Thursday, August 2, 2012

Friday 8.3.12

How many 300# benchers will we have in two months?
1.  Snatch 
6 x 2, OTM at 60%

2.  Clean and Jerk
6 x 2, OTM at 60%

3.  Lateral Bounds
6 x 4 - Over and back = 2 reps.  No pause on landing should.  These should resemble a "Touch and Go" rep.   Rest as needed between sets.  Watch the demo video here

4.  Barbell Reverse Lunge
2 x 10 - 5/side, alternating.

5.  5 RFT
50m Heavy Forward Sled Drag - Heavy enough that is forces a walk.  If you can run it's too light.
15 GHD Sit ups
Rest 2 minutes between rounds.

On the sled drags choose a weight that is right for you.  Try to keep your torso more upright and "heel to toe" as you walk.  This doesn't make it easier, but results in more posterior chain engagement, which is what we are after in this WOD.  Remember we are not always after faster times and better scores.  Sometimes its about the stimulus not the score.  


  1. Looks awesome! Thanks for posting so early.

  2. Snatch/clean are both power or squat?
    BB rev lung? Is bar on shoulders?

    1. Good question. Squat for both.

    2. on the bb lunges, racked across deltoids like a back squat or like a front squat?

  3. Anyone have a sub for those who isn't have access to a sled?

    1. Tie something to the bumper of your car and go.

    2. U can also buy a rubber cooler.. tie a rope thrkugh the handle and secure it around entire cooler... fil it heavy.... good to go! :) im all about being economical!

    3. what about those without access to a car?

    4. db's or plates in milk crate with rope!

  4. Sorry new to the site what is OTM?

  5. check the FAQ (frequently asked questions)

  6. I Benched 245# on max effort day. 55 lbs in 2 months is doable!!

  7. Hello from kiwi land
    1. 36kg
    2. 50kg
    3. 20" jump over bench
    4. 60kg reverse lunge
    5. 11:29 working time with 80kg on sled

  8. Absolutely LOVING this programming!

  9. 1. #95
    2. #135
    3. lateral jumps over bench
    4. #135 reverse lunge with bb in front rack
    5. 20:59 - filled duffle bag with #250 of steel weights, looped straps from my rings through the handles and drug it on my rooftop for an approximate 50m, 20 x abmat anchored situps

  10. 1. 115
    2. 160
    3. Done
    4. 135
    5. 9:09, 90lbs on sled. Focused on form. Posterior chain is smoked. :)


  11. 1. 115
    2. 155
    3. done
    4. 115
    5 done did not time it

  12. 1. 205
    2. 145
    3. Done, but I must share this story: We set up the racks kind of far away so the band was nice and tight. We went to move the pegs up a notch, I did not have a tight grip on the band, partner standing at the other end caught the full snap of the band right between his legs. Laughter ensued for about 20 minutes, he laughed once he stopped crying.

    4. 185 and 195
    5. No time, had 6 plates on the sled

  13. 1. Snatch - 95
    2. Clean and Jerk - 115#
    3. BB Rev Lunge - 145#, 165#
    4. Lat Jumps - at hip flexor
    5. 5 45# plates

  14. 1. Snatch - 60
    2. Clean & Jerk - 85
    3. Lat Rebounds - Done
    4. BB Reverse Lunge - 95, 105
    5. RFT - 3 45lb plates or 215lb - 20:36

  15. ^^^ LOVED Mel's piked band jumps

    1. Snatch - 115
    2. CJ - 145
    3. Lunge - 135, 145
    4. Lat Jumps - High
    5. Sleds/GHDs - varied, but about 6x45# plates

  16. 1. Snatch - 85
    2. CJ - 115
    3. Lunge - no time
    4. Lat Jumps - fun
    5. Sleds/GHDs - varied between small (4-5 plates) and big sled (whatever craig did)

  17. 1. Snatch - 75#
    2. Clean and Jerk - 115#
    3. BB Rev Lunge - 115#, 135#
    4. Lat Jumps - check
    5. Sled/GHDs - varied, started with 5x45# + a Dr. Aufranc

  18. Snatches: 95,95,95,105,115,115
    C and J: 135 across
    Band jumps set to mid thigh height could barely clear them
    Backward lunges 115 and 135
    Started sled with 90 lbs and jumped to 115 plus the 45# sled
    1- 1:55
    2- 2:05
    3- 2.15
    4- 2:18
    5- 2:11

  19. 1. Snatch- 60
    2. CJ- 80
    3. Lunge 115
    4. Lat Jumps: check
    5. Sled/GHDS- varied from 205#- 275#
    Loving this programming! Julia Rohde from Germany weights 115# & snatched 187# in London- amazing - she reminds me of Mel!

