Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Thursday 1.9.14


1.  Snatch Technique
EMOMx5:  5 Tng Squat Snatches

2. Clean and Jerk
AMRAP in :30, rest 1:30 between rounds
3 rounds at 225/155
3 rounds at 185/135
3 rounds at 135/95
The goal is to improve your cycle times and work on touch and go where possible.

3.  Squat 
5x3 Banded Front Squats, across

4.  Gymnastics Skills
5x1 Strict Muscle up with medball between ankles.

1. Metcon
For time:
21 Thrusters, 115/80
9 MU
15 Thrusters, 115/80
7 MU
9 Thrusters, 115/80
5 MU

1. Metcon
For time:
21 Thrusters, 115/80
9 MU
15 Thrusters, 115/80
7 MU
9 Thrusters, 115/80
5 MU

2. Snatch Technique
EMOMx5:  5 Tng Squat Snatches


  1. Thank you for making the workouts available! Few of us from Crossfit 7220 are following this awesome programming. How heavy should we go on the Snatch Technique? Thank you!

  2. Thank you for posting early. Some of the trainers at our gym are following and have had to change our rest day from Thursday to Wed. he early post helps us from missing anything.

  3. Good day everyone!
    Framanda - 6:30
    Snatch - 135. Failed at round 4 at 5th rep.

  4. Open
    1. 6:40 - modified MU's, still nursing shoulder & lat, disappointed i dropped bar in set.of 15's...the voice got me
    2. 115# - worked speed all done w/in 25 sec.
    I need refocus on my lungs , lighten load and go unbroken

  5. Regionals

    115lbs - All touch and go. Worked fast speed under bar

    Clean and Jerk
    225lbs. - 3,2,1
    185lbs - 5,5,5
    135lbs - 8,8,9

    Body weight 167lbs

    Strict Muscle Up
    Worked up to Strict Single with a 20lb med ball. Video online - tagged you Ben

    3hr break

    Time - 6:50RX

    1. Surely a big year for you J.
      Seeing you have improvwd a lot if I look at you Open and Regionals 2013 scores.... Will be there to cheer

    2. Thanks Willem, really appreciate that. I'm ready to crush it this year. Very happy with the progress that has happened while being on this program.

    3. Yup
      This is the place to be!

  6. Regionals

    Am session

    1) 110/121/132/143/154(4)
    2) 225: 1/2/2
    185: 4/5/5
    135: 9/9/8
    3) sub'd regular front squats at 275 across. Don't have to bands of equal tension. Will have to get some soon.
    4) done with 4#/6#/10#/15#/25#. Big jump was because my gym doesn't have a 20# med ball, was glad I went for it and fought to get the rep.

    Will do the pm session after work at home in my new fledgling garage gym.

    1. Regionals Pm session.

      5) 8.19. First wod with muscle ups in my new garage gym. Went pretty well but lost some time being paranoid that the rings were going to rip out of my ceiling.

  7. Only had time for the C&J and metcon today...

    C&J - 3-3-4 @ 225, 5-5-6 @ 185, 8-8-9 @ 135

    Metcon - 10:46 Rx... Failed last muscle up or it would have been below 10... muscle ups are definitely getting better since starting this program! No way I could have done this workout a year ago below 20 min.

  8. Open:
    1) 11:04
    2) 95, didn't get full depth in all snatches

  9. Open:
    METCON - 12:15, the ONLY positive on this is that I didn't quit!!! Too many failed MU and prob not as efficient on my thrusters as I should have been.

    TnG Snatch - #tried a few and decided my shoulders were not going to preform well... might reattach this evening.

    Today was not a good trng day... these are the days that test you mentally!

  10. OPEN
    1. Metcon - 8:27 Rx
    2. 115# Rx

    1. Snatch Technique
    135# felt good technique wise but got more winded then expected at end.

    2. Clean and Jerk
    AMRAP in :30, rest 1:30 between rounds
    3 rounds at 225 3, 2(f 3), 2
    3 rounds at 185 7, 6, 6
    3 rounds at 135 11, 10, 10

    3. Squat
    155# plus heavy band tension felt like 275ish at top, played around with different bad set ups to get it right.

