Sunday, August 12, 2012

Monday 8.13.12

1.  Box Squat
Work up to a 1 rep max - Box should be at parallel.  The points of performance mimic the box squat jumps we did on Friday.  

2.  Front Squats
3 x 6

3.  Romanian Dead Lifts
3 x 8

4.  5 RFT:
10 Pistols (5/side)
15 GHD Sit ups
200m Run
1 minute rest between rounds.

5.  Split Practice
4 mins/side


  1. 1. 120kg
    2. 90-95-92.5kg
    3. 90kg across
    4. 11:06
    5. Check

  2. 1. 365lbs
    2. 225/235/245
    3. 135/175/205 Never done these until the other day. Technique before weight. Got it now.
    4. 13:54
    5. Done. Love walking funny after this.

  3. 1.345
    2.205, 215, 225, 235
    3. 225 across
    4. 14:55 (10:55 minus the rest periods)
    5. Done

  4. Box squat -385
    2. Front squat - 205-205-225
    3. Rom deads - 205-205-225
    4: 5 rft- 1:53,1;50,1:50,1:47,1:49 run on treadmill
    5. Splits

  5. 1. 1RM Box Squat - 245#
    2. Front Squat - 175#/185#/195#
    3. RDL - 185#/205#/205#
    4. 13:40
    5. check

  6. Box Squat 205
    Watering Hole 15:30rx
    3X6 Front Squats 155#
    Romanian Deads 3X8 195#
    Split Practice - 8 min.

  7. 1RM Box Squat: 295
    WOD: 14:01 rx
    Front Squat: 185 195 205
    RDL: 225 across
    Splits: yep

  8. 1RM Box Squat: 295
    WOD: 14:39 rx
    Front Squat: 225,225,235(? Depth on 2)
    RDL: 245,265,265
    Splits: yep

  9. 275 on box squats. Got weirded out by the squat rack sitting on the box.
    155,165,185 on fronts. New 6 rm
    205,225,245 on rdls
    Timer got messed up on the metcon. Had to row instead but was averaging 2:30 per round for last 4 rounds.
    No time for splits.

  10. 1.375 more in the tank
    2. 275 across
    3. 275, 295, 315
    4. 14:13 not fast but first time rx pistols with running shoes. Slow but making progress with rom

    1. D, Classic Type A - how is it going mixing up the colors on the plates?

    2. You mean like plates that don't match on each side?? That's just ridiculous. Come on Bubba- I know you're kidding. That not what you meant, right? Right???? Right????

  11. 1. 1RM Box Squat 255#
    2. WOD: scaled more and more every round, but finished at 10:35
    3. FS 3x8: 165, 170, 175
    4. RDL 3x8: 163, 173, 173
    5. Splits: check

  12. 1. Box Squat: 315#
    2. Front Squats: 225,235,240*5
    3. Romanian Dead Lifts: 185 across
    4. 5 RFT: 12:29 ish Rx, clock got reset
    5. Split Practice

  13. 1. 1 RM box squat - 305# s
    2. Front squat - 165, 185, 195, 215#s
    3. RDL- 225 on all sets
    4. RAN OUT IF TIME. Hope to make it up tonight

  14. 1. Box Squat: 275#
    2. Front Squats: 185# across
    3. Romanian Dead Lifts: 185 across
    4. WOD: 12:49 Rx
    5. Split Practice TBD

  15. some days i punch goats. some days, they punch me.

    1. 1RM box squat - 255# + chains
    2. front squat - 185# across
    3. RDL - 205# across
    4. FML - subbed med ball sit ups for GHD, worked progressions for pistols and just generally sucked shit.
    5. inflexibility, huzzah!

  16. 1. Box Squat, 335
    2. Did metcon in CFNE Class, 13:50 - pistols need work
    3. FS, 245 x 6,6,5
    4. RDL, 8x225, 245, 245
    5. Splits, this afternoon

    1. You did:
      RDL, 8x245, 8x265, 8x265

      Strong work Ben!!

    2. Oh yeah, thats right. Thanks Craig.

  17. 1. Box Squat, 325 - ran out of time in class - 325 was fast, 335 will be very doable
    2. Did metcon in CFNE Class, 13:10 - pistols need work, subbed 40 DU for run
    3. FS, 235 across
    4. RDL, 8x245, 8x265, 8x265 - grip limited - need to get wraps
    5. Splits - really don't like these - not getting easier

    Generally feeling stronger this week.

