Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Wednesday 5.1.13

Weighting of the foot through the first and second pull.
1.  Clean and Jerk
Quickly work up to a single at 90%

2.  Front Squat 
Quickly work up to a single at 90%

3.  Bar MU
Accumulate 20 reps, not for time, in as many sets as needed.

4. Big Clean Complex
6 sets of the following Complex :
High Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Push Press
High Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Push Jerk
High Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Split Jerk
One set consists of all 12 reps. Try not to drop the bar during the entire set; if you must drop after the Overhead movements, it’s allowed – just be quick to get back on the bar.  Rest as needed between sets and try to increase weight after each set.
High Hang – Start with the bar at “the pockets.”
Hang – Start with the bar just above the knee.
Squat Clean – Start with the bar on the ground.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Tuesday 4.30.13

Harry and Heather.
1.  Snatch
5 x 1 at 90%

2.  Overhead Squat
3 x 5 OHS, post loads for all three sets.

3.  Back Squat 
2 x 2, across

4.  Row
5 x 300m, 1 minute rest

5.  Goat Training
Spend 10 focused minutes working on a weakness.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Monday 4.29.13

Ty Wisecup.
Send your pics to Ali@Crossfitnewengland.com.

Recovery Day.

Regional WODS will be announced a week from this Wednesday.  Any guesses?

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Sunday 4.28.13

1.  10 RFT:
10 Deads, 95/65
8 Hang Power Clean, 95/65
6 Push Press, 95/65

Rest at least 3 hours

2.   For time:
5 Cleans, 225/155
15 Deficit HSPU, 6"
10 Cleans, 185/135
10 HSPU, 6"
15 Cleans, 135/95
5 Defict HSPU, 6"
One barbell strip the weights.

1.  For Time:
Teams of two (same sex), working athlete can only accumulate reps while other athlete holds the static position.  Athletes can switch roles at any time.
75 Wall Balls, only work while other athlete holds chin over bar
400m Buddy Carry
75 KBS, 70/53, only work while other athlete holds top of ring dip
400m Buddy Carry
75 Box Jumps Overs, 24/20, only work while other athlete holds top of dead lift, 275/185
400m Buddy Carry

2.  Team Row/Snatch
Teams of two (1 boy/1 girl), relay style
5 Rounds for time of:
6 Squat Snatches, 135/95
300m Row
Athlete one completes the snatches and row.  Then athlete two completes the snatches and row.  That is one complete round.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Saturday 4.27.13

Notice the difference in rack positions. 

Teams and Individuals
8 rounds of max reps in 20 seconds, followed by 10 seconds rest.
C2B Pull ups
Push ups
Sit ups
complete all eight rounds of pull ups before moving on to the push ups.  Score is total reps completed for all 32 intervals.

Rest at least 3 hours

3 RFT:
200m Run, rest time equal to 200 time
400m Run, rest time equal to 400 time
600m Run, rest time equal to 600 time
In other words... Run 200m as fast as possible rest how long it took you to run.  Then run 400m rest equal time.  Then run 600m and rest the same time it took to do the 600m before starting the 200m again.  Continue till all distance have been done three times.  Post scores for all 9 intervals.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Friday 4.26.13

1.  Tiger Blood
3 RFT:
10 Clean and Jerks, 135/95
400m Run

2.  Hang Squat Cleans
3 set for max Reps, 225/155
rest as needed between sets.

3.  Power Snatch
3 set for max Reps, 185/135
rest as needed between sets.

4.  Handstand Push ups
3 sets of strict HSPU for max reps,
rest as needed between sets.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Thursday 4.25.13

Recovery Day

Getting after it.  500x3 
 How are you approaching your training?

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Wednesday 4.24.13

1.  "Helen"
3 RFT:
400m run
21 KBS, 53/35
12 Pull ups

2.  Front Squat
5x2, across

3.  Bench Press
5x5, across

4.  Dumbbell Clean and Jerk
5x10, across

Monday, April 22, 2013

Tuesday 4.23.13

Rasheed, Master & Monster.

