Monday, August 19, 2013

Tuesday 8.20.13

Josh Wagner playing with sledges and stones.

1.  Bounding
5 attempts to establish a max triple jump

2.  Pull
Deadlift, 1 set of 2 at 85% - No TnG.
Deadlift, 6 sets of 3 at 75% - across, No TnG. 

3.  20 Rep Benchmark
20 rep max Bench Press

1.  Metcon
"The Seven"
7 RFT:
7 Thrusters, 135/95
7 Knee to Elbows
7 Deads, 245, 170
7 Burpees
7 KBS, 70/53
7 Pull ups

1.  Metcon
"The Seven"
7 RFT:
7 Thrusters, 135/95
7 Knee to Elbows
7 Deads, 245, 170
7 Burpees
7 KBS, 70/53
7 Pull ups

2.  Skills
Double Unders:
Max reps in 2 minutes
rest 2 minutes
Max reps in 2 minutes
Dex's Triple Jump.


  1. Ben, I have been following your programming for 3 weeks and love it. I am planning on doing it all year!

    Quick question: Should I be following another strength program in addition to this site (i.e. 5/3/1, I've been doing Smolov)? I'm not a regional's athlete, but I feel that I need the strength to move forward.


    1. Stephen you will continue to get strong following this programming. Focus on really good form and work intensity. This makes you strong and functionally strong. Welcome to bens programming.

  2. so stoked ! officially booked for next months visit to CFNE!! Alls i have left to do now is find a hotel. Any locals out there know a solid place to look for a decent priced hotel? I found a couple of extended stay hotels but they are in like Marlboro and Westborough or something like that. Looking for something economical but decent.

    1. I travel a lot for work. Use Priceline negotiator the day before you need a hotel. Should be able to get a decent room, like a Sheraton or something for 80ish or something days inn like for 60-70.

    2. Sheraton four points in Norwood is really nice, stayed there regionals weekend.
      Thinking about doing that comp, intimidated! It'll be nice to meet ya!

  3. Nice Triple Jump Dex!

    1. Done, going to have to figure out a way to measure.

    2. Pull
    Deadlift, 1 set of 2 at 85% - 405
    Deadlift, 6 sets of 3 at 75% - 365

    3. 20 Rep Benchmark- Hit 160 too easy which was a 5 lb improvement, hit 17 on 185.


    1) Double Unders
    83/72 in 2 minutes. Had another jump rope as usually. Incredible what difference a heavier rope makes in performing DUs :-o

    2) 4:16min @ "The Seven"
    Lost some time during transition from K2E to Deads and from KBS to Pull-Ups.

    1. You finished the whole workout in 4:16?

    2. I think you forgot to do 7 rounds! :)

    3. Too legit to quit. Or...wait...

    4. that awkward moment when you still have 6 more rounds to do of your wod :-/

    5. So did you wear your cape and underwear on the outside while you did this superman? Lol

    6. ^hahah @ Dex...this poor guy

    7. Aw :( rookie move!
      Not looking forward to doing 7 rounds!!!

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. It's all good brother get it next time!

    10. So guys, no reason to freak out...was just a typing error...nothing else!!!


    i've been doing these worouts for a while to and really love it! there is alot of learning to do but that's ok!

    i have one question and hope you guys can help.

    because of rugby trainings and games i cant really do 5 workouts a week.
    more like 3 workouts... i just follow the workouts as posted but slower, so i do monday, then tuesday on wensday etc so i fall behind but keep the order.

    or should i skip workouts every now and then?

    anyway thanks alot i really love it!

  6. Does KBS mean kettlebell snatches or kettlebell squats?

  7. Open
    1) 38:10 Definitely paced way too much, but nervous I would lose my HSPUs like last time. This is a PR because I did not lose them this time. Very happy about that!
    2) no time, hopefully complete at FFD
    "The Seven" RIP, Never Forgotten

  8. Reg:
    1. Had to choose something to drop, this was fun last time, but needed to make it all fit in an hour...skipped.

    2. Done, 330,290

    3. 165, missed this last time, I think there is another 5-10 lbs in me.

    4. 28:27, holy cow I am happy tomorrow is a rest day. TOUGH one! JimmyC made it happen today, he set a blistering pace out of the gates that I had to chase down in the middle, then squeak ahead, then have him catch and beat me in the end. This was a real challenge for the mental as well as strength/endurance element.

    Still a great training day, now that I'm a few hours from doing the WOD I feel normal again and I'm very happy with my effort and result.

    1. Yeah that time is nuts. The last time I did this it took me 41 minutes. Hoping to crush that today.

  9. All in one session. No time for two... Ouch!!!

    1) 7metres 10cm best attempt
    2) 425
    3) 165 10pound PR
    4) 43min posterior chain smoked!!

