Sunday, February 16, 2014

Wednesday 2.19.14

Jordan Troyan.

70 Double Unders
50 Burpees over the Bar
30 Squat clean Thrusters, 135/95
10 MU

Rest at least 3 hours

CrossFit Winter Biathlon
5 RFT:
1200m Run
5 Squat Snatch attempts at 165/115
For every missed snatch attempt you must run an extra "penalty lap" of 200m. 

1. Metcon
70 Double Unders
50 Burpees over the Bar
30 Squat clean Thrusters, 135/95
10 MU

2.  Snatch Technique
EMOMx5: 5 TnG Snatches


  1. For the squat clean thrusters, do we have to go back to the floor for each rep or do we keep going with the thruster as you would for Fran?

    1. Squat clean thrusters are from the floor each rep

  2. Go back to the ground each time. Ring muscle ups. Have fun!

  3. gross. can we crawl over the bar during the burpees?

    1. Kinda. I think the standard is just to get over the bar, no need to have the feet together. Can anybody confirm?

    2. No, usually burpees oer the bar require feet together

    3. 2 foot take off, 2 foot landing.

    4. Thanks coach. Fun times ahead.

  4. So, on the biathlon, will the penalty lap be assessed on that round? Or at the end? So if you miss 1 snatch, would you then run a 1400? Or would you do the 5rft, then run any penalty laps?

    1. This is a take off of the Winter Biathlon in the Olympics. Very cool sport.

      After your 1200m Run you attempt 5 snatches. If you hit four of the five, you don't attempt a sixth rep. Instead, you start the next run with a 200m penalty, then continue to the 1200m.

  5. Thats awesome! Fantastic programming!

  6. Open:
    1. Finished only 9 MUs.
    2. Done at 132# (60kg). All power snatches

  7. Masters 47
    1. 1 round + 10DU (180reps)
    2. 62,5kg (set 5: 3 TnGo. + 1+1)

  8. 1. 28 Squat Clean Thrusters
    2. 5 Snatch TnG 60kg

  9. Regionals:

    1) 190 reps (1 rnd+ 30 DUs)
    2) 42:59 (only one miss on the first snatch. Watch out folks that 165 will get ya if you're not ready for it!)

  10. Reg

    1) 9 Muscle ups... have a pretty nasty headcold at the moment, so I'm ok with that for a fat boy

    Biathlon this evening

    1. Great job man! Biathlon is gonna be fun!

    2. Biathlon - 37:41 Rx. No misses. This really showed me the improvements I've made over the past few months on this program. Loved it!

  11. 1. 1 round + 70 DU (230reps)
    2. 60 kg

  12. Open/Masters:


    1. 203 Rx
    2. 115 lbs. All power. I have kept the loads lighter the last two days and my technique has been so much better.

  13. Master open:
    24 squat clean thrusters rx
    75-85 tng snatches
    Awesome programming- thanks, Ben!

  14. Open:
    1. 141 (21 squat clean thrusters)... getting 15 was my goal, so yeah!

    Had the extreme privilege to do this WOD w/ Michael Johnson!! Watched this guy blast thru 1 rd and 46 DU's!!! I am impressed beyond words as he couldn't string multiple DU's together not 8 months ago! One dedicated, solid, athlete!! Proud to be able to workout with you!

    2. #121 (55kg)... each one smooth and strong. Focused on keeping the bar pulled into the body vs bouncing off the quads (which tends to happen on tng type reps)

    1. Thanks Josh! It is an honor to work out with someone as dedicated, helpful and honorable as you. I look forward to every day!

    2. I'm jealous - you guys are lucky to be able to workout together. Way to push through and motivate one another. I'll definitely look you guys up if I'm ever down in Florida. In the mean time, my 40 degree garage is always open if you find yourselves "lost" in the Northeast!

    3. Jon, you are exactly right! I feel extremely lucky to have such a great workout partner, and I admire you for working so hard on your own. Many of these workouts are more mentally taxing than physically, and it is ALWAYS better to have someone to share the pain with.

      And I will actually be in the Northeast this summer (my sister lives in Duxbury, Mass.). I don't know if you are in the area, but if you are, it would be great to meet up.

    4. Brandon, just outside of Tampa

    5. Hey Michael - that's only an hour away and a great place to be in the summer. I'm sure we could find somewhere to meet up. Drop me an e-mail at any time...

      Enjoy the rest/recovery day.

