Sunday, April 8, 2012

Monday 4.9.12

1.  Front Squat
10 x 1, OTM at 90% across - focus on positioning and speed.

2.  Jerk Complex
3 x Push Jerk + Split Jerk - stay lighter, about 80-85% - these should be money.

3.  4 RFT:
5 Power Cleans
5 Front Squats
5 Jerks 
5 Muscle ups
1 minute rest 

Dudes:  185
Chicks: 135

Here is Mel and Ali finishing the 10x1, Front Squat at 90%.  
Ali is using 195#, Mel is using 185#.
Both girls are working hard to drive the knees out.  Mel could do a better job on thoracic extension and working with a little more speed, but for the 9th set of 10 at 185 this is pretty impressive.


  1. 1) 10x1 OTM FS - 255,255F(slipped off shoulders, 255,255,255,255,265,265,265,265,265

    2) PJ/SJ - skipped (was short on time)

    3) 4 RFT WOD - 13:18

  2. 1) Back Squats - 5x5 @ 115#, 5x3 @ 135#, 7x2 @ 155#, 10x1 @ 185#. Went a little lighter today and see how the Achilles holds up.
    2) 5 RFT of 3 MUs, 6 F Squats 125# Genie Style, 200M row. 26 minutes. 2:21, 2:45, 3 (had to take a pee break!), 1:55, 2:01. Was happy to get the MUs consecutive but need to work on turn out and kipping.

    1. Oops, 2) was 27:11 - 11:11 so my time was 16 minutes. Sheesh, can you tell I have a math degree?