1.  Filthy 50
50 reps of:
Box Jumps, 24" - games standards not necessary
Jumping Pull ups - bar height at mid forearm
KBS, 35/25
Walking Lunges
KTE - hit elbows, not armpits
Push Press, 45/33
Back Ext
Wall Ball, 20/14
Double unders

2.  Hang Squat Snatch
5x1 across

3.  Goat Work
Spend 20 minutes training 1-2 weaknesses

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Sunday 4.21.13

One of our members sent this to me.  
Individual Athletes
3 RFT:
800m Run
200m Prowler Push, 90/45
200m Double KB Farmers Carry, 70/53
20 Burpees

Teams of 4 athletes (2 men/2 women)
3 Rounds for time of:
Team 800m Run
Both Boys Push one Prowler 200m, 135# - while girls take turns holding 135 barbell overhead
Both Girls Push one Prowler 200m, 90# - while boys take turns holding 185 barbell overhead
Both Boys individually carry double KB Farmers carry 200m , 70# - while girls take turn holding 135 in front rack
Both Girls individually carry double KB Farmers carry 200m , 53# - while boys take turn holding 185 in front rack

The team may not start their 200 meters until the barbell is in the "hold" position.  If the barbell drops at any point the entire team must stop and everyone must complete 10 Burpees.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Saturday 4.20.13

If you have a Boston Jersey, or anything related to Beantown, 
wear it tomorrow in support of our strong city.

1.  Snatch Complex Ladder
OTM work up to a max:
Power Snatch + Squat Snatch + OHS , no dropping between reps.
Men's weights:  135, 145, 155, 165, 175, 185, 195, 205, 215, 225, 235, 245
Women's weights: 85, 95, 105, 115, 125, 135, 145, 155, 165, 175, 185, 195

2.  "Marathon Monday"
5 RFT:
4 Squat Clean and Jerks (185,125)
15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
13 Burpee lateral jumps over barbell
After 5 rounds are complete:
800m run
Your time is your total time for all 5 rounds plus the 800m sprint.

1.  Snatch Complex Ladder
Teams of three (same sex)
OTM work up to a max:
Power Snatch + Squat Snatch + OHS, no dropping between reps.
Men's weights:  135, 145, 155, 165, 175, 185, 195, 205, 215, 225, 235, 245
Women's weights: 85, 95, 105, 115, 125, 135, 145, 155, 165, 175, 185, 195
Score is the sum of the top lifts for all three athletes. 

2.  Team "Marathon Monday" - Relay Style
Teams of two (same sex) complete 5 Rounds each of:
4 Squat Clean and Jerks (185,125)
15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
13 Burpee lateral jumps
Once both athletes have completed 5 rounds, run 800m together.
One Athlete works while the other rests.  Athlete one completes one round (4 SCJ, 15 C2B, 13 Burpees).  After the final burpee Athlete 2 can start the triplet and Athlete one will rest.  Once both athletes have completed 5 rounds both athletes will run 800ms at the same time.  Time stops when the slower athlete finishes the 800m Run.  

From CrossFit Southie...
Thankfully, thus far we do not know anyone who was physically impacted by the blast. Even though our lives personally are not dramatically different, it still feels traumatizing. I still get that icky feeling in the morning waking up and realizing that this really happened, and it happened on the streets that we call home.
We realize that CrossFit is an escape for all of you. It is a place that you can go to not think about anything other than the barbell and the pull-up bar, which is why you have seen only positive things on our blog. However, we have a powerful community and it is time to resource our community near and far to make a difference for a local family.
On Saturday we will be doing a WOD to honor those who have passed, those seriously injured, those who saw horrific things, the first responders, the local nurses and doctors, the City of Boston, and America our country.
Since the Richard Family are our neighbors, and because they have been so dramatically affected we have chose them to fundraise for specifically. If you plan to do the workout on Saturday please offer a donation before or after doing so. Every little bit counts. If everyone just gives $5.00 then from the box alone we will be able to raise at least $2500.00. Between the funeral costs and the medical bills they will need every penny . If you are from a local box and would like to participate with us on Saturday, please make a $20.00 donation and come and WOD with us. Pass this post on to every CrossFitter you know.
Please donate here: https://www.youcaring.com/mmwod

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Friday 4.19.20

The Regionals are coming.
1.  "Grace"
30 Clean and Jerks for time

Rest as needed.

