Monday, May 27, 2013

Tuesday 5.28.13

Regional 1:  May 17-19
1.  Shuttle Run
4 sets of:
5-10-15-20m suicide sprint - chest must hit the ground at every turn around.  Complete this on a field.  Rest as needed between max effort sets.

2.  5-4-3-2-1 of:  
Heavy Stone Shoulder - you choose the weight.
Deficit HSPU, on Parallettes.

3.  3 RFT:
20 TTB
20 Box Jumps Overs, 24/20
20 SDHP, 95/65
20 Burpees

Tuesday - Training
Wednesday - Training
Thursday - Training
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Training
Sunday - Training

REGIONAL TWO:  May 24-26,

Wednesday - Training
Thrusday - Training
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Training
Sunday - Training
Monday - Rest

REGIONAL THREE:  May 31-June 2 
1.  Row 
1K Row at Jackie Pace

2.  2RFT:
30 Wall Balls, 20/14
25 C2B
20 DBS, 70/50

Wednesday - Rest Day
Thursday - Pregame
Friday, Saturday, Sunday - Regional Competition!
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - Rest

1.  Jackie
1000m Row
50 Thrusters, 45
30 Pull ups

2.  3 RFT:
50 Double Unders
20 TTB

Wednesday - Training
Thursday - Rest Day
Friday - Training
Saturday - Training
Sunday - Rest Day
Monday - Training
Tuesday - Training
Wednesday - Rest Day
Thursday - Pregame
Friday, Saturday, Sunday - Regional Competition!


  1. Last day of training then its off to the Asia Regionals with my team.

    Coach Ben, thank you very much for the programming and those quotes/words to keep your athletes going. The last 9-10 months have been very humbling yet enriching for me, both as a Crossfitter and a person. Proud to be Built by Bergeron.

    Thank you all for the encouragement and motivation to chase your numbers/scores. Good luck to everyone else competing in the last 2 weeks of the Regionals and those going to the Games.

    1. Best of luck to you and your team.

    2. Best of luck and have a great time at regionals!

    3. Good luck Tadpole!!
      You have train hard and done all the preparation, now relax and enjoy every minute of it

  2. Made up for yesterday's rest day with Murph this morning. First time.. 44:20. Pull-ups were easiest, squats hardest. Opposite to what I would've thought. Great workout.

  3. 1. Stones/paralletes- 154 stone. First time with the paralletes. Failed 1st 2 reps in the first round so decided to for with a 25#plate and an abmat. All straight after that-9:35. Need to play with the parrallettes a bit

    2. Shuttle run-34,34,34,31

    3. 3x 20's wod- 10:51

  4. 1) shuttle run 27-28-29-29

    2) power clean 93 kg deficit hspu 3:53

    3) 14:19

  5. Region 1

    1) 35, 34, 32, 33 on a road. Couldn't find a field in time.

    2) Did first 5 atlas shoulders with 75kg, realised I was going to die/ break my back so used 60kg for remainder
    HSPU's on 20kg + 10kg plate, don't have paralletes.

    3) 14:51

  6. 1) Done, but I don't know my times... :(
    2) No stones, so I did heavy power cleans at 140 in place. Took me 7:18.
    3) Timer did not start on my phone (annoying), but I think it was around 15 minutes.

    Starting Grad school tonight, so my training may be somewhat effected until I get timing all world out. I will do what it takes, but I hope that doesn't mean 4:30 AM workouts before work every morning :)

  7. 1 - torrential rain kept us indoors without space to run. Modified to 20kg fat bar thrusters and burpees
    3 rounds, each for time, of
    2 thrusters, 1 burpee
    2 thrusters, 1 burpee
    4 thrusters, 1 burpee
    4 thrusters, 1 burpee
    6 thrusters, 1 burpee
    6 thrusters, 1 burpee
    8 thrusters, 1 burpee
    8 thrusters

    Round times of
    2:04, 1:51 and 1:42

    2 - Robbo
    For time
    Row 750m;
    Then 2 rounds of
    Power clean 100kg
    Muscle up
    Then row 750m


    A SF guy who did CrossFit who it is thought suffered from PTSD

  8. 1. Feeling good
    2. 7:55Rx

    Group 4

  9. Region 1 - Did this a little out of order, running is a strength of mine so saved it for last in case I ran out of time.

    1) 5-4-3-2-1 = 6" parallettes on top of 45's and 100lbs Stone (heaviest we have) - 3:19

    2) 20's = 13:20 RX

    3) Shuttles = :33, :29, :29, :30 .....the burpee turnaround was a bitch

  10. Only had time for #3 today: 17:14
    1st day back after a few off. Will do part one on Friday morning as active rest.

  11. Regional 3
    1- 3:32
    2- 9:50 with 60# kettlebell
