Thursday, January 2, 2014

Friday 1.3.13

Boston's World Trade Center.  Legit. 

1.  Pulls
Work up to a 5-rep heavy Deadlift

2.  Odd Object/Movement
100 Kettlebell Swings for time, 100/70
Rest 2 minutes
100m Walking Lunge with Sandbag, 120/85

3.  EMOMx12
Odd:  15 Cals Airdyne
Even: 6-10 Strict and slow TTB

4.  Accessory Work
3x8 Sumo Deads, across
3x8 Stiff Leg Deads, across
3x8 Bent Over Rows, across
3x8 Weighted Underhand Strict Pull ups

1.  Metcon
"Macho Man"
EMOM for as long as possible
3 Power Cleans, 185/135
3 Front Squats, 185/135
3 Jerks, 185/135
If this weight is too spicy, lower it.  If you are unable to finish six rounds you must re-do the entire workout at a lower weight.

2.  Skills
EMOMx12:  7 TTB + 35 Double unders


  1. 1. Pulls- Worked up to 405 w/ no belt. I've come a long way since starting this programming.

    2. Odd Object/Movement
    100 Kettlebell Swings for time, had to do it with 70 lbs we don't have 100 lbs- 3:23
    Rest 2 minutes
    100m Walking Lunge with axle bar in front rack w/ 100 lbs (no heavy sandbags)- 1:52

    3. EMOMx12
    Odd: 15 Cals Rowed
    Even: 6 strict TTB

    4. Accessory Work- Did the gymnastics work from yesterday, 1-2-3-3-3-2-1

    1. I forsee a lot of this: "I had to use 88/70" That's all I have as well.

    2. Jeremy you crushed those lunges man. Nice work that is really impressive.

    3. Crushed the lunges AND the KBS. Manimal.

    4. You killed the KBS/Lunges man! Nice Work!

  2. Open:

    Macho man: finished 4 rnds 175, then dropped back to 155and finished 6 rnds
    Emom - done

  3. Open:
    Macho Man - Started at 152 & finished 4 rds... moved down to 136 and finished 6 more. First time doing this, very tough!!! Really wanted to finish 6 152... next time!

    EMOTE 12 - so this really revealed how much my metabolic capacity still needs work! I did everything unb and had about :20 of rest but could only maintain 6 rds before I had to switch to even/ odd (ttb/ du). Awesome job to those guys and gals that go all 12 rds!

  4. Regionals

    1) 407
    2) done with 97# kb: 11.15. Was rough, not awesome at kb swings but 97# was really hard.
    Lunges don with 120# barbell in front rack: 6.25.
    3) done. Sub'd 80m shuttle sprints on a 20m leg. About 17-18sec each round. Really jacked up the heart rate.
    Did 8's for all ttb
    4) used 265 for sumo deads
    Used 198 for straight leg deads
    Used 154 for bent over rows
    Used 33# for underhand pull-ups

  5. 1. 315 Felt fast and light, could've kept going I think but knew KBS were going to be time consuming.
    2. A. 10:32 with 88 lb KB. This still made me its bitch
    B. 3:17
    3. Done with 10 Strict T2B
    4. A. 185
    B. 185
    C. 135
    D. No weight, Biceps and grip shot.

  6. Regionals:

    1. 365 lbs. 20 lbs. off my 5 RM. Felt heavy today.
    2.A. 5:05. Done with a 70 lbs. KB.
    2.B. 7:00ish. Done with a 100 lbs(ish). sandbag.
    3. Done with 6 strict TTB.
    4.A. 315 lbs.
    4.B. 185 lbs.
    4.C. 185 lbs.
    4.D. 25 lbs. sets of 4,5,5

    My grippers, my pullers and my hands are shot.

    1. +1 my hands haven't hurt this bad in a while

  7. 1: 335 felt good. Didn't want to go any higher

    2A: 9:17 with 88lb....10X10....could have gone faster, was feeling sorry for myself a little bit
    2B: forgot time 6 something....used 120lb bar in front rack, had to do 10X10M drop turn around, and go back. Sucked up the time.

    Rest later

    1. 3: Done with 8 strict ttb
      4: Done with moderate weights to work form.

  8. Are the kettle bell swings supposed to be performed American or Russian style?

    1. my guess is American.

