Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Thursday 9.5.13

At the Level 1 Training Summit in San Diego - 
Adrienne (of Hack's Pack) and I have an awkward stare off, 
while Rich tries to get in on the action.

1. Snatch Complex
5 sets Across of: Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch + Squat Snatch + OHS - pick a weight you can do with no misses.

2.  Clean and Jerk Complex
3 sets of: 3 Position Pause Clean and Jerk.
Super Slow Clean Pull to below Knees, pause for 2 full seconds.  Continue pulling to above the knees, pause for 2 full seconds.  Continue with a super slow pull to mid thigh, pause for 2 full seconds then squat clean the weight and then jerk it.

3.  Squats
4x6 Front Squats, across

4.  Gymnastic Skills
OTM x 12
Odd:  3 Muscle ups + 6 HSPU
Even: Max effort L-sit

5.  Metcon
3 RFT:
500m Row
12 Burpees
21 Box Jumps, 24/20" -  games standards

1.  Metcon
3 RFT:
500m Row
12 Burpees
21 Box Jumps, 24/20" -  games standards

2.  Snatch Complex
5 sets Across of: Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch + Squat Snatch + OHS - pick a weight you can do with no misses.

3.  Strength
4x6 Front Squats, across


  1. Is it 12 burpee box jump or the number of box jumps is missing ??

  2. I think its missing. Should be 21 box jumps judging from the CFNE wod page

    1. It's supposed to be 21 box jumps it's a modification of "Christine" and our class WOD at CFNE

  3. Hi Ben, Previously in Programming philosphy you had periodization and westside programming, are you still following that theory of gettin ha uge etc.

    1. i was wondering the same thing.. hope someone can help

    2. No, he has changed it for the year.

  4. Muscle ups then to ring HSPU? Or muscle ups then regular HSPUs?

    1. I would say reg HSPU. If you could hold ring HSPU for OTM12 I'd be beyond impressed.

    2. Joshua, I'd be impressed myself. Lol.

  5. Snatch @70kg
    Clean and jerk @85 kg
    Front squats @95kg
    Metcon- but only did 3 rounds as its written 500 row, 12 burpee box jumps

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  7. Open:
    10:34 - 500row/12Brp/21BJ
    Snatch Complex - 154
    FS - 220.

  8. This was one of those days you just grin and bear it, didn't feel like training had about 10 min to warm up and had to do everything in 45 min. I made the most of it.

    1. Snatch Complex- Well since Thursday is our technique oly day and the goal was no misses I went with 135 although I felt I could have gotten more.

    2. Clean and Jerk Complex
    3 sets of: 135, 185, 225 focused on technique

    3. Squats-225

    4. Gymnastic Skills- It was either this or the metcon

    5. Metcon
    3 RFT: 10:07, everything unbroken except a couple box jumps, kept my splits under 1:45

    1. That's quick for rolling into this WOD right after heavy front squats!.... I should have started off with the 1:45 you held, would have went better I think.

  9. Regionals
    1.Done at 135lbs. Funny I can do this now. That was my max 2 months ago
    2. Done at 185lbs. Everything felt solid.
    3. 185lbs
    4. Done
    5.11:15. I had to condense this all into an hour and a half before school so I went straight from the OTM into the metcon. It was pretty rough. It sometimes sucks doing this before school, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

  10. A) 205 (hit 215 last set)
    B) 225/245/265(failed jerk) - neighbors called the police about weights dropping so I had to choose controllable weights.
    C) PM session
    D) done - pathetic l sits. Ranges from 11-20 seconds
    E) PM session

  11. Open
    1) 11:37 Paced the row too much in hind sight, but my rebounding box jumps are back!
    2) Rushed this morning ,worked up to 115. Felt ok but need more of this. My positioning back into full snatch is horrible
    3) 225x6 3 sets, 225 x5 on last set (failed final rep)

  12. Reg:

    1. 145, felt good, missed one OHS, just wasn't paying attention.

