Monday, April 30, 2012

Tuesday 5.1.12

1.  HSPU
50 Handstands for time

2.  Snatch Pulls
5x3 at 1RM snatch
No dropping, focus on pushing the knees back, staying over the bar, finding the pockets and jumping the weight up.

3.  3RFT:
7 Deads 345, 225
7 Muscle ups
Deads should be straight:)

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Monday 4.30.12

Even during this "Regional Prep" phase we are going to continue having Mondays be a Max Effort (ME) day.  We will be working up to a ME set(s) of Front/Back Squat followed by some supplemental strength at higher volumes.  Rest days this week are going to be Thursday and Sunday.

1.  Back Squat
Work up to a 3RM
3x2 with 90% of 3RM

2.  Thruster
3 Rounds for max reps of thrusters 135,95
rest :30 between sets - no stopping anywhere, must be continuous motion.

3.  DBS
5x8 Alt. Dumbbell Snatches (4/side) 100,70
rest :30 between sets.

When shouldering a ME stone, lap it and get the stone high on your chest (under your chin) before "bull whipping" the hip.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Saturday 4.28.12

Hey Monsters, There has been a bunch of questions on the direction of this site, so here's my quick answer.  The programming on this site is geared for competitors preparing for the Regionals.  I understand that many of you are may have missed the boat this year, but are still looking to use this site to help improve your training.  Since we know the WODS for the Regional competitions, the programming on this site is going to be narrowly focused over the next four weeks.  My suggestion is if you are not competing in a Regional Comp this year would be to use the next month to improve weaknesses and then jump back on board in June.

Here is how to kill goats, while continuing to improve your GPP.  Follow a well designed program like CFNE's daily programming and add 2 days a week of specific goat killing on top of the regular wods.  For example, if you need work on your T2B's do one day (Monday) of 5x12 unbroken for time, and a second  day (Friday) of Tabata T2B for total reps.

1.  Snatch
10 x 1 Snatch, OTM at 90% 1RM

2.  For time:
Row 750m
12 Pistols
Row 500m
12 Pistols
Row 250
12 Pistols

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Friday 4.27.12

1.  HPC
For time:  7 sets of unbroken Hang Power Cleans 225/135
Beasts: 4
Ninjas: 2

2.  Muscle ups
Muscle ups on the minute, x 7
Beasts: 4/2
Ninjas: 6/4

3.  Mod WOD 2
2 RFT:
10 DBS, 100/70#
40m Sprint
The Regionals are coming...

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Wednesday 4.25.12

Become friends with the bar.  Together you will do great things...

1.  Squat Series
50 Unbroken Back Squats, 135/95
rest 1 minute
40 unbroken Front Squat, 85/65
rest 1 minute
30 unbroken OHS, 65/45

2.  DBS
5x8 (4/side), :60 rest between sets.

Tuesday 4.24.12

1.  HSPU Ladder
15-12-9-6-3 unbroken reps for time

2.  For time
15 up and over Burpee Box Jumps, 24/20"
20 WB, 20/14
20 TTB
15 up and over Burpee Box Jumps

Monday, April 23, 2012

Monday 4.23.12

Session 1
1.  Snatch OTM
Start at 135 and add 10# every minute.  - If possible have pre-loaded bars or have someone else change weights for you.

2.  Mod. WOD2
1500m Row
30 Pistols
20 HPC 225/135

Session 2
1. Dead/MU
3 RFT:
7 Deads 345/225
7 MU

Saturday 4.20.12

1.  DB Snatch Sprint
4 RFT:
10 Alternating DB Snatches, 100/70 - show control at top w/feet under hips.  Place the weight back down.
40m Sprint
I believe the runs are going to be shorter than this, but for today lets do a 20m out and back.  

2.  Mod WOD4
50 Back Squats, 135/95
40 Pull ups
30 OH, 135/95
30 FS, 85/65
30 Pull ups
30 OH, 85/65
No need to do the whole sha-bang.  Lets get the first round as RX, and then just feel out the second round.  

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Friday 4.20.12

Regionals are coming!

Session 1
1.  Snatch Complex
5 x Power Snatch + Squat Snatch, climbing

2.  30-20-10 
Power Clean, 135/95
Ring Dip

Session 2
3 RFT:
Bar MU
40m Prowler, bodyweight

Bar Muscle ups:
Dudes:  15-12-9
Chicks: 12-9-6

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Wednesday 4.18.12

World Champion, "Big Bri"
1.  Clean and Jerk
1x2 at 75%
1x1 at 80-85
2x1 at 90%
Rest as needed between sets.  

The Bulgarians rose to the top of the O-lifting world by training high volume at around 90-98% of 1rm.   Training just below your Max Effort is where the most adaptation takes place.  If you are "at" max effort - your form, technique and CNS take a major hit.  If you are too far below your max effort you don't get the same neurological or muscular response.   

