Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Thursday 2.6.14

Rachel Martinez

1.  Snatch Technique
EMOMx15:  2 Squat Snatches - NO TnG.  Do not go above 80% of 1RM

2.  Clean and Jerk
5 sets of: 1 Power Clean + 3 Front Squats + 1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk

3.  Squat 
6x4 Safety Bar Back Squats

4. Gymnastics Skills
100m Handstand Walk

5.  Metcon
 3 RFT:
500m Row
12 Deads, 225, 155
21 Box Jumps, 24/20 - Games standards

1. Metcon
 3 RFT:
500m Row
12 Deads, 225, 155
21 Box Jumps, 24/20 - Games standards

2. Clean and Jerk
5 sets of: 1 Power Clean + 3 Front Squats + 1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk


  1. Had to do one day early due to working tonight and tomorrow.
    1. 95x2 115x1 135x12, added a pause at knees as I am having an issue somewhere between floor and hang.
    2. 185# 205#x3 215#
    3. 275# 295# 305#x4
    4. shoulders not letting this happen
    5. 9:21, sub'd 1k AirDyne. All 1ks done between 1:45 and 1:50.

  2. His many of y'all reset to a wider grip before the split jerk? I like a more narrow grip for push jerk and a little wider for split jerk. Just curious.

  3. Can anyone clarify for me, is the metcon always done ahead of strength/weightlifting for Open athletes? What is the reason for this? Surely form will be worse after completing a metcon?

    1. The focus for the open athletes is to improve the engine. Regional athletes do strength first to build on their volume. Your form won't necessarily be bad. Just be sure to take enough time between the metcon and the strength portion.

    2. Thanks for the quick reply Austin!

  4. Regionals
    1. Snatches done at 145lbs. Felt alright.
    2. C&j Complex- 185,195,205,215,225lbs. This felt great!
    3. Back Squats- 255,265,275,285,295,305lbs. Missed #4 at 305. Definite progress though!
    4. Done. Didn't time.
    5. Metcon- 11:45. My legs are FRIED.

  5. 1) Snatch - 200 across
    2) c&j complex - up to 260#
    3) skip (out of time)
    4) hs walk - 10:55
    5) metcon w/ 8# titin vest - 10:55

  6. 1. Snatch Technique
    EMOMx15: 155 Stayed light and really tried to focus on the S pull pattern.

    2. Clean and Jerk
    5 sets of: 175,185,195,205,215 FS still sucks cleans were ez though

    3. Squat
    275 across; no safety bar just HBBS

    4. Gymnastics Skills
    Was running low on time so just did 10 min skill work, would've taken me days to hit 100m my handstand walks suck badly.

    5. Metcon
    3 RFT:
    11:57 Achilles tendon is still really sore from Monday, did majority of box jumps as step up/down trying to protect it. Lost bulk majority of time here.

  7. 1. Snatch 100#
    2. Clean complex 2@115, 2@125, 1@135
    3 Metcon 13:00min rower difficulties beginning of round 2
    4butterfly practice

  8. OPEN
    1. Metcon - 10:55 Rx (1:13 PR)
    2. C&J Complex - 165/175/185/195/205 Rx

  9. Open
    1. Metcon - 15:53, got stuck on deadlifts.
    2. Squats, Smolov Jr, week 1 day 2, 7x5 at 175#. No time for the C&J.

  10. Open
    1. 10:55
    2. 100, 115, 115,125,135

  11. Felt good today but little tight on time

    Saved snatch for tonight

    2. C+ J complex up to 275
    3. Backsquat worked to heavy 4 (didn't have time to go 6 across)
    3. Metcon: 9:46 rx

  12. Open:
    1) metcon: 9:19 Rx.
    2) C & J complex: 225, 235, 240, 245, 255. No misses.

  13. Open.

    1. "Heavy Christine" 11:04. Over 1.5 minute pr from a year ago. Done with 180 pounds.
    2. 175 pounds across.

  14. 1. 55 kg (70 kg 1RM)
    2. 60 / 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 kg (5 kg PR Power Clean)
    3. 100 kg
    4. Done (Major goat)
    5. No rower, so sub 500 m row with 50 SDLHP with 20 kg bar, time 10:44
    SDLHP 50 / 25+25 / 25 + 25
    Deads 6+6 / 6+6 / 6+6
    BJ step ups unbroken

  15. Open

    1) 10:29 RX

    2) 135, 155, 185, 205, 205

  16. Open:
    9:24... Sub 9 was the goal, ended up losing pace just a bit on the second round, still a 2 min PR. Box Jumps starting to feel better.

