Sunday, October 27, 2013

Monday 10.28.13

Congrats to the winners and everyone that threw their hat in the ring.  
Great event - already looking forward to next year.

1. OTM x 12
Odd:  Power Snatch + Squat Snatch
Even: 4 Back Squats

2.  OTM x 12
Odd:  Power Clean + Squat Clean
Even: 2 Jerks - off a rack.

3.  Gymnastic Benchmark
Max distance unbroken Handstand Walk

4.  Metcon
"Liquid Cocaine"
5 RFT:
5 CJ, 155/105
10 C2B

1.    Metcon
"Liquid Cocaine"
5 RFT:
5 CJ, 155/105
10 C2B

2.  OTM x 12
Odd:  Power Snatch + Squat Snatch
Even: 4 Back Squats


  1. What weight do we use for #2 in the Open when nothing is listed? Thanks

    1. Jesse, you decide. I would go with something in the 60-70% range so there are no misses on the snatch. On the back squat it needs to be a weight that is challenging but not too challenging to where you can't hit it for all 24 reps.

  2. Morning everyone. Is there anyone that follows this blog in Queenstown, NZ? If not does anyone know anyone in Queenstown? Looking for somewhere to WOD third week of December.

  3. Does anyone know if Ben is doing the getting Ha-uge template this year?

    1. Nope, read Philosophy Page, that's it this time around

  4. Good day, everyone!
    1. "Liquid Cocaine" - 5:15 RXd. Crashed my hands, so c2b at round 3 & 4 became broken. Tried to do rounds as EMOM - 45 sec of work, 15 sec of rest, but at the round 4 went out of the minute due to broken palms.

    2. Did at 135 Snatches and 225 Squats, no fails. So realized that it was too light. It should be 155 for snatches and 265 for squats.

    1. Thanks Austin. I've don this with great help of my father Vadim ( When he drives me, I'm really improving my time. He also follows this blog and posts result (masters 47).

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. OTM x 12
    Odd: Power Snatch + Squat Snatch-145lbs
    Even: 4 Back Squats-225lbs
    2. OTM x 12
    Odd: Power Clean + Squat Clean-205lbs
    Even: 2 Jerks - off a rack.-185lbs
    3. Gymnastic Benchmark
    Max distance unbroken Handstand Walk-About 5 ft.
    4. Metcon
    "Liquid Cocaine"
    5 RFT: 7:50. My regular pull-ups are great. My C2B's, not so much.
    5 CJ, 155/105
    10 C2B
    Overall a pretty solid day. Numbers keep increasing!

  6. Tweaked the template today to suit my needs and areas I needed to progress.

    1. OTM x 12- Had feet in squat stance, 45's outside of feet so they couldn't move, increased the weight if I hit the snatches.
    Odd: High hang Power Snatch + High Hang Squat Snatch+OHS- Worked up to 165
    Even: 10M Handstand walks

    2. OTM x 12
    Odd: Power Clean + Squat Clean+Jerk- Worked up to 235
    Even: 6 TTB

    3. Gymnastic Benchmark- I did my gymnastics work above, I need to work my handstand walk, I don't need to test it at this point.

    4. Metcon
    5 RFT:
    5 CJ, 155/105
    10 C2B

    Nothing felt good on this one, hit 7 flat. I got better today for sure.

  7. Open:

    1) 6:15

    2) 135 and 225 across

  8. Open/Masters 43

    Metcon: 7:57 Felt slow and heavy
    OTM: 115 and 215

    Anyone know when the last time we did this? Nice to compare! Thanks.

    1. Hey man, I looked in the magical google machine and I can't find it when cross referencing the met con with the site. Maybe someone else can find it.

  9. With family all weekend so i did the Masters WOD in the beginning, rested 25 min then today's Open:
    Cocain: 10:47 - C&J were singles, C2B got broken into 5's from the 3rd RD on
    Snatch/ BS: 120/ 220 - kept the weight at 70%, intensity was medium so this was an exercise in perfect form and execution.

  10. Open
    Metcon: 7:39...c/j was no problem...C2T was terrible
    I don't know what's wrong lately, can't seem to connect CTB or TTB

    Snatch #85
    Back Squat #195
    Happy with these

  11. Reg:

    1. done with 155 and 255, good weights for me, not beyond, but close.

    2. 215, same bar, racked after squat, jerks were hit and miss, but got them all.