    2. I would also guess American. Sam?

  9. 1) 435lbs
    2) kbs 88lbs 5:44, walking lunge done
    3) did the open 12min 7ttb+35DU
    4) done

  10. Open
    1. 18 rounds - 95#
    2. 11 rounds (1 minute break around half way) of 7ttb/35DU on the minute

    1. Ali awesome work on the DU ttb! very impressive.

  11. Open
    1. 6rds 185#- just made it by the hair on my chinny chin chin.....tough!!
    2. Done- scaled to 5 t2b after 4th min

  12. 1.) 455# (P.R for 5RM- felt good)
    2.) Opted to do double KBS with 53's - 10:09
    (Was higher than "russian" and lower than "american" - hard/ sketchy to go overhead with that)
    100 Lunges done with 85#punching bag and 25# vest- trying to get creative and replicate the sandbag: 8:00
    3. Done w/ 7 strict T2B
    4. Ran out of time- will complete it in a few hours and will updated then

    1. Awesome job on the deadlifts.

    2. Thanks a lot guys! Appreciate it, great job on both your ends to! Keep it up!


    1. Pulls
    Work up to a 5-rep heavy Deadlift-Worked up to 345lbs. Had maybe 20 more in me but decided against it.

    2. Odd Object/Movement
    100 Kettlebell Swings for time, 100/70-Done w/70lbs. 6:39.
    Rest 2 minutes
    100m Walking Lunge with Sandbag, 120/85- 3:50 w/120lb bar in front rack.

    3. EMOMx12-Done with rowing instead of airdyne.
    Odd: 15 Cals Airdyne
    Even: 6-10 Strict and slow TTB
    4. Accessory Work
    3x8 Sumo Deads, across-275lbs
    3x8 Stiff Leg Deads, across-225lbs
    3x8 Bent Over Rows, across-135lbs
    3x8 Weighted Underhand Strict Pull ups-25lbs

  14. Macho Man 18rnd. at 105#

    5bj and 7ttb on the min 12min

  15. 1. 375 old 5rm was 365. That was not a max attempt either, it was a heavy, but not a max.

    2. So, no KB over 53, so I did 100 snatches for time, then did 80 Lunges in place in my garage with 120 in the front rack. No sandbag at home. I did the math and my lunge was over a meter so 80 was the calculation based on the average length of my steps. I forget the time. 16 something for it all.

    3. Done. 7 TTB ea round.

    4. 275, 225, 155, 25. Done. Ouch.

  16. Open/Masters 47

    Macho Man - 8 rounds @ 135. Rested 2 minutes and then got 2 more rounds.

    2). 5 ttb per round until last 3 rounds where I dropped to 3. 35 du per round.

  17. Open:
    1) 8 rounds 155#
    2) Done did 5 T2B per round

  18. A) 5 rep DL

    B) KBS w/ 88#
    (Low back locked up)
    Lunges w/ 135
    (Just wanted to finish)

    C) EMOM 12
    Odd - 40 Double Unders
    Even - 10 SL Sit Ups

  19. Open
    1 - 8 @ 185# - I was anything but macho. Got round 8 in 20 seconds and just quit mentally at the start of round 9. Mental weak sauce today.
    2 - Done. Everything unbroken except 2 screw ups on DUs

  20. Open
    1. 6rds @ 115, was not happy with that so I took a minute off and did 6rds at 95
    2. 7ttb, 35 DU's OTM x12; done.

  21. 1. 405# for 5 reps.

    2. 100 kbs (88# is all i had) 6:34 (25-15-10-10-10-15-15)
    rest 2 min
    100m lunge, used 135# barbell on my back 9:37, no excuse. just shit the bed on this.

    3. did the open emom with dubs and toes to bar. I need a lot of double under work.

    4. sumo- 135# across, focusing on a flat back. I've been having SI joint probs from tight hamstrings so its been weird pulling my back tight and flat.
    stiff leg- same as above.
    bent row- 135 across, focused on scap pinch and control
    pull ups: just did strict tempo sets.

  22. 1: 5 rep DL 397#

    2: 100 KBS @ 100# 11:40 Full Swings

    2b: Lunges only with 2 sandbags cause of my knee NO TIME
    (Just wanted to finish)

    3: EMOM 12
    Assult bike
    Strikt TTB

    d: With medball 20#

    Done! Done! Dome!


  23. Open Master
    8 r @ 95 (last time 11 r @ 90)
    forgot rope, so did regional otm x 12 (12 cal air dyne/8 strict t2b)

  24. Open

    1.) 7rds + 8 reps RX...full round PR from October. Had a great push from my coach that helped!

    2.) Completed RX...unbroken except for 2 trip ups on dubs

  25. First time posting. Been following for about 2 months.
    Pull. 495
    Kbs. 3:35. 7 lb kb
    Lunges 88 lb sand bag. 3:00

    This programming is legit.