    Clean Complex later

    Going to have to do the saturday monstrosity tomorrow, because I'll be solo on saturday.

  17. A) emom 15 min.. 135,155,165,185-8min, 195,205,215- No Misses

    B) 1PC+3FS+1PJ+1SPJ- 185,205,225,250, 275(missed the Push Jerk)

    C) 6x4 HBBS- 315,340,370,395,415 Failed last rep on this called er quits

    D) HSW done and not pretty:) but better

    E) Metcon: 9:35 Rx'd

  18. OPEN - scaling for knee issue continues :(
    1) 10:02 - step ups instead of box jumps - man those are slow
    2) Clean Complex - front squats to box - 155, 185, 205, 225 - got interrupted by potential members for a half hour so I shut it down.

  19. 1) EMOM 15, 2 squat snatches @ 155.
    2) 5x1 of; 1 PC+3 FS +1 push jerk + 1 split jerk( 205, 225, 235, 240, 245).
    3) Squat, no safety bar. Did 6x4 HBBS( 325,335,345,355,365,370).
    4) Handstand walk. Focused on doing unbroken segments. 30' x 2.
    5) Metcon; 9:12 rx.

  20. Regionals:
    1. 125# across, felt good but still need improvement and strength
    2. 185, 205, 210, 215, 220 (felt good, but need to improve elbow turnover)
    3. 4 sets only, 275 across
    4. HS walk felt better than before, but getting more comfortable
    5. will do later, ran out of time.

  21. Open

    MET CON- 10:51 Rx (21 deadlifts on the first round...sometimes the hardest part of xfit is reading)
    Complex- 135x2/145x2/155/175

  22. Open 2014

    A) 8:59 Rx
    B) 225 (Didn't have time to max)

  23. OPEN
    1. 9:57rx
    2. C&J complex - 155,155,155,165,185

  24. Open:
    Metcon: 13:06
    Complex 135, 135, 155, 175, 195

  25. Open Master
    1. 12:34 rx
    2. 85,95,105,115,125

  26. Open:
    1) 13:04rx
    2) 135/155/175/200/205(fail on push jerk)

  27. Regionals:
    1. 185 for 5min, 205 for 10min. (Missed three at 205 due to sloppy footwork...made them up at the end of the EMOM)
    2. 205, 235, 255, 275, 285
    3. Hip flexor started acting up so stayed light, worked on some squat therapy.
    4. Done
    5. 11:00Rx- I did 150 box jumps this morning with one of our morning classes...couldnt resist. So these box jumps killed me..way too slow here.

  28. Regionals (Scaled a bit of volume)

    1) Snatch - EMOM 12 ( 1 Squat + 1 Power @ 145lbs - Worked on getting under the bar super fast and really dialing in on the 2nd pull). Felt great

    2) Clean and Jerk Complex
    Worked up to a successful 225lbs, went for 235lb and failed on push jerk.

    3) High Bar Back Squat ( don't have a safety bar)
    3x 4
    225, 275, 295

    4) METCON
    Time - 9:28 Rx
    Row - split between 1:48-1:52
    Deads - 1st unbroken, 2nd set 6,6 , 3rd set - 4,4,2,2
    Box Jumps - Unbroken

    Skipped handstand walk because my right wrist is not 100%.

  29. 1. Squat Snatch135-155-175-175(f)- then all Power @175
    2. Up to 225lbs
    3. metcon 9:42
    4. 30MU for time 4:40 (pr by 1:19 :))

  30. OPEN

    I would like to take the time to thank our coach for this birthday WOD.
    It was the worst I could imagine, my 3 weaknesses.. Rower, Box Jumps and Deadlifts..

    1) 10:38 rx

    2) Went up to 245#. Fun!

  31. Regionals:

    1: @ 155 and 165 Only squat snatch

    2: 205

    3:@ 287

    4. Handstand Walk. 10x10 m. No miss :-)

    5: No Metcon today. Did 2 yesterday.