2.  4 RFT
6 Pistols
200m Run
6 Deads, 245/165
1 minute rest between rounds.

Record total time.  Sprint every round.  Get back on the bar and pull.  You should feel confident with that weight. Touch and go the bottom and no pause at the top.

Games Master's Competitor Bubba Hagood...

Monday, April 16, 2012

Tuesday 4.17.12

Teams of two:
3 RFT, One works, one rest::
30 KB Hang Squat Clean Thrusters, 53/35 - reps can be completed anyhow
30 TTB - reps can be completed anyhow
30 Cal Row - each athlete must complete 30 cals

20 minute easy run

The Team 30's...

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Monday 4.16.12

1. Back Squat
5x3, climbing

2. Overhead Squat
work up to a heavy set of 5 - This is not a max, get a "heavy" set of 5 and move on.

4. Focus Work
Beasts: 5-4-3-3-3 Unbroken MU - if you are unable to do this rep scheme, complete 15 reps for time.
Ninjas: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Unbroken KBS 100/70 - vertical KB standard

5. Speed Burpees
6xAMRAP Burpess :20on/:20off - work on increasing cycle time.  Record reps for each round.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Saturday 4.14.12

1.  Tosh Sprints
3 rft:
200 m Run
400 m Run
600 m Run
Rest as long as the previous run took.  Record time for each interval.  This can be done with a partner as work/rest.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Friday 4.13.12

1.  Clean and Jerk
3 x 1 at 90% - don't go heavier.  split or push jerk ok.

2.  "Scorpion Bowl"
7 RFT:
7 Thrusters 135, 95
7 Burpees

The fittest woman in the world, training with the prettiest woman 
in the world at the fittest gym in the world...

"Scorpion Bowl," - Ali, 6:42!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Wednesday 4.11.12

Train like a Champion, Perform like a Champion.
1.  Box Jump
work up to a max height "Standing" Box Jump - Standing means no steps before take off.

2.  12-9-6
Power Snatch 115, 80
OHS 115, 80 - open hip

Rest 10 minutes.

3.  12-9-6
HSPU - no kipping
Squat Clean 155, 105
Burpee BJ, 30/24

James:  51" Standing BJ in khakis...

Kevin 52" standing Box Jump - no steps, control at top

12-9-6 PS & OHS 115, 80#

Monday, April 9, 2012

Tuesday 4.10.12

1.  Stone Shoulder
Work up to a single heavy

2.  Tabata Mash up
Stone Shoulders & Double Unders
Alternate, 16 rounds total.  Score is lowest reps for each.

3.  Zercher Yoke Carry
Work up to a heavy carry for 50'

4.  4 RFT:
40 yrd Heavy Sled Drag

Tabata Mash up of Stones and DU

Team Zercher Relay

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Monday 4.9.12

1.  Front Squat
10 x 1, OTM at 90% across - focus on positioning and speed.

2.  Jerk Complex
3 x Push Jerk + Split Jerk - stay lighter, about 80-85% - these should be money.

3.  4 RFT:
5 Power Cleans
5 Front Squats
5 Jerks 
5 Muscle ups
1 minute rest 

Dudes:  185
Chicks: 135

Here is Mel and Ali finishing the 10x1, Front Squat at 90%.  
Ali is using 195#, Mel is using 185#.
Both girls are working hard to drive the knees out.  Mel could do a better job on thoracic extension and working with a little more speed, but for the 9th set of 10 at 185 this is pretty impressive.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Saturday 4.7.12

1.  Power Cleans Unbroken Power Cleans for time.

Beasts:  225/150
Ninjas: 195/130

2. L-Sits
10 x :10, Rest :30 between sets

3.  For time: Deads 355, 255
200m Run between sets

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Friday 4.5.12

Lipson, 435# front squat for 3 reps.

1.  Back Squats, 5x3 across

2.  Reverse Tabata Front Squats, 135/95 - from a rack.
8 rounds of:  Max reps in 10 seconds, 20 seconds rest.  Score is total reps

3.  16 minutes, OTM
Odd:  Max rep Ring Dips in :15/:45 rest - no kipping
Even:  Max rep KBS in :15/:45 rest

Dudes: Ring Dip, 35#/
            KBS, 100#
Chicks: Ring Dip, strict
             KBS, 70#

EC between a set of ring dips...

Monday, April 2, 2012

Wednesday 4.4.12

Smuggs, working through the DU's
1. 4 RFT:
Bar Muscle ups
20 Double unders
6 Unbroken Power Cleans
20 Double unders
3 Thrusters
1 minute rest between rounds.

Beasts:  BMU 3/2, PC and Thrusters 185/125#
Ninjas: BMU 4/3, PC and Thrusters 165/115#

Rest 10 minutes, then:

2.  3 RFT:
12 WB 30/20#
12 BJ, 24,20 - Games standard
12 T2B
work cycle time on all movements and fast transitions. 

Big John at the original Albany Throwdown