Sunday, February 2, 2014

Monday 2.3.14

Becca at the ECC.

With a 30-minute Running Clock
A.  1 minute: max reps of Thrusters, 135/95
B.  2 minutes:  max reps of Double Unders
C.  3 minutes:  max reps of Muscle ups
D.  6 Minutes: to establish 3RM TnG Power Snatch
E.  18 minutes: AMRAP of:
      15 Box Jumps, 24/20
      12 Shoulder to Overhead, 115/75
      9 TTB

1.  Metcon
"Open 12.3"
15 Box Jumps, 24/20
12 Shoulder to Overhead, 115/75

2.  Skill Work
Odd:  3-6 Squat Therapy
Even:  3-6 Muscle ups


  1. This looks brutal. ......YES!!!!

  2. sooo EMOMx5 or EMOMx12? does that mean EMOMx60 or is it just 12 that goes?

  3. Open:
    1. Metcon - 9rnds + 10 reps

    Started deload-week, going to compete this weekend.

  4. A) 15 thrusters
    B) 100 double unders
    C) 15 MUs
    D) 200x3 p. snatch
    E) 8 rnds

    Somethings went as expected, some not. All in all a good day.

  5. Ben, how did you know I sucked so bad at box jumps right now?? It probably would have been faster for me to roll onto that box this morning.

  6. Regionals - just didn't have it this morning. Bad food+lack of sleep=no good.
    1. 11reps.
    2. 125 reps. VERY disappointed here. usually great at DU'S.
    3. 9 MU'S. Poop.
    4. 155lbs. This was actually alright for me.
    5. 8rds+5 reps. 293 total reps. A lot of just looking at the bar.
    There's always tomorrow though!

  7. Open program. 9 rounds. Bleah
    Otm work done. Yes. Always tomorrow thank goodness.

  8. Open/Masters 43

    Sick with stomach flu last week, missed a few, hopefully back on full strength this week:
    Thrusters: 13
    DU's: 80
    MU's: rings outside in the snow, did pull-ups instead: 35
    3 rep snatch: 145
    Open 12.3: 8 rds plus 15 BJ, 9 SHO, 2 TTB = 317 (score in 2012 was 237)

    1. 237 to 317!? That is progress. Nicccce.

    2. Just when I thought I might actually have a chance at catching you...NOPE! Nice work Peter - especially after coming back from being sick. Solid.

    3. thanks Jon, the extra rest days sure helped

    4. Nice job Peter! But shouldn't that be 12 S2OH?

    5. yes you're right Mark, brain still lacking oxygen from the WOD!

  9. OPEN
    1) 353 = 9 rds + 29. Wish I would have pushed a little harder on the box jumps to complete round 10. Back in 2012 my total was 276 so I am still happy :)
    2) Knee hurting again, so just did MU work - 6, 4, 6, 3, 5, 5

  10. Regionals..
    A. 13 reps
    B. 100 du
    C. 20 bar MU
    D. 125lbs
    E. 7 rounds plus 27 reps

  11. With a 30-minute Running Clock
    A. 15
    B. 114 DU's were off today, like 10 misses
    C. 18 Went to failure on 3rd set of 5 missed 5th rep had to single out kinda pissed
    D. 185 This was my max not to long ago so 3 TNG power was awesome, not pretty but got that shit up.
    E. 18 minutes: AMRAP

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. 1. 10 Thrusters
    2. 72 DU
    3 23 mu (sounds stupid but I forget)
    4 100# 3tng power snatches
    5. Open WOD 8+12rep (took a rest before do this wod just so I could do it with the class)

  14. OPEN
    1. 12.3 - 8 rounds + 27 (315) Rx
    2. OTM 12 - Odd: 3 Squat therapy/Even: 3 UB MU

    ... 6/6 pushpress - room to shorten the rest between sets ... feel like 9 rounds is there ... just not this time ...

  15. 1. 11
    2. 130
    3. 22 (chest to bar)
    4. 100
    5. 8+18

  16. Open

    1) 9+10 = 334

    2) Wall squats and close grip OHSs. My MUs got worse. Combo of WOD 1 and the weight gain I think. Ugh.