2.  "Jackie"
1000m Row
50 Thrusters, 45
30 Pull ups

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Thursday 4.18.13

Recovery Day

What do you look like when you run?  How much ground contact time do you have?

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Wednesday 4.17.13

Rachel got 110 unbroken HSPU yesterday.

1.  OHS
10 x 1, across or climbing.  post weights for all 10 sets.

2. Run
4 x 400m Run, 2 min rest between sets.  post times for all 4 runs.

3.  Goat Work
Spend 20 minutes working on 1-2 weaknesses. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Tuesday 4.16.13


1.  HSPU
1 max set - kipping allowed
If you are under 30 reps complete 2 more max sets.  Rest as needed between sets.

2.  Muscle ups
1 max set
If you are under 12 reps complete 2 more max sets.  Rest as needed between sets.

3.  Handstand walking
1 max set
If you are under 100 feet complete 2 more max sets.  Rest as needed between sets.

4.  15-12-9:
Unbroken Clean and Jerks for max load.
All reps must be touch and go.  Resting overhead is allowed.  Resting at the hang or rack is not allowed.  This is not "Gwen" - she allows resting anywhere but the ground.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Monday 4.15.13

Recovery Day

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Sunday 4.14.13

Chris Irwin

Session ONE:
1.  Barbell on the Clock
With 20 minutes on the Clock...
A.  5 minutes to establish 1RM Squat Snatch
B.  5 minutes to establish 2RM Back Squat
C.  5 minutes to establish 3RM Push Press
D.  5 minutes to establish 5RM Deadlift

2.  For time:
50 C2B
50 Burpees

Rest at least 3 hours

Session TWO:
1.  Barbell Complex Ladder
OTM complete:
2 Power Cleans
2 Front Squats 
2 Jerks
185/135, 195/145, 205/155, 215/165, 225/175, 235/185, 245/195, 255/205, 265/215, 275/225

2.  3 RFT:
7 Power Snatches, 115/80
7 OHS, 115/80
400m Run

TEAMS- Double Session
Session ONE:
1.  Barbell on the Clock - one at a time style.
With 20 minutes on the Clock, Teams of four (2 men/2 women) complete
A.  5 minutes to establish 1RM Squat Snatch
B.  5 minutes to establish 2RM Back Squat
C.  5 minutes to establish 3RM Push Press
D.  5 minutes to establish 5RM Deadlift
Only one barbell and one rack per team.  Score is the sum of the best lifts by each athlete.

2.  For time - one at a time style.
Teams of Two (1 guy/1 girl) 
75 C2B
75 Burpees
One athlete works while the other rests.
Rest at least 3 hours

Session TWO:
1.  Team Barbell Complex Ladder
Teams of 3 (all same sex).  There will be one bar at each station.  There will be 50 Seconds for all three athletes to attempt a lift, and 10 seconds to rotate to the next station.  Score is the sum of all the best lifts from each athlete.  
OTM complete:
2 Power Cleans
2 Front Squats 
2 Jerks
185/135, 195/145, 205/155, 215/165, 225/175, 235/185, 245/195, 255/205, 265/215, 275/225

2.  4 RFT - relay style.
Teams of two (1 guy/1 girl)
7 Power Snatches, 115/80
7 OHS, 115/80
400m Run
Each Athlete will complete four rounds.  The male athlete starts.  Once he completes the barbell work and run the female athlete can start.  Once both athlete have complete a round,  that equals one full "Team" round.  Complete four "team" rounds for time.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Saturday 4.13.13

Seth and Jordan
"Fight Gone Bad"
3 Rounds of:
AMRAP 1 at each station:
Wall Balls, 20/14
SDHP, 75/55
BJ, 20 - no games standards.
Push Press, 75/55
Row for cals.
Rest 1 minute between rounds.

