Saturday, May 3, 2014

Sunday 5.4.14

Michele Letendre

1.  Snatch
5x1 Hang Squat Snatch at 90%

2.  Handstand Walk
6x50' - rest 1 minute between sets

3.  5RFT:
15 Front Squats, 175/125
12 Strict HSPU
9 Hang Power Cleans, 175/125
6 Muscle ups

Rest Day


  1. anybody adding the WODs to beyondthewhiteboard?

  2. Regional:

    1. Snatch - 93kg/205lb (Felt solid, no misses)

    2. Handstand Walk - Done

    3. 5RFT - 30min of work (Tank is empty, niggle in shoulder prevented me from doing all the HSPU, slipped out of a couple of MU too, overal I'm pretty beat up, bring on tomorrow's rest!)

  3. Regionals

    1. Snatch 5x1 across @ 180#

    2. Handstand Walks done; tried sprinting each one. kept it under :15 secs per 50' trip

    3. 5RFT done in 24:00
    My shoulders are smoked usually Strict HSPUs are no problem but i had to break these up from the first round 3 sets of 4. HPC stayed UB minus the fourth round. MUs UB and I was in survival mode on the front squats

  4. Played in a rugby 7's comp today. It went well but I am feeling the hits now!

  5. Made up Monday's work

    1) Surfer on Acid - 7:30. 6 seconds slower then last time.
    2) PC + 2 FS + Jerk @ 205#
    3) OTM: 10 min - 5 C2B. All butterfly

  6. Sorry for missing the past few days everyone. Been sick all week - doing what I can when I can. horrible timming -
    Jumped back on today

    Snatch heavy single to 231, then 90% - x 5 at 220,

    Handstand walk practise done - not timed

    Metcon: 27:30
    Movin slow.. urgh

  7. Hey everyone. We're at the midpoint of our season right now and just wanted to give an update on how it's going. We're currently 12-4 and ranked 10th in the state. Off to a real nice start.
    I am currently hitting just above .400 on the season with 2 homeruns, 7 doubles and 19 RBI's. I also just recently committed to play college baseball at Vincennes University, which is a JUCO in southern Indiana. Ben, I would just like to thank you and everyone here. Without this I would not be having the type of season I am having.

    1. Congrats on your season Austin. Good luck with college ball as well. I was also a ball player. I played at D 2 baseball at west Chester university in PA. 01-04.

    2. Congrats Austin, keep it up!

  8. Regional
    1. 205,205,215,225,220
    2. Hs walks DONE
    3. 26:30 tank is empty after 3 straight regionals days wods.

  9. I've been MIA for a couple days, I had some back issues and attended Diane Fu's Oly Seminars yesterday. It was awesome!
    Did some comp prep for this weekend
    1. 7 min AMRAP- 100 DU's buy in, then 10 h.DB sqt clans 50#, 10 meter farmer carry lunge.
    4 rds +8
    2. 3 min Row for max distance- 934 meters.
    We also started a 30 min/30 days sqt challenge....Done

  10. Masters 46
    Did Fridays Open WOD
    1.) 3 RFT (13:50)
    400 meter run
    10 Front Squats 185 (from floor)
    50 DU's
    2.) EMOM x 10
    Clean, Hang Sq Clean, Push & Split jerk. 1-5 #135 5-10 #155
    3.) emom x 7
    6 unbroken C2B (Done)
