Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Wednesday 5.7.14

CFNE TEAM A athlete, Geoff Leard.

1.  2RFT:
25 Pull ups
5 OHS, 205/135
rest 3 minutes

2.  EMOMx30
Min 1:  10 Cal Row
Min 2:  10 BJ Overs, 24/18
Min 3:  10 Deads, 185/135
Min 4:  10 Wall Balls, 20/14
Min 5:  10 Ring Dips
Min 6:  Rest

1.  Hang Power Cleans
EMOMx5: 6 reps at 185/135

2.  Front Squats
4x6 across

3.  10 RFT:
18 Cal Row
6 Strict HSPU

4.  5 RFT:
200m Run
40 Double unders
10 KBS, 70/53

1.  Front Squat

2.  Push Press

3.  Thruster

4.  5 RFT:
200m Run
40 Double unders
10 KBS, 70/53


  1. Open:
    1. 130kg x 1 130kg x 1 140kg x 1
    2. 3 sets of 110kg x 1
    3. 3 sets of 100kg x 1

    Metcon - 10:54 on treadmill

  2. Open:

    Front Squat smolov Jr week 2 day 2
    - 7 x 5 @ 270

    Push Press 3 x 1 @ 225, 245, 265 (10lb PR)

    Metcon - 9:24 Rx. Tripped up on DU a lot more than usual...

  3. Open master 44
    1. 275,300,305f
    3. 195,205,215
    4. 10:57 RX. Great wod. Too many trips on du's and running still a work in progress.

  4. Games/Masters:
    1. Scale to 80kg. Done.
    2. 120kg
    3. KipHSPU 15:45
    4. 9:59 (treadmill)

  5. Open.
    1) 140kg, 150kg, 150kg
    2) weakness 3@100kg
    3) 90kg, 90kg, 100kg

    Metcon: 5Rft
    Did 10×20m shuttles

  6. OPEN
    1. Front Squat - 1 x 285/295/305
    2. Push Press - 1 x 195/205/215(f)
    3. Thruster - 1 x 195/205/215(f)
    4. Metcon - DNS

    ... 10# PR on the FS - 315# is in sight ...
    .... 5# PR on PP and Thruster - got greedy on the last set ...

    1. Nice work on the PRs Chris! Getting strong in the front squats!

  7. Open

    1) 285
    2) 205
    3) 185
    4) 8:21 - run distance was box to corner and back - more than 100m, less than 200m

  8. OPEN

    1. Worked up to 265# and then missed at 290# for a PR attempt
    2. Hit 205#
    3. Hit 195#
    4. Metcon: 8:58 RX

  9. Open
    335# front squat. Pr
    235# push press. Pr
    215# thruster
    Shoulders are fried
    Metcon 10:10

  10. Regional (2nd group)

    1 EMOM done @185#

    2 4x6 front squat across at 250#

    3 10RFT 15:11

    4 later... Had to end my workout prematurely

  11. 1. FSquat 130-130-135kg
    2. PPress 110-115-120kg
    3. Thruster 100-105-110kg
    4. Metcon 10:48 (50DU)

  12. Open:

    1. Front Squat 275, 285, 295
    2. Push Press 195, 205, 215
    3. Thrusters 205, 215, 220 (PR)
    4. Metcon 10:54 Rx. I don't know what happened Monday, but my hamstrings are two huge knots right now. The only thing I can think of is maybe the back extensions in the FF got me. Whatever it is has made running extremely unpleasant and worst of all, slow.

    1. I don't know about Monday but the 21-15-9 DL and run workout did the same thing to my hammies. They were pretty tight this morning that's why I'm waiting till this afternoon to do the metcon

    2. It was definitely Monday because both of my hammies seized up during the runs yesterday, but I am sure the Deadlifts didn't make today any better! Haha

    3. My hammies are so tight, you just reminded me why; I subbed good mornings for back extensions since I don't have one in my garage. Thanks for the reminder, I was going crazy trying to figure out why I was so sore!

  13. Regionals.

    1) done

    2) done at 264 across.