    6. I grew up in Tampa. I will be visiting soon. We should hook up for a training session.

    7. I grew up in Tampa. I will be visiting soon. We should hook up for a training session.

  15. I felt like a beat coming out of hibernation on those runs this morning. Tough stuff!

    Ben, did Spealler do this? I bet he was/would be mid 20s on this workout.

  16. BW (152)
    Session I:
    1+3 Rx

    Session II this afternoon

    1. Session II
      My max snatch is 165 so I scaled back to 135 and missed one snatch
      TIME: 51:06
      *snatches felt the best I ever done

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. 1.) 248Rx - I had over three minutes left after finishing the first round. Really disappointed with my effort on the second round, the second set of Doubles wrecked me. I need to learn to push through the pain.

    2.) Session two this afternoon.

  19. OPEN

    1) 1 round + 25 DU.
    Paced too much on the muscle-ups, and struggled in the 2nd set of DUs.
    It looks like all this volume is killing me... Which is a good thing :)

    2) Minutes 1-2: 135#. Minutes 3-4-5: 145#
    This was tough after the 60 reps @ 165# yesterday.

    I earned my rest day!!

  20. Regionals:

    1: 1rnd + 1 BOB = 231RX. I'm disappointed with my squat clusters. I could have gone considerably faster on them.

    1. Good job. I bet that one burpee was a killer!

    2. 2: 35:26 no misses. Went slow on the first two rounds, didn't want penalty meters. Good times.

  21. Regional:

    1) 234 reps Rx'd- I should have opened it up here I set a good pace and kept it but at the end I had a lot left in the tank. Should have been deep into the burpees.. but I'll take it!!!

    2) pm

    1. noah and H. Mckringleberry how did yall finish in the open last year? yall put up some good numbres to chase everyday.

    2. Jared- last year was my 1st year competing took 41st in North Central open and 35th at NC Regional... hoping to improve dramatically this year had a bum shoulder all last year... keep training hard and good stuff on your part!!!

  22. Masters

    1. 1 rd plus 53 DU total 211 rx

    1. Great job! Another master to chase. Where are all these super fit old guys coming from? :)

    2. Thanks Michael... good job as well.
      Living down in the Cayman Islands

  23. Open:
    1+60 dubs.... Felt horrible today and just went in with a survival mindset. A little bit of a mental midget but I'm not gonna think too much, live to fight another day.

    After the open im literally going to rape front squats in the face everyday....

  24. do we have any south east followers/where is everyone from?

    1. Hey Jared, I'm in the South East region. I live in Boca Raton, Florida.

    2. Hey jared, I'm in Atlanta and train at Crossfit Identity

  25. AMRAP 12

    6 muscle ups. Clock stopped right before I locked out my 7th.

    Biathlon this evening.....

    Then my 29th birthday shitshow team workout. Feel free to try this one out with a team of 4!

    Each team is issued 2 kettle bells (53 for dudes, 35 for chicks). Two people working at a time.

    29 KB snatches each arm per person
    Run 400m with KBs
    29 Deadlifts (185/135
    Run 400m with KBs
    29 KB clean and press each arm
    Run 400m with KBs
    29 Backsquats (185/135)
    Run 400m with KBs

  26. Open.

    1. 230 reps (1 round+70 du)
    2. Done with 40kg.

  27. Regionals:
    1. 1 round, 20 DUs
    2. Had to sub rowing for the running - just wasn't practical. managed 40:09, missed 3 snatches over all

    tough day.

  28. Open
    1. 1+79 (239 total)
    2. done @185

    Cant wait for the rest day tomorrow...body is pretty beat right now

  29. Open
    1. 1 round RX !!! It was my goal. Happy with that!
    2. Done @55 kg

  30. Open
    1. 150 reps, plus one feeble MU attempt ;o) My goal was 15 Squat Clean Thrusters, with a hope of getting through all of them. I started the SC Thrusters with 7 minutes remaining and completed a rep every 15 seconds - until the last minute where I rushed through the remaining reps.
    2. Done @85#. I should have used 95, but I was flat out beat. Alternated Squat, Power, Squat, Power, Squat and focused on technique since I skipped yesterday.

    1. Great job! All of your hard work is paying off big time!

  31. 1. 148RX
    2. 75# (shoulders were smoked when really light)

  32. I must say , I started off this morning feeling completely broken since Saturday. I really didn't want to do the WOD and almost talked myself out of it, luckily I had 2 guys to actually train with today which NEVER happens. Today was definitely my most favorite WOD we've ever done on Competitor WOD, very well rounded ! Absolutely crushed it...

