Monday, April 28, 2014

Tuesday 4.29.14

There is going to be bad weather, your judge is going to miscount your reps, the workout is going to hurt, your equipment is going to fail.  Expect it...and overcome it.

NOTE TO MASTERS ATHLETES - If you qualified for the Games, Congrats!  You are now Games athletes and should be following the "Games Programming", scaling loads, reps and volume as needed.  If you are not going to the Games, your focus is on next year's Open so you should be following the "Open Programming".

1.  Snatch Complex
work up to heavy set of: Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch + Squat Snatch

2.  Jerk
work up to a 3 rep max jerk - must be cleaned from the ground, no racks.

3.  Front Squat
1 RM

4.  Gymnastics Benchmark
max unbroken C2B Pull ups
Goal:  Guys 40+, Girls 30+
If you are under the goal number, complete an additional 40/30 reps.

5.  AMRAP 10:
up ladder of 5-10-15-20-25-30... Wall Balls 30/20 - as high as possible.
5 Hang Power Clean, 185/135 between every set of wall balls.

1.  AMRAP 10:
up ladder of 5-10-15-20-25-30... Wall Balls 30/20 - as high as possible.
5 Hang Power Clean, 165/115 between every set of wall balls.

2.  Snatch Complex
work up to heavy set of: Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch + Squat Snatch

3.  Jerk
work up to a 3 rep max jerk - must be cleaned from the ground, no racks.


  1. Is the snatch complex to be done without dropping between movements or are we to power snatch, drop & reset, hang snatch, drop & rest, full snatch?

    1. either works - if you are an o-lifter, dropping is appropriate. If you are a crossfitter, unbroken.

  2. Ben,

    Not sure if you addressed this before, but if we only have a 20# WB, should we follow a different rep scheme? Do the same rep scheme but a heaving hang clean? Or just stick with the RX and expect to score a little higher?


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. "Winners don't make excuses when the other side plays the game." - Harvey Specter.

    1. Good quote! As well as the one Ben posted.

      Found myself cursing when I saw that handstand walk then read these and felt a whole lot better. No doubt there is going to be things that is not in your wheel house, embrace it, work it and overcome it! I will be doing handstands everyday untill regionals!

  5. Ben, hello, in jerk I must to do clean only once or every three reps?

    1. Sounds like he intends for you to complete one clean, to get the bar to your shoulders, then three consecutive jerks. Good luck!

  6. Anyone follow from Austin, TX? I'm in town until Wednesday!

    1. Hey Dylan....I train at Woodward Crossfit up in north Austin. Hit me up on here and let me know when is good for you to workout.

    2. I coach at Crossfit oakhill. We would love for you to stop by!

  7. My school gym doesn't have a medicine ball above 17.6 lbs or a wall above 8 feet high in the gym. Do you guys have a possible remedy or exchange for the wallballs then?

    1. You can always do 65 or 75lb thrusters.

    2. Alright sounds good thanks for the pointers.

  8. hey coach, quick question, if we are competing in the first weekend regionals, are you going to taper our volume/load next week?

  9. Open:
    1. 143 reps
    2. Only light weight because of r.c. Injury.
    3. Not done

  10. Open:
    1. 8 WBs in set of 35
    2. Done something like this yesterday.
    3. 100kgX3 - success, 110 kg - failed at the third rep.

  11. Open
    1) Completed round of 30 WB then 1 PC
    2) completed @ 145#. I did hit the pwr snatch and hang sqt snatch @ 155#, then lost my balance in the sqt snatch. On a positive note a 155 pwr snatch is a 10# PR and is my body weight.
    3) did not have time

  12. Open
    1. 15 WBS on the round of 30 (12 kg WB)
    2. Skipped du to shoulder injury (can't snatch)
    3. 95 kg. Had more but stayed moderate. No have jerked heavy for 8 weeks or more.