    3. only 70' this time shoulders just couldn't do it after the previous.

    4. 5:26, had to fight back some light cramp warnings in my legs on the C&J, C2B went OK but not unbroken like I planned.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. 1. Started off with 135 for snatches and 225 for squats (first 6 minutes.) Went up to 145/265 for last 6. Snatches felt the best they ever have today.

    2. Cleans-225
    These got heavy quick.

    3. Gymnastics benchmark- just over 100 ft.

    Had to leave for school, so I'll do the metcon tonight.

    1. 5:22 rx.
      First round UB everything. Went to singles on C&J for the rest of the wod but kept C2B UB

  14. Open:
    1) 10:45 not RX (115 lbs)*
    2) Snatch @ 95lbs & back squat @ 225 lbs

    *Haven't posted in a week. Took a week off since I got a first degree sprain in my right wrist - caught my 1RM Clean improperly. Bonehead move, wasn't fast enough under the bar and should have ditched it. Anyway, scaling back any moves that agitate it. I know the difference between "pain" and "discomfort" and I feel good getting back at it.

  15. 1. 7:44RX/PR
    2 Snatch @80#/BS @135 (this was 70% of my pr, but felt like I should have gone heavier.

  16. OPEN
    1. Liquid Cocaine - 9:19 Rx (C2Bs were heavily broken)
    2. OTM12 - 145# Snatch/250# Backsquat

  17. Regionals.

    1) 132 for first 3 sets and 143 on last three for snatches. 286 across for squats.

    2) 232 for cleans. Jerks 198/198/198(f)/187/187/187.

    3) 22'

    4) 8.12. Felt weak and slow. Just happy to finish.

    Moved in to a new house this weekend so poor nutrition and little sleep. Good wod though definitely improved today.

  18. 1. Squat at 275 and felt great. Snatch @ 165. No misses.

    2. Jerks and cleans were both 225.

    3. 24'10" - 1"PR lol! Shoulders were feeling rough to be honest. Need some solid mobility.

    4. Man, I was hoping to crush this. 2 movements that are really good for me. I ate like shit all weekend, and it caught up to me here. 8:46. I almost quit at round 3 because I couldn't link together 5 ctb. I sucked it up, licked my woulds, finished it and it's on to another day. When I get home from my shoot later, I'll get on the airdyne and have penalties for my sins this weekend.

  19. "Liquid Cocaine"
    5 RFT:
    5 CJ, 155/105
    10 C2B

    Felt pretty good warming up this morning so I bumped it up to 165 - 4:41 @165

    1. Wow! That is fast and strong!

    2. Thanks, fast singles on C&J, unbroken C2B's and right from one movement to the next ...just stayed smooth and consistent.

  20. Ben for both of the OTM´s is it across? or is there any % from 1RM you would like us to hit?

  21. Open: 1. 10:42

    Too sore from Competition Saturday to do anything else

  22. OPEN
    metcon - 7:20rx
    OTM - snatch 115# , back squat 225#

  23. Open
    3 RFT:
    5 CJ 95#
    5 C2B
    --> 8:54

    2. OTM x 12
    Snatches @ 65#
    Back Squats @ 135#

  24. Open:
    1. 11:02 @155# with regular pull ups - not C2B
    2. Snatches @95# and Back Squats @185# One of the most difficult things on the second part was managing the weight on one bar. Admittedly, I feel behind the clock towards the end!

  25. 1. OTM x 12
    Odd: Power Snatch + Squat Snatch @ 105#
    Even: 4 Back Squats @ 175#

    2. OTM x 12
    Odd: Power Clean + Squat Clean @ 145-155#
    Even: 2 Jerks - off a rack. @140-145#

    3. 20 minutes working on HS walks

    4. Metcon 6:57, my c2b just fell off right away

  26. Open
    1. "Liquid cocaine"

    2. Clean+squat clean and back squat

    3. Added the clean+squat clean and 2 jerks

  27. OPEN:

    1) Metcon: 5:00 Rx. TnG on all clean and jerks. Lost butterfly on c2b after round 2 for some reason. Didn't pick up the bar when I should have on last 3 rounds. Mentally weak today.

    2) OTM x 12: ODD: power snatch + squat snatch @ 115. EVEN: 4 back squats @ 255.