  32. Masters 46
    1. Metcon
    3 RFT: (12:23)
    500m Row
    12 Deads, 225, 155
    21 Box Jumps, 24/20 - Games standards (did step downs no bounding)

    2. Clean and Jerk
    5 sets of: 1 Power Clean + 3 Front Squats + 1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk #135,155,185,185,185 added just C&J 3x #205

  33. Prepping for my first competition OFF the mic in like 6 months. One day event, Caution Grounds this Saturday.

    Tested WOD 1-
    21 C2B Pullups -intentionally broke up into 15 & 6 to save grip
    15 Squat Cleans @185 -all quick singles
    9 Shoulder2OH @185 - 6/3, but I'll go UB on Game Day
    15 Power Cleans @185 - a few sets of 2, but mostly singles
    21 C2B Pullups - UB

    7:15 - any suggestions on how you'd attack this one is greatly appreciated!!!

    After coaching 8PM tonight, gonna mess with the weighted pistols for WOD 2.. (5min cap, 25 burpees, 400m run, max pistols w/ remaining time @55 KB)

  34. Open

    1) 10:41
    2) worked up to 102.5kg

  35. 1) 3 min @ 135, 3 min @ 145, 3 min @ 155, 3 min @ 165, 3 min @ 175 (failed last 2 rds though, only got 1 snatch each)

    2) 135/185/205/215/225 (the push jerk was the big limiter on this one for me, it's not very strong)

    3) 6x4 fs since I don't have a safety squat bar (did 3 sets @ 285 and then had to drop to 265 for the last 3 sets)

    4) did 50m handstand walk (still working on these)

    5) 12:50 on the metcon (finally came off restriction on my leg today and was able to do the bj's, but stepped down on all of them instead of rebounding for now, I'll ease back into rebounding).

  36. Snatch EMOM 5min@60,70 & 80KG
    Changed up and did Power clean plus 5 push jerks (weakness) got up to a set with 100KG

    WOD: 9:45
    No time for squats today. Will slide them in tomorrow at some point!

  37. Regionals:

    1: 95/115/115/135/135/135/155/155/155/185/185/195/195/195/195
    2: 205/2225/235/245/255....happy about this....getting better
    3: HBBS...no safety bar: 315 across...also happy about this
    4: 10:23RX....rows: 1:30/1:40/blacked out lol

    1. forgot to post 100M HS Walk....7:46....feel really good about this.

      Did this with Justin Adams....thanks for the push bro! He got 6:36

  38. Open
    1) 10:38. felt like I was working out in quick sand today
    2) 185, 195, 205, 205, 215

  39. Open
    1. 11:43 Rx
    2. 83, 103, 113, 123, 133

  40. Open
    1) 9:28 Rx Metcon
    2) 135, 155, 175, 185, 205 (missed the split, need work on the jerk!)

  41. Regionals.

    1) 132#x2; 136# x 13.

    2) up to 198.felt good about this since I really struggle with push jerks.

    3) skipped due to time.

    4) 50m in 10.56. They are getting better. But I need to add them into my warm-up to improve my efficiency walking on my hands.

    5) as rx'd. 9.21

  42. Open:
    2. 175x2, 185, 195, 205.

  43. Open
    1. 12:45 Rx
    2. Done at 125#
    - Added snatch complex from regionals. Done at 85#
    - Added 6x4 back squat done at 135.

  44. Open 2014
    1 metcon : 10:27 rx (this one sucked .. Rower & deadlift..
    2. Complex : 135, 165, 185, 205, 225 . ( 235 : 1 power clean 3 fs 1 split jerk)

  45. Open
    1) 9:23 Rx
    2) Worked up to 225#

  46. open
    2)Clean&Jerk complex
    stayed light for competition this wknd

    1. Nice job jake. You doing individual in Slidell?

  47. Open
    1) 12:20 135# stayed light for hurt back
    2) 2 sets at 95# stopped do to back and did 100 sit ups instead

  48. 1. SNATCH EMOM: 185#, lifted in the nano's today to switch it up.
    2. clean complex: stopeed at 275#.
    3. 6x4 safety squat bar squat. 225# across. bought one today, super aekward.
    4. 100m hs walk: 9:24. worst handstand walks i've ever done.
    5. metcon: 9:55. practicing exaggerating my open hip on box jumps. row'd a 1:35,1:42,1:38 500m. ub on all dl's. just not moving fast enought.

    row'd some intervals this evening.