    4. Gymnastics Skills
    3 sets w/ 20# medball then last 2 with 30#, easier then expected.

  12. Open
    1. 13:29 (MU attempts)
    2. 70#

  13. 1. Snatch: 125, 135, 135, 135, 145 (no misses, tng power)

    2. C and J:
    225- 3,3,4
    185- 5,6,6
    135- 8,9,10

    3. Banded FS: (purple tension band)

    4. Strict weighted ring pull ups (70 pounds) 5by1

    5. Metcon: 7:39 Rx (no time to do two sessions today)

  14. Open

    1) 12:28 used a black band for round of 9 and a purple for 7+5, really need to work the muscle ups, definitely strong enough, but struggle in the transition

    2) 120 weight was easy, even though my shoulders are fried, breathing was difficult

  15. OPEN
    Garbage performance from me today... Tried to push my engine by going harder on the front end and I died on the back... took me 1:20 to get my last 2 MU... should have been around 6:15 instead clocked in around 7:30... Unforgiveable weakness

    I'll be doing the snatches tonight, and probably more thrusters for some punishment.

  16. Open: only the wod again today. back on schedule tomorrow.

    1. 8:31 - working on pacing myself a little to start instead of redlining all the time. thrusters went 15/6, 9/6, 9 ub. MU's were a little tough today: 5/4, 3/2/2, 2/2/1

    felt good overall though

  17. Master Open:
    1. 4 mu per round/ 80# Time? Turned into focused training my mus. Helpful practice.
    1000m row: 4:15 (training for partner comp/ feb)

  18. This is the first time I've posted, but have been following the Regional programming for about a month and a half now. Just wanted to thank Coach Bergeron for the amazing programming and for everyone that posts and sets standards for me to push myself. I'm really excited about the gains I've seen in just a short time to help me get ready for the Great Lakes Invitational with my team this weekend. Thank you again and hope to see some CompWodders in Indy this weekend!

  19. A. 135,145,145,145,145 harder than expected

    B. 225- 4,4,4
    185- 8,6,6
    135- 9,10,11

    C. Banded FS- #255 with Blue and Yellow Band attached

    D. 5x1 Strict MU's with 20lb ball Way easier than expected


    This PM

    1. Metcon: This was had me pissed. Felt great going into it. Thrusters were easy, but these damn muscle ups felt great at first but I missed the last one on each set of them probably took at least 1-2 minutes off total time.. NOTE: Don't miss a muscle up they crush your dreams:)

      Rx'd: a piss poor 8:22

      I can't wait to attempt this again in future!

  20. Open
    1) 6:24 - I've never met pukie during a WOD but I was damn close. Wow. First set of thrusters and MUs unbroken. 15s in 3 sets of 5. 7 MUs in 3 sets of 2 and a set of 1. 9s were 3 sets of 3 (I was hurting bad). 5 MUs were 2, 1, 2. Have I mentioned that was awful?

    2) 115 for all sets of sq sn - hips, legs, and shoulders were garbage by this point. Maybe had another ten pounds in me - that's probably just me hallucinating right now.

  21. Regionals; Masters

    Session 1
    1. Snatch - 135# across

    2a. 225# - 2,2,2 Failed on the 3rd across (the effects of only 6 hours sleep)
    2b. 185# - 6,6,6 (5 TNG)
    2c. 135# - 8 (all TNG)

    3. Banded FSQ -185# + bands (not sure of tension, but it was tough)

    4. Med ball MU - 20#, 20#, 30#, 40#, 50# (on the 50# I thought my wrist was gonna pop on the transition. I had people yelling so it kept be from bitching out.)

    1. Metcon: 5:30
      Total suck fest. You could have eaten a meal during all the rest I took.

  22. Open

    1) 5:54 - This is a worse lung burn than Fran. I'm still dyin'!

