Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Thursday 1.16.14

Spealler's GHD Bench Press.

1.  Snatch Complex
5 sets of: 4-Position Snatch
Position 1:  High Hang (pockets) - should mimic the bottom of the dip on a push press.  Vertical torso, bar at hips, weight in mid-foot.
Position 2:  Mid Thigh - chest over the bar, bar close to thighs, weight in mid-foot.
Position 3:  Low Hang (below knees) - looking for vertical shins and chest as high as possible.
Position 4:  Full Snatch (from the floor) - looking to hit all the position throughout the lift.  
This is not suppose to be a heavy set.  Go lighter and drill in the positions.
Every rep is done as a squat snatch.
The idea is to dial in the first position.
Then dial in the second position and pass through position 1.
Then dial in position position 3 and pass through 2 and 1.
Then do a full snatch passing through every position.

2. Metcon
30 Snatches for time, 185/135 - power or squat allowed.
EMOM complete 30 Double unders

3.  Midline
5x10 GHD Bench Press
These are not for load. Use and empty bar.  Don't let the bar drift toward your waist as you press. Keep it in line with your shoulders.  Slower is better.

1. Metcon
30 Snatches for time, 155/105 - power or squat allowed.
EMOM complete 30 Double unders

2.  Snatch Complex
5 sets of: 4-Position Snatch
Position 1:  High Hang (pockets) - should mimic the bottom of the dip on a push press.  Vertical torso, bar at hips, weight in mid-foot.
Position 2:  Mid Thigh - chest over the bar, bar close to thighs, weight in mid-foot.
Position 3:  Low Hang (below knees) - looking for vertical shins and chest as high as possible.
Position 4:  Full Snatch (from the floor) - looking to hit all the position throughout the lift.  
This is not suppose to be a heavy set.  Go lighter and drill in the positions.
Every rep is done as a squat snatch.
The idea is to dial in the first position.
Then dial in the second position and pass through position 1.
Then dial in position position 3 and pass through 2 and 1.
Then do a full snatch passing through every position.

3.  Midline
5x10 GHD Bench Press
These are not for load. Use and empty bar.  Don't let the bar drift toward your waist as you press. Keep it in line with your shoulders.  Slower is better.


  1. Couch, should we start with double unders in the metcon?

    1. Think you start with snatches Stas.
      How can you call him Couch ;)

    2. hoho.. Certainly coach. It was 3 am when i wrote it. I had to re-read twice what I wrote.
      Anyway I started with DUs and completed 30 snatches in 5:00

    3. You're in good shape man!!
      Keep pushing!!

  2. Wish there was a video of the snatch complex. Fairly sure what it is, but i'm a visual learner :)

  3. Regionals
    1.4-Position Snatch- 95,115,135x3. These felt solid.
    2.Well, me being the stubborn kid I am, I said that the most I was scaling this was 155lbs. Bad idea. Made it to 20 in 14:55. Stopped there. Got my butt handed to me in this one.

    1. Okay I had of the wrong attitude on this. Thinking back on my performance, a couple of months ago I couldn't have even dreamed of doing that many snatches at 155 in Any period of time. So I didn't do that bad.

    2. Since I've been watching your numbers you've made tremendous improvements bro, keep up the great work. You could've taken it a little lighter on the 4 position snatches though that was 12 full snatches at 135 couldn't have helped

    3. Thanks man! Yeah, those first snatches probably didn't help haha

  4. Open:

    4 pos snatch - 88/88/99/99/110, kept it light and quick!

    METCON - 18:00, WOW!!! Scaled to #145. Reps went 6,3,2, & 1-2 for the rest of the time. At rep 23 I scaled the dubs to 20, total dubs were 490 and I went unb except for 2-3 trip ups.

    Terminator - complete, first time on these... tough!

  5. Does anyone know if these wods are on beyond the whiteboard? I couldn't find anything. Thanks!!

  6. 1. Snatch Complex
    5 sets of: 4-Position Snatch
    115 Across; Worked on staying in heels and really launching the bar up.