    3) 15.04. All unbroken until sets 9 and 10'of hspu.

    4) 9.50. Done on a 25m length piece of turf. Would like to try this on a little better course so I could really get going on the runs.

    Good couple days of training. Enjoy your rest and recovery ladies and gents.

  14. Open
    FS: 180#
    PP: 125#
    Thruster: 130#
    Metcon: 10:35

  15. Open
    1. 127.5kg - 132.5 - 132.5 fail
    2. 90kg - 95 -100
    3. 90 - 95 fail - 92.5
    4. sub with 250m row

  16. Regionals
    1. Done!
    2. 190 Felt really good and will increase weight next time :)
    3. 21:something Strict HSPU feeling better but need to keep working
    4. 10:59 Liked this one!

  17. opens
    FS 165, 170PR, 175F
    PP 135, 140PR, 145F
    Thruster: 135, 140PR, 145F

    Metcon 11:48

  18. Regional: Week 4

    1. Hang Power Cleans - Done

    2. Front Squat - 125kg/276lbs

    3. 10RFT - 18:14 (First 5 rounds did 3/3 HSPU with too much rest, rest was unbroken, terrible mistake)

    4. 5RFT - 11:32

  19. Open
    1. FS : 130-135-140 kg
    2. PP : 95-100-105 kg
    3. Thrusters : 90-95-100 kg (PR, never did before)
    4. 10:08 RX

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Open:
    1) 235, 255, 275f, 265
    2) 185, 205, 215f, 215
    3) 185, 205, 215
    4) 10:47 subbed 250m row...sore Osgood Schlauter area?

  22. open:
    1) 120kg, 130 kg, 140 kg
    2) 90kg, 100 kg, 110kg
    3) 90kg, 100kg, 105kg
    4) 9:57

  23. Open

    1. Front squat
    275 across

    2. Push press
    225 across

    3. Thruster
    205 across

    4. 9:46 Metcon

  24. Open
    1) 295,315,335. 20# PR.
    2) 195,205,215. PR.
    3) 205,215,225. 30# PR.
    Metcon: 10:50 rx. Du's are far from perfect, much better than they used to be. Work in progress.

  25. Open
    1) FS - 275, 295, 305 Fail
    2) PP - 225, 245, 255 PR
    3) Thruster - 205, 225, 245 PR
    4) 9:38

  26. 1. 295#, 305#, 315#(f), 305#, 20# under P.R. from December
    2. 205#, 225#(f), 205#, 205#
    3. 205#, 215#, 225#
    4. 9:38
    soccer practice tonight

  27. Open:
    Couldn't do the everything because I'm a work so I did some push-ups, and handstand push-ups befor the Metcon.
    Metcon: 9:46.

  28. Open/Masters

    1. FS 295 - 300 - 305 (failed) buried me on bottom hard

    2. PP 215 - 225 - 235 felt good, think I could've done more

    3. Thruster 215 - 230 - 240 also felt great. felt like I had more on this one also. What is said is that my clean and jerk PR is 250. I don't think I am suppose to be able to thruster almost as much as I jerk. Needless to say, my jerk is one of my biggest weaknesses.

    4. 12:05 RX My legs are really feeling so far this week, the 200m runs felt horrible.


  29. Open

    1) Front Squat - 225-235-250(F)
    2) Push Press - 185-195-205(PR)
    3) Thruster - 165-175-195
    4) Metcon - 9:59

  30. Open/Masters 48

    FS worked up to 265 (PR)
    PP got 185 failed 205
    Thruster got 185

    Metcon 12:20.

  31. Gonna start posting
    1) 185-205-225
    2) 165-175-185
    3) 135-155-185(f) shoulda did 175
    4) metcon- 10:08 RX

  32. Did regional row hspu wod didn't time but 8:50 something total on rower for 180 Cal and unbroken on hspus
    9:50 on met con first 3 rounds right at 5 mins then pollen caught me

  33. Swamped today with my wife leaving to commentate the south east regional. Getting the kids all set for remainder of week. Gonna Make this up tomorrow.