  18. Box sq: 245#
    FS: 185# across
    RDL: 145/165/185(still getting used to these)
    Metcon: 13:05 Rx
    Splits: check

  19. 1. Box Squat- 175
    2. Front Squat- 95,105,105
    3. RDL-135,145,155
    4. 15:24- need a box or ring for support still:(
    5. Done

  20. I have a question. Is it normal for our box squat to be more or less than our back squat? Thanks to anyone that can help.

    1. If you are doing them correctly you will most likely be below your normal "Free" Back Squat. In a normal back squat you have the advantage of the stretch reflex at the bottom and the added use of the quads.
      In a Box Squat there is a deliberate pause and 'de-loading" at the bottom, essentially forcing you to start from a "stopped" position. Additionally, your knee should be behind your ankle at the bottom forcing you to overcompensate with your hammies and posterior chain.
      You can still be close to your "free" 1rm BS, but you your are over, you might want to check your technique.

    2. I was over which means my tequnique wasn't right or it means I'm getting HA-UUUUGE! Thanks Ben.

  21. Out of order today:
    1. Box Squat: 175#
    2. WOD: 18:08 rx
    3. RDL- 185# across
    4. Front Squat: 125#
    5. Splits check

  22. Box squat 305
    Front squat 205,215,225
    Rdl 225,245,265
    WOD 13:07 rx
    Splits check

  23. Box Squat- 355

    Pistol practice off a 30" box 3 x 5 each side

    RDL's 155 Just worked on explosiveness instead of weight

    Skipped WOD and splits due to time. I might be able to make it up later. I'm feeling a little under recovered as it is so if I don't, maybe it's for the best.

  24. 1. 325
    2. 225 across (6, 4, 5)
    3. 225, 245, 245
    4. 13:37
    5. Will do later. Ran out of time.

  25. 1. box squat freaked me out a little so under performed i believe
    2. 135, 155, 170
    3. postier chain was meh today so went lighter
    145, 175, 195
    4. 9:45 not including 1min rest
    5. yay strechs

  26. 1. Box: 385
    2. Front: 225, 255, 285 (5 rep PR)
    3. RDL: 225, 275, 305
    4. 5 RFT: 11:28 total (7:28 of work)
    5. Done

  27. 1. 1 rep max Box Squats 335lb

    2. Couldn't front squat knee pain was just too much so I subbed a 400m Sled drag at 115lb. Fun stuff.

    3. Romanian Deadlift 3x8

    All sets at 215lb

    4. 5 rounds for time:
    10 reverse hypers (20lb)
    15 GHD Situps
    200m run
    1 min rest

    Rd 1: 2:03
    Rd 2: 1:56
    Rd 3: 1:56
    Rd 4: 1:54
    Rd 5: 1:43

    *subbed reverse hypers due to knee pain in pistol/squat

    5. Splits-check

  28. 1. 1 rep max box squat 485#
    2. 3 X 6 FS 295#
    3. 3 X 8 RDL 325#
    4. Metcon
    Rnd 1: 1:31
    Rnd 2: 1:34
    Rnd 3: 1:41
    Rnd 4: 1:55
    Rnd 5: 1:46
    5. Splits-DONE

  29. 1. Box 225 (time constraints; could have done more)

    2. Front 135, 205, 235

    3. RDL 135, 225, 225

    4. WOD 17:59 (used pole for pistols)

    5. Split Check

  30. 1. Box squat - 155 - still being careful with my back!!!
    2. FS - 95, 105, 105
    3. RDL - Skipped
    4. 15:41 - subbed GHD for weighted situps - getting closer to getting pistols!
    5. Splits - done

  31. 1. 365
    2. 275, 315, 335 (failed on #5)
    3. 335
    4. 12:15 rx
    5. Check

  32. 1. 315# Box Squat
    2. Front Squat 155, 185, 225
    3. RDL 3x8. 225, 245, 265
    4. 14:58 total time. Rounds: 2:00, 2:15, 2:14, 2:12, 2:17
    Note: still don't have the mobility to do pistols so did low as possible SL Squats on a box. Also, rowed instead of run due to no accessible running route.
    5. Will do tonight.