    2. 205, felt really good

    3. 225, missed last rep in round 2, head wasn't ready to grind I guess, the rest were good.

    4. done, tough one, did 10 sec on, 20 off on L-sit. missed two HSPU and one MU in a round in there, still got stimulus.

    5. 11:07, holy cats that was a lot of legs today, me legs were useless burning sticks below me on this one. Burpees still slow today...

    Thanks JimmyC for cheering me on, it's helping a lot to have you back even if you can't WOD just yet.

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  14. Have a issue going on with left deltoid, some days its worse than others, was giving me a problem today, so snatch and jerk had to stay pretty light.

    1) 135#

    2) 185#

    3) 250#

    4) my ring muscle ups are a big weakness so my coach changed this up for me a little

    Even did 15 sec false grip holds on the rings and odd did strict hspu, 3 rds with a 3.5" deficit and 3 rds with no deficit.

    Ran out of time and will have to do the met con after work.

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  16. Open
    1. 12:08 Rx'd
    2. 135#
    3. 205#

    ... dialed back the loading on the Front Squats - my legs are thrashed from 3 days on ... hoping tomorrow's WOD is AMRAP 20 - "Shavasana"

  17. Regionals:

    1. 121 lbs.
    2. 187 lbs. (no jerk)
    3. 232 lbs.
    4. Done (no misses; averaged 0:40 for MU/HSPU and 0:12 for the L-sits)
    5. 11:24

  18. open

    1. 13:05 (rowtime 1:38, 1:39, 1:42). Think i went a bit to fast rowing.

    2. 40kg. could have gotten a bit higher

    3. 70kg. same here. a little light but after 2 weeks with illness and vacation i will start slow again.

  19. Regionals
    1. 155# snatch complex
    2. 245# clean pauses and jerk
    3. 225# front squat cheated myself here should have bumped up to 245#
    4. 37 sec best hold 24 sec worst hold. everything else fell in between. sub 30 sec on.all m.u. hspu
    5. 10:18 rx on metcon
    I needed one of those days where everything just goes right. that was today. much needed for the psyche. It's def been awhile.

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  21. Open. Did metcon last
    1. #115. Still working on getting under the bar--wanted a weight I could use with no misses.
    2. #235
    3. 10:25 as RX with sloooow step-ups. Box jumps are a goat. Last Saturday's 20 min. AMRAMP went fine jumping off of grass, doing repeats. Off the flooring at the gym...not so much. Suppose I need an OTM couplet of box jumps and something else to work on that skill...

    BP 38/5'11"/195

  22. OPEN
    3) 165 should have gone heavier.

  23. OPEN
    11:55 ...w/ hand release burpees. I paced too slow, my splits were 4:10, 4:00, 3:45, it's better than nothing and I struggled to do anythng at all today, workouts have been flattening, exhausting and depressing me.

    front squats 135x6, 225x6, 315x4,f, 365F, 275x6, 275x6

  24. 1) 135x2, 140x2, 145. I know, across. :-/
    2) 185-195-205
    3) 165. Went light and focused on form.
    4) done, l-sits about :15 per
    5) 12:46. Not good. Legs were gone.

  25. 1. 135 lbs
    2. 185 lbs
    3. 225 lbs
    4. Done ...need to practice my MU
    5. 11:57


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  27. 1.) 95
    2.) 135/185/185
    3.) 235
    4.) Done (L-sits 7/7/7/7/6/7)
    5.) 13:44

  28. Open
    11:53-happy under 12min but could have shaved some off and went 11:30 or so but I'm learning to pace myself.