    2. Metcon

    30 Snatches for time, 185 14:57 Started with snatches 5,3,then 2's&1's w/ some 3's
    Went with 185 and went squat snatches across. Only did 20 double unders per round though, must have written it down wrong, no idea where I got that number from.

    3. Midline
    5x10 GHD Bench Press
    Probably the last thing those lower spinal erectors needed after Tuesdays WOD, Done with just the bar, really focused on not letting bar drift.

  7. I had to scale :( was only able to do Metcon

    155 snatch with 15 dubs (my two goats)
    Finished in 8:41

  8. OPEN
    1. Metcon - 10:43 Rx
    2. 4 Position Snatch - 95-105-115-115 Rx
    3. 5x10 GHD Press - used 20# DB

    ... missed 1 on R9 or would have been sub-10 - super pleased how this went ...
    ... no room for a bar with the GHD bolted down in a sad little corner of the globogym I'm visiting this week

  9. Open:
    1) 10:47, scaled to 135. Weight felt good, dub's were what held me back.
    2) 90 across (60%)
    3) Done

  10. Regionals:

    1) 4 position snatch- 95 across. Stayed light and fast felt great!

    2) Metcon- 12:52 @ 185. 1st-15 were power, 2nd-15 were full snatch- these actually felt great, felt fast and stable on the bar. Double under were terrible toward the end.

    Shouldn't have done in oly's feet started to cramp....

    3) GHD Bench Press- bar... these sucked!!

  11. REg
    1) 115*3, 135*2
    2) 4:27 (only did singles)
    3) done with 45lbs barbell

  12. Open (but did Regional weight)
    1) 8:55 @ 185 w/ the damn 30 DUs...I took a minute off of snatches in the middle (still did the 30 DUs. Twice in a row basically) because they caught up to me so badly. My lungs are burning.

    2) I'll try to do something else a little later

    1. Just reviewed the video...apparently I did the 30 snatches in 6:55, not 8:55...too dazed and confused after this one for sure!

    2. Ohhhh tough guy

  13. 1) 185 across
    2) 13 mins. yuck!
    3) done.

  14. Open:
    Did the open rx @ 155 because I've been trying to follow the plan and boost my engine with lighter weights....but I really would like to do this @185

    3:54 and a hearty dose of lung burn

  15. Quick question for the group... I have been following the Open plan for about 2 weeks now. I am familiar with crossfit and the movements but one thing that has me a little stumped is scaling. Example, yesterday's workout took me 25:00 flat. The weight (185# for DL is 40% of my 1RM DL and 65% of my 1RM for FS. Obviously my conditioning needs massive work but my question is should I be scaling these workouts to get them done quicker or do them as RX'd. What really got me thinking was todays workout is 30 Snatch for time at 155#. My 1RM for snatch is 195# but in reading an article about scaling and intensity last night, I should probably be doing 50-55% of my 1RM for the given rep range. Sorry for the long winded question but I was curious as to what others opinions are around how this should be handled. Thanks for any responses in advance.

    1. Hey Adam I'm probably not the best person to be answering this question but I'll give it a shot anyway.
      From my understanding it's all relative to what you want man. If you know that your engine needs work then scale accordingly so you can get that metabolic conditioning in, however, if you're like me and know your strength is your weakness then go heavy and build that muscle.
      Hope I helped a little and good luck training

    2. My max snatch is 185lbs and this workout gave me hell at 155.

    3. Adam,

      Great question. Id argue for what is being programmed here Ben is looking for a certain stimulus from each workout.

      That is to say that some workouts are intended to be short, some medium, and others longer. Considering that try to scale workouts accordingly most of the time to have the same stimulus for you.

      For example, "Isabel, 30 snatches for time 135" takes our top guys less than 5 min some less than 3. So you would want to scale they weight so you could fit under the 5min time cap if you were looking to preserve the stimulus--Try and do this most of the time.

      On the other hand you will want to and benefit from "slugging it out" as long as you can maintain mechanics of movement. For example, lets say every time "Isabel" came up in the last year you scaled it to finish in under 5 min. While this will get you better and stronger and fitter you are also bottlenecking yourself to get very good at snatching less than 135lbs for 30 reps. Everyone once in a while, its needed for variance, you have to step out and see what the heck you got and try it Rx--even if you have to fight through it.