  13. Master 44
    1. Only thru 25's. Felt aweful.
    2. 145 felt good.
    3. 205 happy here too.

  14. Regional:

    1. Snatch Complex - 98kg/215lb (Almost got 102kg/225lb, shoulder just gave way on the squat snatch right at the end)

    2. Jerk - 125kg/276lb (Built up nice and slow so was good to have some technique practice with this movement)

    3. Front Squat - 155kg/342lb (2kg PR)

    4. Gymnastics Benchmark - 30reps - followed by 4x10 reps unbroken with 30-45sec rest (Lost rhythm on the bar and had to come off, sets of 10 felt very easy, got some good confidence from this session on the bar)

    5. AMRAP 10 - No idea haha I finished at 25 Wall Balls either going to 30 or 35, massive difference but I totally lost where I was after I finished:-)

  15. 1. AMRAP 10:
    136 w/ 30# wb; it felt like a ton of bricks today
    2 & 3) Skipped; still doing catalyst.
    On a positive note from the catalyst cycle, I hit a triple power clean TnG today at my previous 1RM clean and jerk of 245#, I feel like I'm getting stronger and positions are dialing in.

    1. Cheers Blaine - nice work on the TnG clean PR.

  16. Open

    1) AMRAP - 25 wb + 5 HPC + 1 WB - 25 lb WB to 10' target
    2) Snatch - 155
    3) Jerk - 200

  17. OPEN
    1. AMRAP 10 - 6 rounds Rx (135 reps)
    2. Snatch Complex - 95/115/125/135 (left shoulder is still "tweaky")
    3. 3RM Jerk - 175/185/195/205 (15# PR)
    4. Week 2 of 5-3-1 - Squat

    1. Nice PR on the jerk man solid work, you've gotta be getting close to 250ish

  18. Regionals:

    1) Snatch - 215
    2) 3rm jerk - 275
    3) 1rm FS - 385
    4) c2b - 41
    5) metcon - 82 reps

  19. Regionals (kinda):

    1. Snatch complex: 145 lbs. Pretty happy about this. I think I had 155 in me.
    2. 3RM Jerk: 200 lbs. I did all push jerk, since I really don't do them very often and could get better at them.
    3. 1 RM front squat: 295 lbs. Failed 315 lbs. three times. PR is 310. 315 is mine next time.
    4. Because my hands are ripped to shreds from the bar muscle ups yesterday, I did max effort strict pull-ups. 16. Need to get better here too.
    5. AMRAP 10: 124 reps. I had to do singles for the last 14 wall balls because the damn thing was totally uncatchable from all the sweat. 90 degrees and 95% humidity makes for a very wet environment. Haha!

    Have a great day everyone!

  20. Open

    1. 130 reps (25 reps on the round of 30) - paced myself a little too much. Did this with a 25# slam ball. Those things don't rebound off the wall all that well. Need to stand with your nose up against the wall practically :-)

    2. Snatch complex: 135, 155, 165, then failed at 175. Not enough rest between wod 1 and 2... but that's probably the stim Ben was looking for.

    3. Ran out of time. Bummer

  21. Open
    1. 142 rx (7 Wall balls on the round of 35)
    2. 135,145,155
    3) 215

  22. Regionals.

    Shoulders were shot today because I did the 3x3 squat workout followed by the HSPU and rope climb workout yesterday. Had a bad day of training on Saturday and rested on Sunday. Felt real good about my performance yesterday went 15.01 on HSPU wod and sub'd L-pull-ups for rope climbs. But my shoulders were wrecked for today. But HSPU's are a huge goat so figured I really needed to get that one in.

    Here's today's work though: felt good overall other than shoulder fatigue.

    1) 165. Failed squat snatch at 170.

    2) 195. Know I have 205-210 in me, but not today.

    3) 320. 10# off my or. But was at the house and ran out of weight. Was very challenging though probably my max for the day.

    4) 28. Then did 4x10 with 1min rest. Felt really good here.

    5) 187reps. 12 wallballs into the set of 40. Used a 20# ball seeing as that is all I have.

  23. Open:

    1. AMRAP 10: 110 reps w 30# WB and 135# HPC
    2. Complete @ 115#
    3. 175# 3RM Jerk from the ground - failed the 3rd rep of 185#

    Today was just one of those days. I wasn't feeling it from when I woke up and I literally just went through the motions. Luckily I have to take a day off tomorrow. Looking forward to make up tomorrow's WOD on Thursday.