    Score - 1 Round + 86 Reps - TOTAL = 246 REPS

    I approached this workout very calmly and knew that I needed to keep my heart rate low through the double unders and burpees before the Thrusters. I went it with a plan to do single Thrusters with 5-7 second rest between each rep.

    1stDouble Under - Unbroken (35 seconds)
    Burpees - Lateral jumps, total time around 3:00
    Thrusters - Singles (5-7 seconds rest in between)
    MU - Started on these around 8:00 ( sets of 3,2,2,2,1)
    2nd Double Unders ( 35,25,10)
    Then completed 16 Burpees

    Will go back this afternoon and practice snatch technique and some easy rowing for recovery

    1. Wow! Nice work Jeremiah. I had basically the same game plan going in as you, except I took exactly a minute longer on the thrusters (I probably could have pushed these a little harder). I am sure your muscle ups were faster since I went 2,2,2,1,1,1,1. I can't miss a muscle up or I am done! Great job!

    2. Oh, and I agree. My favorite WOD ever. Hit all my strengths. Probably won't see anything like it in the Open :)

    3. Awesome score. THANK YOU for sharing your rep scheme. It's always interesting to see how people break it up.

  33. Session one
    12 min AMRAP
    1 round + 28 burpees
    Feeling good today.

  34. Session 1:
    1 full round + 44 burpees.
    Came slow and built speed. Best mu's I've done since Pensacola beach brawl in September.

    1. dude, that is an awesome score! I am extremely disappointed with my score, and will be redoing it tomorrow. Hope I do this well.

    2. Damn bro I thought I set the pace high today but you got me! Nice work

    3. thanks guys. did a tng set of 5 on squat clean thrusters, then fast singles. and i've gotten my ass kicked the past few days guys haha

    4. Nice work dude strong score!!!

    5. SESSION 2

      38:41 no misses. no description. #AntiNinjaSquad lol

    6. We'll see over the next 5 weeks bro. I appreciate it though. It's the programming and Ben. Been on for 1 year and 4 months.

  35. First Day following the Programming. Excited for what is to come. Always been a big fan of your philosophy, Ben.


    Metcon= 207 Reps RX. (1rd+47 DU). Finished the DU and burpees in 2:50, squat clean thruster for 30 reps at that weight is heavy'ish for me.

    Snatch EMOM= 105# across

  36. 1. Considering out I felt coming in, I am okay with this score. I'm pretty sure people have been beating me with baseball bats all week. 157. 3 MU short of a full round. Thrusters took forever. FOREVER. Legs were just cooked from this week.

    All the time I have today. Kinda bummed I'll miss the biathlon, but honestly I could use the recovery.

  37. All in one session

    1. 150 reps
    5-10 min rest
    2. Biathlon 39:15, scaled to 60 kg since my 1RM Snatch is 70 kg, no misses, all squat snatches

  38. Regionals/Masters

    1) 159 rx. Got out of du's at 2:50... A bit frustrating. But I'll get them.
    2) 43:08 rx. Missed one. Really happy about this one. Started focusing on my speed under the bar. Seems to be working. Run was more of an agility run. Trying to keep my footing in the slush, ice and snow. But I enjoyed every second of it!

  39. Just took on part 1 and I'm pumped.
    My typical approach it berserk mode and burnout.

    Had a chill approach and got through one round + 18 double unders.

    Mups are getting smoother and my shoulder is cooperating.
    Very excited

  40. very frustrating day for me ... I am just not getting any better at muscle ups. it's like for every step I take forward, I find a way to back track... I'm beyond frustrated because I feel like this is the one movement that I have been able to do for so log and yet I still struggle with them. so today...
    1. 1 round + 4 double unders
    finished everything but the muscle ups in 8 minutes .... so I had 4 minutes and got 10 muscle ups.. very frustrating.
    2. we are doing this Friday when the weather clears up and the roads are a little safer.
    skills -
    worked some power snatches and a little gymnastics session

  41. Regionals.

    1) 211reps. Muscleups felt great but lost too much time on the thrusters.

    Feeling wrecked after the last three days. Legs will need some good loving with the foam roller and some yoga tomorrow.