  17. 1.
    A. 11
    B. 52
    C. 4 with purple band shoulders are having issues
    D. 155
    E. 257 reps

  18. Regionals:

    A: 16
    B: 67 (not a good time to try my new rope)
    C: 6 (my big goat)
    D: 155 (165 turned into squat at 2 reps)
    E: 6 complete rounds ( 216 reps)

  19. Regionals
    A. 15
    B. 121
    C. 14 (a little disappointed here)
    D. 155 this is good for me


  20. 1. 20 thrusters
    2. 155 double unders
    3. 23 muscle ups
    4. 190 x 3 TnG P. Snatch
    5. 8 rounds even

    Broke down after minute 15.. Not sure if it was nutritional issue or just lack of endurance. Either way I'm on it.

  21. Open

    1.) 11 RDS + 4 (400 reps) 85 rep PR from last year when I retested woo!...Really wanted to test my motor today on a long wod and went out flying to start to see when I'd hit a wall. Didnt catch up to me until a little over half way which was good for me mentally. Awesome session with Dan and Tara today with all of us getting over 11 RDS, great push!

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. accidentally posted as Justin again. However....with a broken 5th metacarpal in his foot he did do 10+15reps on the Beep footed burpees lol....dude is a beast.

  23. regionals:

    30 min running clock
    1: 20 thrusters....wanted more, but didn't want it enough I guess...tried to game too much
    2: 154 dubs....had trouble with these today...calves were a mess
    3: 18 muscle ups....not sure what happened here, I guess the swim yesterday might have tired them out
    4: 10rnd + 6 TTB....393 reps....went unbroken on all....could have gotten more if I pushed it harder and broken up reps.

    1. forgot to add my 3rep tng snatch before the metcon: 185....should have done 205 but wanted a smidge of rest before the amrap.

  24. Regionals
    A)20 thrusters
    B)118 DU
    C)15 MU
    Amrap 313 reps (8rds +25 reps)
    real tough after all that other work.

  25. Open:
    11+10...First time doing this one, good push from training partners Jon and tara. I would be shooting for 12+ in an open scenario. Any lost time was in transition and on top of box, but happy overrall with reasonable pace.

  26. It's amazing what the body can do. 2 years ago did CrossFit OPEN 12.3 and scored 272 Reps, today did it again and scored 355 Reps
    Today's WOD
    With a 30-minute Running Clock
    A. 15 reps

    B. 200 Reps

    C. 12 Reps
    (Huge weakness)

    D. 165lbs x 3

    E. 9 rounds + 31 Reps (355reps)

    2012 score - 272

  27. Regionals; Masters

    1. 18 Thrusters
    2. 150 DUs
    3. 20 Muscle ups
    4. 155 3RM TNG PSN
    5. 10 + 1 BJ

  28. If I may ask, what masters division are you in?

    Killer job on the whole thing today!

    1. I am in the 40-44. I will be 41 at the time of this year's games.
      Thank you for the compliment.

    2. Victor is going to CRUSH it in the Open this year. I am looking forward to getting out of his age group next year!

    3. Ha! Thanks Michael. Don't sell yourself short!

  29. Open Masters
    1. 65# off rack/18# bj. 11+27

  30. Regional:

    A) 17
    B) 145+
    C) 15 MU
    D) 205 x3 Felt great
    E)AMRAP 6 full rounds at the 23 minute mark had to cut short..

  31. Pretty bad showing for me today.
    A. 15
    B. 85
    C. 15
    D. 185 tried to jump to 225 and dropped it after 2nd snatch with not enough time left.
    E. 301

  32. Pretty bad showing for me today.
    A. 15
    B. 85
    C. 15
    D. 185 tried to jump to 225 and dropped it after 2nd snatch with not enough time left.
    E. 301

  33. A-20 thrusters
    B- 140 double unders
    C- 18 MUs
    D-185 lbs
    E- 8 rounds 14 box jumps.

  34. A. 16 reps
    B. 99 reps
    C. Sub 3 C2B and 3 Dips for 1 MU, done 5
    D. 60 kg 3RM TNG PSN
    E. First time Open 12.3, 9 rounds (324 reps)

  35. Open

    1. 8 rounds+9 boxjumps.
    2. 3's across the board.

