans or Pistols
Upper-body Pulling Goat: C2B Pull ups, Muscle ups, Weighted Pull ups or Heavy KBS

Rest Day

Choose 2 Goats: Choose Running, Rowing, Double unders, Box Jumps or Strength

Choose 2 Goats:  Overhead Endurance, OHS, Ring Dip, Rope Climbs, L-sits, TTB

Big Metcon


Saturday, December 1, 2012

Sunday 12.2.12

Rachel Martinez
Rest Day

The Goat Training phase starts Monday.  I will post the templete for the next 4 weeks tomorrow.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Saturday 12.1.12

Tag-Team Championship Fight Gone Bad - Heavyweight Division
5 rounds for max reps in 1 minute of:
Wall Ball, 30/20
SDHP, 135/95
BJ, 30/24"
PP, 135/95
Row for cals - each athlete must row at least one calorie per round.
1 minute rest between rounds.

if you don't have any friends to throwdown with you - complete 5 rounds of max reps in 40 seconds at each station, with a 20 second break between every station and a 1 minute rest after each round.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Friday 11.30.12

1.  Complex
5 sets for max load of:
3 Power Clean
3 Front Squats
3 Jerks
Each set is 9 reps.  Rest as needed between sets.  Climb to a max effort.

2.  3 RFT;
20 Deads, 245/165
20m Handstand walk

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thrusday 11.29.12

1.  Snatch
2 x 1 heavy

2.  Amanda
Muscle ups
Squat Snatch, 135/95

3.  Back Squat
2 x 2 heavy

Chris Spealler - 3:20

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Monday, November 26, 2012

Tuesday 11.27.12

1.  Back Squat

2.  Jerk Balance
work up to a heavy single

3.  Clean and Jerk
work up to a 3RM, TnG

4.  For Time:
30 Burpees
50 Thrusters (65, 45)
500m Row

5.  2K Row
Moderate pace - this should be about 1 minute slower than your PR

Ben - 

Just a quick note, my numbers have gone up tremendously. I thought it would be hard for me to get a sub 3min Fran, never mind busting out a 2:27 with ease. Pulled out a 2:06 Diane and wasn't even tired. Simply amazing. and to think - we haven't even started the metcon yet! haha! 
A big thank you for your hard work. It is greatly appreciated!!! How can I get a CFNE tshirt over here in Norway? Maybe even one of those Built by Bergeron ones as well?


Sunday, November 25, 2012

Monday 11.26.12

Great to have Harry is back in town for the weekend.

1.  Snatch PP + 2 OHS
work up to a heavy set

2.  Snatch
3x1 Heavy

3.  "Helen"
3 RFT:
400m Run
21 KBS (53, 35)
12 Pull ups

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Sunday 11.25.12

Reebok World Headquarters.

Rest Day

I don't know if we have every formally met. I am married to Tanya Wagner. 
I just wanted to drop you an email to let you know Tanya and I have been following your Competitors WOD programming for the past month and a half to 2 months. It has been nice following someone elses programming rather than your own, let me tell you. That being said I wanted to say thank you so much for your efforts in your programming. 
We are currently following about 1 month behind your current Comp. Wod programming and we have both seen huge gains in our strength and Oly Lifts. I just pr'd my snatch at 240lb yesterday after missing 205lb in this past years regionals and having an old pr of 215lbs. Tanya just hit 145lb on her snatch 10lbs more than ever before and also hit a 200lb C&J for her first time. Both of our strength numbers on our frnt and bk squats have also significantly increased. 
Thanks again so much for your generosity on allowing people such as ourselves to follow your expertise in programming for competitive athletes. Hopefully this can help both of us make a good run at the games again this year. Good luck to you and Heather with your new addition to the family. 
Thanks again Josh.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Saturday 11.24.12

3 RFT:
8 Deads, 335/235
8 Elevated HSPU - use plates, parallettes or whatever is appropriate for you.

At the 10 minute mark, complete:
3 RFT:
6 Squat Cleans, 225, 155
6 Elevate HSPU

At the 20 minute mark, complete:
4 Hang Squat Clean Thrusters (135, 95)
4 Elevated HSPU

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Friday 11.23.12

1.  Snatch Pulls
3x3 at 1RM snatch

2.  Power Snatch 
1x1 Moderate
2x2 Moderate

3.  OTM x 12
3 TnG Power Snatch, max weight

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thursday 11.22.12

Happy Thanksgiving!

1.  Clean and Jerk
2x2 Moderate

2.  "Murph"
For time:
1 mile Run
100 Pull ups
200 Push ups
300 Squats
1 mile Run

Bookend with the mile runs, but you can partition the Pull ups, Push ups and Squats as you like.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Wednesday 11.21.12

Bode checking out his mom.

Rest Day

I'm willing to bet someone looks up to you.  Live your life centered around your core values; integrity, commitment, empathy, honesty and establish a work ethic that is inspiring and worthy of their admiration.  

I will be presenting the Box Seminar in NYC on December 8th.  
Check out for more info.

What makes a World-Class CrossFit Affiliate?  In the words of Greg Glassman, it is the “The Constant and Relentless Pursuit of Excellence.”  This one-day seminar will explore the best practices that the world’s best affiliates use everyday, and how to use these practices to create Excellence in your Affiliate.
Learn the ins-and-outs of running a World-Class Affiliate:
  • Hiring, Training and Paying Coaches.
  • Programming for the Elite, Sport Specific and Masses.
  • Marketing your Affiliate and getting so many members you’ll have to turn them away.
  • Creating a Community of Trust, Support, Honesty and Excellence.
  • Organizing your Affiliate to Run Efficiently.
  • The Details of a Successful On-Ramp Program.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Tuesday 11.20.12

Ryan Hewitt

1.  Front Squat
2x2 Heavy

2.  Big Clean Complex
6 sets of the following Complex :
High Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Push Press
High Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Push Jerk
High Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Split Jerk

One set consists of all 12 reps. Try not to drop the bar during the entire set; if you must drop after the Overhead movements, it’s allow – just be quick to get back on the bar.  Rest as needed between sets and try to increase weight after each set.

High Hang – Start with the bar at “the pockets.”
Hang – Start with the bar just above the knee.
Squat Clean – Start with the bar on the ground.

Post scores for all six sets to comments.

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Taylor Domengeaux

1.  Snatch PP+OHS
work up to a heavy single

2.  Snatch Balance
work up to a heavy single

3.  Snatch 
Work up to a heavy single

4.  OTM x 10
Odd:  Max Unbroken TnG Power Snatches, 165/115
Even: 4 Muscle ups

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Sunday 11.18.12

Rest Day

We will begin working on our goats more specifically in December.  I will be posting a template for this six week "Goat Killing" period soon.  

Friday, November 16, 2012

Saturday 11.17.12


5 Rounds for time of:
20 Pull ups
30 Push ups
40 Sit ups
50 Squats

Rest exactly 3 minutes between rounds.
Post Scores as total time including the rest.

5:42 Squat Clean Elizabeth

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Friday 11.16.12


1.  Clean and Jerk
1x1 Heavy

2.  Back Squat
2x1 Heavy

3.  "Elizabeth"
Squat Cleans, 135/95
Ring Dips

CrossFit Games Analysis:  What to expect from the 2013 Opens and beyond.