  42. Open Masters
    1. 155 (5 MU transitions)
    2. 5 squat snatches/minute EMOM 5: 65#

    1. splits: burpees done at 4:40; thrusters done at 10:47

  43. Masters 46
    1. Metcon
    AMRAP 12: (145 reps- but finished the WOD anyway)
    DU's felt like I had two left feet today
    70 Double Unders
    50 Burpees over the Bar
    30 Squat clean Thrusters, 135/95
    10 MU

    2. 8x dead pulls 1-5 #225, 255, 275,305
    3 pulls to knees
    2 mid thigh
    1 full pull

  44. Open
    1. 156 reps
    2. 115/120/125/130/135

    1. Nice work Hunter. Tied you today.. That's a good day for me! :)

    2. Thanks Mark...the SCT's got me as well.

  45. Open; Masters
    1. 240 (1+10 burpees)
    DUs unbroken, 30 something secs.
    Done with the burps just under the 4 min mark. Those felt SLOW. Hit singles on the SCTs. Hit the rings at 9 mins. and did 7 and 3. 2nd DUs went 47 and 23. Then hit 10 burps.
    2. 115 and played with split snatches because the knees are feeling tight.

    1. Great job Victor! If I was a little better with muscle ups, I actually could (would, should) have kept up with you. Your gymnastics are amazing!

    2. No doubt you would have. I confess that I saw your score and knew. I had to push. Thanks for the inspiration Michael. Great job my man.

  46. Open 2014
    1. Metcon 237 Rx
    2. Emom x 5 : 5 tng snatch @ 135# across . Really fast and good technique.

  47. I seem to have come down with some sort of sickness today. Needless to say, there was no way I was getting up this morning at 5 to be able to get two sessions.
    1. Made it through 7 MU's. Dissapointed in this. Wanted more than one round. Hate to blame it on being sick but yeah...
    Gonna rest for a few then attempt the biathlon.

    1. *Update:
      The Biathlon is not happening today lol. I just need some rest right now.

  48. Open
    1. 156 reps. Six unbroken muscle ups at the end, happy about that. Too slow on the SCTs... Couldn't force myself to go any faster!

    1. 2. OTM5 5 snatches TnG done at 135#. All power.

  49. Open
    1) 1 +38 d/u (198). was feeling tired and crappy all day and it carried over to the workout. I think I could get into the thick of the burpees with the right mindset.
    2) got stuck at work late yesterday and couldn't do the WOD so did yesterdays 15 mins of snatches OTM @145

  50. Went and got my immunizations for my trip to the Middle East this Friday and then did Friday's METCON since I will be traveling and not training till Monday.

    Score = 132 Wall Balls (20# BALL)

    ** Goal was 150-160 but deadlifts became tough after doing the session earlier today.

  51. OPEN:
    1) Metcon: 1 Round + 18 BOBs. (248). Did 10 x 3 TnG Clusters. Singles would have probably been faster in retrospect. 6 + 4 MUs.
    2) EMOM x 5: 155# across.

  52. Open Program
    1) 154 (4 muscle-ups) - had no gas for this one. Going out of order and doing Monday's workout yesterday didn't help. On the bright side I knocked out 4 muscle-ups in the final 30 seconds.
    2) Done at 135 (only got 3 reps each on final 3 rounds) - again, I was toast by this point.

    Taking the rest of the week off and going snowboarding Saturday and Sunday. Looking forward to getting some activity away from the gym and recharging the batteries before hitting the Open next week. Feeling good overall but really need a few rest days.

    1. Not sure why it didn't post my name originally, but this is Anders Larson.

  53. Open

    1.) 1 round + 80 ( 70 dubs + 10 burpees) so 240 total RX.... both sets of dubs unbroken, burpees at a steady pace, clusters went 5/3/2 then all singles, muscle-ups went 6+4

    2.) Just did a 5 RM TNG snatch...hit #175, all power. Pumped about this, last year #165 was my 1 rep!

  54. open

    1: 1rd plus 6 burpees. messed up more than i wanted to on the second set of du. Lost some drive towards the end. body is feeling beat!

    2: done 135

  55. Open
    1. 8 MU- disappointed with my performance to wod another day
    2. 135#

  56. Open
    1) 1 round + 25 DU. I have been feeling great the past couple weeks. When Ben says trust in the programming...TRUST IN THE PROGRAMMING!
    2) power snatch @ 115#

  57. 2014 Regional & Games:

    1. 152 Rx. Goal was at the very least one round. Brutal.

    2. Session two soon.

    1. 2. Session Two: 60:26. 1/5 (135#), 0/1 (135#) then 4/4 (95#), 5/5 (95#), 4/5 (95#), 5/5 (95#). Missed 6 total reps so an extra 1200m ran in penalty laps.

  58. Open
    1) 2 MU - This beat me up pretty good.
    2) 115#

  59. 1. 153 reps @ 73#. Never did more than 4 thrusters at this weight, so I'm happy with this.
    2 53#

  60. 1 round plus 73. i never thought the clusters would end.