  28. Open:

    1.) 7:27

    2.) PS+ SS @110#, BS @205#

  29. Regional
    1. #110 for Snatches #195 for Back Squats

    2. #155 for Cleans #145 for Jerks

    3. 10ft Handstand Walk

    4. Liquid Cocaine 5:01

  30. Reg.

    Snatches done at 125
    Squats done at 245
    Maybe could have gone a bit heavier but wanted to save the knee and work on technique.

    C&J done at 195. Again probably could have maybe gone 205.

    HSW - 24'. This is a 23' PR. Haha

    5:06 on the liquid concain.

  31. 1) Snatch - 145 x 2, 150 x 2, 155 x 1, 160 x 1
    Squat - 225
    2) C&J - 165 x 2, 175 x 1, 185 x 1, 195 x 1, 205 x 1
    3) HS Walk - forgot!
    4) Metcon - 5:44

  32. Reg:

    1. 185 for Snatches, 245 for squat

    2. 255 for PC/SqtC, 235 for jerk.

    3. Goofed around, challenged random folks to HSwalk contests

    4. Metcon: 5:15. CnJ felt really light, so light that I jerked the bar right into my chin on the first rep haha.

  33. Open
    1) 7:14 Planned singles on C&J and 2x5 on C2B. Worked most of the way, but C2B fell apart round 3 or 4. Had to do a lot of singles. C&j never got hard
    2) 135x1, 145 Rest of the way. Didnt have good squat snatches today, some misses. Moving on.
    225#, kept it light as I planned on Hatch squats immediatLY after
    Hatch Squats to finish the day, HOLY Legs!

  34. 1. 225# for snatch, dropped to 205 Hal way through.
    335 for back squats across.

    2. 275# for cleans
    245 for jerks, stopped on jerks at min 7 cuz of shoulder problems. I'm a pussy.

    3. 77 feet I think. Pr is 42 yards.

    4. 6:32 rx. No excuses. Just too slow. Bounce back tomorrow.

    1. What's up dex it chad b from tupelo big numbers today

    2. 1.185 snatch 315 bs across
      2.275 cleans 285 jerks
      3.did sat last wod hsc, phspu,mu 8:00 flat was going to do liquid cocaine had to go pick up the kids

    3. What's up bro!!! Everybody gonna start postin?


  35. 1) 155 snatches/315 back squats

    2) 225 across on everything, stopped on 2nd to last rd of jerks, something flared up in shoulder and couldnt continue

    3) 32 feet (pr for me, getting better at these!)

    4) 6:00 (felt really good on this today, c2b usually a weakness but felt good todsy!)

  36. 1. Odd- 185 even- 295
    2. Odd- 245 even- 245
    3. About 68 feet with 2 turn arounds
    4. Later tonight.

  37. Open
    1. 6:22
    2. Snatches @135, squats @255

  38. Open:
    1. 6:14- need to work on c2b
    2. 155/235

  39. Best friends wedding this weekend and high school buddies I haven't seen in years. formula for a little to much poison and I paid for it today. ouch.
    1. 165 and 285
    2. 245 and 225
    3. 33ft
    4. 6:51. dang c2b still getting me but getting better.

  40. Master Open
    1. 9:17 rx- pr by 2:01
    2. PS/SS 65#, BS 115# (tired so kept it light)
    Thank you for a great Master's Event, CFNE!

  41. Open
    6:24rx should have pushed harder in the c2b

  42. Open
    6:24rx should have pushed harder in the c2b

  43. Open
    1. 4:59
    2. 135#/135# (staying light on BS right now)

  44. Open

    1.) 3:56 RX...watched Hobart's video right before to get me extra pumped, he's as elite as they come ridiculous time from him.

    2.) Haven't snatched in about a month with the arm but felt OK today so kept it light.

    Snatch: #115/125/135x4
    Back squat: #300 across

  45. 155 snatch/315 back squat

    205 cleans/205 jerks

    Handstand walk needs some work was struggling to get started today.

    Metcon: Rx 4:50

  46. Today begins the first of many. Starting the "Open stream"
    - 5 C&J (155#)
    - 15 Pull-ups (couldn't do chest to bar or else I'd smack my head on the ceiling)
    Time: 10:34


    - odd: Power snatch + Squat Snatch (155) <-- felt heavy after the met con
    - even: 4 Back Squats (225 on a safety squat bar) <-- made 225 feel pretty heavy

  47. Open

    1) 5:49 with 135#

    2) 135 /185

  48. Open
    Metcon- 15:38 RX

    2. 75lb snatch+squat snatch
    140lb back squat
    Felt good. Really feeling reward from squat therapy!