    1. Nice job on the metcon....but I'm gonna take a win on the back squats. Usually you are like 100lbs heavier than my numbers! Don't blame the euipment...just give a guy a break!

  49. Open

    1.) 10:05, slow rows. Fastest round was last one which isn't good.

    2.) Hit #225, failed split jerk at #245

  50. Open
    1. Terrible showing today. Gonna blame it on my sore back from the 3 hrs of snow shoveling yesterday. Deads felt very heavy, and still new to rowing... Dammit enough excuses -13:16. Box jumps are feeling better though.

    2. 185, 195, 205, 215, 225

  51. Open/Masters 48

    1) 11:30 @ 185#.
    2) 135-155-165-175-185. Failed split jerk at 185 because I nailed my chin on the way up.

  52. Masters Open
    Metcon 10:53
    Clean and Jerk Complex @135

    WOD felt good... easy pace on Row maintained same split for all 3... 2:00 ... got a little off balance on BJ's and broke the last set of DL thats where I lost time..
    Goal was sub 10:30...but happy with it considering nursing a pulled Rectis Fermoris and in a ALL masters Comp Sat.

  53. Thanks Lee!

    Im going team on sunday.
    How about you?
    Indivdual or team?

  54. WOD Rx: 9:25 - Rows 1:45-1:55, DL & BJ quick and unbroken, engine is starting to feel much better, especially lately on the box jumps.
    6x4 High Bar Back Squat (no safety bar) 325,335,345,355,365,375

  55. Regionals
    1. 135 first 5 mins, 155 next 5, 75 next 3 mins, 185 last 2 mins

    2. 155, 185, 205, 225, 235

    3. Worked up to 315

    4. No time

    5. 11:15

  56. Slightly out of order but had to do the squats at work, no safety squat bar.


    1. EMOMx15: 2 Squat Snatches - stayed at 145 and drilled technique

      2. Clean and Jerk
      5 sets of: 1 Power Clean + 3 Front Squats + 1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk- 245 pretty easy, will go for more next time

      5. Metcon- got my calves smashed yesterday by a pro, magically today rebounding is back. 8:47

  57. 2014 Regional & Games:

    1. 115# (29/30)

    2. Done. 135#, 155#, 165#, 185# (missed PJ), 205# (missed PJ).

    3. 315# across. No safety bar.

    4. Done. Took a while but completed it.

    5. 10:51 Rx.

  58. 1. Worked up to 115#, focused on form. 1RM is 195
    2. Worked up to 125#, fixing my mobility as it was the cause of a back tweak in December. Felt the best they have since the tweak!
    3. Different squats for reason above.
    4. 14:25, broke it into 20m rrounds. Thought I was gonna get sub 10 until I hit shoulder failure! Last 10m was a grind.
    5. No time so did evening workout with group, deadlift and burpee ladder.

  59. Regionals:

    1. 115#
    2. 155#
    3. 135#
    4. 3:26
    5. 11:26

  60. Open:

    1. 14:05 - kind of confused about this time compared to everyone elses. 1:47 - 1:55 on rows. deads went unbroken, 8-4, 8-4. box jumps i did step downs since my achilles have been feeling tender lately. i know i lost some time here but didn't think it was that much.

  61. Open

    1) 12:08 - ended up breaking once on each set of DL's.

    2) tried to do at #225 but missed a bunch of jerks.

  62. did this today
    1) 13:06. did 4's first round of DL, 3's and 2's second round, singles all the way through last round.
    2) 60-65-70-75-80kg. no misses.

  63. Open Program
    1) 10:55 - unbroken but rows were 1:55 ish and took a bit of time before deadlifts. Sub-10:00 times are beast mode.
    2) short on time, worked up to 185.

  64. Metcon first real wod back after last sundays almost tramatic elbow dislocation with 255# sq snatch. Turns out I think it was just a hypertension but still have limited oh and full extension of elbow. Have to be really patient before the open.
    Metcon 8:51

  65. 1) 175 - missed 4

    2) 175/205/225/245/255

    3) No safety bar - worked up to 315

    4) Modified this to muscle up work

    5) Strained calf from Tues, so modified BJ's to 15 burpees - 10:40

  66. 10:54 Rx - was happy to hold onto all sets of DL

  67. Open
    Metcon 12:50
    Lift 105/115/125/135/135

  68. Open:

    15:30. Rowed 2.5min (ancient rower). 155#. 20' box (knee rehab)

