Friday, January 10, 2014

Saturday 1.11.13

The CFNE Team warming up with the 
Crossover Symmetry activation protocol.

1.  Gymnastics 
100 Burpees for time

2.  Metcon 
With a running clock
3x max reps of KBS, 53/35 in 40 seconds, rest :20 between rounds.
3x max reps of HR Push ups in 40 seconds, rest :20 between rounds.
3x max reps of Squats in 40 seconds, rest :20 between rounds.
3x max calories on Rower in 40 seconds, rest :20 between rounds.
This is a 12 minute workout, 3 minutes at each movement.  Post totals for each of the four movments.

1.  Metcon 
With a running clock
3x max reps of KBS, 53/35 in 40 seconds, rest :20 between rounds.
3x max reps of HR Push ups in 40 seconds, rest :20 between rounds.
3x max reps of Squats in 40 seconds, rest :20 between rounds.
3x max calories on Rower in 40 seconds, rest :20 between rounds.
This is a 12 minute workout, 3 minutes at each movement.  Post totals for each of the four movments.


  1. Tickets are on sale now. I just got mine.

  2. Did yesterday's Metcon today since took rest day yesterday - Score 205 Reps

    100 Burpees for time
    Time - 4:55

  3. Open:
    KBS: 23-24-24
    HR push-ups: 22-14-18
    Squat: 31-27-26
    Row: 11-13-12

  4. Open
    1) 247 total - KBS killed me
    2) OTM: 10 min
    3 DL @ 275 & 3 strict HSPU

  5. Regionals - M/36/179/5'10"/Norway
    1. 6:04
    2. 21/21/22/27/20/15/38/35/35/14/15/14

  6. Open/Masters

    metcon: KB swings: 24, 24, 25
    HR push-ups: 21, 19, 16
    squats: 33, 31, 30
    row: 17, 18, 18
    total: 276

  7. Regionals

    Had to do the wod at home due to time today. Had to sub a 35# kb and sprints for the metcon.

    1) burpees: 5.33
    2) for reps;
    Kb swings: 23/23/23
    Hr push-ups: 29/23/21
    Squats: 43/43/41
    Uphill sprint: 500m.

  8. Regionals:

    1. 5:13

    2. KB: 64
    HRPU: 65
    AS: 104
    Row: 43

    Total: 276

  9. Did main site wod with a buddy.
    "Cindy XXX": 18:51. Supposed to do all sets unbroken but definitely did NOT.

  10. Open
    1) 61/44/104/48 = 257 - Push ups are one of my many goats.
    2) Did EMOM for 10 minutes:
    3 Deadlifts at 275# and alternated between strict dips and kipping per round.

  11. Reg:

    1. 5:19
    2. KB-20,20,21


  12. Open
    1) 55/48/93/43=239
    2)emom for 8 min
    5 dead lift 10 du's

  13. Open
    1. 71/65/86/49=271
    2. OTMX8- dl & pullups

  14. 1. 6:11, that works to almost exactly 16/min which I'm stoked about. Did 30 in about 1:30 (20/min pace) out the gate and I paid for it. 20/min is flying for me.
    2. Metcon: Total 263
    KBS: 63
    HRPU: 57 (this fell off quickly)
    Squats: 91
    Cals: 52 (airdyne)

  15. Open Masters
    1. 64/70/93/27 = 234
    2. 10 emom 3 dl 185 lbs, 2 hspu's

  16. KBS. 21/21/20=62
    HR push-ups. 22/19/15=56
    Squat. 32/30/30=92
    Row of calories. 16/16/17=49

  17. 1. 65/85/110/53

    8min emom 200' run , 3 dl 385#

  18. Open:
    KBS- 29/28/27= 84
    HRP (these got tough quick)- 30/20/21= 71
    Squat- 41/31/30= 102
    Row-18,17,15= 50

