Sunday, January 19, 2014

Monday 1.20.14

Are you ready?

1.  EMOMx5
2 Squat Snatches - drop from the top and take 5 seconds between reps

2.  EMOMx5
2 Squat Clean and Jerks - drop from the top and take 5 seconds between reps

3.  EMOMx5
2 Back Squats

4.  Metcon
For time:
50-40-30-20-10 Wall Balls, 20/14
25-20-15-10-5 TTB

1.  Metcon
For time:
50-40-30-20-10 Wall Balls, 20/14
25-20-15-10-5 TTB

2.  EMOMx5
2 Squat Snatches - drop from the top and take 5 seconds between reps


  1. "Ogar strong"
    10 rounds + 4 reps
    Good wod 135# snatches. Sent money to him. Best wishes to him and his family.

    Did 12 min EMOM- 12 burpees
    Here in Seahawks country that was the warm up wod

  2. Being 9 hr ahead of the East Coast this week, I have the distinct privilege of posting 1st and setting the bar (albeit prob not that high with all these beasts on here :) )

    METCON - 13:40... so this was Karen with her ugly brother AlberTOE!! worked out to about 6:45 for Karen (150 wb) and 6:45 for AlberTOE (75 T2B)

    Squat Snatch EMOTM 5: 135/ 135/ 140/ 140/ 145... 135 is 80%, ea one was clean and felt great!

    Have fun everyone!!

  3. its my first time at competitorwod


    1. rxd : 13:03
    2. not yet

  4. take a rest 2month because of my shoulder
    and today is my first time after recovery
    not good at cardio so too hard

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. 1) Snatch - 185 (9/10)

    2) C & J - 255 (10/10 this was awful)

    3) squats - this evening

    Metcon - 12:45

  7. Open/Masters 43

    Metcon: 13:57, no excuses, but bad on the TTB as hands became numb in the cold we are having here, but wallballs were solid.

    Snatch squats: 5 x 2 at 135

    1. I ordered a pair of Mechanix gloves to try to help with this. I hope they fit and keep grip well. I never anticipated how much the cold affects your hand grip!

    2. yes, I use my Mechanix gloves, they are great, especially for things like wall balls or burpees in the cold, but still hard working with a cold bar as in snatches or TTB. A lot of times I will take them off for a bit until they get too cold when using a bar and then have to put them back on. They are definitely better then no gloves, good thing is hopefully we won't need them in a few weeks.

    3. I feel you on that one Peter. Not looking forward to the next few days!

  8. Regionals:
    1) 205
    2) 225
    3) 385
    4) 11:56

    Stamina is still low coming off of holiday break. Nonetheless today was a good day of training. Good luck today everyone

  9. Hi Guys. I recently stumbled upon this awesome blog, and I'm gonna give it a try, asap.

    I have a couple of questions regarding the program.

    Do you "only" do the listed Work on the blog, or do you supply with cycles of Strict OH Press, Chins, Rows, ect. ect.?

    In the Program Philosohy, a Gym Benchmark is done on monday, but I don't see one listed today. Do I just pick my own?

    And final question. Is the volume (and rest periods) high enough to get strong in the OL lifts? I have no experience with OL lifting, only powerlifting.

    1. Currently, the "Program Philosophy" is being deviated from a bit because we are approaching the Crossfit Open. Ben isn't programming some of the items you mention, or going as heavy with strength programming, because he is preparing us for the higher rep, lower weight workouts the Open typically has. If you look back a month or more, you'll see the programming fits more closely to the Program Philosphy, although he does deviate as he feels we should. Typically there is no need to add in additional strength work.

      If you have no interest in optimizing for the Open, by all means add in your own Strength cycle. But if you want to just "Trust in Ben", then I would recommend following CompWOD as prescribed and plan to do so for at least 1 year. He has a great program that is the next best thing to having him personally create a program for you.

      If your goal is to focus only on Olympic lifts, this may not be your best option. There are plenty of Blogs that do very Olympic lift centric workouts, whereas CompWOD makes you a very rounded X-fitter, not just an Oly lifter who does X-fit. Don't get me wrong, we do plenty of Olympic Lifting here, but it really depends on what you are looking for as your primary goals.