    Enjoyed it a lot tho:)

  10. Open
    1) 26:25 - Threw in the towel after 4 rounds. Not RX, kipping HSPU's, Butterfly Pullups, 225lb deads & 90 lb thrusters. I completed this workout on the 4th of July with a time of 20:38 using 75 lb thrusters and 200 lb deads. Either the extra weight killed me or I'm still fatigued from Jet Lag.
    2) 38-24, getting better every day.

  11. OPEN
    1. The Seven - 32:38 Rx'd (6:12 PR)
    2. 150/159

  12. Open / Masters (43)
    1) 43:50
    2) 154 / 125

    Felt Slow/Tired today...
    I think I held my breath for Thrusters every round...I had to take at least 30-60 seconds before I could even grab the bar and breath for K2E's...
    Strategy sucked...I did all 7's unbroken, but waited to long b/t for transitions...& being able to breath again.

  13. Regionals:

    1. 23' even. I used to think I could jump. Apparently not.
    2. 365, 325
    3. Gassed out at 185 after 13 reps. Dropped to 165. Only got 17.
    4. 33:35

  14. Regional AM Session

    1) No official measure but better than last time
    2) 385 / 340
    3) 160

  15. Regional
    1) 101,101,105,108,106.5 ( -- same as standing broad jump!)
    2) 395x2, 6 x (345x3)
    3) 20rm bench press... failed: 195x14, 165x19
    4) 43:19, slower than the last time I did this in 2009. :-( But very, very different. Grip strength stopped me a few times. Tons of conscious lazy resting. Wallowed in self pity like a country song.

  16. Session

    1) 25'9-1/2" Pretty amped on this. It's actually a 13" PR.

    2) 385, 345.

    3) 185 for 16. Got a little greedy here. Thought that was going to be easier.

    This MetCon is going to hurt.

    1. As expected. It hurt. 36:00 Flat. Really stoked, 5 minute PR, the last time I hadn't gotten up at 5AM, done heavy DL and a 20RM bench either. Making great gains in the metcon world. Hit a mental wall at round 5 where it was so hard to do anything, threw up in my mouth a little bit lol. Then crushed 6 and 7. Only thing I had to break up were the thrusters which are a huge goat anyway.

      Great training day over all.

  17. Am- deadlift 2@85%- 285
    deadlift 6x 3@75%- 250
    No touch and go.
    20 rep max bench press- 90

      1. Metcon

      “The Seven”
      7 RFT:
      7 HSPU
      7 Thrusters, 135/95
      7 Knee to Elbows
      7 Deads, 245, 170
      7 Burpees
      7 KBS, 70/53
      7 Pull ups

      45:00RX everything unbroken except last two rounds of thrusters. lol unbroken with lots of rest between stations. second time doing this wod, first time I DNF due to shoulder pain. Glad to finish even if it was slow.

      you guys are all beasts on here, nice times on the seven!

  18. Regional (had to do all in one session)
    1) 19'3
    2) 270, 240
    3) 20rm bench - only hit 95 for 16
    4) 34:57, wish I had been able to take more time after the bench - my arms were dead on the thrusters and I definitely wasted a lot of time on them.

    1. So glad you felt that too!!!

    2. :) I swear, I did my first set of thrusters and thought there was something seriously wrong with me -almost threw in the towel on the whole thing!

  19. Open-

    I had to butcher this one because I was doing it at the globo gym at lunch time and only had 30 total minutes. Did a 10 minute warm-up and set-up and then this modified version...

    20 minute AMRAP:
    7 HSPU
    7 Thruster @ 95*
    7 K2E
    7 Deadlift @ 205*
    7 Burpees
    7 Pull-ups

    3 rounds + HSPU + Thrusters + K2E

    *I scaled the weights to keep the intensity up on this one and because my low back is banged up a little bit right now. Should be good to go after some heavy mobility work between now and Thursday.

    1. Oh yeah, I skipped the KB Swings because logistics were already a nightmare and I didn't feel like dragging a KB down one floor and across the entire facility.

  20. Why knees 2 elbows and not toes 2 bar?

  21. 1) 38:20.

    Felt like I got bit by a dog with rabies and then dragged by said dog through a thorn bush. I would say I would probably be lying there for 30 minutes until a passing group of teenage miscreants would come along and take it in turns to kick me in different parts of my body until I finally pass out. When I awake I have no body hair left and the nearest wig store is 150 miles away. Oh and they stole my kidney. That's how that workout felt

    2) 107 / 137 (nearly blacked out, swear to god)

    1. You nailed it! That was how I felt for about a half hour after this one.

  22. Regionals
    1) 6.53m
    2) 295 and 255
    3) 20x125
    4) DL 185, Thrusters 95. Time cap 30:00. Did 6+28

  23. 1. Skipped bounding do to right knee problems. Gonna be fixed soon.