    2) Could only muster doing these sets with 155# after that crappy metcon

    I've got another session later on...

  23. Open/Masters 43

    AM: Did wod at local box, 5 x 5 squat cleans at 215
    Hang pulls: 4 x 4 with 205
    Max ring pulls: 5 sets
    4 Rounds of sled pushes (heavy legs!)

    PM: Thrusters/ MU: 9:29 (legs just giving out, trouble stringing more than 1 muscle up together)
    EMOM TnG Squat snatches: 5 x 105
    For everyone in a nice warm climate, today was a relative warm day here in Canada (-7) to take the workout outside:

    1. Wow. Guess I won't complain about single digit weather here in Connecticut again..

  24. 5' 6" 165 Southeast

    AM Session:
    1) 5TnG Snatch EMOM: 155 across
    2) FS w/Black Rogue Band: 275 Across

    Had to go to work, everything else tonight...

    1. 3) C&J EMOM
      3,4,4 @225
      5,5,6 @185
      8,8,8 @135

      4) WOD Rx - 9:26 literally walked through this whole thing, back is still smoked and dragging ass this week. Tomorrow will be a better day.

  25. Regionals - M/177#/36/5'10", Norway
    Session 1-
    1.115# Working on my bottom position
    2. Couldn't remember the breakdown. But felt better than last week. 59 total reps
    3. 205 + purple bands
    4. done.
    Session 2-
    Metcon: 4:46.

  26. 1. 95 across, nice and fast, vertical everytime, paused at the bottom for 1 full second, no misses
    2. Did lighter since hips/back still on the mend, but I have the go-ahead to begin working back up to normal weights as long as I am comfortable after getting it checked out:
    a) @ 185 - 3/3/3
    b) @ 155 - 6/6/4 (had a phone call on the last set from my boss)
    c) @ 120 - 8/8/9

    3. BFS - 125# on the bar and blue bands. Got them from Rogue says 25#-80#. Felt like 200ish.
    4. Got my first strict muscle up today, and was able to do all of the sets. This programming has been amazing! Had a bet with a friend who could get one before April, 9 days into the bet I won, hah!

    Doing the metcon after work

    1. 4. 14:53, thrusters nice and smooth 11/10, 8/7, 9 UB. Muscle ups, ehhhh not so much. Went 4/3/2, then 1/2/1/1/2, and last set 3/1/1/1. My efficiency is non-existent when I'm fatigued

  27. Open

    1.) 5:03 rx...thrusters 21, 8/7, 5/4 and muscle-ups unbroken

    2.) Worked up to #165 for 5 then used #135 for the emom, it hurt haha

  28. Open
    13:45 metcon. no fails, just a lot of rest. my metcon is just...dire right now. glad i completed the sucker.

    snatch emom; 40 kg. got tough on the metcon toward the end.
    good workout.

  29. Regionals

    Wasn't "feeling it" this morning but warmed up after a while and finished on a good note. Gotta get it done if ya wanna go places!

    1. 165 Felt good and fast. 5 min was just few enough that it didn't get too metabolic.
    2. Felt wayy heavier than last week, even with additional 10 seconds. Didn't do any TnG until the 135s..
    @225 - 5, 5, 5
    @185 - 6, 6, 6
    @135 - 8, 10, 10

    3. Banded FS @ 235 with HEAVY resistance (I'm talking it was heavy to just take the bar out of the rack lol) but felt good.

    4. Strict MU unloaded, then with 10, 14, 20, and 3 reps with a 25 lb. medball.

    Metcon this evening.

    1. Regionals
      5. Metcon RX - 4:23
      Could've done better...

    1. Snatch Technique
    EMOMx5: 5 Tng Squat Snatches-115lbs. No misses.

    2. Clean and Jerk-No TnG until 135lbs. This felt heavy today.
    AMRAP in :30, rest 1:30 between rounds
    3 rounds at 225/155-2,2,3
    3 rounds at 185/135-5,6,7
    3 rounds at 135/95-8,8,9
    The goal is to improve your cycle times and work on touch and go where possible.