    1. Julia Rohde is my favorite Oly lifter. :) Been a fan of hers for a while.

  20. 1. Snatch: 95
    2 C&J: 135
    3. Lat Jumps: As high as Rap
    4. Lunge: 135
    5. Sled/GHDs: used 1st open sled 5 or 6 plates

  21. 1. Snatch: 65
    2 C&J: 95
    3. Lat Jumps: Medium high
    4. Lunge: 95
    5. Sled/GHDs: Around 220#

  22. 1. Snatch - 125#
    2. Clean and Jerk - 155#
    3. BB Rev Lunge - 175#
    4. Lateral bounds - at waist
    5. Started to heavy dropped down to 6 45# plates and did 5 rounds with good form

  23. For the reverse lunges, barbell on back or overhead?

  24. 1. Snatch - 85#
    2. Clean and Jerk - 135#
    3. BB Rev Lunge - 135#
    4. Lateral bounds - at waist
    5. 5 rounds 270 with 15 ghd's

  25. 1. Snatch: 100#
    2. C&j: 135#
    3. Lunge: 135#, 185#
    4.Lateral Bounds: could only find a bench about knee high.
    5. No sled. Subbed 5 rounds of 20 reps on some squat device at 24hour fitness + crunch machine (no ghd)

    Definitely not the same as doing this at CFNE.

  26. 1. Snatch 135# across
    2. C&J 155x2 175 x 4
    3. Lateral jumps hip height
    4. BB reverse lunge 135, 175
    5. Sled drag used 155 total pounds + ghd situps
    (never felt a stimulus quite like that)

  27. 1. Snatch 55#
    2. C&J 70#
    3. 20" lateral jumps
    4. BB Reverse lunges 10 at 100#, 10 at 110#
    5. Sled drag 310# 16:51

    (5'1", 121lb)

  28. 1. Snatch #65
    2. C&J #80
    3. 20"
    4. Lunges #95
    5. 5 RFT 13:04 (no cars/sleds or coolers around work gym, subbed treadmill run 200M 5% incline)

  29. 1. Snatch, 135
    2. Clean and jerk, 155
    3. Lat jumps, just below hip height
    4. Lunges, 155 and 175
    5. 11.10 (that is time minus rest), 4-45# plates on sled

  30. 125, 165. More than 60%, but my lifts suck, and 60% would have been really light.
    Jumped over the band a few times
    lunges @ 135 and 155
    didn't time wod, just did with 90# + sled. could have gone heavier but no time this am

  31. 1. 115
    2. 155
    3. worked up to 3 ft.
    4. 185 - 1 front rack, 1 back
    5. 4 plates - brutal...

  32. Snatch
    6x2 otm 60%


    Clean and jerk
    6x2 otm 60%


    Lateral bounds (jumps)
    6x4 (touch n go)


    Barbell reverse lunge

    Both at 135lb

    5 rounds:
    50m sled drag @ 215lb
    15 GHD
    2 min rest

    11+ min (subtracting rest)

  33. 1. Snatch 95# (biggest goat)
    2. C&J 145#
    3. Mid Thigh Band Height
    4. Lunges 165, 185
    5. 5 RFT: 15:00 approximate, Sled @ 215 in parking lot

  34. 1. snatch- 100#
    2. clean & jerk- 125#
    3. lunge- 135#
    4. lat. jumps done
    5. sled/ GHD done (6/45#s)

  35. 1. snatch- 75# first 3 min; 95# next 3 min
    2. clean & jerk- 135# first 3, 155# next 3
    3. lunge- 155# first set; 185 second set
    4. lat. jumps done - top of thigh height
    5. sled/ GHD done (519# weights and sled)

  36. 1.Snatch 135
    2. C&J 155
    3. Lateral Jumps -Check (Approx 32")
    4. Lunge 155x10, 185x10
    5. 5 Rounds 519lb Walk/drag 15 GHD

  37. 1. 100
    2. 145
    3. Waist height
    4. 135
    5. 5 45# plates 2 10# plates

  38. 1.Snatch - 55 lbs
    2.clean & jerk - 95
    3. lateral jumps - done
    4.lunge - 95x10, 105x10
    5. 5 rounds 263ib sled, 15 GHD