    250lbs-too light

  29. Reg
    1.100# across

    2. 135/145/145

    3.135 across, didn't push the weight today

    4.since muscle ups are still a big goat of mine, did otmx12
    odd - 2 muscle ups
    even - 5 hspu
    then did extra mu and l-sit work after

    5. 12:35

  30. Regional
    1. 175# no misses felt great
    2. 205#, 225#, 245#
    3. 215#
    4. Done-straight mu&hspu, highest l-sit 16sec, lowest 7sec ( still need a lot of work on these)
    5. 9:21 (all row avg 1:39-1:44, didn't miss a sec on jumps!!)

    1. Holy steamroller, that's fast! Nice work Wags!

    2. Thanks shane. Box jumps are my thing and my lungs felt good.

  31. OPEN
    1. 14:30

    2. 73 w/ a miss on the 2 hang snatch, reset and did it again. No other misses

    3. 95/115/115/115...did 115 b/c I never did more than 5 unbroken on the WOD the other day.

    Day 4 of Strict Paleo...Feel Great! Better every day.

  32. Open.

    1. 10:40. Happy with sub 11. Managed to stay consistent on the rounds, around 3:30 each. A few no reps on the box jumps, but unbroken on round 2-3. Split into 13+8 on round 1.
    2. 50 kg/110 pounds.
    3. 100kg/220 pounds.

  33. Happy bday Wags!
    Thanks CF Summa for having me down today!
    1. 9:28
    2. 155#x5; set 6- 195#(went a lil too light, no misses scared me)

  34. Regionals
    Snatch complex - 110 across
    Clean compiles - 145, 155, 165
    12 min work - Lsits need work 20-25 sec holds .. Muscle hspu's felt good:)
    Wod : 11:23

  35. Regional

    1) Snatch - 175 Across
    2) Clean - 225 Across
    3) Front Squats - 245 Across
    4) Done
    5) 10:09 RX

  36. Open:
    1) 13:58 RX
    2) 110# No misses
    3) 200# across

  37. Regionals

    Felt like crap today, pulled it back, focused really hard on technique.
    1)135 across. Working that bottom....
    2)185 across, nice and slow, perfect positioning and sticking the landing. Felt good today.
    3)245, across


  38. Open
    1. 10:26
    2. 135, adjusted my feet and landed wider felt great
    3. #195 felt good will try 205 next time

    Thanks for the push Keith and Erica!!

  39. 1) 10:25 everything unbroken
    2). 185
    3). 205, 215, 225, 225
    4). Staring contest 5 hours unbroken..I'm amazing
    5). I did the MU/HSPU and the L sits were all 18-20 seconds

  40. regoinals
    1. 205#- felt great today. fast and solid
    2. 300#, got 315# but missed the jerk
    3. EMOM: done. felt great again. l-sits need work.
    4. 315# across
    5. metcon: 9:25

    1. Seriously impressive numbers all the way around!

    2. thanks man. you killed today too.

  41. 1. 155
    2. 215,235,245
    3. 215,225,235,235
    4. Odd: 23,21,23,21,21,19
    Even: 20,12,13,13,11.5,17
    5. 10:57

  42. Open

    Just did the WOD today since I have a competition in Philly this weekend. 11:13

    Taking tomorrow to do some recovery and a slow run before the competition.

    1. Thanks. It is a partner comp at CrossFit 215. It is my friend's first comp, so she is nervous :)

      I have two others coming up Sept 21 at Arenal Fitness in Baltimore and then the Mid-Atlantic Hopper Challenge on Oct 5-6. Going to be a fun, competition filled month :)

  43. OPEN:
    metcon - 11:03 rx
    snatch complex - 115# across
    front squat - 225# across

  44. Open
    1. 10:04
    2. First 5 at 155 the last at 195
    3. 265 felt great
    And tanks buss and Erica for coming out it was a good push and. Lot of fun!!
    And happy bday wags!!

  45. Regionals

    1) 143

    2) 198/209/220

    3) 253

    4) Done; hspu are a big goat of mine. managed rd 1-3 unbroken and 4-6 in sets of 2s. muscle-ups felt really good.