    3. Squat
    5x3 Banded Front Squats, across-245lbs. No bands.

    4. Gymnastics Skills
    5x1 Strict Muscle up with medball between ankles.-Done unloaded.

    5. Metcon
    For time: 12:48. I hate to make excuses,,,but the ceiling in my garage is about 9'6". So either I hit my head on the ceiling or I do a more strict MU. Just made this way more difficult. Thrusters were easy.
    21 Thrusters, 115/80
    9 MU
    15 Thrusters, 115/80
    7 MU
    9 Thrusters, 115/80
    5 MU

    1. @Austin - Interesting that you mention the height of your garage. I'm not sure how tall you are, but I'm 5' 10" and I'm contemplating hanging rings - and afraid that I might not have enough clearance with the same ceiling height. Damn. Even if I have to resort to jumping MUs, I guess it's still better than nothing, right?

    2. Definitely. I mean what I have is a good problem to have. I'm about 6', so my feet drag the floor If I attempt to kip. It definitely makes it easier when you go somewhere that has higher ceilings.


    1. Snatch Technique
    EMOMx5: 5 Tng Squat Snatches @ 135. No misses. Felt good but hard the last round.

    2. Clean and Jerk
    AMRAP in :30, rest 1:30 between rounds

    3. Squat
    5x3 Banded Front Squats, across @225

    4. Gymnastics Skills


    Metcon 9.33 RX. MUST improve my MU!!!!

    Looking forward for tomorrows training!

  32. 1. Snatch EMOM: 115#
    2. C&J
    225# 3 3 2
    185# 5 6 6
    135# 9 9 9
    3. Metcon: 16:10, MU misses all over the place.

  33. 1. Tng go snatch at 185#. No misses. Felt fast and furious.
    2. C&j amrap
    225#: 5,5,5
    185#: 8,8,8
    135#: 9,10,12
    3. 5x3 pause front squats @315# across.
    4. 5x1 strict mu 10# ball. I'm 220# haha so this sucked

    Metcon: 6:38
    Kinda disappointed. 1st time I've missed a muscle up in a while.

    1. El Monstro, coming for ya tonight!

    2. haha thanks man. i'm just tryin to chase you down mighty mouse. You're a MANimal for sure

    3. You big strong ass dude.

    4. I have a new appreciation for you big guys doing muscle ups. Even with a 50# med ball my weight was 215. I could not imagine at 230!

  34. 1. 135
    2. 225 -5,5,5 (singles)
    185-8,8,8 (1st 4-5 were TnG)
    135-10,10,10 (last set hurt pretty good)
    3. 8x2 Pause squats with 265

    Ran out of time, gonna try to hit something tonight after classes

  35. Open
    1. 11:33. Lungs still burning. Damn this cold and cruise abuse. First set of thrusters unbroken. 6/3 MUs. Then all broken as sh*t after that.

    1. 2. Snatch technique - 115#
      Tougher than I thought.

  36. Met con 8:45 Mu endurance needs work
    Tng snatch 115 snatch is a weakness
    Band front squat work to heavy 3 &335

  37. Snatch technique w/ 135#. Working on bar path coming into pockets.
    Metcon - 9:12
    Did just C & J w/ 135 for 3 rounds and went fast after the metcon.

  38. 1. 115# across... I've done this weight before so I tried 125# but was all over the place on the 3rd round... so dropped weight and did 5 rounds at 115
    2. 155-4 across 135-7 across 95-11 across
    3. 145# plus bands... these felt easier as I went on..
    4. worked on strict muscle ups and then did one with a 6# ball
    5. 8:45

  39. Open Masters
    1. 55# thrusters
    7/5/3 mus
    2. 55#

  40. I feel guilty, but I had to go "off program" today. The metcon was too close to an upcoming competition WOD, that I couldn't resist trying it:

    "Fran Plus Sprint" - 3:15
    Squat Clean Thrusters 115#
    (I should have followed this with a 500m row, but didn't have a rower!)