  49. Open/Masters 47

    1) 7:34 with 115#

    2) 85/205#

  50. Open
    1)6:30 105#/5c2b 5 regular pu's
    2)95# & 135#

  51. Regionals
    1. Snatch @ 105#, Back Squat @ 195#
    2. Cleans @ 135#, Jerks @ 135# (worked from floor)
    3. 3 sets of max handstand walks
    4. 7:37min... minute 1 felt great, then my biceps/forearms felt like they were going to blow up

  52. Open

    1. 6:48 C2B were all broken into singles, since the bar is too low to really kip well. Lungs were taxed on this one, surprisingly.

    2. OTM12- 155# snatches and 275# BS. Snatches felt good, ended up doing some more technique work afterwards. Improving!

  53. Open
    1- 6:18
    2- snatches 145-155, squats 195-225

  54. 1) snatch 105 squat 175
    2)clean 145 jerk 135
    3) handstand walk ... Full length of gym mats-66 ft
    4) 6:35

  55. Open
    1) 8:29 Rx - C2B felt issue is the weight.
    2) Snatch @ 115# / BS @ 185#

  56. Regional
    1. 175# snatch 255# squat
    2. 235# cln 215#
    3. 10x 20' handstand walk unbroken. (Dont have enough space in garage for distance)
    4. Metcon 4:22

  57. Open

    1. Wod 10:15 Rx Ctb very broken

    2. Snatch @ 155, squat @265

  58. Open
    1) 7:54
    2) 175 snatch 275 Back squat
    3) 15 Ft hand stand walk

  59. Been following for a month, only second post:

    Back Squat:315

    Cleans: 275
    Jerks: 245 (Shoulder was a lil janky)

    Handstand walk: 30 feet

    "Liquid Coacaine:" 4:47 Rx

    1. Welcome Justin! Big numbers man, this is definitely the place for you. I look forward to chasing you....helps if you post regularly.

  60. Open
    1. 8:13 Rx
    2. 80# snatch 145# back squar

  61. 1. 135/250
    2. 205/185
    3. Do not have yet.
    4. 6:36 rx

  62. Metcon
    5:14 Rx. Always rip my hands on C2B so didn't push going unbroken which I think could have been done. Clean/Jerk felt good.

    Handstand Walk
    Did 4 rds of 50Ft unbroken walks instead.

    OTM X 5mins
    3 squat snatches @135#

    Pause Squats
    4x3 @275#

  63. Open Program
    1) 7:07 - c&j were all singles but pretty smooth. C2B got really slow the last two rounds, need improvement here.
    2) 135 snatch, 225 back squat (~65% on each) - probably should have gone heavier in retrospect.

  64. Open
    1) 5:39
    2) 155 Snatch, 315 back squat. Was way to light, went up to 185 Snatch and 345 back squat.

  65. Open
    1) 6:32 RX, all c+j were singles but quick, first round of c2b were unbroken, all others were 4/3/3
    2) skipped

  66. 1. snatch: 155#x2 160#x4 backsquat: 275#x6
    2. 205#x6 for both cleans and jerks
    3. 8'6"
    4. 8:06, c2b killed pace but stamina in them is improving

  67. I am behind a day because I have grad school on Monday nights.


    1. 8:05 RX - should have been faster - but C2B got dicey.
    2. 105 for snatch and 195 for back Squat

  68. 7:30 8 c2b and 155#
    135# snatch and 235# squat

  69. 7:30 8 c2b and 155#
    135# snatch and 235# squat

  70. OPEN

    1) 5:33 RX
    Holy shit that 5th round...

    2) Done at 165# and 235#

  71. Snatch 80kg
    Bs 110kg
    Clean 100
    Jerk 110
    Handstand 23m
    Liquid cocaine 4:48

  72. M/29/5'6"/165 - Regionals
    1. SN (155, 165, 165, 175,185) & BS 275 across
    2. C&J (225, 225, 225, 235, 245) & Push Jerks (185, 185, 195, 205, 215)
    3. HS Walk ~21 feet (couldn'tfind my balance today)
    4. WOD 6:52