    2. Deadlifts x 2 @ 350
    Deadlifts 6x3 @ 315

    3. 20 rep Bench Press @ 165. Definitely have 10 to 15lbs more. Would like to hit 185.

    4. 28:24 Holy S^*%T!!! Ouch. Had an out of body experience. Great work with Shane though got ahead then fell behind, but came back to get him by 3 seconds.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I did not remove this - but apparently it says that I did? I don't know.

      Anyway - I feel really good about this WOD - It is probably my favorite - and after a full day of professional development (Happy "Back to School" Fellow CompWOD Teachers!!!), this felt great : 26:52.

      DU: 210 then 186

  25. Regionals
    27"2 triple jump
    425x2 D 375
    "The 7"
    I did everything unbroken. I set everything up in a line and walked in transition and breathed deep. As soon as I got to the next movement I went. I decided before I started that when I picked somethin up, or started on the bar I wasn't gonna out it down or drop. I feel like I gained alot mentally today. GOODLUCK guys.

    1. Also, had to swing a 75# KB since we don't have 70's at my box. Which is Mississippi CrossFit. I'd love you any of you guys to drop in if you're ever in Jackson, Ms.

  26. Good day today

    "7's" Rx'd 35:30
    Unbroken on everything but thrusters (my worst movement) 4/3 and due to some back tightness, did single, drop, pick right back up on dl's for final few rounds. took some extended breaks to roll back out so I could keep going.

    David /32/ 5'10" / 175

  27. Regionals:
    1) SUB Standing Broad Jump Triple Jump - 21' 8"
    2) DL - 345x2, 6 sets 305x3
    3) 20RM Bench - 145, Too easy will definitely go heavier next time
    4) "The Seven" - 36:55, Coaching classes tonight, no time for two sessions today

  28. Open
    1. 32:42....4 min off of.PR, felt like i was going to puke the entire wod(late lunch)...on the bright side i went unbroken, i just couldnt motivate myself to move on to next movement.......1% better today!
    2. 130/127

  29. 1.) 27:26 RX...unbroken on everything but slow on the burpees, this one's a killer! I was questioning my existence during it.

    2.) 176/139...worst day of double under I've had in awhile

    1. Your worse would be my best, so silver lining. Good job Jon, knew you would smoke this one!

    2. Thanks buddy...good work today!

  30. Open
    Damn buss u got me!!
    1. 34:47
    2. 133/146

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. open:

    the sevens

    love seeing huge amounts of progress like this:
    2010 - scaled to 225 deadlifts and 1.5 pd kbs - 56:50

    Today - rx'd - 38:16

    1. felt pretty gassed after. Had a comp on saturday with 3 wods so i skipped out on the double unders.

  33. Open: this one was miserable. I used a 79lb kb instead of 70. My garage gym goes from 53-79lbs nothing in between.

    1) 28:32 my back about seized up at the end.
    2) 200/ 176 Du's

  34. Regionals

    Triple Jump - 23 feet 2 inches.

    Still learning this movement and attempting them at 6AM taxes my balance.

    DL 85% - 370
    DL 75% - 325

    20 Rep Bench Press - 160# - 15# PR from last time but the 20th rep killed me. Popped blood vessels in both ring fingers!

    Evening Workout

    The Sevens - RX
    28:47 - too many breaks on Thrusters and DL on 2,3 and 4th rounds.

    If I had nine lives I used seven of them up on the sevens.

  35. Worked on TJ

    85% 2@435
    75% 6×3 @ 380

    190# × 20

    "7's" 21:34 rxd

  36. A.M.
    1. Bounding - 17 ft
    2. Pulls 1x2 @265 6x3@235
    3. Bench- stayed at 95# close grip bench...when i did this in july (pretty much my first week back in training) i got i did 25 @ that weight so strength is coming back
    4. Recovery row for 15 straps just nice an easy

    18:20 and f'ing happy about it! just looked at last years time...i was thats almost a minute PR! Still sucked as bad as I remember. LOL

  37. Open Program
    1) 39:04 Rx - PR by 4:33 - Happy with this but I probably was the slowest time on here of those who went unbroken throughout. REALLY tough to catch my wind after the thrusters and DL's each round.
    2) 105, 101 - absolutely zero energy for these after The Seven

  38. REGIONALS 2014!
    1. 25' 1/2"
    2. 400/350
    3. 135
    4. 25:19 Rx

  39. Open:

    1.) 46:44

    Mentally lost...need to find motivation and focus.

