Monday, October 14, 2013

Tuesday 10.15.13

Becca's Lipson Test.

1.  Bounding
5 x 5 Tuck Jumps, jump as high as possible tucking your knees to your chest every rep.

2.  Pull
7x3 Good Morning

3.  20 Rep Benchmark
20 Rep Max Push Press

1.  Metcon
5 RFT:
5 Muscle ups
5 Bench Press, 205/125

2.  Row
OTM x 12
Odd:  200m Row
Even:  12 GHDSU

1.  Metcon
5 RFT:
5 Muscle ups
10 Shoulder to Overhead, 165/115

2.  Skills
OTM x 10:
3-5 Overhead Pause Squats (hold the bottom for 3 full seconds) - This isn't about going heavy.  Its about improving the bottom position.


  1. Open.
    Metcon - 13:15 rx. All MUs unbroken, S2Os - splitted, was very hard and heavy :(
    Skills - 100lbs. Done.

  2. Regionals. had to do it all in one session. I see now why its broken up. yikes.
    1. Done
    2. 4x195 3x200
    3. misjudged bad. Did 135 and was way to light. rested 5 min the tried 155. got all 20 both times but still felt like I left it short. guess I know where to start next time. Smoked after doing 40 though ha
    4. 8:39 metcon
    5. Done. avg. 1:36 on row and 24 sec on ghd
    train hard everyone. better everyday

  3. Regionals-Finally got to break this into two sessions!
    2.Good Mornings-135,155,165,175,185...
    3.Push Press 20RM-125lbs. I think I have 135lbs in the tank!

    1. Evening:
      1. Had to do the open wod today. Rings and bench are in same spot haha. 12:19
      First wod ever doing muscle ups in!
      2.Done. Rowing done in about :37 every time

  4. You win Ben. You always do.

    1. Done
    2. 185 across
    3. 175
    4. 11:20 - no spotter so I dropped to 185 last 2 sets.
    5. Class occupied rowers, so 3x25 ghdsu

  5. Open
    1) 13:34 - 3MU/135#
    2) 95x3 (3 sec)

  6. Reg.

    1. Done
    2. Did Deadlifts instead (5x335, 5x385, 5x425)
    3. 185 for 17, weight shifted forward and lost it. Next time baby!

    4. and 5. This evening

    1. 4. Did Bar MU instead (no rings). No watch so could record time but did everything unbroken.
      5. All rows inside 38 seconds. No GHD so did a 17 second (consecutive) "free" Lsit on hands. I'm kinda of a stud when it comes to Lsits

  7. No excuses last night, but 6,438 excuses this morning...body is wrecked from Clovis. Hoping to hit some SOH and OHS pauses tonight in the garage. Stay on it CompWOD'ers.

  8. Reg: I second the above saying "You win Ben" Thanks for another killer day Coach!

    1. Done

    2. 185, the 205 across...still setting bar at Low Bar, seems to work well for leverage angles without feeling like I'm going to tip over.

    3. 155 with legit Push Press on all. Did 145 and it went really smooth, so went for a second attempt. Last time was 135.

    PM 1: 11:55, holy smokes bench is not something I'm comfortable with. Technically I got help on one rep in round 4, but only because I hit the J-hook on the way up.

    PM 2: Done

    Breaking this all up would have been nice, but two-a-days will just not happen for me. Difficult day, but rewarding.

    1. Have to say you are doing very well Shane. Your consistency is paying off.

  9. Open
    1)13:28 S2O was harder than I expected, pretty fried from yesterday.
    2) 5,3,3,3 (95) , 3,3,3,3,3,3 (115) The pause squats worked really well. Mobility with a barbell!

  10. 1) Nice and bouncy
    2) 135-205
    3) 155 should have done 165 at least
    4) 13:17 after 20rm push press this was quite cool.
    5) Done

  11. Open
    1. Metcon 14:57 Rx (heavy and taxing)
    2. OH Pause Squats - OTM 10x3 @ 115 Rx

  12. Reg:

    Holy Jesus, I'm beat.

    1. Done

    2. 185, then 205 for the rest.

    3. 145. Probably could have done 155 if I started out with it, but I have little confidence in my shoulders so I'm fine with 145.

    4. 15:15. Bench!! Yet another weakness!!! MU's went fine then the wheels fell of on the bench. Recommend we do that more often.

    5. Done. Felt awesome. Loved that.

  13. First day following the programming! Excited to get better!


    1. 17:52 RX (muscle-ups are a goat and the weight got tough on the S2O's.

    2. All sets at 95# for 3 reps. Probably could have went heavier but shoulders were burnt out from from metcon.

  14. Open
    1. 10:22 Rx
    - went singles on the MU every :10 for every set, knowing that this workout is about the S2OH's, then took about :30-:40 rest and went unbroken on the S2OH's every time

  15. Open
    metcon - 14:01rx
    ohs-95x5 across

  16. OPEN:
    1) Metcon: 7:57 Rx.
    2) OHpS: 95#

  17. Went in to try it and wasn't happening.

    Did a slow 2km row and mobility

  18. Open, Masters
    1) 19:27rx - at least now 135 will feel light!
    2) 95x3

  19. Open:
    1) 14:43 @ 115 lbs grip was smoked the last round.
    2) 95 lbs across

  20. 1. Tucks turned into practicing standing back tucks and round off tucks haha
    2. Worked to 155 on good morning
    3. 20rm 185#, got to 16 and dropped it.
    4. Metcon: 6:15 rx. Bench was light. Focusing on muscle ups
    5. Done. Row'd a consistent 1:25 pace.