    5) 11.08

  46. 1) 155 Across, could have been heavier, but focussed on speed. Really wanted to be fast on these, and fast I was. No misses, felt great.

    2) 185, 205, 225, again, could have gone heavier, but wanted things to be right.

    3) 225, felt great.

    4) Done, MU and HSPU unbroken througout, L-sits were a little fuzzy. Not so good, but can't win em' all,

    5) 11:43. I'll take it, metcon is improving.

  47. Regionals
    1) 145 - P.Snatch felt great!
    2) 185, 205, 215
    3) 275, 265, 265, 265
    4) DNF - got 5' in and my bicep tendon got angry
    5) 12:48 - Box Jumps are a goat, especially when legs are already fatigued. Gotta keep getting better!

  48. Open

    1) 12:29
    2) 95# feel good solid technique
    3) 135# se sintio pesado en la 5ta y 6ta rep

  49. 165 1 miss full snatch
    OTM Done. Solid. L-Sits need work but held between 10-17sec. Muscle Ups are fun and HSPU are my favorite.
    CrossFit Battleground

  50. Open

    1. 11:08rx

    2. 165

    3. Didn't get to do it. My son got sick.

  51. Open Program
    1) 10:28 - very pleased here. Couple misses on the box jumps but otherwise felt great.
    2) 135 - could have probably gone 5-10# heavier but technique felt good
    2) 215 - got better each set surprisingly.

  52. Open
    1) 10:05
    2) 185
    3) 135 knee was bothering me

  53. Did some strength first

    1.) Only comfortable doing power cleans with my back right now, so went heavy on some power cleans and push jerks

    2.) Metcon: 10:18...rowing is one of my biggest goats so happy! Missed a few box jumps which isn't usual so that slowed me down.

  54. Open:

    1.) 11:02

    2.) 135#

    3.) 2x6@205#

    Than distraction...need to gain mental focus

    205# x 3

    Then 205# x 5

    Feel good overall but shoulda woulda coulda 4x6

  55. AM
    snatch complex- 95 across no misses, stayed light to work on technique
    3 position pause clean and jerk- 135/145/155 no misses
    front squat 4x6- 155 across

    wod w/500m row: 11:30Rx
    gymnastics modified: on the 90s ish- 1 muscle up 6hspu x6 f/1/1/1/1/f/1/1 hspu unbroken
    100 hollow rocks- 4:23

  56. Open
    1) 13:41rx
    2) 75# snatch complex
    3) 120# fs

  57. Reg/Masters

    1). Snatch Complex@115
    2). C&J Complex @205
    3). F. Squat @235
    4). EMOM done!
    5). Ran out of time

  58. 1-snatch complex at 135 across
    2-4x6 front squats at 225
    3-gymnastic wod finished as rx with l sit ranging from 20 to 110 seconds
    4- metcon at 10:59rx

  59. Open

    1. Metcon - 12:00 flat. No rower, subbed 50 sdhps with 45# barbell.

    2. Snatch complex - 135 across

    3. FS - 255 across

  60. Open
    1) 9:13 Felt great on this
    2) 125# Missed the squat snatch on third set. no excuses.
    3) 205#

  61. Open

    1) 10:56 - Box jumps felt terrible.
    2) @ 115# - felt better as I went
    3) @ 185#

  62. Open-

    1) 14:06, did all step-downs because I've got a low back issue going on. Feels like a pinched nerve, not fun.

    2) 1 miss at 135

    3) No time and nursing the back.

  63. 1. 155#
    2. 185# 205# 225#
    3. 225#
    4. MUs (3,2,3,2,0,1) LSits (18,12,10,10,9,8)
    5. Did not do. Had 2hr soccer practice last night on rest day.

  64. Open
    Metcon: 9:46 Felt good should have rowed faster
    Snatch complex: 135 and then 155 for shits and giggles
    Front Squat: 195 should have gone heavier

    Thanks Erica and Bus for coming out and getting a WOD in!

