Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Thursday 8.22.13

Michele Letendre.  

1. Snatch Technique Work
1 rep at 75%, OTM x 12

2.  Clean and Jerk Complex
1 rep at 75%, OTM x 12

3.  Squats
4x7 Back Squats, across

4.  Gymnastic Skills
A.  6 attempts at a max effort Front Lever Hold on rings.
B.  6 attempts at a max effort Back Lever Hold on rings.

5.  Metcon
For time:
1 mile Run
2K Row
1 mile Run

1.  Metcon
For time:
1 mile Run
2K Row
1 mile Run

2.  Snatch Technique Work
1 rep at 75%, OTM x 12

3.  Strength
3x5 Front Squat


  1. For the front squat, any specific percenrages? Across or climbing?

    1. In the FAQs it says if unspecified, it's your choice.

  2. Hi
    What is the sub for the row?

  3. Open- Have to break it up into 2 sessions today.

    AM - at home in the shed gym.

    Snatches @ 145, no misses

    Front Squats - 225, 245, 265 (should have done 265-275 across but was short on time)

    Curious question, because I feel like my front squat is disproportionate to my high bar back squat, what are some other folks ratios? My FS is about 90% of my HBBS (325/365).

    1. Mines just about the same I'm a #325 F.S and a #375 B.S....I think we're normal:)

    2. Thanks, I honestly thought if anything, my BS was low.

      Did "Jerry Gone Bad" at the globo gym at lunch time. Ran the first mile in just over 7 minutes on the indoor track (1/12 mile per lap), about a minute to get to the rower, dogged the row in like 8:45, another minute to get back to the track...and then at about 800m - POW! - worst quad cramps I've ever experienced! Both legs just seized up. I managed to hobble another half lap with peg-legs. Clock said 23:00 when I got back to it. I had to sit on a bike and do a slow pedal while mashing them with my thumbs for like 5 minutes just so I could walk. Horrendous! Operation hydration in full effect.

  4. REG:

    1. Done, no misses, @ 140

    2. Done, no misses, first few jerks iffy but smoothed out, @ 185

    3. HBBS 4x7, got close to failure but got every rep, @ 265

    4. Intended to mix this in with squats, but didn't, will play on rings later to make up.

    5. Jerry: 21:32 with 1600 (4x400) for the runs.... actually stopped twice in the row to get a drink...lame...gotta work on my mental game on the rower.

    Great day today, we added another athlete to our morning crew and he will likely be throwing up some impressive numbers very soon as he gets back in to it. Welcome AlexB, may you finally learn to love rest days!

  5. Same here Patrick, did OK in 2011 OPEN, but wouldn't have finished the first WOD at Regionals. Felt the same this year, did OK in OPEN, but wouldn't have completed regionals. Raw low rep strength seems to be the head that needs feeding. I am also doing the Regionals programming.

    Good Luck! And I look forward to progressing and seeing results with you and everyone else here.

  6. 1) 155
    2) 185
    3) 275
    5) 23:13

    Enjoyed this one.

  7. Open
    1. Jerry- 23:20- clayton thanks for being my rabbit on last mile.
    2. Snatch 185#- no misses, felt good
    3. F.Squat- 225/245/245

  8. 29:28 Jerry
    95# squat snatch -these felt great

    125, 130, & 135 FS

  9. Heading to Miami to compete in crush games tomorrow can't wait to hit this programming monday. ready to get on yalls level. when it says technique work is it still the full snatch movement?

    1. Unless it says otherwise, yes, it's a full squat snatch. Sometimes Ben will specify "squat snatch" when describing complexes.

  10. Heading to Miami to compete in crush games tomorrow can't wait to hit this programming monday. ready to get on yalls level. when it says technique work is it still the full snatch movement?

    1. Yes, just sub-maximal. Range of motion will always be spelled out clearly if it's anything other than full movement.

  11. Open

    1. Jerry: 24:31
    2. 75#
    3. 125#, 130#, 135#

  12. Open master:
    1. Jerry: mod 800m run/2k row/800 m run: 18:45, easing back into running
    2. 75#
    3. 135/ 140/. 145#

  13. Regionals:

    1. 135 lbs.
    2. 205 lbs.
    3. 265 lbs. (HBBS, across)
    4. Done (not pretty)
    5. 24:00

  14. Open:

    1) 27:53 RX

    2) 140# across

    3) 225#, 235# and 245.

    33yrs young

  15. Open
    "Jerry" - 24:47; 8:02 on all 3 - that made me chuckle when I finished. Snatch and Squat later just wanted to beat the heat for the running.


  16. Regionals:

    3.175# across
    4.have never done these before - checked out gymnastics wod for some guidance. got a whopping 4s front lever hold, but couldn't manage to steady myself in the back lever.
    5. 23:42

  17. OPEN

    Metcon 24:58

    Snatch technique 125

    Front squat 160,185,205

    5'7 165lb

  18. Regionals:
    1) Snatch 155
    2) Clean and Jerk 205
    3) Body did not want to squat but did 225 just to get some range of motion.
    4) Levers- Uh, not quite yet. Practiced some lever positioning movements, not sure what to call them.
    5) Jerry-33:00 Gotta recheck the distance on the run.