  24. Started up the 3 week smolov jr. program for front squats, so my posts will be fairly erratic...

    1) Snatch Complex - 225lb

    2) Jerk triple from floor - 275 lb (300 x 2, failed 3rd rep @ 300 lb).

    Different metcon... did Sunday's regional work yesterday and not feeling wall balls after 150 pistols

  25. 1. Done 30 WB + 5 PCL + 2WB
    2. Snatch Complex 80kg
    3. Jerk 115 kg

  26. Open/Masters
    1) 192, done with my heaviest ball (25#), HPC @165#.
    2) 145#. Failed @ 155.
    3) 220#. Failed last jerk @ 225.

    1. Wow you are a mad man with the wall balls holly cow that's a ton in 10 mins I don't care what size ball you use

    2. I'll second that Blaine. Stellar work Steeve

    3. Nice work as always Steeve!

  27. Not a great day for me, we all have them looking forward to a better day tomorrow!

    A. Snatch complex
    *failed the squat snatch at 200lb x2

    B. Jerk triple from the floor

    C. Gymnastics
    Max unbroken c2b=3
    (Rest 2 min)
    Then OTM sets until 40

    D. 10 min AMRAP (30# WB + 165lb Hang PCL)
    =12 WB of 25 (62 total WB)

    Had no steam or push during this WOD. Took to the picture and quote of the day and performed this outside in the rain.

  28. Open:
    1) 92rx!
    2) 65kg (143.3lbs)
    3) 83kg (182.98lbs)

    Gotta get after that 30lb ball more often. Glad I went RX and didn't scale the HPC or WB's. Snatches felt terrible and Jerks were ok (83% of 1RM) Just felt stiff today, need to focus on mobility. I had an Oly coach in the box that gave me some solid cues in Norwegian. Problem is I don't speak Norwegian.

  29. Open
    1. 20 wb's out of 35- 25# wb/185# h.cln(UB)
    2. low back is tight worked up to 165# and called it
    3. low back - worked up to 245# and called it

  30. Open
    1. 133 reps (made it through round of 30 wallball + 3 HPC)
    2. 165#
    3. 225#

  31. Open
    1.33 reps into the set of 35 w/20 lb ball
    2. 155lbs
    3. 245lbs

  32. Open
    1) 30WB + 5PC w/20# WB
    2) 185#
    3) 225#

  33. Regionals:
    I've been feeling a bit off lately.

    1. Opted to only Hang Snatch - 205lbs

    2. 265lbs - Split Jerk

    3. 295lbs (~40lbs off PR)

    4. 32UB then 4 sets of 10 (never done this before, so I guess it's a PR!)

    5. Finished the round of 25 + 20/30 wall balls ....threw 30lbs to ~11.5'

    Wow 30lbs that high makes a huge difference. Wall balls are in my wheel house. Not today though. This entire session kicked my ass. I'll be getting lots of sleep tonight and plan to CRUSH it tomorrow.

  34. Open:

    1) 175. Finished the round of 35 completely.

    2) 185. This was a bit wobbly after 140 wall balls with a 30. Will try to pick up the snatch volume a bit as supplemental work. After switching from regionals to the open, the O-lifts definitely don't feel as consistent as they used to, engines a hell of a lot better though.

    3) 245, again, so many wall balls.

  35. Open: Felt horrible today. A cpl positives tho.
    1. 159, 14 into rnd of 35. No rhythm or strength.
    2. 185, felt heavy but really good otherwise considering 185# kicked my ass last week.
    3. 225, felt shaky and had some shoulder pain bringing back to front rack so called it. Felt really fast under bar tho.

  36. Open:
    1. 135 reps. 25lb wall ball, 175 power clean.
    2. 145
    3. 185.

  37. Regionals:
    1. worked up to 155lbs
    2. 3RM jerk - 215lbs
    3. Front squat 1RM - 265lbs
    5. Metcon with 20lbs wall ball and 135lbs power cleans, 160 reps

  38. 1) 155 got to box late didn't warm up right
    2) 255 not feeling it
    3) 355 10# PR haha funny everything leading up to this felt like shit then PR.