  65. 1. 165 across
    2. 185-205-225
    3. 225 across
    4. all mu + strict hspu unbroken
    L-sits went: 30/20/20/20/15/11
    5. 11:09

  66. First WOD following this program whilst I am in the USA (from NZ) for four months.
    Looking forward to getting stuck into it.

  67. Regionals- 21/160lbs/ 93rd in SE Region in 2013

    1. 145 across.. no misses. thumbs felt like they were gonna rip off using hook grip!!!

    2. 185- 205- 225- clean and smooth everything!

    3. (emotm on accident before FS)- UB Muscle-ups and HSPU's UB on cylinder pole for fun, alternated from Rogue Parra's to rings due to having only one pair.. 45sec (para), :23 (ring), :21 (para), 21 (ring), :26 (para), 23 (rings)
    -Realized during this how much I use my core to kip those MU's. Became the hardest part of this WOD

    4. FS @ 225 across.. shouilda went a little heavier.

    4 hours later (had meeting and coaching)- 5. Rx 9:54.. UB everything. one time came off the box too fast, and wasn't able to bound off the ground.

  68. Regionals:
    1) 135
    2) 205/235/255
    3) 235
    4) Since bar mups are a problem I did those instead and only did 3 HSPU a round, right shoulder has been giving me some issues, L-Sits were one leg
    5) 13:45 Metcom slooooow, I need to get those rebounding box jumps
    As a side note, it is amazing how much nutrition and hydration effects the work out, that and night shifts...No excuses though!

  69. Regionals: Knee felt horrible today. Went/forced to go a little lighter on some of these.
    1) 115
    2) 165/185/185
    3) 205
    4) Longest L-sit was 1 min, then :25 and :30 sec. MU and HSPU felt fine.
    5) 11:45 Rx

  70. 1.) snatches 85#

    2.) cleans/jerk 125#

    3.) 4x6 front squats at 185#... made some REALLY strange noises standing up with those final two. : )

    4.) 12 minutes done... max l-sit was only 20 seconds, and a handful of the muscle ups were failed attempts (although i did nail all three in the first couple sets) when i failed, i just moved on. little kids were heckling me from the patio where i had to run to each round to do HSPU. haha

    5) 11:20 Rx

  71. Open.

    1. 11:53. My goal was sub 12, so glad I just made it

    2. Done at 115. Snatch was not feeling good today

    3. Done at 235. My quads were burning from the row still.

    1. 145
    2. 205, 215, 225
    3. 240
    4. Done @ Rx
    5. 11:15 @ Rx

  73. Open

    1) 10:39
    2) @ 135 lbs
    3) @ 245 lbs

  74. Open

    1) 10:12
    Felt good!

    2) 175#
    Tried 185# in my build-up but missed.

    3) 235#
    Could've put a little more weight..

  75. M/25/5'6"/178/Southeast
    5)10:23 Rx

  76. Open:

    1. now rower so Ran 400m instead of row. Rest Rx'd.

    2. 95lbs. Big goat of mine that's improved a lot. couple months ago i couldn't ohs this weight. Felt good today.

  77. Open/Masters
    Lifted first, but noted in prescribed order

    1. Metcon
    14:39 rx
    Rowing is always slow for me, I'm 4"11.
    2. Snatch: 75, 80, 85, 85, 85 (no misses)
    3. FS: 125, 125, 125, 125 (no misses)

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  79. Open.
    10:28 rx
    225 across in the front squats. Legs felt beyond dead after the metcon.
    135 for the snatch complex.

  80. Regionals:
    1) 60-70-80-90-95 feeling tired
    2) 95-110-125
    4) MU are goats so 1 emom and 5 hspu
    5) 12:17

  81. Regionals:
    1) 60-70-80-90-95 feeling tired
    2) 95-110-125
    4) MU are goats so 1 emom and 5 hspu
    5) 12:17

  82. Open
    3. @ 205