  36. A. 15
    B. 110, calves weak/sore from Sat metcon + run
    C. 0, could not pull through rings even in warm-up. I think last week's volume of strict c2b, mus, metcons, etc really fried my shoulders and lats.
    D. 175#
    E. 8+3, after 1st round switched to Games std Step-Ups. This saved calves for push-press/jerks but was definitely slower. Also helped keep heart rate down for T2B which were mostly singles and slow but steady. S2OH were unbroken.

  37. A.Thrusters: 17 @ 135#, I'm retarded and did 7 squat clean thrusters out the gate.
    B. Du's: 186, kicked it at 84 and the kicking kept on.
    C. Muscle ups: 24, happy with that. Felt good.
    D. 3rm power snatch: 205#
    E. 12.3: 8 rounds+12 box jumps
    300 reps. Not too happy about that. Felt like a massive pussy as my fiancé laps me by a full round. Super proud of her.

    1. HAHA great work on the MU's though for someone with your size and power

    2. This is why I don't date competitive women.....I will kill myself trying to keep up....wait....maybe that's not a bad thing. Hmmmm. Time to get the wife on this programming.

  38. Snow day today, had some extra time so i did regional work
    1. 16
    2. 130
    3. 16
    4. 195#- wasnt pretty
    5. 8rds +27

  39. Open

    1. WOD 12.3...
    March, 2012: 122 reps
    Feb, 2013: 185 reps
    Today: 291 reps (8 rounds, plus 3 BJs)

    I honestly couldn't be happier. I love when hard work pays off - especially since I've spent the past year "alone", in my garage. Great scores out there. Thanks for the push.

    2. Alternated Squat Therapy and MU Progression EMOM12

    1. Nice work Jon - obviously putting in the work.

    2. Great job Jon! That is an extremely impressive improvement.

    3. Awesome Jon, I agree with Michael, that is some serious improvement

    4. Thanks guys...just trying to chase all of you!

  40. 1. 14
    2. 116 ??
    3. 11
    4. 125#
    5. Metcon: 329

  41. 1. 12. Sucked. Hips were sore, knee was funky, just couldn't get a flow.

    2. 133

    3. 15

    4. 175

    5. 258. Terrible showing, should have had my bar loaded a little bit smarter, didn't get started until 17:15ish due to bar unloading and having to go get plates, just dumb on that part. Then got a stomach cramp half way through that lost me a minute.

    Whole day just wasn't super great.

  42. Regionals, Masters;

    A) 17
    B) 72 one day, I'll get them.
    C) 12
    D) 155# tng
    E) 9+27=351

    2012/ 273

  43. Open:
    1) 12 rounds + 6 reps.
    2) done. 6 mu each round.
    3) did 100 burpees for time as punishment for talking myself out of doing the regional work. (5:18)

    1. TWELVE effing rounds?! Dude.......

    2. So wait, you did 100 burpees instead of muscle ups and snatches? You are a mentally tougher human than I am.

      Epic score by the way, man.

  44. A.) 15 thrusters

    B.) 96 DU

    C.) 5 muscle ups - had to share rings

    D.) 115#

    E.) 9 rounds + 34 reps
    34 rep PR from Open 2012

  45. 1. 3rm PS @185lbs
    2. metcon 387reps
    3. 5 squat therapy+5MU for 12min odd and even

  46. Open
    10 rounds + 7bj rx (2012 - 9 +5)

  47. Open
    1) 11 rnds + 32 reps.
    2) done- 5 S/T, 4 M/U

  48. Regionals
    A. 15 thrusts
    B. 137 dubs
    C. 10 muscles
    D. 165 for 3!!! This is my 1rm power snatch too!
    E. 305 reps... A full round and 2 reps PR from 6 or so months ago! Engine is coming along. Couldn't be happier.

