Monday, May 6, 2013

Tuesday 5.7.13

The Regionals are coming...

1.  “Jackie”
For time:
1000 meter Row
45 pound Thruster, 50 reps
30 Pull-ups

2.  Overhead squat complex
7 Minute ladder of:
3 Overhead squats

3.  For time:
30 Burpee muscle-ups

Read and watch all the video standards and perform these exactly as described.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I have a crossfit induced chubby right now.....

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Anyone following guna be competing at the North Central Regional? If so look for the name Drake Comfort (thats me). I'd love to meet other people who are BBB and hug it out. maybe go get a cup of coffee, introduce you to my family and friends,paint together and cry. Ya know, normal shit.

    1. Haha! Team Bellator from Tulsa, Ok will be there. We have been strictly following Berg since August and loving it! See you there, Drake!

    2. Awesome Mel, I'll be keeping an eye out for you...

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I can't seem to connect to the Games link.... Does anybody have the same problem?

  7. Either I f'd up or the Wod changed after I looked last night. Anyway....Started as..

    3x1 Snatch - 175 across

    3x1 C&J - 225 across

    3x2 Front Squat - 324

    About to hit 21-15-9 Burp/Pull up. Went to my phone to double check the wod, saw this posted above, so finished up with

    Jackie - 6:42. 16 second PR from the other week. Pretty happy with that.

    Will try to make up the work above I missed later.

  8. Did everything to regional standards. Took a 20 mins break between Jackie and the OHS Ladder then 2 mins before the Burpee MU's

    Jackie: 6:31 (:16 PR)

    OHS Ladder 205.1 (started at 185)

    then 2 mins rest on a running clock

    30 Burpee MU's in 5:02

    1. You're gonna have a fun first day!

    2. Thanks guys, and solid numbers from you all too. and unfortunately I didnt make it Jubba. Mid-atlantic was a little too top heavy for me to make the cut. But good luck to all you guys!

  9. 1. Skipped

    2. OHS Ladder: 185# start, 205#, 215.1#

    3. 26 Burpee Muscle Ups.

  10. I am beat. It was a good morning though.

    1. 6:54rx (2:50 pr)

    2. 235.2. Damn knees were killing me today. Will redo for fun later this afternoon. I know I can do better.
    -2 minute break
    3. 6:48. Hands all ripped now. Surprised myself on that one.

  11. 1) 6:55 (2 second PB)
    *rested an hour
    2) 87.5kg (started at 82.5kg or 185lbs for us Americans amongst us)
    *rested 2 mins
    3) 23 Burpee muscle ups

    1. Out of curiosity for the guys who went heavier how did you get it overhead?

    2. I did power clean, jerk to back rack, jerk to OH.

    3. I did the same as Alex.

  12. 1. 6:53 (2 sec. PR as well hah)
    - rest 30-40 min.
    2. 185# (heaviest thing I've done in a long time)
    3. 6:58 (brutal false grip tear, gonna need some care to be good for regionals)

    1. Correction, video replay showed 31 BMU reps in 6:58, so actual time was 6:45 for #3.

  13. I love this wods, Lots of strategy involved, especially the burpee muscle ups, such as re-setting the rings coming down for the burpees!

  14. Impressive work today folks. Looking forward to hitting this tonight.

  15. 1 - 7:27 PB by 13 seconds
    2 - opened at 60kg (135lbs) and added 5kg a minute. Hit all three at the top bar and then kept going to do 3 at 95kg but missed the snatch twice at 100kg.
    Rested longer than programmed
    3 - 22 in 8 minutes

  16. 1 - 7:57, not my fastest but close :)
    2 - 155 lb top
    3 - 11 total

  17. 1) 7:30 i waited the rest of 10 min then started the ohs.
    2) 75kg
    2min rest
    3) 14 min first time i did 30 MU for time pretty happy with the time

  18. 1: 6:44 nearly a 1 minute PR! Woot! woot!
    2: 185, 195, 205x2
    3: 7:35

  19. 1. 5:40 rxd ...a few weeks ago 6:23
    2/3. 225-245, 255.2 / 5:45 rxd

  20. Had the fever yesterday... :( no bueno. But it felt good to be moving today. My results:
    1) 8:04 RX'd (31 sec PR from 3 weeks ago)
    2) 205.3
    3) Can't do muscle ups in the garage, so subbed 30 burpee pull ups and 30 ring dips for time. 6:17.

    1) 10:32 (1:29 sec PR from 3 weeks ago!)
    2) 100.3
    3) 30 Burpee Pull Ups and 30 Ring Dips. 6:03 with blue band on ring dips.

    Pretty awesome seeing how some of you guys are doing with today's work! Def humbling to be apart of this community!

  21. 1. 6:27
    2. 1 rep at 205
    3. 25 reps

    Got more in me for all of these. Got 4 weeks. 3, 2, 1, get some...

  22. This is gonna be a fun first day!
    1. 6:29
    2. 225
    3. 6:40

    Anybody take note of their 1k row time? I pulled a 3:35 but I'm not sure if that'll work.

  23. Push jerk w 10 second hold 155/165/175/180pr/185pr
    Practiced cleaning bar and getting to back rack for ohs, scary stuff lol
    Jackie: 7:45rx 54sec pr
