Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Wednesday 1.29.14

Tommy Hackenbruck.

Recovery Day.


  1. so did joe kearney's ring break or what? i know he wasn't 4 minutes behind everyone.

  2. Yeah one of them broke off. Got it fixed and he started at the 4 min mark I believe!

    1. That is correct, he went to do his first MU and the ring came down and they restarted at the 4 min mark.

  3. Did yesterday's open:
    1. Metcon - 6'rnds + 5 reps
    2. 7 + 4

  4. Hey gents still here haven't been able to get my new phone to post. Got it worked out still following. Just opened my own box in tampa and that has definitely forced training to fall off some. Terrible timing with the open coming.
    Monday : 185 snatch
    245 clean and jerk
    300 squat
    27 reps met con

    Open program
    6 rounds plus 14

    Y'all have been crushing it Keep it up. Anyone in tampa area drop in the box. Boom

    1. Congratulations on the gym opening. What is the name?

    2. +1... Mike and I are in the Tampa area...

    3. In tampa? That's great box is in riverview/Brandon off 75/301. I def have a name but waiting on the official blessing from headquarters so I don't want to say it yet to jinx it. The hard grand opening will be march 1st. As soon as the website is up josh I'll post you the address gonna have an open house BBQ maybe y'all can come by.

    4. Even better! we're both in the Riverview/ Brandon area. Mike and I grind it out at Phase Five off 60.

    5. Congrats! Next time I visit the grandparents in Melbourne we might have to take a couple hour trip over there! I am hoping to open a box up here since we are over 2.5 hours away from the nearest one. My community is small, but I think it is possible. 16 months ago when I started Crossfit everyone was turned off by it. Now I have 18 people I train daily before and after work. If I can negotiate with the community on our own space it's gonna happen!

    6. Josh you are in the backyard. Eric is good people and have a few friends that's train there. Need to get up with y'all. Training by myself for the past year is getting old and I think to have some guys on your level will only make us all better.
      Glenn- do it. You have a great following already and I'm sure it would only grow with a proper place. When that time comes let me know and I'll help out anyway I can. It's been a learning experience fore sure. But a fun ride so far

    7. Josh- y'all doing the tnl team comp? Wanted to do it bit again solo training all the time doesn't bode well for finding a team. Just curious.

    8. We are (Mike J, myself, and Dave B from P5)... definitely gotta link up!

    9. Awesome y'all will crush it. I'll be out there have some of my female athletes doing it. I'll try and find y'all

    10. Sounds great man... we'll be sporting the blue P5 shirts!

    11. That's awesome to see guys! I am finally getting my Level 1 next weekend, after over 2 yrs of crossfitting on my own and training a few people, dreaming about maybe opening a box one day... Figured I'd at least take the first step. Looking forward to next weekend.

  5. Snowed in at the apartment today. Did 2 hours of foam rolling and mobility. May walk down to the complex gym and hit the treadmill later to get a little blood flowing

  6. Ran 1 mile @ 8:00 pace
    Bullet-proof shoulders/scap activiation
    30 min stretching

  7. today's density work:
    EMOTM 12:
    Even - 10 slam ball #20
    Odd - 5 burpee boxjump 30"

    rest 5 min

    EMOTM 12:
    Even - 8 rack lunge walk #165
    Odd - 40 DU

    rest 5 min

    EMOTM 12:
    Even - 1 legless rope w/ 5 T2R after decent
    Odd - 4 prowler push (about 10m ea way)

  8. Yesterdays open

    1) 4 rounds + 13 reps Slow burpees and terrible T2B. Pretty solid on the DUs tho ;)
    2) 1,2,3,1,1,2,1,1,1,f,f

    1. That was supposed to be posted by me, not my wife who apparently was logged in.

  9. Anyone else see that Crossfit HQ posted 445# Steinborn Squat today on Instagram? The guy does it the other way, only a handful of people in the comp I was in did that sideways style

  10. Snowmageddan 2.0 in Atlanta! Modified workouts:

    1) 11.4 - 1 rnd+25 burpees
    2) 7x3 deadlifts at 315
    3) 20 rm bench -185. This turned into Lynn + curls.
    4) bulletproof shoulders

  11. Regionals work from yesterday
    1. 415 2 RM
    2. 7x3 speed deads at 295
    3. Metcon 6 Rounds + 1
    4. 20 RM bench at 185

  12. Masters 46
    partner WOD) preparing from Comp on Saturday.
    Warm up
    2 mins
    20 power cleans#135
    20 DL #185
    2 mins
    20 power cleans #155
    20 DL # 225
    4 min AMRAP ( 48 reps) (partner WOD)
    40 power cleans #185
    -then- DL # 275

  13. Make-up work from Monday's Regionals with Noah. Hammy's and low-back pretty sore from all the pulling the day before.

    Snatch EMOTM @185- missed my 2nd snatch in min 2. Other than that, hit everything.

    Clean&J EMOTM @205- intentionally light. wanted to focus on a clean jerk. EZPZ.

    Back Squat EMOTM @325- Solid.
    -Last time we did this for 5min x2reps, failed my 4th & 5th min 2nd reps at this weight.. so felt good to hit 'em all.

    5min AMRAP- 27 Squat Clean & Jerks- Mostly all thruster jerks.