    Definitely a lot easier than what everyone else did, but I was pumped. All pull ups were unbroken (which is a personal highlight) and squat clean thrusters were 9...4,1,1...3

    I also started the day by recording a new Squat Clean & Jerk at 185# I think had more in the tank, but wanted to hold off and surprise myself in the competition next weekend.


    1. Sounds a lot like the comp we are gonna be hosting ;) look forward to seeing you there!

  41. Regionals
    5. Metcon RX - 4:23
    Could've done better...

    1. Jesus bro. did you do thrusters and muscle ups at THE SAME DAMN TIME?! lol solid work man.

  42. Regionals (one session)
    1) snatch technique: 135 across
    2) clean and jerk:
    225#: 3, 4, 4
    185#: 6, 7, 7
    135#: 9, 10, 11
    3) front squat: 5 x 3 @ 275# (no bands)
    4) "Framanda": 5:57 (did 9 mu on last set by accident. Had 21-15-9 in my head. Thanks, mike for letting me know after I had already done them. Stop me next time.)

  43. 1. Snatch Technique- Did 105 and just focused on form

    2. Clean and Jerk
    AMRAP in :30, rest 1:30 between rounds
    3 rounds at 225/155 1, (hit myself in the throat on the first one, 3,3
    3 rounds at 185/135 5,5,5
    3 rounds at 135/95 8,8,8

    3. Squat -225 plus a black Rogue band held down with 2 70 lb KB's. This felt alot like standing up from a heavy squat clean. At the top it felt like 300-315ish at the bottom it was about 250 ish.

    4. Gymnastics Skills- Worked with a heavy vest and kipping MU's, PM session later.

  44. Open

    1) 13:10 - Slow. Need to work on cycling MUs faster. I tend to come straight down and do another strictish one rather than fall back in to the kip.

    2) 95#s across - just focused on form and cycling

  45. Awful day, left a funeral and went to the gym, was short on time so warm up and mobility time was about 10 minutes which is something I never do and the performance showed why.

    1. Worked from the blocks on some tech stuff.


    225 3/3/2. This was worse than I did in the 20 second interval. 225 felt like 325.
    185 7/6/6
    135 10/8/9

    3. Done. Honestly no idea what was on the bar with band tension. Wasn't super heavy, but it was had.

    4. Done with a 10# ball. I've done these with a 20, but today wasn't happening. Felt like crap.

    Ran out of time and will power. No met con today.

  46. 1)155 for the first set then dropped to 135 but the last 3rds weren't tng I got 4,3, 3, and did singles to finish the min, got a little too ambitious on that one and didn't feel like dropping it again
    2) 5,5,4 for 225
    7,7,7 for 185
    10,10,10 for 135
    3) had to just do front squats did 255 across
    4)did 5x3 strict c2bar pull-ups
    5)6:32 extremely happy with this muscle ups felt great

  47. Open
    1. 6:24
    2. 115/120/125/130/130

  48. 1. 6:56 80# and 2x PUs instead of MUs
    2. EMOM modified to 7x5 on the 1:20: 55, 55, 65, 65, 70, 75, 80
    I took a two week break and needed a slow entrée into squat snatch land.

  49. 1. 6:56 80# and 2x PUs instead of MUs
    2. EMOM modified to 7x5 on the 1:20: 55, 55, 65, 65, 70, 75, 80
    I took a two week break and needed a slow entrée into squat snatch land.

  50. Open/Masters 47

    1) 7:14(I think) used 95# and did 3-2-1 on mu's.

    2) used 65 across

    then did some extra push ups and sit ups

  51. Open
    1) 6:49 80#/ jumping mu's
    2) 80#

  52. Open
    1) 10:14 did 7-5-3 on MU
    2) 115#
    Did some handstand walking work

  53. Open
    1) 8:08 80#/3-2-1 bar mu
    2) 65#

  54. 2014 Regional & Games:

    Only had time for Front Squats and Metcon

    FS: 245# across. No bands.

    Metcon: 10:38 Rx.