  39. Open:

    1. 5 WB into round of 35 (RX)
    2. 155#

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Regionals
    1. opted to work on my hang squat snatch technic.. up to 205.. missed 3 times 215 not by much...
    3. up to 396 lbs (180kgs)
    4. 24 and i dropped my jaw on the bar... so i stopped and then i did the 40 others in 2 sets
    5. 11 in the set of 35.. i only had a 15kgs slamball and work on those hang cleans at 185lbs.

  42. Got 15 on the round of 35. Had to drop to 135 on hang PC.

    Snatch complex. 155! Loved that circuit.

    225 on jerk

  43. Open
    1. Got thru 28 of the set of 30 WBs
    2. Snatch complex - got 185, missed 195 PS
    3. 3rm jerk - 245 push jerks. Missed 255, shoulders were shot

  44. OPEN/Masters

    1 HPC after 25 Wall Balls... (96 reps)
    30# WB & Then I noticed I was using 175# for HPC...ha...let someone else load the bar for me...

    Snatch Complex ~ 155#

    No Jerk for me today...shoulder and wrist were feeling it after the snatches

    1. Someone sabotage your bar Tony! I feel your pain with the wrist, mine has given me problems too. Way to grind though!

  45. Open

    1. Made it through 5 wb's in the set of 35 (this wod was in my wheelhouse)

    2. Snatch Complex - got 175, failed power snatch at 185, really need to get my power snatch up, think i'm doing something wrong when it comes to power snatches.

    3. 3rm Jerk from the floor - made 245, failed last jerk at 265, was under it and locked, but elbows gave out, bringing that heavy of a weight back down to the rack position was murdering my elbows.

  46. Open/Masters (41)

    1. 162 reps (27 of 35 WB's) used 20# WB and 185# clean

    2. Worked to 165#

    3. Jerk 3RM 220# all split jerks


  47. Regionals:
    1. Opted to do a single hang snatch - 150# (25# PR.. whoa) now it matches my snatch from the ground. stoked!

    2. 3 rep jerk from floor - 175#

    3. Front Squat 1RM - 225#

    4. Gymnastics - worked on butterfly C2B. Definitely can't to 30 UB so did 40 total.

    4. Finished the round of 30 wall balls - threw 20# ball to over 10ft. 135# HPC unbroken.

  48. Open/Masters 48

    1. got 29 wb in round of 30. 25# wb and 135# hpc
    2. got 115# from the hang twice but failed the full squat clean.
    3. 185#.

  49. So how often will do 30lb wall balls show up? Enough to buy one? And do 25lb wallball shots get programmed? I would just like to know so I know if I should go ahead and buy a 25 &30 lb ball.

    1. Coach programs 30# WB's a lot

    2. A 30 sucks, it sucks so bad, but they come up often and training with a 30 makes the 20 feel like a 10. If you have the means to spring for a 30, it may be worth it, even if you sold your 25 used on Craigslist. Having a 20 and 30 I think is a good plan.

  50. Open
    1) Completed set of 30 + 21 WB - Used 25# on WB.
    2) 165# - Happy with this.
    3) 225#

    Feeling pretty beat up, rest day can't come soon enough!

  51. Open
    1- round of 25 plus 15 wallballs=115 reps
    2- 135-145-155-165
    3- 185-205-215
    Felt good to hit the jerks at 215 when I missed it yesterday.

  52. Regionals
    So today is the only day of the week I'm going to be able to follow since i start shutting down for the weekend comp on thursday and tomorrow i got team practice.

    1. 205 on snatch complex. Didn't attempt 215
    2. 245lbs on 3rm jerk. Didn't attempt 255
    3. 315 FS
    4. 30 Unbroken c2b
    5. Used a 30lbs and a 10ft target. Finished the round of 25. I had a lot of trouble catching it on the way down. Need a lot of work on these.