  33. 1. #225 Woop!
    2. FS - 135-145-145 -I despise FS... Thank you for making me do them
    3. RDL- 135-145-145
    4. 16:35 rx slow but steady!
    5. Done.

  34. 1. 405
    2. 205-205-215
    3. 225-245-265 Underestimated, should have started higher
    4. 14:58 rx... gotta work on speed with pistols now
    5. Check!

  35. 1. 415...maybe a little bit more in me...knees were tracking in a little bit
    2. 80-100-118kg
    4. 10:02 Calculated without rest included

  36. 1. Box back squats: 185
    2. Front squats: 105
    3. RDL: 135
    4. WOD: 13:43, subbed back extensions for ghd sit ups.
    5. Splits: check.

  37. 1. Box back squats: Couldn't figure how to do in home gym
    2. Front squats: 155, 165, 175
    3. RDL: 225 across
    4. WOD: 13:45, subbed row for run.
    5. Splits: check.

  38. 1. Box back squats: 180
    2. Front Squats: 115
    3. RDL 145/155/155
    4. WOD subbed 1 min. planks for GHDs. Got thru 4 rounds then ran out of time. 11:59.
    5. Ran out of time. Will do tonight or tomorrow.

  39. Box squat 375
    Front squat 245, 245, 235
    RDL 185, 205, 225
    WOD 13:00
    Split practice sucked

  40. 1. Box Back Squat: 265 (I'm short and the lowest side of the box was just barely above parallel for me. I need to find something better for these next time.)
    2. Front Squats: 155, 165, 175
    3. RDL: 185, 205, 225
    4. 5RFT: 10:21 not including 1 min rest between rounds. Modified pistols by using a gymnastics ring for balance. Major goat for me.
    5. Split Practice: Done...seems to be working.

    This morning's wod was 8rft of 5 75# sandbag clean and presses and 200m sprint done alongside 2009 games competitor Michelle Benedict of CrossFit Fort Bragg. Awesome day of training!!


  41. 1. 295#
    2. 215# 6/5/5
    3. 305 x 8
    4. 13:23 Rx
    5. Complete

  42. 1. 250 Ran out of time
    2. 155# 8/8/8 forgot this was sets of 6
    3. 185 8/8/8
    4. 14:30 Rx back ups at ghd station
    5. Yippee

  43. 1.) 265#
    2.) 135# across. (lots of pain in injured wrist)
    3.) 185# x8, 205# x8, 205# x8
    4.) 18:32 (1/2" band assist pistols)
    5.) done

  44. 1)325 box at parallel. Failed it once then got it, hell yeah.
    2)205 across
    3) 185 accross
    4) 15:22. Got pistols back. RX'd YES
    5) done

  45. Forgot to put Saturday's up and committed to posting every wod so no slacking so here it is. Had to do this Monday a few hours before Monday wod due to travel this weekend.
    Dips (start with 25#db)
    Pullups (start with 25#db)
    Push Press
    135 (4)
    3rnd of 115x8
    BP shoulders. Check

  46. Box squat #175
    RDL #135, maybe went too light? but first time doing it, no coaching.
    Front Squats #105 across
    5 RFT 17:09 w/rests

  47. 1.275-first time doing max box squat
    2.FS 215 across
    3.275 only 2 sets
    4.17:01 Rowed instead of running and used a 15 pound weight as a balast-shin getting x-ray today
    5.yes and I like the dentist more

  48. Box 295
    RDL 235 across
    FS 215 across
    5 RFT 17:07. Band assist on pistols

  49. 1. Box Squat 1 Rm 345#
    2. Ft. squat x6 reps 215# across
    3. RDL 245-275-275x 8
    4. WOD 13:57
    5. done

  50. 1. Box Sq 145 (think my box might have been too low?
    2. FS - 75/95/115
    3. RDL - 125/155/185
    4. 15:55 RX
    5. Done

  51. 1. Box Squat (275#)
    2. FS (175#)
    2. RDL (135#)
    4. As Rx'd (13:45), (9:45 minus rest periods)

  52. Rest. Still really smoked from competition.

  53. 1. Box squat - 385, just below parallel
    2. FS - 205, 225, 225
    3. RDL - 225 across
    4. 14:30, GHD and run was garbage.
    5. Splits - done