    No post for me tomorrow or Saturday. Getting my L1 at CF Mayhem this weekend!

  55. Open
    1. 9:40 80#, 4mu ever round
    2. 70# should have gone heavier

  56. Open:

    1) Metcon: 11:05
    2)EMOMx5 Snatch: 95lbs across.
    3) 3X5 Sots press with the bar

  57. Pissed I've been missing some sick workouts, down with the flu this week. Lost 10 pounds, not happy at all. Be back rolling by Monday

  58. Open
    1. 6:06 (rested too much)
    2.135# all tng real fast done all under 17sec. Felt great.

  59. Open
    1. 7:30. Subbed C2b for MU. With 80# thrusters
    2. Done at 70#

  60. Open:
    1. 6:38 Rx

    Pretty pleased. First time doing thrusters and muscles since injury in October.

    2. Stuck to power snatches, shoulder not quite ready for squat snatches quite yet. 135#

  61. Regionals:

    1) 155
    2) 2,3,2/5,4,4/7,8,7
    3) 225 w/ medium blue bands.

  62. Regionals:
    1. EMOMx5: 5 Tng Squat Snatches @ 105#

    2. Clean and Jerk
    AMRAP in :30, rest 1:30 between rounds
    3 rounds @ 155# 3-3-3
    3 rounds @ 135# 4-4-4
    3 rounds @ 95# 6-7-7

    3. 5x3 Banded Front Squats, across
    Didn't do banded, just did 5x3 @ 185#, this is feeling a lot stronger and easier than it was 4 months ago!

    4. 5x1 Strict Muscle up with medball between ankles.
    Tried one without, then 6#, 8#, 12#, 14#, and two at 20#. Elbows are feeling healthy and this was pretty easy!

    5. Metcon
    Time: 10:32min bah wasn't looking forward to this at all!

  63. Open
    1. 6:01 45#/ ring thing my
    2. 45#
    heavier weight next time

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. Open
    1. Metcon 23:14. Hate thrusters, so I am happy that could do them.
    Thrusters: 7-4-6-4, 7-4-4, 5-4. MU: 3-3-3, 3-3-1, 2-3
    2. Snatches at 95#. On minute 4 - only 2, 1 on the last minute.
    3 Hatch squats, week 10 day 2.

  66. Metcon - 6:45rx
    Snatch skill - 95#

  67. Open Masters

    1. 5:43. Subbed C2B for MU. With 80# thrusters
    2. Done at 75#

  68. Open Program
    1) 7:46 - pretty psyched about this considering I've been feeling sick all day. Thrusters were 21, 15-6, 9. Muscle ups mostly in 2's until the last 7 or 8.
    2) Done at 120. Tough.

  69. Open
    1) 9:40 All muscle ups as singles. Thought I could get through this a little faster but needed a rest between thrusters and MU's

    1. EMOMx5: 5 Tng Squat Snatches @ 95#

    2. Clean and Jerk
    AMRAP in :30, rest 1:30 between rounds
    155: 2-1-1
    135: 3-3-3

    5x3 Front Squats (no band available) - stayed at 165/155

    5x1 10# weighted mus

    1. Metcon 13:24

  71. Open
    Framanda - 7:22
    Snatches @ 60kg

  72. Session 1:
    1. Snatches @ 135
    - did 6min to make it 30
    2. C&J :30/1:30
    225: 5,5,5
    185: 8,7,8
    135: 9,10,10
    3. Front squats EMOM x10min
    - 3 @ 100kg
    No bands, focused on speed and hip drive
    4. Weighted strict MU
    10,14,20,30lbs + 50lbs (Kip)

    Session 2:
    Thrusters - 7,7,7
    MU - 3,3,3
    Thrusters 7,4,4
    MU 3,2,2
    Thrusters - 5,4
    MU - 2,2,1

    Tried to pace the WOD and not do too big sets. Happy with the effort, need to work on my MU endurance.

  73. Open
    1. 8:34
    2. 135, missed Rd 2 then sucked it up and finished all 5 sets. Rough day...