  49. Did the regional work
    A) 12 @ 80#
    B) 28
    C) 12 band assisted bar mu's
    D) 110#
    E) 7+15 80#/20"

  50. Open
    1. Open 12.3 - 8 rds + 31 reps for 319 total. In the Open 2012 I had just started Crossfit for about 3 months and got 227 reps. Amazing stuff.

    2. Changed it up a bit and did squat snatch + 4 snatch balance with 75# (working on the catch and deep bottom position) on the odd mins and 4 muscle ups on the even mins.

  51. Did Regionals today
    1) 12
    2) 134
    3) 16
    4) 125 - only made 2 attempts here. Felt good at 125#
    5) 8Rds + 21 - I felt freaking awesome tonight. Felt like I made quick transitions which is something I've really been trying to work on. I would break 1x on SOH which really saved my shoulders/grip on TTB. BJ & TTB UB.

  52. Did a wod at home due to snow.
    1) 20 Minute AMRAP:
    5 Burpees
    10 Straight leg sit ups
    15 air squats
    Was 18 Rounds + 5
    2) OTM for 12 Minutes
    Odd: Strict Pull-ups 8/6/6/5/5/5
    Even: 6 Pistols

  53. Did part of the regionals programming today

    16 thrusters
    103 DU's
    5 MUs
    103# snatch
    7+19 rx

  54. Masters 46
    1. Metcon
    "Open 12.3"
    AMRAP 18: (300 reps = 8+12)
    15 Box Jumps, 24/20
    12 Shoulder to Overhead, 115/75
    9 TTB

  55. OPEN

    1) 10 rounds + 9 reps (369 reps)

    2) Muscle-Ups: 5-5-5-5-3-3

    Great day :)

    1. Open 2012 score: 253 reps.

      It's amazing to see everybody progressing! Good job people!!

  56. Regionals.

    1) 20
    2) 130. Struggled with these today.
    3) 13
    4) 145. Had this easy but did the wod at home so in trying to be quick and limit plate changes jumped to 165 and missed it. 145 went up easy though. Know I have at least 155 if not more.
    5) 9rds and 15 reps. (339reps.). Fairly happy with this since it is only 3reps off my pr from not to far back felt tired and slow from the beginning. Today was a fight the whole time. All said, good wod and definitely improved today.

  57. Open
    1. 387 Reps 10 + 27 In 2012 got 268 Reps.
    2. Done!

  58. 2014 Regional & Games:

    A. 15 Rx. 10-5.
    B. 141
    C. 5. Embarrassing. Couldn't find a rhythm and string any together.
    D. 145#. (135-135-135) (145-145-X) (145-145-145)
    E. 305 Rx. 8 + 17. Goal was 10 rounds.

  59. Open

    1) 9+7 (subbed dl for bj, clear to start testing the leg out thursday, can't wait!)

    2) done

  60. Open
    1. 164
    2. Done with 3's , assisted bar MU's

  61. WOD Rx: 336 reps (9rds +12 bjs) - Went unbroken on everything, but felt like I paced & gamed too much between sets.

    EMOM 12:
    ST - 6,6,6,6,6,6
    MU - 5,3,4,4,4,5

    Still resting this wrist, hopefully back on the Oly later this week.

  62. I changed the thrusters to 30lb wall ball shots. And wore a 15lb vest for muscle-ups. Trying to work some goats.

    A. 21
    B. 165
    C. 8
    D. 165lbs
    E. 338reps

    I scored a 272 in this open WOD in 2012. This felt good. Feel like I could've dug a little deeper but now I know.

  63. Open
    1. 8 round plus 27 reps
    2. Subbed 6 pistols for squat therapy
    MU's 3-3-3-3-3-3

  64. Open 2014
    Metcon : 12.3 361 reps (10 rnds + 1 bJ ) 2012 : 228 reps

  65. Open
    Metcon: 9 Rnds+4 box jumps (328)
    61 rep PR from 2012
    EMOM 12 min: 6 squat therapy, 2-3 MUs

  66. Open

    1) 12.3 -- 8 rnd + 12 = 300 was 206 in 2012 so good progress...