      Let me know if you have any questions:

      If you have trouble scaling workouts keep posting questions here and the athletes will help you out.

  16. Reg
    1) 85,95,100, 105,105
    2) 9:21 scaled to 110#
    3) done

  17. Open

    1.) 9:59...woof, wanted sub 10 so yay. Absolutely blew but at this point last year my max snatch was #165 so I'll take the progress with a smile on my face.

    2.) After about 30 min of trying to break parallel haha I completed sets at #115x3 and #135x2

  18. Open
    1) 9:00 Two straight minutes of Dubs, they were way off today
    2)105,115,125,135 Very toesy today. Made myself sit back in the heels after the catch. Lots of missed reps/sets sprinkled in

  19. Open
    1) 14:58. I'm happy with that. snatches were heavy, but got 'em done. very few fails in the double unders. 2-3 failed snatches. rest were solid powersnatches.
    2) 40 kgs across the board. went light and hit the positions well.

  20. 1. worked up to 175# hittin positions really well,.
    2. 30 snatch with 185#
    30 dubs OTM
    5:42 rx dubs were on today. missed #30 cuz i'm a dumb ass and tried to squat snatch it.
    3. ghd bench done with empty bar

  21. Open Masters
    1. 10:02 @ 75# squat snatches w/ 20 DUs
    2. 5x4 position + squat snatch @ 75# across
    3. 5x10 GHD benches @ 15,15,20,25,25

  22. OPEN

    1) 3:48 RX
    15-6-5-4. HAPPY!

    2) Done.

    3) Done.

  23. Regionals

    1: 4 pos snatch @135
    2: Metcon 10:04 Only Squat Snatches
    3: Ghd Bench: 5x10 with empty bar

  24. Reg:

    1. 155
    2. 7:10-ish...kept having to move the bar out of the classes way
    3. Did Wendler Shoulder Press instead

  25. 1) 115 on positions trying to make em fast and clean
    2) 5:52 RX @155 found out I can't do double unders with wrist wraps on tight.
    3) done with empty bar

  26. sucks having to take it easy today... started trying to train and realized ...I should not be training like this... so weak ... but by the end of the day... I'm starting to feel a little bit better... tomorrows a new day :)

  27. Open:
    1. 5:59 w/ 135#- actually an Isabel PR which is crazy
    2. 95#x2, 125#x3- really wanted to work on form
    3. done

  28. Open
    Did the snatch complex first for technique and warmup to save some time - 95# across

    Metcon - 11:58. Broke a bumper plate mid wod so lost some time. Otherwise, double unders were what held me back, still struggle with them when fatigued. Had a set of no snatches in there... It was 9, 3, then mostly 2's after that. Great wod, 155# snatch have never felt so good.

    GHD bench presses, done. Tough than I thought!

  29. OPEN:
    1) 6:52
    2) 105-115-125-135-145
    3) Done with 25# db's

  30. Open
    1. 9:48
    2. 95/105/115/125/135
    3. Done

  31. Open:
    1. 13:51 (135# PWR Snatch)
    -DU's are my goat, did 10 until the 11th-13th minute where I dropped down to 30 Singles to just get it over with. Metcon kicked my ass
    2. 65#x3, 85#x2
    3. 5x35Xbar

  32. Open 2014

    1. metcon 6:54 rx @ 155
    2. 95-115-125-135-145
    3. 25# -35# & 2x @ 45#

  33. 1) 115
    2) 7:55 this got very hard fast!!!!
    3) will do Saturday no ghd

  34. Masters 46
    First time doing snatches at this load (155) took time and concentrated on technique, DU's got me got to drill them everyday I guess from here on out. Stoked that I completed RX.
    1. Metcon (21:33)
    30 Snatches for time, 155/105 - power or squat allowed.
    EMOM complete 30 Double unders

    2. Snatch Complex
    5 sets of: 4-Position Snatch (done)

    3. Midline
    5x10 GHD Bench Press #45

  35. Open
    1) 4:33 105#/10 du's, scaled too much on weight
    2) 80#
    3) 30#

  36. Open
    1. 12:48 at 90#. Did DU in 0:20 or less. Took 10-15 secs to get into form for snatch.
    2. Done at 65# prob should of done 75# but wanted to go light like Ben suggested.
    3. No ghd. Skipped

  37. Regionals.

    1) done at 115. Felt really smooth and solid.