    2. DO THIS PROGRAMMING. It's the best decision I have ever made. If you want to add more strength then I'd go with the regionals programming. Since I've started, my c&j has improved by 60lbs and my snatch 50! Not to mention the improvement in my metcons, which is unbelievable. In my opinion, there is no better programming than this.

    3. I agree with you Austin. I have seen huge gains since I have started this programming back in August.

  10. Open
    1 - 10:00
    2 - 135, 155, 155, 165, 165

  11. Amazing day back after fighting a stomach bug last week
    I did most of Regional work in a different order

    2 Reps EMOM 5 @ 175lbs (80kg), couple reps missed below parallel and one failed. Still felt fast under the bar. Just getting back into swing of things this week.

    Time - 10:46 RX

    50 Wall Balls - 25,15,10
    25 Toes to Bar - 10,10, 5
    40 Wall Balls - 10,10,10,10
    20 Toes to Bar - 10, 5, 5
    30 Wall Balls - 10 , 5, 5, 5,,5 (this started to get really hard here)
    15 Toes to Bar - 5,5,5
    20 Wall Balls - 5,5,4,3,3 ( absolutely miserable at this point)
    10 Toes to Bar - 5, 3, 2
    10 Wall Balls - 5,5
    5 Toes to Bar - Unbroken

    Rest 20 MIN

    Clean and Jerk EMOM 5
    First 3 Minutes @ 225lbs (102kg)
    Last 2 Minutes @ 205lbs (93kg)

    Bodyweight - 167lbs

  12. 1. EMOMx5
    2 Squat Snatches @ 185# no misses

    2. EMOMx5
    2 Squat Clean and Jerks Did 3 rounds at 225# missed 2nd rep on 3rd min
    Restarted @ 205# did all 5 rounds

    3. EMOMx5
    2 Back Squats @ 275#

    4. Metcon
    For time: 11:21 Rx
    50-40-30-20-10 Wall Balls, 20
    25-20-15-10-5 TTB
    30/20 WB Unbroken TTB 25/15 WB Unbroken TTB 20/10 WB 10/5 TTB Unbroken Rest

  13. Open

    1) 11:34 - first 50 WBs unbroken. By the 30 rep round I started having issues with the rebound off the wall. The ball wasn't rebounding as much as usual and it threw me off. I think I was throwing it at too shallow an angle. Need to clean that up a bit.

    2) 95, 115, 135, 135, 155 failed to stand the last one up but had a remarkable back roll :-)

  14. 1. Snatch: 176# (no misses)

    2. C&J: 225# (light, went for speed under the bar)

    3. Back Squat: 330#

    4. Metcon: 10.04 ..need to work on my ttb!

  15. OPEN
    1. Metcon - 11:23 Rx
    2. EMOM5 - 2 x Squat Snatch @ 150#

  16. Regionals:


    1. 135 lbs. No misses.
    2. 210 lbs. No misses, but challenging.
    3. 315 lbs. These got better as I went along.
    4. 11:50 Rx. TTB still slow, but getting better. Wall balls went extremely well. Really big sets the whole way through.

  17. Reg. (except back squats)
    1) EMOM x 5: 2 Squat snatch (did hang squat snatch): 155# across. Started feeling smooth the last 2 minutes. Mobility still poor in bottom of squat snatch.
    2) EMOM x 5: 2 squat clean and jerks: 235# across.
    3) Metcon: 9:26 Rx. All wallballs unbroken. Didn't have to break ttb more than twice.

    1. Nice job on the metcon! That is a smoking time.

    2. Man you killed that metcon! Nice work!

    3. Thanks fellas. Pretty cool to see everyone improving so much.

    4. Lee, stop working out in the morning and come train at 2pm with me. You have a secret training class going on without me or something. Nice time and keep up these times. You will be in Austin with workouts like this!!

  18. Regionals - M/36/175#/5'10"/Norway
    Shoulders are still wrecked from Saturday. Everything felt awful, didn't seem to be firing on all cylinders today. One of those days. :)
    1. 165/155/155/155/155
    2. 225/225/245/245/245
    3. 355, across
    4. 11:53.

  19. Super sore from Saturday's Wod: Just felt off

    1) 205,195,195,195,195- Snatch
    2) 265, 245, 245, 225,225- CJ
    3) Squats - this PM

    EMOM 10
    2 RC on even
    2 single KBOHS odd- 53,53,70,88,70

    Metcon this Pm with squats..

