Ali B lines up for Snatches, OTM
1. Bench
3 x Max Rep barbell bench at 60% of 1RM
2. 4 Rounds of:
Max reps of Strict C2B Pull ups in 2 minutes
Rest 1 minute
Max reps of Push Press 165, 115 in 2 minutes -
taken from the floor, no racks.
Rest 1 minute
3. Rehab High Hang Muscle Snatch
3 x 10,
demo vid -
one thing not mentioned in the video; once the elbows go high and outside don't let them descend as you turn over. Work the external rotation with the humerus (upper arm) parallel to the ground.
4. Dumbbell Shrugs
3 x 12-15 -
Shrug up and back, not up and forward.
Montoya working with Coach B at CFNE
A message from Derek, CFNE Competitor Coach
In classic Ben Bergeron style, he is sharing his knowledge and programming expertise with all of us on
this site for free. He is also not mandating for anybody that they should, shouldn’t, or can’t follow the
programming. I can tell you that Ben has been overwhelmed with the positive response to the website
and the people following the programming.
As the Competitor’s Coach for Crossfit New England’s competitors, I have had the opportunity to talk
extensively with him Ben about Competitor’s Wod programming, the website and his intentions over
the last few weeks and have a few thoughts to share:
1. Competitor’s Wod programming is aimed at preparing the skilled, experienced athlete for the
Crossfit Games Competition Season. Because of the seasonality of the sport, and the periodization
that Ben is programming, this is not aimed towards generally getting people ready to compete in local
throwdowns, or competing at Garage Games for example, but specifically towards next year’s Games
2. Its most likely that Competitor’s Wod programming is not for you. I don’t mean you, specifically, but generally speaking, this programming is intended for a small percentage of the Crossfit population.
Its difficult to generalize, but if you have to scale the vast majority of the programming, then maybe
you should think twice. Another crude guideline would be your "Fran" time - under 4:00 for guys, and
under 5:00 for girls. Above that and you should really think twice or talk with a coach.
Bottom Line---If you do crossfit to be generally healthy for life and/or for another sport then you’d be better off following .com or CFNE class programming. If you want to be a competitor, chances are you’ll make more progress by sticking to this type of programming and adding some goat work 1-2 times a week. If you’re unsure, post about your situation here and I’m sure you’ll get all the feedback you need.
3. Once you decide what is right for you, stick to it. This goes both ways. If you’re fit enough and
experienced enough to do Competitor’s Wod programming and want to do it, then do it 100% and stick
to it. Vice Versa – if you know in your heart of hearts that its not right for you, then commit to ONE program, be it .com, CFNE, or whatever. I can tell you firsthand that the BEST program is the one that you are committed to. Doing a .com wod today, and some class wods later in the week, and something from another site here or there is a recipe for disaster. Personally, I spent a very unproductive, frustrating year a few years back jumping around- OPT, Mike’s Gym, Greg Everett, CFNE, etc…what a disaster. Finally I got sick of it and just decided to do whatever Ben told me to do, and I’ve been making gains ever since. For more on this, read Ben’s journal article about training like a racehorse.
Please understand that the purpose of this post is not to exclude anyone, or to tell you that you can’t
do something. The purpose is to clarify what the intention is, and also to help prevent overtraining and
injury that can arise from people following programming that they might not be ready for.
On another note, over the last few weeks we have noticed that the amount of activity and posting on
the CFNE site has decreased. I can promise you that this is NOT what Ben is after. We take great pride in having one of the most active sites and communities in Crossfit. Competition is a part of what we do, but it is not what we are all about. Long story short, if you’re a CFNE member and you’re following Competitor’s Wod programming, please post on CFNE's site or both sites.
Good Luck and God Bless,