Team FGB - Follow the Leader Style
Teams of four (2 men, 2 women)
2 Rounds for time of:
30 Wall Balls, 20/14
30 SDHP, 75/55
30 BJ, 24/20 - no games standards.
30 Push Press, 75/55
15 cals on Rower
No Rest between rounds.

Each station will be set up with both men's and women's weights.  On the call of "Go!" Athlete 1 enters the wall ball station.  Once the 30 reps are completed he/she will move to the SDHP station and Athlete 2 may enter the wall ball station.  After finishing the Wall Balls, Athlete 2 must wait till Athlete 1 has finished the SDHP and moved to the BJ station before moving on.  This sequence continues till all athletes have gone through all the movements twice.  Time stops when the fourth athlete finishes their second row.  The order of athletes is up to the team to determine.  

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Friday 4.12.13

Pat Padgett
1.  "Elizabeth"
Squat Cleans, 135/95
Ring Dips

2.  Deads
1 x 10 - Heavy

3.  Dumbbell Complex
5 DB Deads
5 DB Hang Power Cleans
5 DB Shoulder to Overhead
5 DB Squats - db's on shoulders.
-work up to a max set.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Thursday 4.11.13

Jared Monaco.
Recovery Day
If you want to be the best - there are no rest days.  

Be pro-active with your recovery.  Spend 60 minutes stretching, ART, mobility, rolling, massage, or generally making yourself more awesome.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Wednesday 3.10.13

Jenny Davis
1.  Clean and Jerk
10 x 1, start at 80% and climb from there.  All reps done as squat cleans.

2.  "Angie"
100 Pull ups
100 Push ups
100 Sit ups
100 Squats

Monday, April 8, 2013

Tuesday 4.9.13

Training for the Regionals.  Focus on one day at a time. 
Think like a Bumble Bee, Train like a Race Horse.

1.  "Nancy"
5 RFT:
400m Run
15 OHS, 95/65

2.  Snatch Complex
Hang Squat Snatch + OHS - work up to a heavy set.

3.  Front Squat
4x4, across

4.  Goat Training
Play around with a weakness for 20 minutes - focus on technique over intensity or volume
On the minute volume training work nicely for training goats.
example:  OTMx20:  Odd minutes: 3 deficit  HSPU, Even minutes: 8 Pistols

Monday:  Active Recovery (this is not a rest day, be pro-active with your recovery)
Tuesday:  Single Training Session with goat work
Wednesday:  Single Training Session
Thursday:  Active Recovery or Rest day
Friday:  Single Training Session
Saturday: Single or Double Training Sessions*
Sunday: Single or Double Training Sessions*

*As requested, I will be posting Team WODs (in addition to individual training) on Saturdays and Sundays. 

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Monday 4.8.13

Dave Callahan
1.  3 RFT:
500m Row
12 Deads, 225/155
21 Box Jumps, 24/20 - games standards not required.

2.  Clean Complex
Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Front Squat - work up to a heavy set.

3.  Goat Training
Play around with a weakness for 20 minutes - focus on technique over intensity or volume.

To everyone following this site that competed in the Open and improved from last year.
I am very proud and impressed with this community. 

Going forward, programming will be intended for athletes competing at the Regionals.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Sunday 4.7.13

Last day of the Open...Get your popcorn ready.

Open 13.5
15 Thrusters, 100/65
15 C2B
*if you complete 90 reps continue for another 4 mins...

