Friday, May 3, 2013

Saturday 5.4.13

Pride in Effort.  

1.  "Lumberjack 20"
20 Deadlifts 275/185
Run 400m
20 KB swings, 70/53
Run 400m
20 Overhead Squats, 115/80
Run 400m
20 Burpees
Run 400m
20 C2B Pullups
Run 400m
20 Box jumps, 24/20 - Games standards
Run 400m
20 DB Squat Cleans, 45/30
Run 400m

2.   For time:
4 RFT:
5 MU
15m Front Rack Walking Lunge, 155/105
100m Sandbag Run, 80/60

1.  For Time:
Teams of three (same sex), one athlete works at a time while others rest.
60 Deadlifts 275/185
Run 400m together as a team
60 KB swings, 70/53
Run 400m together as a team
60 Overhead Squats, 115/80
Run 400m together as a team
60 Burpees
Run 400m together as a team
60 C2B Pullups
Run 400m together as a team
60 Box jumps, 24/20 - Games standards
Run 400m together as a team
60 DB Squat Cleans, 45/30
Run 400m together as a team

2.  For time
Teams of six (3 boys, 3 girls)
Girls complete:
20 MU - 1 athlete works at a time.
100m Overhead Walking Lunge, 105 - 1 athlete works at a time.
Move 15 Sandbags 100m (5 bags at 60#, 5 bags at 40#, 5 bags at 20#) - all 3 athletes work together
100m Front Rack Walking Lunge, 105 - 1 athlete works at a time.
10 MU - 1 athlete works at a time.
Once the girls finish their final MU the boys begin:

30 MU - 1 athlete works at a time.
100m Overhead Walking Lunge, 155 - 1 athlete works at a time.
Move 15 Sandbags 100m (5 bags at 80#, 5 bags at 60#, 5 bags at 40#) - all 3 athletes work together
100m Front Rack Walking Lunge, 155 - 1 athlete works at a time.
20 MU - 1 athlete works at a time.


  1. 1. 32.52...7 min PR. Was hoping for a sub 30 time but runs were just slow today.

    2. 22.06.... Subbed sandbag carry for 100 m 24 kg farmers carry (both hands). The walking lunges just sucked whatever spirit I had left. MUs unbroken.

    1. glad I double I was about to load 155 on the bar....assuming ladies weight is 105?

      1. Lumberjack- 195# DL/55# KB/85# OHS/24" Box(really need to work on speed with these-but everytime we have goat training, I shy away cuz my legs are usually so tired!)/and I only have 35# DB ...yes I 1-Upped a little...I tried to do it comparably to what I did last time I did this workout...pretty close to same time...but my Dumbbells were heavier, my runs a little longer, box jumps a little slower and my knees hurt so bad so it was mental...fighting through the pain...trying to get through...shoulders finally rehabbing this tendonitis is just horrible!

    2. What was your Lumberjack time?

  2. 1) 26:25
    never done this befor so im not sure if that is a okey score?

    2) 11:32
    Subbed sandbag carry for farmers carry

  3. Team WOD 1...



    1. That WOD was brutal. For me from yesterday - Fran 2:40. Not a PR. 20 min AMRAP subbed 6 x 1 strict pull-up/1 strict TTB for the rope climbs. 14 rnds +8.

  4. Lumberjack 20 (20kg KBs instead of DBs)

  5. Replies
    1. Didn't do the last 400.....add a 1:30 seconds and ill have to offer up a sacrifice to the CF gods.

  6. 1) 31:41
    2) didn't do it. Wounded off yesterday. Time to rest up.

  7. 1. 25:07 (only had 25# dumbbells. Everything else Rx)

    *headed to a grand opening of a new box in WV for a cool obstacle course they set up. Going to run this instead of doing part 2.

  8. Replies
    1. 2. 9:59 ... (Did the 100m sand bags runs with a 5ft tall 100# heavy punching bag. More like a sand bag walk, couldn't exavctly run with that awkward beast! Lol good to mess around with odd objects though!)

  9. M/5'9 145# 14 yrs old:

    1: 28:08 (195 DL...55 KBS...90 OHS...24 BJ...35 SC)

    2: was gonna do 3 bar muscle ups in stead of muscle ups but I couldn't keep on getting it so I did muscle up work.

  10. 1. 21:17 rxd.

    2. 9:15 with 100# heavy punching bag

  11. 1) Made up Fran 2:15
    2) L Jack 20 18:11

  12. 1)21:24 Rx
    2)9:39 100# sandbag

  13. LumberJack 20 - 26:01

    Hopefully 2 later.

  14. 33:34. A few obstacles - transition from basement to outside unloading and loading the bar from deadlift to OHSQT an d a few kiddies in the way. Lol. Ill take it overall.

    No time or equipment for number 2 today.

  15. 1. Lumberjack 20: 27:00 - used 85 lbs for OH Squats by accident - only used one barbell, so there was some transition time in there.

    2. 17:48 - did Bar MU with a red band, used 115 for the lunges (I guess I should have used 105? Wasn't sure when I loaded it), and 65# sandbag run.

  16. Team CrossFit Bellator - Tulsa, OK
    Lumberjack 20 team WOD
    AT/Bob/Sean - 26:40
    Amy/Melissa/Mindy - 28:03

  17. Bellator second team WOD with modifications:

  18. 1. 21:12
    2. 11:58 no sandbag so used a 65# bar on back ... set up was kinda to practice when there was gaps between stations... lots of transition time

  19. 1. 25:12 (only 185# for the deadlifts, otherwise rx'd)
    2. 14:20 (~50m bear crawl subbed for sandbag run)

  20. 1. We were missing a couple of teammates today so we modified it to 2 person teams. Same distance on runs, but 40 reps. Men = 28:50 Women= 31:10

    2. Modified individual workout 2. 4 rounds, with doubled rep scheme and distance.
    Men= 18:20 Women = 21:20

  21. 1) 30:30

    2) didn't have time, demm work always in the way

  22. Crossfit SV

    1. 2 Girls - (40 reps) 31:26

    2. 2 Girls
    10 jumping MU
    30m Walking lunge front rack 105#
    200m 60# dumbell carry