  26. Open Masters 46
    1. Metcon 4 rds @ 155 then 8 rds @!135
    "Macho Man"
    EMOM for as long as possible
    3 Power Cleans, 185/135
    3 Front Squats, 185/135
    3 Jerks, 185/135
    If this weight is too spicy, lower it. If you are unable to finish six rounds you must re-do the entire workout at a lower weight.

    2. Skills
    EMOMx12: 5 TTB + 35 Double unders (missed one rd)

  27. Open + 5 rep dead lift:
    1) 6 rounds + 3 reps @ 185#. Felt like I should have done better. Guess not.
    2) done. No misses on DUs.
    3) worked up to 5 reps @ 400#.

  28. 1. 365#, heavy. Can absolutely feel the 18 degree temp in the garage and it sucks.
    2a. 6:03 @ 70#kb. Was not expecting grip to be limiting factor.
    2b. 6:47 @ 120# front rack step lunges in garage. Did 80, same as Danny Bostwick.
    3. done. 7 8 9 10 10 10 strict T2B. These feel better than swinging them together.
    4a. 225# focus on quickness
    4b. 185# same
    4c. 135#
    4d. 20# quick someone take a pic of my biceps

  29. 15 Rounds of Macho Man @185. Man that was spicy. Awesome workout Ben.

  30. 1. Did 4x5 Dead from 2inch deficit at 365
    2. 4:20 with 70lbs. Went 60-30-10
    Did OHwalking lunges with 115
    3. 15cals on rower and 8ttb

    Wanted to hit a weakness. Did 4x400m run with 1:1 rest, all between 1:17 - 1:24. Really cold

  31. Regionals

    1. 455 (10# PR off my old 1RM!) stoked.
    2. Did with a 90# KB as 10 reps EMOTM just under 10 min.
    3. Everything else completed but not too crazy. Low back finna be tiiiight tomorrow lol

    1. Phew, I feel you on 3. My erectors are already locking up.

  32. Regionals; Masters

    1. 365# DL x 5
    2.a. KBS 88# 8:15
    2.b. Lunges - did not time
    3. Open EMOM because I need DU work
    4.a. 225# Sumo
    4.b. 185# Stiff DL
    4.c. 135# BO Row
    4.d. 25# x8,5, 20# x5

  33. Open

    1) 9 rounds at 155#. Tried to focus on clean form more than anything else.

    2) All T2B unbroken. DUs sucked massively. Managed about 16 per round. Need to find my rope, the one I used sucked. I'm not great at DUs but I'm better than this. Geesh.

  34. 8 rds at 170 took a round off then hit another round but my knee was feeling a bit strange, so I stopped.

    5 ttb and 25 du fell off at 10th round on getting tangled up in my rope. just hopped back on at the start of 11th round.

  35. Open
    1) 7 rnds @185#. lowered to 165# and did 3 more for 10 total.
    2) done

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Open: feeling super stiff. Today, opted for lower weight to keep moving/go for more volume
    1) 10 rds, 115#.
    2) EMOM. 12 rds done, not on perscribed cadence, but for quality of movement. Need to work on both of these!

  38. 1) 385# DL
    2) 88# kb@ 9:41
    3) 125# Back Rack Lunge..... 40ft Repeats X 8..... 8:41

  39. Open
    1. 7 rounds at 135
    2. Did a 12 min AMRAP instead, only got 3 rounds. Going to schedule some serious double under practice

  40. Open
    1. Started @ 185 got 1 rnd + 6, went to 165 got 4 rnds + 7. Was getting really winded still recovering from cold - frustrating.

    2. Rx until round 5 had to go to 30 Dubs.

  41. Open:

    1) 9 rounds
    2) T2B & DU 11 rounds. Took a minute off in the middle.....

  42. Open
    1- 6 rounds @155
    2- 10 rounds of 5 ttb & 30 du till I hit complete double under failure.

    Also did DL x 5

  43. Open
    1. 16 rounds @ 185#
    Wimped out, def could of kept going.
    2. Done

  44. Open:
    9 rnds @ 105#, jerks were the limiting factor

  45. Open
    Been a bit behind and caring for another new born.
    1. 5x3 across back squat 300#
    2. Macho man last October hit 10rds today I had to do in basement, ceiling to low to go over head :( did pc and fs sub jerks 5 clapping push ups. Hit 18 rds. I was still feeling the metcon hardcore.

  46. Regionals:
    1. Work up to a 5-rep heavy Deadlift @ 255#, felt great, think I had at least 10# more. Hoping to re-test 1RM soon!