    2) 9.58 (used 155#, seeing as 170# is my current 1rm). Tried this one this morning and imploded. Stopped at 16 snatches and more minutes. Reset and came back this afternoon and felt much better.

    3) done.

  38. Open/Masters 47

    1) 8:00 @ 115# and 30 du.

    2) tried but couldn't do due to wrist pain.

  39. Open: 6:47 115# 10du
    Snatch cmplex: 75# across
    Ghd with 45# bar

  40. Open
    1) 7:58 at 135# did all power snatches probably should have gone heavier.
    2) 95/115/115/125/135

  41. Open
    1 - 4:40 - DUs usually spot on but not today. Happy with the time though - repping midweight snatches is a goat.
    2 - only had time for midline work so I'll complete tomorrow.
    3 - done

  42. 1. 4 position snatch: 95# - 155#. Felt really good and took a long time warming up and drilling positions.
    2. 30 snatches + emom: 6:57 @ 155# (10,4,3,4,3,3,3)
    3. 35#x2 45#x3

  43. Open
    1- 13:52 had to scale down to 20 DU part way thru.
    2&3 did alternating sets. Snatches at 95#.

  44. Open:
    Metcon: 8:55rxd
    Snatch Complex: @ 90
    Bench Press: 3x5 @ 265

  45. Made up tues wod.
    Row dl fs 13:45

    5sets 4 position snatch worked up to 165#

  46. Open
    1. Scaled to 135 and 10 double unders. Failed horribly! Reorganized myself and did rounds of 3 snatches and 10 DU's. Finished in 16:41. Although I am still horrible at DU's I feel myself slowly starting to progress.
    2. Done at 85 across
    3. Did 5x5

  47. Open: Did the metcon with a client reluctantly after long day work day. 8:46 doubles were shitty when I usually have no problem. Need to quit my job if I want to do well in the open :/

  48. 2014 Regional & Games:

    1. 95#. Tried to stay perfect.

    2. 8:41. Scaled @135. 5, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 3, 4, 2. DUs UB except second round.

    3. Done.

  49. 1. 2@95#, 2@115#, 1@125#. No misses all clean and Fast!
    2. 19:49 @ 165. Weight was a tad heavy and double unders almost all unbroken. Had a guy get arrested in the middle, I had to give a statement, finish the workout and leave.
    3. Done

    Also did the main site "Marguerita" with the night group. 18:01 with absolutely 0 warmup. They said I owed them. It was fun.

  50. Metcon- had to scale down to 165, just not there for 185 on a metcon yet. Finished in 6:54

    Ghd press- done, spicy!

  51. Regionals.....still making up...lots of snatches...whew....

    1: 75-155 ascending
    2: snatch machine needs an oil change
    3: done...empty bar.

  52. 1) 105,115,125,135,145
    2) 14:54 @ 155#
    3) done @ 45#

    First time doing 30 snatches @ 155#. Work in progress ;)

  53. Open Program
    1) 9:58 - started with snatch, got 8 first min, then 3 or 2 per min. This was nasty.
    2) 95, 105, 205, 115, 125
    3) Did 3 sets, then out of time

  54. Open:

    1) Stopped after 10 minutes. Was a little too spicy for me, calves getting sore from the DU's. 20 reps I think.

    2) 40/50/50/60/60kg

    3) did some strict T2B instead

  55. Regionals
    Snatch 4-parts upto 105
    30 snatch wod RRx: 18:00

    1. Had to squat snatch all reps at 135

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. 11:47 75#
    45# across for the snatch
    15# empty bar for the GHDs