    307 Total

  19. Regionals

    1. 100 burpees - 4:12

    2. Stuck at home with no equipment. I'll see if I can play with some variation of the metcon later!

  20. Regionals; Masters

    1. 4:58
    2. Metcon
    KBS 73
    HRPU 67
    ASq 100
    Row 39
    Total 279

  21. Open Master
    Row 10/10/10 = 30
    PU 21/21/21= 63
    Squat 39/40/42=121
    KB 23/22/24= 69
    Total 283

  22. Open

    1. Metcon: 253 reps
    KBS: 20, 19, 20 = 59
    HRPU: 27, 18, 11 = 56
    Squats: 33, 33, 31 = 97
    Burpees: 14, 13, 14 = 41

    I substituted burpees for the calorie row and used a 45# KB. The push ups clearly gave me the most difficulty - wow. I hit a wall.

    2. I completed the second WOD from yesterday
    EMOM 10
    Even: 50 DUs (only broke once per round)
    Odd: 5 OHS @65#


  23. 1. 100 Burpee : 7:29
    2. KBS: 20/20/17 = 57
    HRPU: 20/15/14 = 49
    SQUATS: 30/32/25 = 87
    SIT-UP: 30/28/27 = 85
    TOTAL: 278

  24. Regionals
    I'm prepping for a comp in a couple of weeks so I started off with a 3RM Hang Clean
    I hit 235lbs! I felt so good that I then went on to PR my clean at 255lbs!
    1. 100 burpees for time-5:34
    2. 273 total reps
    Great day overall!!

  25. 1. 100 Burpees FT: 6:51
    2. KBS: 56 total; HRP: 47 total; Squats: 70 total; Row 34 cals total = 207 reps

  26. Open
    KBS 19-20-21=60
    HRPU 22-18-17=57
    Squat 40-29-28=97
    Row 11-12-11=34

  27. did a interval session with some buddies
    for time, and order changing every time, 5min rest between sets.
    row 500m
    20 wall balls (30#)
    20 kbs(55#)
    50 double unders
    run 200m
    time: 4:48

    2. run 200m
    50 dubs
    20 kbs
    20 wb's
    row 500m
    time: 4:48

    3. 20 wb
    50 du's
    20 kbs
    row 500m
    run 200m
    time: 5:08

    4. 20 kbs
    run 200m
    row 500m
    20 wb
    50 du's

    5. 50 du's
    row 500m
    20 kbs
    run 200m
    20 wb's
    time: 5:15
    lots of intensity in these. felt good.

    then did our metcon
    kbs: 23,23,23
    hr push up: 25,21,19(really pleased with these)
    squat: 39,39,40
    cals: 17,18,19
    total reps: 302

  28. Open
    Kbs (62#)-55
    Total- 240 reps

  29. So I won the weightlifting meet I went to today! Pretty amped up! It was a mock meet that about 5 local boxes came to. I went 4/6 100/120. Missed 106 in the snatch and 125 in the clean and jerk. Should have power cleaned 125, but I was in "make it pretty mode". Luckily the 2 guys that snatched the same as me and were going to crush me in the clean and jerk had an off day and missed all of their attempts at 130. So, some luck was involved, but the win felt good!

    The came back and did ours, 6:44 on the burpees, that's a 2 minute PR after lifting for 4 hours, the time between lifts and warming up sucked. I'm used to this OTM stuff AND THEN going to wild wings and eating a burger, fries and 10 wings. I don't feel like I suck at burpees as bad anymore. Really stoked about that.

    232 on the next one. Squats were so slow. just got dusted by the guys working out with me on that one.

    Worked up to a heavy sumo dead from yesterday, 415.

    So I've been basically working out from 10AM-6PM. Ready for bed.

  30. 5' 6" 165 Southeast

    AM Oly Session then did the work in the afternoon

    1) Burpees - 6:14 Open standards to a target
    2) WOD
    KBS 22/22/22
    HRPU 31/26/21
    AS 31/33/34
    Row 38 Cals total (I need to get better at rowing)
    Total 280

    Bar MU work after, overall a better day than yesterday.