  20. Master Open:
    1: 15:12 rx
    2. 85, 90, 95f, 95, 100
    then pr'd SS @ 105# happy about breaking the 100# barrier.

    1. Awesome job! I've been hovering around 100 and cannot wait for that day to come for me too!

  21. Regionals
    1. Snatch- 155 across. 8/10
    2. Clean&Jerk- 225 across. 9/100
    3. Back Squats- 295,295,305,305,315. My back Squats are improving so much. I love it.
    4. Metcon- 11:58. Wall balls outside still suck. T2B felt good though!

  22. Open:
    10:22... T2b slowed me down a little but I definitely should have broken 10, although if I did this workout a few months ago I'm sure I would have been over 14.

    Snatches @ 205- 10/10

  23. Open:
    1) 17:49rx, basically did it in sets of 10
    2) 135 across

  24. Open
    1. 13:29 20# WB @9ft target

    I was really happy with how I was able to break this down (large WB sets). I just need to shorten my breaks between sets. My T2Bs have improved so much since I started following this programming that it's ridiculous. I'm almost hoping to see them in the Open?!

    2. EMOM5 - 2 x Squat Snatch @ 115# (85%) I had a couple of misses, but for the most part, they felt pretty good. I was pulling well and getting under the bar pretty well.

    QUESTION FOR THE CREW: My biggest issue at the moment is that my wrists are KILLING me while snatching and OHS? I don't typically like to use braces, belts, etc. because I don't want to be come dependent on them, but I'm starting to think I should start using wrist wraps. Has anyone else gone through this? Maybe it's just bad form or a bad grip...thoughts? Thanks!


    1. I've heard of people developing problems with their wrists from their grip being to wide on the overhead movements i.e. Snatch and OHS. Not sure if that's an issue for you just thought I'd throw that out there. Try moving your grip a little narrower and take some stress off of the wrist joint

    2. Ok, thanks - I'll give it a shot!

    3. My wrists started bothering me as I got a little better at this and started using heavier weights. I had the same concerns as you. I now have wrist wraps and my wrists feel much better.

    4. Thanks guys - I'm going to try it all...

  25. Keep forgetting to post again.

    Apologies for not contributing to the pool.


    1) 10:00
    2) 70,70, 75,75,75

    Wrist is finally starting to feel normal again (after about a year)

  26. 1. Snatch EMOM @ 195
    2. C+J EMOM @ 235
    3. BS EMOM @ 345
    4. Metcon : 12:09 w/ 25# ball. Thought my time was good till I saw the rest. Fack, good job everyone ^. Still need some work on those wallballs apparently.

  27. Reigonals:

    1: Snatch @ 176

    2: C&J @ 215

    3: Back Squat: @ 235-245-245-255-255

    Metcon: 11:36 RX

  28. Skipped part 1 and 2. Did some no jump squat cleans and some jerks.
    3) 345# across (5 sets of 2 back squats)
    4) metcon: 8:41 Rx. Wallballs unbroken. TTB's 25-20-15(11-4)-10(7-3)-5

  29. Wow! That is crazy fast, way to go!

    1. Thanks Peter! Wod just happened to be 2 movements I'm pretty comfortable with. Tomorrow is another day!

  30. 1.) 185 lbs for first 2 sets then.dropped to 155 have a sprained.mcl and didn't wanna tweak it
    2.) Power cleaned because of mcl 225lbs
    3. Had to see where I was because I haven't squatted in almost a month but 295,315,335,335,335
    4.) Metcon

  31. M/26/155

    Been working on some other stuff but did the wod

    Split jerk PR 285

    Backsquat PR 385

    WB/TTB wod: 10:35

  32. 1. 175# 4/6 165# 3/4
    2. 225#
    3. 335# felt heavy
    4. 11:37. WBs u.b. except a couple mistakes in round of 30 and 40. T2B mostly sets of 5 in 25&20, then mixed in 15 and mostly singles in 10&5.

  33. Wow some monsters on here. Just the type of athletes I need to aspire too!

    95lbs on the squat snatch. Working improving this its the weakest part of my game

    185lbs on the squat clean and jerk for all rounds missed last jerk.

