Monday, June 4, 2012

Tuesday 6.5.12


1.  Clean and Jerk
3x1 at 90%
2x2 at 80%

2.  Banded Front Squat
5x3 across, if you don't have bands use chains

3.  Strict Pull ups
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of unbroken Strict Pull ups for time

4.  3 RFT:
3 Thrusters 185, 135
5 Bar Muscle ups

1 comment:

  1. 1. C&J: 3*1 @ 220#, 2*2 @ 195#
    2. FS: 5*3 @ 215# w/ red bands
    3. Strict UB PU's 10...1: 3:23 Rx
    4. 3 RFT thrusters 165#, 5 BMU
    After worked on thrusters got 185#*3, previous 1RM was 185#