    1. All one sesh today. Pressed for time.

      Also, it feels more beneficial to me to do one Long session. Is there a benefit to breaking it up? When I do 2 sessions I usually smash session 1, and the 2nd suffers dramatically.

  21. 1) done
    2) 95/115/135/155/175/195/215
    3) 155 (this went way too easy, should have gone heavier, but 20rm push jerk was 175, so I thought I might struggle here)
    4) 13:06 (tore pretty bad in rd 3 and had to go to singles on the mu's)
    5) done

  22. 1. done
    2. 185# across
    3. 135#, don't think right arm locked out on rep #20. God bless those who are talking about 155+ being light.
    4. Absolutely spent after Clovis and it showed. 1st round went awesome, but come 2nd round I think a bowl of pudding would have had better form. Slowed down due to not having a spotter and working on getting every rep of MUs and benches. Stopped after 4 rounds @ 19:30ish. Ugh
    5. 400m airdyne / 10# weighted leg raises off of box (no ghd)

  23. Open/Masters 43

    1) 11:32, forearms are dead
    2) 10 x 3 OHS with pause OTM with 115

  24. 1) Done
    2) 160 x 2, 180 x 2, 200 x 3
    3) 135, failed at 18. 125 last time, was confident I could get it. Next time
    4) Scaled bench to 165. 12:24. Really struggled on bench
    5) Done

  25. Open
    1. 9:51
    2. 10x3 @95,95,100,100,105,105,110,110,115,115

  26. Open
    1. 4:58 1mu and 80#..scaled way too much
    2. 3 each round @ 65#

  27. Open/Masters 47

    1. 6:53, 5 jumping ring muscle ups per round with rings at height of forehead, 95# soh
    2. done, very light.

  28. Reg. AM
    1) Done
    2) Done at 145...not really solid with loading these up
    3) 20rm - 155

    PM session
    1) 8:42
    2) Done
    Threw in some pistol work as those are a big weakness

  29. Open

    1. Did multiple MU in most sets (good for me!). 15:35rx! Woo!
    2. Done

    Did some strict press and push-press work (a huge goat)

  30. Open

    1. 11:10. Did 11 unassisted strict muscle ups before using the smallest band. Happy with that! S2O unbroken.

    2. 95lbs x 3 OTM10 with 3 sec pause at rock bottom.

  31. 1. Done.

    2. 185 Across. Felt strong, will up the weight next time.

    3. 145 for 18. Bummed about this, but I shook it out, picked up the barbell and did the other 2 for what they were worth.

    4. I benched on sunday and was a little sore still. So I did 5RFT 5 cleans @ 225, 5 MU. Did this at home so I had to run about 50 yards from the tree where my rings are hung from to barbell in the driveway after each set.

    5. No rower or GHD. .2 Mi on the air dyne on odd mins, 12 weighted anchored abmat SU with a 53# KB on even.

    1. 4. 9:49 on the metcon by the way. Unbroken on the MU, unbroken on the first set of cleans then it was singles and doubles after that.

  32. Open Program
    1) 11:08 - paced the muscle ups a lot to save my arms for the jerks. Unbroken jerks round 1 then broke once all others.
    2) Done at 95 for 10x3

  33. 5 rds 5 muscle ups, 5 bench press @125
    completed 3 rounds in 25 minutes.. started round 4 but began failing the dip so I stopped.
    happy with this, both are goats my max bp is 140, second time doing muscle ups in a wod.

  34. 1. Did standing back tucks instead :)
    2. Worked up to 145
    3. 95# - first attempt at a 20 rep max and working off old PP numbers. Def a 1-2 shot thing. Start heavier next time.
    4. MUs are a major goat so I worked on strict. No bench today.
    5. Done. This was fun and much more intense than anticipated.

  35. Open
    scaled way down 65lbs and 3ring dips ans 3 pullups 2 equal a MU. 19:30 awful
    no OHS

  36. Open:

    Started by establishing a new 1 RM Squat Snatch @135# since I "wussed out" on the previous day. This was my 2013 fitness goal - and even though I have only been following this program for the past 4-5 weeks, I think it has a lot to do with it - so thanks Ben!!!

    1. 19:08 @155# (substituted 1 pull up/ring dip for each MU)
    2. 85# for 5 sets (my wrists were shot!)

  37. Open:

    1) 13:49 @135#, no rings so bar MUs

    2) 75# across

  38. Open:
    1. 19:00 with 115#.
    2. 75#, 3 reps each minute.

  39. Open
    1. 12:03 (assisted MUs and 70#)
    2. 5x3 @ 45#

  40. 1) done
    2) 80kg across
    3) 50kg-60kg x20 -70kg x10

    1) 5rft
    5 Bench press
    5 bar muscle ups
    Time 12:10

    Odd: 12 ghdsu
    Even: 200m row

  41. Only had time for METCON and OTM 12
    Bench/MU metcon 7:39 rx,

  42. Open
    3 rounds in 7:44
    Pause OHS 10 x 3 @ 50kg
    OTM x 5
    8 ghdsu
    10 box jumps 24"

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