    Skills - will do tomorrow when I've got some decent rings

  67. Wow I'm not sure if this was an off day or the way this wod was structured but it beat me up. A. 17 B.126 C. 10 (lol) D. 185 E. 279 9 reps short of 8rds.

  68. Regionals
    A. 16 reps
    B. 101 unbroken untill rope broke. At about 1 minute mark.
    C. Forgot to do.
    D. 8 rounds + 21 reps
    D. 3 touch and go RM@ 168

  69. 30min of Torture-
    A. 20 - didn't put the bar down..
    B. 130 - had to borrow a heavier rope than mine. Fried my anterior shoulder.
    C. 20 - See B. Broke into chunks of 4-5 ever set.
    D. 155 - Didn't have weight laying around, and was just smoked from before. Hit 95/135/155 and rested until start of WOD. Had more in the tank.
    E. 7+16 - Really blew this one.

  70. Regional WOD looked too fun not to try.
    A. 20
    B. 127
    C. 16
    D. 155#
    E. 8 rds+6 reps (294)

  71. Felt awestep to be back pain and stiffness free today!
    A. 10 definitely didn't warmup enough
    B. 92 not happy about this but couldn't do DU without pain last week so I'll take it!
    C. 10 these felt good, still working on stringing them
    D. 155# PR tie after all of the above? Stoked.
    E. 7+4 box. Did all step ups because I didn't want to anger my back. Pumped for this. I think I have 8 rounds and change if I'm confident in my back holding up. Good night!

  72. Open: In 2012 I got 339 reps. Yesterday I took this slow and steady to test my injured shoulder. I walked through this and got 7 plus change. Very happy.

    I played around with a few muscle ups afterwards and then did my shoulder rehab prog.

  73. With a 30-minute Running Clock
    A. 1 minute: max reps of Thrusters, 135/95- was conservative on this one, 14
    B. 2 minutes: max reps of Double Unders- jeez, felt like a newb, massive fail-, couldn't string together more than 20- 120
    C. 3 minutes: max reps of Muscle ups- 10, felt fine
    D. 6 Minutes: to establish 3RM TnG Power Snatch- 185 pretty easy
    E. 18 minutes: AMRAP of:
    15 Box Jumps, 24/20
    12 Shoulder to Overhead, 115/75
    9 TTB
    9 rounds exactly

  74. With a 30-minute Running Clock
    A. 1 minute: max reps of Thrusters, 135/95
    18 total
    B. 2 minutes: max reps of Double Unders
    125 total (shoulders were on FIRE going into the MU's)
    C. 3 minutes: max reps of Muscle ups
    12 total... honestly should have done better than this
    D. 6 Minutes: to establish 3RM TnG Power Snatch
    E. 18 minutes: AMRAP of:
    15 Box Jumps, 24/20
    12 Shoulder to Overhead, 115/75
    9 TTB
    I didn't keep track of how many rounds, but I felt GREAT during this WOD
    O-lifting competition this Saturday to try and qualify for Ontario provincials/Canadian nationals... will be stepping off the gas pedal a bit.

  75. Open 2014

    1) 393 Rx
    2) Done. (3-3-4-4-5-5 on MU)

  76. Open
    1. 6 rounds + 21
    2. 6 squat therapies, MU - 2,2,3,3,3,3

  77. Open

    7 +12
    264reps last time I did this I got 1 rd bc I just had surgery.

  78. Open
    1- 390 Reps 62 Rep PR
    2- tried to 6 MU got the first 3 rounds of 6 then 4th round 5 and next 2 rounds only got 3

  79. Open Program
    1) Made up the heavy 4RFT from last Friday because I need to C2B work. Finished in 9:55.
    2) Done, 6 squat therapy, 4 muscle-ups (unbroken)

  80. 1 minute max thrusters -15 95 lbs
    2 minute max du-60
    3 minute max mu (strict with band) 7
    6 minute t n g power snatch max- 125lbs
    18 min. amrap-rounds 10 + 27 reps

  81. Open
    1. 11 Rounds + 9 Box jumps. Really happy with this. Engine is improving.
    2. Done.