    Pace, Hopkins, Wags- see you guys posting regularly and I just passed my two months doing compwod. Love the programming but it seems like I am on a roller coaster. Feel strong, then feel tired and run down. You guys ever get that way? Do you back it down a little or just keep charging?

  19. Open
    1. 25:32 def need to work on running its a huge weakness for me.

    2. 175 felt really good no misses

    3. 265/275/275 felt really really good prob could have got 285 on the last set

  20. Open

    1) 23:16
    2) 140 lbs
    3) 245 lbs across. Definitely not used to doing strength at the end of the session.

  21. Open:
    1) 26:10
    2) 110# Felt easy, my snatches keep getting better!
    3) 185-205-225#

  22. Open

    1) 22:27
    2) 62.5kg
    3) 100 - 110 - 120 (PB)

    Good programming for my birthday Ben!! I intend to ruin myself tomorrow on bad food then back on it come Saturday. Take it easy on me!! Ill be in a carb hangover!

  23. REG:
    1) 145
    2) 190
    3) 275
    4A) Progression with red band
    4B) Progression with blue band
    5) "Jerry" - 23:35

    1. Snatch Technique Work
    1 rep at 75%, OTM x 12
    @115# across

    2. Clean and Jerk Complex
    1 rep at 75%, OTM x 12
    @155# across

    3. Squats
    4x7 Back Squats, across
    @215(too heavy) 195# is it that i can do 20 reps at 205# but 215# feels heavy for 7? where is the sense in that

    4. Gymnastic Skills
    A. 6 attempts at a max effort Front Lever Hold on rings.
    B. 6 attempts at a max effort Back Lever Hold on rings.
    not sure the time...mostly just practiced in tuck position

    5. Metcon
    For time:
    1 mile Run
    2K Row
    1 mile Run


  25. Open
    1) 23:06
    2) Worked light snatch technique with Tony and Jon at Small Town CrossFit. Great Coach with great cues and fixes. Thanks so much, huge help!
    3) 225,245,255 x 4

  26. 1.) 25:58...yikes haha set a really slow pace for some reason and stayed there, not fatigued at all after. Hopefully will learn from this.

    2.) Complete....feeling better

    3.) #255, 285, 295 PR

  27. Open
    1. 23:49
    2. 140#
    3. 225# on all sets

  28. Phew. Today was a lesson in patience. Went to the ART guy for my wierd ankle/knee/hip thing he advised shying from full lifts for 3 weeks over 50% instead go hard on pulls and do bulgarian split squats and tons of mobility, so I am giving it a whirl.

    1) Snatch Pull - 245 - That bar was flying. PR is on it's way as soon as I get this knee straight.

    2) Just the Jerk from the rack to avoid any wierd things with the knee. 215, they all felt great though, fast, deep, powerful.

    3) Bulgarian Split squats to correct the imbalances I have created for myself.

    4) I Was awful at these. Really frustrating.

    5) 28:20. Every time I tried to turn it up on the run my calfs turned into screaming knots. The row was awful, my glutes were burning, just so slow all the way around. 5 Minutes off my PR.

    Frustrating day, driving forward.

  29. A) Snatch EMOM w/ 185# (Had 4 misses...not pleased)
    B) C&J EMOM w/ 205# (All Successful)
    C) Back Squat w/ 315#
    D) LEVERS are a no go....tried and couldn't hold it. So I just skinned the cat a few times.
    E) "JERRY" in 26:49

  30. Open

    "Jerry"- 25:48
    Snatch- 135#
    Front Squat- wanted to work technique and getting out of the hole. Went with 135# with a pause at the bottom

  31. Open
    1. 26:47
    2. 90# no misses
    3. 135/155/165

  32. Open
    1) 24:29
    2) 175
    3) 225/245/265x4

  33. Regional:

    1) 175 Across
    2) 225 Across
    3) 4x7 @ 270
    4) Big Weakness...Looked like a toddler playing on a jungle gym

    5) "Jerry" - 20:12 RX... 1st mile = 5:36, Row = 8:12, 2nd Mile = 6:26
    Sprinted the miles and used the row as a recovery...I like to run...

  34. Open Program
    1) 22:53 - used a treadmill due to lack of time to get to CF gym. Runs were 7:10 and 6:55, row was right around 8:00. Another 50 seconds or so were transitions.
    2) no time today
    3) no time today

  35. Open

    1. Jerry - 24:56.. Happy with this time. My runs felt good.

    2. Snatch technique work with 105.

    3. Front Squat- 165 across

  36. Open: 24:41 as RX
    1) 130#
    2) 165/170/175

  37. 1) Snatch - 135
    2) C&J - Did Power Clean + Hang Squat + Split Jerk @ 165
    3) Hi Bar - 215 across
    4) Gymnastics - lets just say I tried for a while
    5) Jerry - 26:26

  38. Open:
    1) "Jerry"- 22:33. 5:43, 7:45, 6:46 splits. Plus transitions
    2) done at 135. No misses
    3) 225, 245, 255
    Good day today

  39. First day back since I got a bacterial infection in my stomach. Took it easy, skipped the metcon. Been living on 400 calories a day so im pretty weak.