    110kg on back squats

    14:36 on the Metcon


  34. 1. snatch: 225#
    2. clean and jerk: 275#
    3. squat: 315#
    4. metcon: 9:40

  35. Snatch : 185
    C&J : 225
    Back Squat : 365
    Metcon : 12:15

  36. Open
    1. metcon 10:40
    2. 210# only missed 1 in 3rd min (9 for 10)

  37. Open Masters
    scaled to 10 min Emom
    10 wbs
    10 t2b
    snatch 85,90,95,95,100

    1. Congratulations at your podium finish this weekend at Shoreline! Awesome job!!!

  38. New to comments. I followed for about 6 months then took a 6 week break from metcons. Getting back to following the regionals section.

    185 snatched otm
    215 clean and jerk otm
    275 b.s. otm
    15:25 metcon. Skill work is really going to hurt me

  39. 2014 Regional & Games:

    1. 95# across (10/10). Stayed light to really feel the positions and stay perfect.

    2. 185# across (10/10).

    3. 315# first 4 min. 335# last min.

    4. 9:27 Rx. WBs UB. TTB 15-10, 10-5-5, 6-4-5, 10, 5.

  40. 1. 185#
    2. 250#
    Met con 11:44 having only a 4 inch wide post as my target was fun. Missed all together a few times which cause the ball to just roll away. Ha. Slowed me down but made me laugh.

  41. 1. 155lbs across
    2. 10:12 (still sick, hard to breathe!

  42. Open
    1. 15:07
    2. 70-70-70-60-60 kg.

    just about one fail per minute on 70, got taxing. was pretty beat in my legs after the metcon. but im happy with my results.

  43. 1. 165x3, 175x2. Snatch is feeling better. I have really buttoned up the bottom position and really happy with this, will be ready re-testing some heavies soon.

    2. 225x1, got a little stinger in my knee and dropped it back to 205 for the next 4.

    3. 295x4, 305x1.

    4. 12:22. Tried to open it up on the wall balls and kinda blew up. TTB were fast. Only broke up the first 2 sets. Wall balls were mostly 10's across. Gotta get better at taking bigger chunks out of these.

  44. 1)165
    2) 225
    3) skipped felt beat up and hungry, later.
    4) 12:13 I hate wall balls need to suck it up.

  45. 1) 170 did not feel good on the snatch at all today
    2) 235,225,225,205,205
    3)305 across
    4)just to start it off I did 13.3 yesterday lol just my luck so this wod wasn't fun at all 12:27 but I did pr 13.3 17 muscle ups in!!!

  46. Open
    1. 13:25. 50 UB wallballs in first set and sets of 10-20 after that. TTB were more of a struggle. Got better today though.

    2. OTM 5 - 2 squat snatches at 155. Felt pretty good so worked up to a 1RM - 175, 185, 195, 205 PR! Failed at 210. Hadn't snatched heavy in quite a while, was feelin it today.

  47. Masters 46
    1. Metcon
    For time: 14:00
    50-40-30-20-10 Wall Balls, 20/14
    25-20-15-10-5 TTB

    2. EMOMx 10
    1 Snatch - #135 focused on hitting the pockets

    3.) EMOM x 5
    2 Sq clean & Jerks # 155

  48. Open

    1.) 10:58...pretty happy about this. This is just one big goat wod to the face so I'll definitely take the improvement.

    2.) #135 across no misses.

  49. Open
    1) 11:04 Rx
    2) @ 140# - no misses

  50. Open/Masters 47

    1) 15:22. Rx. Finally figured out how to flick my feet right back up for the next rep instead of re-kipping. This alone made to day a good day for me.

    2) done at 80# across. Then worked up to 125# on hang squat snatch as that move is required in an upcoming competition (Winter Warmer just outside of Phila., PA).

  51. Open: 17:00 14# wb terrible performance on ttb.
    2: EMOM squat snatch: 105# 2reps for 5min
    3: EMOM squat c&j: 195# 1 rep for 5min

  52. Regionals

    1) 155, 165, 175, 185, 200
    2) 230 across
    3) 310, 310, 320,320, 330
    4) 11:41

  53. Open
    1) 13:25 - T2B are one of my many, many weaknesses.
    2) 155# - Missed the 9th rep, but hit two reps right after the miss.