  34. Open

    10:30 met con
    All my lifts since I started this comp wod have dropped alot. But every named wod we have done since the open ended I have pr'd so I will take that to the bank

  35. Open
    1. FS - 275, 295, 315, 315f, 315
    2. PP - 205, 235, 245f, 235, 245f so close!
    3. Thruster - 225, 245f, 245f. Just couldn't quite lock it out.
    4. 10:38. Slow runs. UB on DUs except last round.

  36. Open:
    1. 275/295/295
    2. 225/235/245
    3. 225/235/235
    4. 9:01

  37. Masters 46
    1.) 5 RFT (11:18) DU good in Rd 1-3 4-5 had some stumbles
    200 meter run
    40 DU's
    10 KBS #70
    2.) thruster #165
    front Squat #255
    push press #180

  38. Open
    1) 215/235/255 (10# PR)
    2) 165/185/195 (15# PR)
    3) 165/185 (15# PR)/195 (f)
    4) 10:02

  39. Open
    1. 295/305/315
    2. 205/215/225
    3. 205/215/225
    4. 9:40

  40. Open
    1. 275/305/275- didn't want to push the back
    2. 225/255/275F- go big or go home
    3. 225/245/255F
    4. 9:46- had some trouble with DU's on the 1st 2 res

  41. Open
    1- 225-245-265(f)-245
    2- 185-195(f)-185-190
    3- 185-195-205 suprised my thruster is more than push press.
    4- 10:02 wanted sub 10 but just didn't have it.

  42. Open
    1) 275/295/305F - 20# PR
    2) 135/185/205 - 20# PR
    3) 185/205/215F - 25# PR
    4) 9:17 - UB on DU and KBS

  43. Open
    1. 275-300-305(f)
    2. 195-210-220 (had more in me, 1st time PP for weight)
    3. 215-230-240(f)
    4. 11:05 (80# KB--all we had in the gym)

    1. 155-165(f)-155
    2. 75-85-100-105
    3. 95-105-115
    4. 17:43

    Josh & Katie

  44. Regionals programming today.
    1. Hang PC- Done
    2. Front Squat- 255 across
    3. 10 RFT- 15:23, SHSPU unbroken except last round.
    4. 5 RFT- 9:58 Rx

  45. 2015 Open:

    1: All at 285#
    2: All at 210#
    3: All at 205#

    8:30 as stated above with a 32 kg KBS

    1. All of my weights hit today were PBs which I'm totally psyched about it was just a great session.

  46. open
    1. 160-167.5-175(kg)
    2. 110-117.5-122.5(kg)
    3. 90-100-107.5 (kg)
    4. 10:15

  47. Week 1 Regional Programming
    1. Did with sets of 7 OHS at team weight of 185. Each round took about 1:35-1:45.
    2. Did another run through of the deadlift workout with my partner.
    3. Did some light rowing and mobility. Long drive to Chicago tomorrow.

  48. Open
    Did lots of rounds of each working up to several heavy singles. Logging 1RM on each.

    1) 285 (PR). Failed at 295 on both attempts

    2) PP: 225 I think. Forgot what I ended at.

    3) Thruster: 215 (PR). Failed on 225

    Metcon: 12:43 - Dubs killed me today. Might avoid all WODs and comps that have them :-)

  49. Open:
    1. Hatch squats, week 1 day 1.
    2. PP: 150, 160, 165
    3. Metcon: 12:07

  50. Open
    I am really excited with this programming. I've only been using this for 2 months now and already, I'm seeing huge increases in my strength! I've been cross fitting for a year and a half and my strength seemed to hit a plateau until now. Thanks!
    1. Front Squat - 140, 145, 150 (I've never been above 140 for a back squat before!)
    2. Push Press - 105, 110, 115 (Failed at 120...I felt I could have gotten it, but was just really fatigued.)
    3. Thruster - 85, 105, 110
    4. Metcon - 53# KB 14:22

  51. Open
    FS 115, 125, 135
    PP 75, 95, 105
    Thruster 65, 75, 80