    1. Skipped
    2. Done at 135
    3. 135, 185, 235

    Good to be back, but not sad that I missed having to do the seven.

  40. Open

    1. Jerry - no rower so subbed 200 SDHP with 55lb KB. Tough. Low back/sacrum burned through last mile. Had to walk some.... 31:43

    2. Done with 150lbs. Fell on my ass the first rep, felt great by the end.

    3. 275, 255, 255
    Legs and back were tired from everything before. 275 took everything I had to stand up. Had to drop it down after that.

  41. Regional
    1. 180#
    3.235# only 3 sets ran out of time
    4. Skipped ran out of time
    5. 23:11

    Complete at 7am prior to school.

  42. 1. 205# snatch- few misses, played around with rowing it into my lap.
    2. 255# c&j.
    3. 315 back squat across
    4. Got a back and front lever successful for the 1st time, about 5 seconds each lol
    5 "Jerry" 23:23. I'm the opposite of paddy. Row'd a 6:57 2k. I hate running.

    1. Team handle weights and ill run...podium boom!

  43. Haven't posted on here lately. I've been doing the workouts, but it has been hectic with my senior year of high school starting up
    1. 135
    2. 185
    3. 225 across
    4. Played with getting into front lever position
    5. 21:50. 1st mile in 630. Row in 729. 2nd mile in 7 min.
    Solid sesh today

  44. Open
    1) 20:18
    2) @ 130#
    3) 185#/185#/195#

  45. Open

    1) 20:48
    1st mile: 5:55
    Row: 7:18
    2nd mile: 7:03

    2) 140# Squat Snatch

    3) 205# across

  46. M/25/5'6"/178/Southeast
    1. 195
    2. 225
    3. 355
    4. Completed, no way to time accurately. Not very long.
    5. 22:47 Rx Row was terrible

  47. Open
    1 mod 1K run, 50SUMO 100 DU 1K
    2 done 15kg
    3 done 25kg

  48. First day on this program and excited to see what happens!


    1) "Jerry" 26:51

    2) Snatch OTM x 12
    75# x 4
    95# x 5
    115# x 3

    Still not very good at this lift. Really focused on technique and felt solid.

    3) Front Squat 3 x 5
    205#-225#-230# (only 4 reps)

  49. Did this with the aardass MFers at CrossFit Blade...
    in Phoenix AZ at noon.
    snatch EMOM 12 x 155
    c&j EMOM 12 x 205

    back squat 275x7, 315x7, 315x7, 295x7

    "Jerry" 1 mile run, 2000m row, 1 mile run,
    time = 25:00

    We ran out of time, didn't get to do the Levers.

    NOTE to non-gymnasts: Learn to modify the movement properly, pull one or both legs in while keeping the body mass in a straight line (don't curl up even when you shorten your length by tucking leg(s) in), and you'll be able to WORK this movement. It is hard as hell, full body 100% tension, massive volume of isometric muscle contraction. 6 sets is brutal.

  50. Otm snatch 75% 100 no misses
    Otm c&j 75% 135 no misses
    Skipped squat to focus on metcon because I'm suffering here lol didnt help much 27:21
    Lever attempts

    1. 150
    2. 205
    3. 255 Across
    4. Tons of band progressions
    5. 22:48 Rx

  52. Open
    1. Home Wod
    2. 135# snatch
    3. 265# FS across

  53. Open
    1. Home Wod
    2. 135# snatch
    3. 265# FS across

  54. 1. 110# squat snatch
    2. 135# c+j
    3. 135-145-155 back squat
    4. 24:30 Jerry
    5 ring lever hold- did terrible haha but tried my best

  55. Open
    1. 25:27 rx
    2. 135 3 misses "
    3. 185 225 235

  56. Open
    6:48, 8:03.9, 8:07
    second run was horrible! pretty pleased with the row.

    snatches @ 160#, missed a couple early, re-did during the minute, all felt good, except the couple I left out in front.

    didn't have time to get squats in. will make up over the weekend.

    david / 32/ 5'10" /175

  57. Regional
    1) 75
    2) 105
    3) 135
    5) 25:58 - Holy crap....felt like cinder blocks on my feat and lead in my legs!! Anyone else feel like they were running with an additional 50# on them? Smoked! :-)

  58. 24 min on jerry
    155 on the snatches
    255 on the front squats

  59. 1) snatch otm x 12- 63kg
    2) clean&jerk otm x 12 -80kg
    3) back squat 4x7 90kg
    4) front and back lever progression
    5) Jerry 24:48

  60. Open:

    1.) 24:15 had a lil more to give but felt good overall

    2.) 130#

    3.) thought it was across for some reason so...

    225# x 4 then 225# x 2 followed by decision to rerack and reduce weight

    205# for last two legit sets

  61. Regional

    1) 135
    2) 185
    3) 255
    4) worked on form for front and back levers
    5) 21:48 Rx