    2.) 104 - 115

    1. Good job!! You obviously were not wearing your socks.. That is instant motivation !! Hahahaha

  40. M/25/5'7"/178/Southeast
    One session
    4)31:03 Rx- rough

  41. Open
    1- 34:46 the worst were the thrusters and the burpees. Ouch!

    2- had to skip. No pun intended :(

  42. One session
    1) Bounding - could not do.
    2) DL - 300, 265
    3) 135 x 18 - terrible
    4) 32:25 - first time doing this WOD. Wow!

  43. Open
    1: the sevens - 32:58. This was a mental challenge all the way through. Didn't want to start it, didn't want to continue after a couple of rounds, but kept pushing through. Glad to finish it.

    2. Double unders - no warm up - 55, 82. Left calf cramped up on the first set. Still a goat to keep working.

  44. Regionals: Limited by time so I chose two. Something I like, bench and first time doing the sevens.
    Then comes the awkward time to post and I am happy with my bench and have one of the slowest "The Seven" times. Crossfit, gotta love it.
    20 Rep Bench 225
    The Sevens 49:42.

  45. open:
    im sad because I should to stop the Seven for pain in my lower back

    2- 1: 80reps DU
    2: 63reps DU

  46. Regional
    1. 25' 6"
    2.a. 405 b. 365
    3. 165 took one attempt may have had a little more.

    Shoveled dirt for 2hrs:)

    Sevens - just as bad as I remember.
    27:19 rx

  47. Open
    1) 33:53 - DL @ 225#, Thruster @ 115#, KBS alternated 70# odd rounds / 53# even rounds.
    2) 143/140

  48. Open
    1. 31:54...scaled to try to keep up with Wags, did 4 hspu, 80# thruster and 3 out of 7 rounds with 35 Kb.
    2. 122/123

  49. Open

    1) 35:15 - 5 HSPU/225# DL/115# Thruster & alternated 70# and 53# KB each round
    2) Did OTM for 5 Minutes: 5 ring rows/4 pistols/ 7 Burpees (did 10 burpees first and last round)

    Thanks for the push tonight Wags!

  50. Regionals-

    1) Didn't measure, but did it with running start because it didn't say standing.

    2) DL @390x2, 6setsx345x3 - no problems here.

    3) 155 - had more in me by 5, maybe 10 pounds. Will keep in mind for next time. Did a couple more sets- 185x10, 215x3, 245x1

    4) The Seven's- Rx. 25:55 - each movement unbroken. Back flared up during Rd 3 and what I would say was the main limiting factor.

  51. Open did RX wt not RX reps
    Did 5 reps of everything subbed ring push ups for hspu due to sore wrist
    88 and 110 on du
    Next time I will go 7 reps

  52. Open

    Sevens: 41:40 60kg thrusters, 70# db swings.
    Really dragging the last 3 rounds - first 4 done in 21:00

  53. Open 32 min rx. Good at DUs so I hit a triple power clean session got up to 225

  54. OPEN

    1) 27:20 RX.
    Holy crap. Thrusters killed me. Had to do DB swings on 1st 4 rounds because we were running a class at the same time. I'm sure this didn't help, as you have to muscle the DB much more.

    2) 151 - 126 - 111
    Did 3 rounds... And PR'd on my first set with 83. This is a major win for me!!

  55. Open:

    1. 42:54 rx'd minus abmat for hspu
    2. No time!

  56. Open.
    1. 37:42 (with "stinky bugs" instead of HSPUs) Sore neck.
    2. 178/150.

  57. We had a cruise ship in town and passengers cluttering up the street. And a big couple sessions

    No jumps today

    2. 85% x2 @395; 75% 6x3 @350

    3. My bench is sad. But shoulder finally healing to point where I can push in this direction under load. Will actually have a number worth posting next time

    WOD - will be done Wed as active rest lol. Had to coach fundamentals. Busy night. Need a quiet place away from people to get these wods in

  58. 1) 10 meters

    2) 1x2 160kg
    6x3 140kg

    3) 20 rep max 65kg

    4) The Seven 36:58

  59. open
    sevens- never done before, 38:51 rx. Did everything unbroken really moving well until 4th round then I hit a wall and was having trouble. Feelings of throwing up, passing out, and heart racing. crazy wod!!!! Hardest hero wod to date.

  60. Open

    "The Seven"- 35:17
    Double Unders- 175,183

  61. 1). I had missed the 20 rep banch press so added it to today's WOD.
    20 reps at 185. 225 is my 20 rep PR so that's just how it went today

  62. First session back after a holiday in Spain.
    That was awful. No more talking.

  63. 1) 46:06 unbroken HSPU AND KBS. Thrusters hard on knees
    2) 140 DU, 111 DU