  61. 1) 1 round + 4 double unders. Went super slow on thrusters but did all mus unbroken
    2) 33:05. No misses but got a no rep for not breaking parallel on 1 rep. Have a tough time getting into a full squat when the weights lighter

  62. First real wod back with elbow.(Hyperextended 2.5 wks ago on 255 sq sn) Wanted to test elbow a lil moving into the open. A bit sore following wod but so happy I could actually complete the moves.Broke the muscles ups into a ton of singles and all squat cleans thrusters were singles. Hit 1 rd +4 burpees

    Did repeat of snatch work from couple days ago. No moving feet OTM 5 4 single reps 95#, OTM5 2 single reps 2tng, OTM5 4 tng. Really happy with no discomfort.

  63. 1 round + 43 double unders
    snatch skill -115#

  64. 1 Rd +59 DUs (219) Rx
    Not a very happy camper on my score today. Tripped up 4 times on DUs in first set (should have been unbroken), BOBs took me about a minute and 15 seconds longer than it should have, thrusters were singles, and MUs were 8/2 (could have went unbroken and saved me about 25 seconds).

    Not every day can be the way we want them to be. Just got to be grateful for having the ability to do what we love to do. Live to fight another day!!

    Great job to everyone over the last couples months of training. Good luck to everyone participating in the Open this year!!

  65. 1 round plus 47 dubs. My goal was to make it through the muscle ups and I did. I had 2.5 mins left with 2 to go and I failed #10 twice, pretty frustrating, thought I could make it back to burpees for sure. Although a year ago I wouldn't have finished one round #progress #antininjasquad

    Did snatch push press and weighted pull-ups for 8 rounds.

  66. OPEN
    1. Metcon - 154 Rx (4 MU)
    2. EMOM 5 - 5 TnG PS @ 125# Rx

    ... too much time "staring off into space" on the Squat Clean thrusters ...
    ... the skills drill form yesterday was really helpful - feel like I'm getting "more" on the second pull ...

  67. Open
    1. 132 reps (12 thrusters).
    2. Snatches - power at 105#.

  68. Open:

    1. 156 - 6 MU - clusters sucked. had about 1:30 for MU's. felt pretty good on them.

    2. tomorrow make up.

  69. Open/Masters

    Metcon: 153 (3 MU), totally tanked on the clean thrusters, lost it mentally, but the DU's were great

    2. Snatch 5 x 5 at 115, felt great!

    1. Good work Peter! I might have gotten you by a few reps (this time), but you and your fabulous country earned a well deserved Gold today in women's hockey! Congrats!

  70. Only had time for first part:
    1. 140, too much staring at the bar. Finished the rest of the workout as punishment.

  71. Took Wednesday off, and hit this a couple hours ago. Felt really good.

    1 Round+ 17 Burpees

    Round 1- Dubs: 55/15, :45 sec
    Burpees: 4:15
    SquaCleaThrusters: all singles, 8:45
    Muscle-ups: 6/4, 9:30

    Round 2- Dubs: UB, 10:30

    Feels like my motor is ready for the Open. Looking to qualify a team for the 2nd consecutive year. If we do, I won't MC, and will definitely compete out of the SE. Weird lower back pain has me pushing back snatches until tonight.

    1. Nice job Dylan! I wish my muscle ups were that fast.

  72. Had to work Wed so did this today.

    1. 154 reps. Burpees done at about 5min. SCTs destroyed me. Felt really strong but my heart rate was in the stratosphere and I could not get it down. Been getting wrecked the past week on some of these workouts. I hope its related to the sinus/chest cold I've had because its disappointing otherwise, especially at 135#. Positive was I did 4 muscle ups in 40 seconds.
    2. 49:43 with 600m in penalty runs. Felt good all things considered.

  73. regionals
    1.) 243 reps
    2.) about to do winter biathalon

  74. Open
    1 - 146 reps. a bit disappointed that i didnt get to mu. rested too much in the sct.
    2 - 55 kg.

  75. Did this WOD today. It is a fun one. Sipping the cool aid

    256 Reps or 1 Round plus 26 Burpees.

  76. Open
    Forgot to post yesterday.
    1. 7:20. Got on pull up bar at 5:06 and am usually pretty decent at C2B, but my forearms locked up and I just couldn't hang onto the bar. Went 10,8,2, then singles on C2B.
    2. Done at 115# & with a 30" box since Box Jumps are a strength.