  54. 1. 135 across
    2. 165 across
    3. 235 across
    4. 8:44

  55. Open
    1- 12:18
    2- 135-155-165-175-185

  56. Open
    1) 14:37 14#
    2) 95#
    3) 5x1 squat clean & jerk otm 165#

  57. Open
    1. 12:50 10# wb
    2. 103# across, missed one rep

  58. Regionals.
    1. 155
    2. 225
    Metcon (9.5 foot target, garage roof isn't tall enough)

  59. Open 2014
    9:47 Rxd

    Snatch emom : 185# across (8/10) should have taken 175#

  60. Regionals

    1. Snatch - 155
    2. C&J - 205
    3. Back Squat - 275 across
    4. Metcon - 17:20 (wall balls mostly unbroken, got stuck on T2B in the late rds)

  61. Open:
    17:22 14# to 9' target
    68# across

  62. Metcon
    9:58 RX

    Snatch EMOM

    Clean EMOM

  63. 1. Done at 100#
    2. Done at 125#
    3. Done at 185#.
    4. Skipped to work on some workouts in my upcoming comp this weekend. Also the reason the EMOMs were light and fast

  64. Open

    1) 14:42. Almost 4 minutes each through first three rounds. the round of 30 was a fight.

    2) 80kg (one miss)

  65. Didn't do the EMOMs cause I got challenged by a friend to do his WOD, so I did that and then the metcon in 9:46. Gonna do the EMOMs with today WOD.

  66. M/33y/187cm/101kg


    1) 14:00 Not happy with my TTB or my bodyweight. Tried a different kip w legs bent and more kicking motion rather than straight legs in pike. WB no particular problem.

    2) 70 kg across

  67. This whole workout was a shit show, done outside on a mil base. Just one of those you take for what it is and move on. Doing oly work in 90 degree heat with 80 something percent humidity was ridiculous. Sweaty big white dude. Had to scale down weights because of grip.

    1. EMOMx5
    2 Squat Snatches - 135

    2. EMOMx5-225

    3. EMOMx5-315

    4. Metcon- had to change for equipment reasons.
    For time:
    50-40-30-20-10 Wall Balls, 20/14
    50-40-30-20-10 ab-mat situps- 10:56

  68. Open
    1. Metcon - 14:49
    2. Hatch squats, week 12 day 1.

  69. Open-17:26 (TTB Crushed me) should not have done knees to elbow yesterday with friends. Need to work on TTB

    2) snatch
    Should have started at 165. Felt very good today

  70. Open:

    Met CON- 11:40 (14lb ball to 9 ft target)
    Snatch EMOM- 125lbs across

  71. OPEN

    1) 10:02 RX

    2) 185# no misses. Power snatches.

  72. Open Program
    1) 12:28 - pleased with this since T2B are a weak spot, but man there are some fast times here.
    2) Accidentally did Tuesdays clean work. Got up to 185, did 195 but failed the high hang. Tried just the high hang after a break and hit it.

  73. Woke up feeling terrible this morning so took a nap after work, cut back on gym time and did open programming today.
    1.) 11:14 rxd
    2.) Snatches felt terrible today. 145/145/150/150/155. On my toes for some reason.

  74. making up stuff still......finally caught up today:

    1rm snatch: 235...10lb from pr...not bad for tired shoulders
    snatch emom 5: misses
    clean and jerk emom (done yesterday): ascending from 225 to 265 (f second rep)
    back squats emom(done yesterday): 305 across

    wall ball ttb: 10:22 rx.....ttb felt so much better today.

  75. Open:
    1) 11:25
    Just a whatever time for me. Ttb still not where they need to be.
    2) 165 power snatches. Shoulder slowly but surely getting prepared for OHS. Hopefully by the open

  76. open -

    1. 16:29 - wall balls done outside in 10 degree weather. not fun and kept dropping the ball because of it
    2. wendler 5/3/1 back squat - 370x1

  77. 1. Done @ 80kg/175lbs (2misses but made them up in the minute)
    2. Done @ 100kg/220lbs
    3. Metcon: 9:15
    WB: All sets of quick 10's (except set of 20straight)
    25- 15/10
    20- 10/5/5
    15- 10/5
    10- 6/4
    5- 5

  78. Back squats done at 140kg/308lbs

  79. Regionals

    snatch 145/2 EMOM 5
    C and J 180/1 EMOM 7
    Met con Rx