    Really didn't push myself today, I guess I'm playing it safe. But that doesn't change the fact that I struggled with those wall balls.

  53. I was just not feeling the workout at all today
    1)112 reps (with thrusters instead of WB)
    2)I'm still trying to get my technique down 132 lbs which is a PB
    3)175-195 my shoulders were absolutely dead after only my second day on the program.

  54. #225 complex
    #275 3rm jerk
    #345 FS
    40 c2b
    Got 12 WB in 30

  55. Open:
    1. Round of 35- 14 wall balls (20 lb)

    Not sure if we were supposed to do the complexes T & G, but that's how I did them.

    2. Snatch Complex- 175# (Big Weakness)
    3. 3 RM Squat Clean & Jerk- 235#

  56. Open
    Today was rough. Only had time to do two of the exercises and Wall Balls destroyed me. I typically welcome wall ball even with Bertha (yes I named my 30# ball) but today they tore me apart.

    1. 11 Wall Balls into round of 30
    2. 185-200(failed hang sqt snatch)

    1. completed round of 25
    2. 65#

    Tomorrow is another day

    Josh & Katie

  57. 1: Up to 205....felt slow
    2: 255...felt pretty good about this
    3: Did squats yesterday
    4: My pull ups were shit....forearms and hands fucked up...25...did extra 55
    5: Did 75lb thrusters instead of wall to 27 127 reps.

  58. Open
    1. 109 reps RX (round 25+ 9 wall balls)
    2. Worked up to 90#
    3. Worked up to 125# for push jerk and 140# spilt jerk.

  59. Regional Programming
    1. 155# Frustrating effort. Have lots more in me.
    2. 235# Just went for a heavy set of 3
    3. 340# - 25# pr
    4. Tore on rep 15. Didnt want to mess the hands up too bad with regionals next weekend so stopped there.
    5. Got through the set of 30 wb and 3 hang cleans.

  60. Masters 46
    2015 Open
    1.) 95 reps total, hang cleans were heavy, WB's felt good.
    2.) OHS instead of Snatch, worked on depth and stability 3-5 second pause @ bottom. # 125
    3.) ran out of time.

  61. 1. Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch + Squat Snatch @ 135#
    My fingers are kind of destroyed, was hard to keep hold of the bar, am hoping this would be heavier on a better day

    2. Jork up to a 3 rep max jerk - must be cleaned from the ground, no racks @ 175#
    Considering my 1RM from two weeks ago was 190# (is now 205#) I am pretty pleased with this... I am finally understanding how to jerk properly!

    3. Front Squat 1 RM @ 225# (10# PR)
    Pretty happy with this, still think I have more in me!

    4. Gymnastics Benchmark max unbroken C2B Pull ups
    Skipped, allowing hands to heal up a bit

    5. AMRAP 10:
    Wall Balls @ 20# (to 10')
    5 Hang Power Clean @ 135#
    I hate that 20# WB with a passion... made it through 107 (7 reps @ 30 WB) definitely did not push very hard here

  62. 1. Complex- 115# need a more aggressive pull
    2. 3RD Jerk- 160#, made smaller jumps here and alternated between SJ and PJ to practice both
    3. Front Squat- 245# (10# under my old max)
    4. Gymnastic- 10 c2b (weakness) then did sets of 5 after that
    5. AMRAP- scaled weight to 125# and got 3 reps into set of 30 wbs

  63. 1.snatch complex 185

    2.jerk 255 . I squat cleaned to get the bar off the floor and was feeling pretty strong so I kept going with just the clean ended up hitting 305 which is a 5lb PR

    3.C2B-20 unbroken then did 4 min EMOM 10 every min

    4. Ladder made it threw the 25 wall balls and hit the 5 HPCL=RX

  64. Open
    1. Finished round of 20WB + 5 HPCs. 70 reps. Got stuck at power cleans. First workout with a 30# wall ball.
    2. Snatch complex - 115#
    3. Jerk - 170#

  65. open
    1) 18 wallballs on round of 30 at 135#
    2) 115#
    3) 165#