  39. 1. Snatch- 75#
    2. Clean & Jerk- 135#
    3. Lat. Jumps - 30"
    4. Lunge- 135#
    5. Sled/GHD (~365 lbs)

  40. 1. Snatch 135
    2. C&J 165
    3. Lat jumps Hip height
    4. Lunge 135, 185
    5. Sled 240 not a typical sled lots of friction

  41. 1. Snatch: 60#
    2. Clean and Jerk: 80#
    3. Lateral bounds: ~24 inches
    4. Flying Dutchman: 135# - 235#, subbed back extensions for GHD sit ups
    5. Backwards Lunge: 95x10, 115x10

  42. 1. Snatch: 6x2x105
    2. C&J: 6x2x150 pretty tiring but very good form
    3. 2x30" 4x32.5" this is upper thigh for me
    4. 10x145, 10x155 balance skills needed
    5. 5 45# plates 2 10# plates + 15 GHD 1:30ish across

  43. 1. Snatch: 70#
    2. Clean and Jerk: 100#
    3. Lateral Bounds 24"
    4. Barbell Reverse Lunge: 115# in rack position, 125# in Back Squat position. Hard for me but do-able. Balance needs work with heavy loads.
    5. 5rft: 10 minutes 90# plus sled first 4 rounds, then 120# plus sled for the 5th round.


  44. Snatch 120
    Clean and Jerk 145
    Lat jump @hip height
    Lunge 185
    Sled 270

  45. 1. Snatch: 95
    2. C&J: 135
    3. Lat Jumps: 32"
    4. Lunge: 135
    5. Sled/GHDs: Yellow sled 6 plates

  46. 1. 75#
    2. 105#
    3.done but I didn't check how high it was ... Upper thigh height
    4. Lunges @ 145/155.. Could have went a little heavier
    5. Visiting a box .. They were not very helpful with a sled and wouldn't let me use the tire they had ...wouldn't let me use n e rope ... After a few suggestions... This guy clearly does not understand The sled drag stimulus..... Going to make it up tomorrow afternoon... Even if I have to pull my car :)

  47. 1. Snatch: 95
    2. Clean and Jerk: 115
    3. Lateral Bounds: Just jumped over the bench
    4. Barbell Reverse Lunge: 95 and 115 (new to reverse)
    5. 5 RFT 185lb tire drag with tow strap, GHD's
    Forgot to start clock which was good, could have used a calendar. The tire seemed to heat up and every time I could smell the rubber after 10 meters it was like the brakes went on. Ended up bearcrawling through round 4 and 5. Fun.

  48. Snatch- 95
    C&J- 145
    Lateral jumps- 24" need a better setup
    Reverse lunges- 95 first time doing these so played it slow
    Sled WOD- skipped due to time

  49. 1. Snatch 155
    2. C&j 185
    3. Lateral Bounds 30"
    4. Reverse lunges 185, 205
    5. Sled drag/pull mini sled with shoulder straps 4 plates on rubber floor 50m, 15 ghd, 5rds- 13:45

  50. 1. snatch 80#
    2. C&J 105#
    3. hod to sub 24" box jumps and did 6x8
    4. 14:03 150# sled(not including rest) only 25m and used anchored weighted sit up at 25# for GHD subbed 1min rest

  51. Snatch 60#
    clean and jerk 90#
    Lateral jumps - not too high, need to work on that
    Sled 190#-235#
    no lunges- strained right quad muscle. Wah! Ice and rolling that out.

  52. 1.) #85
    2.) 115#
    3.) done
    4.) 105#
    5.) 12:39 no 2 minute rest between, oops. GHD & Big tractor tire drag.

  53. Snatch 120#
    C&J 150#
    Lateral bounds used 30"
    BB rev lunge 135#, 155#
    Metcon Rain making it hard, footing compromised

  54. 1. Snatch - 95#
    2. C&J - 115#
    3. Lateral Bounds - 24"
    4. BB Lunge (front rack) 115#
    5. Didn't have time to load the sled so I did 3 rounds of:
    (15) GHD Back/Hip Extensions & (15) GHD Sit Ups witha 20# vest.

  55. 1. 135
    2. 155
    3. 33"
    4. First and only time deviating, and we paid for it. We squatted, and it was a mistake. That was learned the hard way, that no after 12 months of cross fit, I am not smarter than the guy who has been programming for 15 years.
    5. 16:30 215 on the sled.
