Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Thursday 5.2.13

Kate Schuh
Recovery Day

Friday will be a double day.
Saturday and Sunday will be singles.
Monday - Rest Day
Tuesday will begin Programming by Region.  


  1. Norway looks forward to it. :)

  2. Wifey and I have a comp here in Vegas on Sat, so we modified for the next 2 days to prep. Today's work:

    1) Clean/HSPU Metcon from a couple days ago.
    -Me = 8:07 RXd
    -Wifey = 4:38 105/85/65 (needed to go up in weight because she destroyed it haha!)

    2) Deadlift Session

    3) "Fran"
    -Me = 4:38 RX'd (second time ever doing Fran)
    -Wifey = 6:48 ( RXd with blue band on pull-ups)

  3. Yesterday's Work:

    1. 185# (70%)
    2. 185# (65%, 5x1)
    3. 6, 7, 8 (21)
    4. 45#, 65#, 85#, 105#, 115#, 135# (easing into heavier weights still)
