Saturday, May 11, 2013

Sunday 5.12.12

In 5 days...
All Regions.
Recovery Day.


  1. Yea!!! Thanks Ben...well deserved and needed.

  2. Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers out there. Especially the ones that follow the blog...I know I hard it is for my wife to keep up

  3. Utilized this recovery day to do some much needed home maintenance :) Functional fitness at its finest.
    I agree though, Ryan and Alex -- this was a definite needed recovery day! That row workout wore me out more AFTER the fact than I expected!

  4. Have to take tomorrow off so here was today's wod:

    1. Max rep power snatch 95#
    Max rep C&J 95#
    (2 rounds)

    2. 12 min EMOM
    Even- 5 strict HSPUs (1 ab mat)
    Odd- 7 dead hang pull ups

    3. 6 min AMRAP
    2 KB snatches alternating arms
    2 burpees
    4 & 4
    6 & 6

  5. Yesterday's work.

    2. I didn't redo Jackie the other day so did that instead of the ninja work.. Don't have a rower so did 800m run instead of the row. 7:14 - 13 sec pr from 4/20

    1. OHS 3x3 @ 90% 3RM from the other day - 175lbs. Did 5 reps on the last set just cuz I could

    Great week of training, exhausted! Lots of sleeping and naps...