    1. Yeh bro rowers not kind to us short guys

    2. Haha or this light, oh well makes the push ups easier I guess

  31. Open
    272 reps. 61/87/85/39
    Used 55lb KB. Subbed burpees for cal rows, but I ordered my C2 rower today!

    Metcon is starting to feel a bit better.

  32. Burpees- 7:37. 30sec pr
    Metcon- 284 total
    KBS- 22/21/21
    HRPU- 30/21/17
    Squat- 40/36/35
    Row- 14/13/14

  33. 1. Gymnastics
    100 Burpees for time- 6:27, this is the result I am probably more proud of than anything else in the last 9 months. At 6'2" and 230 I doubt burpees will ever be my "thing" but this program has really helped me become much more well rounded. No breaks, straight through, same pace throughout. Little bit faster than 15 per min.

    2. Metcon
    With a running clock
    3x max reps of KBS, 53/35 in 40 seconds, rest :20 between rounds- 25, 24, 20
    3x max reps of HR Push ups in 40 seconds, rest :20 between rounds- 17, 18, 15
    3x max reps of Squats in 40 seconds, rest :20 between rounds- 40, 40, 40
    3x max calories on Rower in 40 seconds, rest :20 between rounds- 16, 15, 16

    Total- 286

    1. J, I feel/felt the exact same way. Solid progress bro!

    2. Exactly the same sentiment on the burpees. I said the EXACT same thing when I finished about how happy I was about the burpees. I know there are some dudes that are 5'9 180# that are going to dust me every single day in burpees, but being a big guy and doing that in the in 6:44. Man, just super amped. Good work!

  34. Crap comment didn't post. Rough day but glad I went. Great day of eating and football though!

    1.7:23 not a PR but happy with it. Tried to maintain 16 per minute, fell off a bit at minute 4
    1. Kbs 19/15/16
    Pushup 20/20/17
    Squat 29/26/25
    Cal 11/13/14
    Total 225

    Rowed at 4 in the damper instead of my usual 6 at the suggestion of my partner. Didn't like it. But might try that setting on longer rows.

  35. Open

    swings: 20, 20, 20
    pushups: 12, 12, 10
    squats: 30, 26, 28
    row: 15, 15, 16 (cals)

    pushups is a goat of mine.

  36. Open Program
    1) 251 - 62, 52, 89, 48 (sub 70-lb KB SDHP)

  37. 1.) burpees 5:37... started thinking just to "get it done" then decided halfway through the only way to end it faster was to get to 100. derr. rocket science, i know. 100 either way, right? and once your arms are feeling it, fast or slow, it ain't gonna feel great no matter what... counting backwards really helped keep me going.

    2.) metcon: 267
    swings: 64
    pushups: 46
    squats: 120
    row: 37

  38. 1. 6:29

    KBS 23 / 20 / 20 = 63
    HRPU 20 / 20 / 15 = 55
    SQ 35 / 32 / 31 = 98
    Row 15 / 14 / 13 = 42
    Total = 258

  39. Open
    swings: 21/20/19=60
    push-ups: 23/17/16=56
    squats: 29/27/25=81
    row: 15/13/14=42
    Total: 239

  40. Open
    Did with a class. Didn't have rowers so subbed with burpees

  41. 1. 100 Burpees: 4:27
    - stocked with this. Shoulders were the restricting factor, so more pushing!
    2. Metcon:
    KB Swings: 21/21/21
    Push ups: 21/20/20
    Squats: 32/34/34
    Row: 14/13/16
    Total = 267reps
    Added in C2B: 12/13/12 (terrible effort)

    Finished with 4x25 GHDSU (1min rest)

  42. Open
    1. 262
    KBS: 22, 21, 21
    HRPU: 21, 19, 19
    Squats: 38, 30, 27
    Row: 15, 14, 15