Recovery Day

Friday, April 5, 2013

Saturday 4.6.13

Becca Voigt

13.5 PREP
1.  General Warm up
see the FAQs

2.  Mobility
Hip Flexors

3.  Specific Warm up
A.  Burgener Warm up

B. Walk through 2 rounds of:
  5 Front Squats, 45/35
  5 Push Press, 45/35
  5 Pull ups
C. Walk through 2 rounds of:
  5 Front Squats, 105/65
  5 Push Press, 105/35
  5 C2B

D. Walk through 2 rounds of:
  5 Thruster, 105/65
  5 C2B

E.  Get ready to chew concrete tomorrow

1.  Run
5k for time

2.  Prowler
400m Push for time, 45/empty

3.  Cash Out:
100 Hip Extensions
Not for time, break these up as desired.  

"All of the top achievers I know are life-long learners.... 
Looking for new skills, insights, and ideas. If they're not learning, they're not growing... 
not moving toward excellence." 
- Dennis Waitley

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Friday 4.5.13

1.  Small DT
3 RFT:
12 Deads, 155/105
9 HPC, 155/105
6 Push Jerks, 155/105

1.  Snatch Balance
Quickly work up to a heavy single

2.  Snatch
Squat Snatch, 3x1, quickly hit 3 heavy singles across - heavy is not a max effort, there will be a time for this soon.

3.  Snatch Complex
Squat Snatch + OHS, quickly hit two sets of this at a moderate weight

4.  "DT"
5 RFT:
12 Deads, 155/105
9 HPC, 155/105
6 Push Jerks, 155/105

5.  3 Giant Sets
30 Back Extension

30 Double unders
30 Band Pull aparts

"Have fun screwing up.  it means you are removing your ego from the problem."
 - Greg Glassman

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Thursday 4.4.13

Open 13.5
15 Thrusters, 100/65
15 C2B
*4 minute bonus for every 90 reps (3 rounds) completed.

“I know that pain is the most important thing in the universes. Greater than survival, greater than love, greater even than the beauty it brings about. For without pain, there can be no pleasure. 
― Harlan Ellison

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Wednesday 4.3.13

2-3 Rounds, not for time of:
1 Power Snatch, 60% of 1RM
2 OHS, 60% of 1RM snatch
3  C2B
4 Wall Balls  
5 Burpees
6 KBS, 70/53
12 Air Squats
24 Double Unders
Rest as desired between rounds.

Recovery Day

"The man who complains about the way the ball bounces is likely the one who dropped it."
-Lou Holtz

Thanks for creating this leaderboard Potsy

Monday, April 1, 2013

Tuesday 4.2.13

1.  Clean and Jerk
5 x 1, across - heavy

2.  Front Squat 
3 x 2

3.  "Diane"
Deads, 225/155

1.  Clean and Jerk
5 x 1, across - heavy
2 x 2, moderate

2.  Front Squat 
7 x 2, OTM

3.  "Diane"
Deads, 225/155

"This is what the clean and jerk looks like in training: you go into the gym and put a new personal record on the bar. You begin to pull the thing, and in the back of your mind there is a little fucking gremlin that convinces you it is too heavy. With style points, you just pick it up slowly into your hips, 
but you are too chickenshit to go under the bar.

A week goes by, and this time you make up your mind not to look like a nob-head. You get set, pull, finish hard and move under. No chance! The bar shoots your ass back about five feet, sending you crashing into the wall behind you. A few more crashes like this and you are likely to bring the whole damn gym down.
Another week goes by, and this time you pull it, finish hard, and receive it with your elbows up, 
but you fail to stand up.

Two more weeks go by, and this time you pull it, finish hard, receive it and stand up with a struggle. You are so excited at this point you begin to get dizzy, and as you try to jerk you have nothing left in you, so you just dump it off of you and collect yourself as you sit down.

Another week goes by and this time you clean the weight beautifully. You dip and drive the bar to lockout but fail to gain control in the split.

Another two weeks go by, and this time you clean it and jerk it like a champion. Your coach says, “Down,” and with a sense of pride you give the air a double fist pump. The last time you felt this good was when your girlfriend whispered vehemently in your ear, “You are an absolute god in bed.”

Now put on another kilo and do it all over again.
Weeks will eventually turn into months, months into years. Nevertheless, that is weightlifting."

-Donny Shankle, From the CrossFit Journal