Friday, December 20, 2013

Saturday 12.21.13

2nd Fittest Woman on Earth.

1.  Barbell 
For time:
4x15 unbroken Deads, 225/155 - must be touch and go.
 rest 2 minutes
3x5 unbroken Bench, 225/135 - note, that this is 135 for women.
 rest 2 minutes
3x10 unbroken Front Squats, 225/155 - taken from a rack.
 rest 2 minutes
2x5 unbroken Jerks, 225/155 - taken from a rack.
 rest 2 minutes
1x5 unbroken OHS, 225/155 - taken from a rack.
This entire session is for time, but don't allow yourself to work with bad mechanics - be smart and take the time you need to get the reps and drill in good movement.  You must break after the prescribed reps and if you can't get a set unbroken you must redo that set.  

2.  Gymnastics
For Time:
160-120-80 Double unders
80-60-40 Air squats
40-30-20 HR Push ups

3.  Speed
3x200m Prowler Push 45/empty, rest as needed between efforts

For time:
6 Deads, 225/155
7 Burpee Pull ups
10 KBS, 70/53
200m Run


  1. sweet baby Jesus i love Lindsey Valenzuela-Hopkins. lol

  2. My favourite girl in the comp!!!
    Man its gna be great!!
    And todays wod looks delicious!!!
    Genius :)

  3. Ben
    If you can't get ESPN to cover the Xfit winter games then at least get NESN to along with the live internet feed EPIC!!!!!

  4. Open
    7rds + 9 - 88# kb- ub on all, slow runs!

    2. Partner wods - 1 person works at a time, both people lunge
    40 ' h.s walk. 50 wb's 40' lunge, 40 t2b, 40' h.s walk, 30 h.r. push up, 40' lunge, 20 0hs 95#, h.s.walk, 10 bear complex

    -8:36 partner w/joey

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. 1. 5+9 rx ub on all deads and kb swings running game needs work, but great workout!

    2. partnered with bussom on workout great stuff!

  7. 6 rounds plus 6 deads. really liked this one

  8. Did Part 1 of regional
    : 23:00 ish (forget, lol but it was sub 25 for sure)
    Fun workout,

    Do the other parts later on today

  9. Open
    1) 7 Rounds 53# KB Slowed down big time last two rounds
    2) Partner wod with Clayton

  10. Regional:
    1) 34:04. Everything smooth with no do-overs until the overhead squats. Failed 3 times at 225 (1 rm is 230). Dropped it to 205 and went 3-2.
    2) 13:02 Rx. Good day's work.
    3) skipped

  11. Open
    1) 7 rounds 185#/53#
    2) did same partner wod as bussom 75# ohs 115# complex

  12. Open wod: 6 rds+10 185#/53# slow runs

    2. Partner wods - 1 person works at a time, both people lunge
    25 ' h.s walk. 50 wb's 40' lunge, 40 t2b, 25' h.s walk, 30 h.r. push up, 40' lunge, 20 0hs 75# h.s.walk, 10 bear complex #115 11:50
    Worked with Low W. and Matt H.

  13. Dis it all didn't have a clock.
    No prowler so ran 3×400's, hardest 400m ever...
    Great 5days of training! Rest day please

  14. Open WOD: 8 Rounds + 5 DL at 205# DL and 53# KBS

    Partner WOD with Matt H. and Rich H.

  15. Open: 6 Rnds + 7 Rx, Good one, sucked a little because it was raining and about 32 Degrees.
    Love the programming guy's, I just started blogging but have been following the site for about 6 months.

  16. 1. 31:26 Started at 205, Failed 2nd set of FS at rep 4; Dropped to 185 till finish
    2. 15:12
    3. 1-3:08

  17. 1. Barbell - About 26 mins. Did Bench at 205, and missed my 4th OHS, but didnt retry.

    2. Gymnastics - 15ish mins, I was an idiot today and kept forgetting to check the clock.

    3. Speed - Did 45s on/75secs off x 5 on a spin bike."

  18. New to the program.

    Open: RX 7 + 7 burpee pull-ups

  19. Did a 2K row today at my bro-in-laws house. First rowing workout ever. Got 7:12, not too bad for a first try I suppose, but was trying for under 7 min.

    1. OTM10: 3 squat cleans w 105lbs. Working technique but was a tad challenging too.

  20. Did the Regional barbell workout today bc I didn't feel like running in the rain.
    1) ~34:00 - not Rxd - used 205 on DL, bench and jerks, 185 on OHS and 135 on FS (back is still sketchy on these, playing it safe). You guys are beasts who do this Rxd. Open Program is challenging enough for me right now.

  21. Open
    1) 7 rounds even. had to sub 250m row for the run

  22. Regional
    36:00 failed my f-in 5th ohs. Didnt re-try had nothing left. Took a long break between fs and jerk maybe could have saved some time here.
    Also did 10min OTM 10 c2b pull ups. Got all 10rds.

  23. 1. barbell work: 19:30 rx. reallly felt good about how i worked with a jacked heart rate on this.

    2. metcon: 10:08 i continue to suck at double unders.

    3. done.

    lots of shoulder mobility and rollin after today.

  24. With the holidays this week is there anyway we can get the programming for the week. I am a firefighter and I am start a 96 hour tour Monday

  25. Open/Masters 43

    Open wod (Rankel): 7 rounds plus 6 DL, 3 pull-ups, but did 30 DU's instead of run, as we have crazy freezing rain storm here now. All DL and KB unbroken.
    Practised some more squat therapy, starting to see some good changes and progress.

    Have a good day off tomorrow!

  26. Poor time management with the honey-do list and getting to work. only did regional barbell.

    1. 40ish. took everything slow and deliberate. Failed jerks 225#x3,then 205#x5 and 205#x5. On OHS worked up to 205# but had to get to work. Think I could have had shot at 225# if I rested another 5min

  27. 1)32:02, dropped to 185 after deads to try to save time, failed the 4th OHS. No way I was getting 5. Just felt beat!
    2) other person in the gym spurred my timer. I'm guessing it was about 10 mins but I really have no idea. Halfway thru the second round I was at 6 mins. Didnt have any make hiccups and kept moving.
    3) no prowler but was late for family dinner. Will makeup on Monday

  28. At my in-laws Iin BFE Arkansas without a gym. Excited to do all body weight work this week. Did the Gymnastics MetCon for Regionals athletes. 12:17. Push-Ups got me. Did the 160 double unders unbroken (and the last 80).

  29. Masters 46
    For time:
    "Rankel" 5 rds + 7 (cramped about the end of round 3 got worse rds 4&5)
    AMRAP 20:
    6 Deads, 225
    7 Burpee Pull ups
    10 KBS, 70
    200m Run

  30. Cliff Lewis 49 Open
    1) 9 rds + 6+5 Back cramped pretty bad on 5th round.
    2) Did OTM x 7 Power Snatch, Squat Snatch, OHS 135# all sets except last set did 145#
    3) Worked up to heavy set of High Hang Squat Clean, Low Hang Squat Clean, Squat Clean + Jerk 205# and Failed on Jerk at 225#

  31. open

    1) 6 RD plus 2 deads

    2) EMON x 10

    3 dips con 50# belt