    2. 100 Kettlebell Swings for time, 100/70
    Time: 5:46min (I did Russian, didn't read the comments about American until after)
    Rest 2 minutes
    100m Walking Lunge with Sandbag, 120/85
    Time: 4:30min, I think I did around 80m and like 60# in the sandbag...

    3. EMOMx12
    Odd: 15 Cals Airdyne (I did 12 each round)
    Even: 6-10 Strict and slow TTB (I did 8 each round)

    4. 3x8 Sumo Deads, across @ 185#
    3x8 Stiff Leg Deads, across @ 135#
    3x8 Bent Over Rows, across @ 135#
    3x8 Weighted Underhand Strict Pull ups (skipped, ran out of time)

  47. 2014 Regional & Games:

    1. 405# x 5

    2. Not sure if I did this right and don't have KB at the gym I'm at.

    80# DB x 100 - 7:37 (roughly, phone was across the room and took about 10 seconds to get to)

    Kept clock running (2 min rest).

    Started 125# back rack 100m (4 x 25m) lunge at 9:37. Finished at 13:39.

    3. Emom: 15 cals on stationary bike. 6-6-6-6-8-10 TTB (Kipping)

    4. Sumo: 225 across.
    Stiff: 135, 165 x 2
    Rows: 115, 125 x 2
    Pullups: 15# across

  48. 1) Deadlift Heavy 5 Rep - 365#
    2) 100 Walking Lunges
    40# vest + 40# sandbag on back-4:45

    100 KBS 55#-4:55

    3) 3x8 Sumo Dead Lift 205#
    3x8 Straight Leg 185# TnG
    3x8 Bent Row 135#
    3x8 strict underhand pull up
    3x8 strict toes to bar

    Worked on backroll to support for the contest on the main page. Landed it after some practice. Anyone else try it for the free t-shirt?

  49. Open
    1- 8+6 reps
    2- Rx through 7 rounds 5 rounds of 7 TTB 20 Doubles

  50. 5' 6" 165 Southeast

    1) 5rep DL 425#
    2) 100 KBS 4:44 - rest 2 mins - 100M Sandbag Lunge (modified 2-60# sandbags) 5:33
    3) EMOM12 - Bike (no airdyne) & 8 Strict TTB
    4) 5x10 GHRs (time constraints)

  51. Open

    Spent over an hour shoveling snow today then went for a 2 mile run to the mechanics to pick up the van. Feeling a little worn when I hit the gym

    1) 3+7 reps - screw it, I'm not redoing today. Compares well with Monday's beep test, also just short of 4 rounds.

    2) A little short on the DU's some rounds, took a 1 minute break twice when I didn't make 30 in the round before. Only 1 round with UB DU's.

  52. Open
    1. 10 rounds +3 reps @165#
    2. Complete

  53. Open
    1. 6 rounds + 6 reps at 135lb
    2. Completed, had to skip round 10.

  54. Just started following your BLOG for a week Ben..I love it so far.

    1.) "Macho Man" 7+ 8 reps @185 (have a chest cold. I think I could get 10 rds)
    2.) TTB/DU's *no misses

    I've been training alone, so this is much needed. Great programing...thanks again Ben!.

  55. 1. 455
    2. 7:12 on the swings. Lunges sucked. Did 135 with the bar.
    3. Done.

  56. Open Program
    1) 4 rds + 6 at 185, rested 5:00 and then did 6 rds at 155. The jerks were brutal on this. No leg drive after the squats.
    2) Done, but subbed 7 box jumps for the d-u bc I can't do them in the garage. Surely easier, but I really wanted to get all 12 rds of T2B, which I did.

  57. Regionals:
    My conditioning needs to get better so in the morning I did 8 rounds (16min)
    - 15cal row
    - 15 burpees
    Got most of my rounds out in around 40sec which was much better than last time when we did the 30min EMOM

    1. 5RM @ 190kg/419lbs
    Jumped to 205kg/452lbs only got 3x
    - got 200kg last time, so wanted to beat it
    2. No 100lbs kettle bell. Did 100 double KB snatch @ 53lbs 13:04
    - mainly 8's & 7's
    2min rest
    100m BB walking lunge @ 55kg/122lbs - 8:12 (30/15/15/15/15 steps)
    3. Rower instead of airdyne - 10x TTB
    4. Sumo @ 140kg/309lbs
    Straight leg dead @102(225)/125kg(275lbs)/130(286lbs)
    Bent over rows at 70/155lbs EMOM
    Pull ups @ 35lbs + chain

    Good session, I'm smoked! Looking forward to macho man!
