Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Wednesday 5.22.13

CFNE Teams
Regional 1:  May 17-19
1.  Back Squat
5 x 3 across

2.  4 RFT:
40m Prowler Push, 225/185
8 Burpees
1 minute rest between rounds

3.  5K Row
Moderate Pace

Thursday - Training
Friday - Rest Day
Saturday - Training
Sunday - Training

REGIONAL TWO:  May 24-26,
1.  Rest Day

Thursday - Pregame
Friday, Saturday, Sunday - Regional Competition!
Monday, Tuesday - Recovery

REGIONAL THREE:  May 31-June 2 
1.  For Time:
18 DL, 315
18 BJ, 30"
:30 rest
12 Deads, 315
12 BJ, 30"
:30 rest
9 Deads
9 BJ, 30"

 2.  3 RFT:
35 Wall Balls, 20
20 DBS, 70#

Thursday - Rest Day
Friday - Training
Saturday - Training
Sunday - Rest Day
Monday - Training
Tuesday - Training
Wednesday - Rest Day
Thursday - Pregame
Friday, Saturday, Sunday - Regional Competition!

1.  For Time:
21 DL, 315
21 BJ, 30"
:30 rest
15 Deads, 315
15 BJ, 30"
:30 rest
9 Deads
9 BJ, 30"

 2.  3 RFT:
35 Wall Balls, 20
20 DBS, 70#

Thursday - Rest Day
Friday - Training
Saturday - Training
Sunday - Training
Monday - Rest Day
Tuesday - Training
Wednesday - Training
Thursday - Rest Day
Friday - Training
Saturday - Training
Sunday - Rest Day
Monday - Training
Tuesday - Training
Wednesday - Rest Day
Thursday - Pregame
Friday, Saturday, Sunday - Regional Competition!


  1. 1) 225-245-255-265-265
    2) skipped due to time and lack if equipment
    3) 21:11

  2. Regional 3:

    Did a 3 man Team WOD. 15 min AMRAP. 5 Burpee Pull ups, 10 KBS 32 kg, 20 Wall Balls 20 lbs. 505 reps total (14 rounds + 5/10)

  3. Region 1

    1. 345, 345, 365, 365, 385
    2. 5:17 total time
    3. Done

  4. First Competitor WOD!! Fighting the post cruise buffet hangover...

    Region 1
    1) 240-240-245-250-250
    2) skipped due to lack of equipment (any good sub for prowler push?)
    3) Completed at a very moderate pace


  5. Hey Ben, I really enjoy the programming, I'm interested in learning the methods to your madness, any reading you can suggest?

  6. Region 1
    1. 200 across
    2. 9:59RX - Kept getting the prowler stuck on tar! lol
    3. 22:31 - anyone else's butt hurt? :)

  7. Haven't been posting on here.. Had friends in town so training slowed down. Plus the repeat of regional WODs was wearing me down. But I have been doing some of them, working on goats, etc. the deadlift/bj WOD debilitated me for a few days.

    Today I hit a 1RM pr on strict press with 205 which went up very slowly, but i fought it all the way. Then did 5x3: 135-145-165-175-185

    Then did regional event #7 rope climbs and squat cleans: 10:53 rx'd.

    Hope to see some of your names on the leaderboards at the regionals!

  8. Regional 3
    1. Had to quit in the middle of set of 12 deads. Exertion headache again. I might have to stay light for a couple of weeks. Ugh!

    2. 9:50

  9. Region 1
    Been ill this week so kept it easy today, no real intensity
    1 - 5 * 3 @ 130kg, 60 seconds rest
    3 - 15 minutes for metres = 4034m
