Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Wednesday 8.8.12

1.  Push Press
Work up to a 3 RM

2.  Ring Push ups
1 set close to failure - Leave 1-2 in the tank
1 set to failure
Rings should be set at 1" off the floor.  Be sure your hips travel the same distance as your shoulders and at the same time.

3.  Pulling Superset
A.  Pull up Rows, 3 x 6-12 - these are essentially a belly button to bar pull up, we are looking for the horizontal row action.  If you aren't even close sub barbell bent over rows. Watch the Demo Vid.
B.  Bent over Reverse Flyes, 3 x 8-12 - yep, old school body building reverse flyes.  Keep it light and controlled.

4.  Snatch Grip Shrugs
3 x 8 - these can be dynamic, aka - use your hips.  Keep the scapula retracted.  Straps are OK on this one.

5. Triplet
9-6-3 of:
Elevated HSPU - you choose the height; one or two plates or parallettes.
Muscle ups


  1. okay so its burpees, then muscle ups then burpees right? not burpee-muscle ups ? lol then burpees...just making sure

    1. I'm confused too.
      The way I read it since its a tripet was
      -Deficit HSPU
      -burpee MU
      Hopefully Ben can clarify it....

    2. the way we're going to complete it is

      9 reps of
      HSPU with a deficit

      then 6 reps of each then 3 reps of each

    3. Ok cool, thanks for the clarification

  2. I hate to ask this but what would you at CFNE sub for muscle ups?/What are the progressions that have worked for you guys? I have tried all...

    1. I like seated muscle ups with a band....focusing on transitions. Only false grip on this one though

    2. Aly,
      Depending on the workout and the aspect on the muscle up I will use different progressions for different athletes ... Some of my favorites
      1. Want to work on the Kip & transition? - check out gymnasticswod.com and search for muscle up progression... Awesome videos on setting yourself up
      2. Want to work on strength in the movement aka strict muscle ups!? Hang the band over your pull up rack and sit in it like a seat
      3. 3c2b pullups& 3dips per muscle up... Builds strengh but changes the stimulus of the work out IMO
      Hope this helps

  3. Just got home form the gym...did power clean WOD RX in 9:27....225 eats me up @ BW 150. Had a tough workout partner though. 940 meters on the row

    1. Thats awesome man! It is a goal of mine to get up to 225#. I'm only 135# so I know how you feel when it comes to heavy weight...but that's why i'm gonna get Ha-uge!

  4. Do we treat this pulling superset like "Lynne" and move from A to B quickly and rest before repeating other sets? Or all 3 sets of A then 3 sets of B?

  5. 1. 3RM - 205lbs.
    2. 30/30
    3. 6/10-6/10-6/10 (harder than I thought)
    4. 3 X 8 @ 135lbs.
    5. 7:24 Couldn't feel my arms. :)

    1. Forgot - used 25kg plates for the HSPU on #5.
      I'm so friggin' tired.... It's 6pm here in Norway, and I'm ready for bed. This has been a kick ass three days. Well deserved rest day tomorrow. :) Keep 'em coming Ben!

  6. 1. 205 x 3, 225 x 1 (too big of a jump, next time 215)
    2. 21, 25
    3. 6-12, 6-12, 6-12 using 20# dumb bells
    4. 8-225, 8-275, 8-295
    5. 10:31, used two 45# bumper plates and a 10# plate on each hand, hard, very hard, kipped more than half the hspu

  7. 1. #205 x 3
    2. 28, 31 - this was much harder than i thought. i was shooting for 40+ for each set.
    3. 6/10 x 3
    4. 8 x 135, 8 x 185, 8 x 185 (w/ straps)
    5. 10:31, not RX'd--deficit proved too hard to complete. did about 3 HSPU with parallettes and the rest regular. my arms are smoked.

  8. Would you prefer kipping pull up rows or bent over bb rows?

  9. 1. #200 3RM
    2. 31, 18
    3. Supersets 6 pull up rows. #15 x 15 reverse flyes
    4. 3x12 115
    5. 9:38 HSPU 2 plates 1 mat (9), 1 mat 6 and 3, C2B instead of Mu's
    6. Bullet Proof Shoulders

  10. 1. 145 x 3 / 155 X 2
    2. 30, 23
    3. 8 BOR's @ 115# /10 Reverse Flyes @ 20 x 3
    4. 8 x 155, 8 x 115, 8 x 115
    5. 10:30, Regular HSPU's (they were sloppy), burpee, C2B, burpee

  11. - 3RM PP - 195
    - RING PU - 30/23
    - WOD - 17:03 RX+ (w/45# plates; w/6 extra DHSPU and burpees because I can't read the WOD = idiot)
    - PULL SUPERSET - 6 PU Rows (ranged from 2"-6" away from bar); 9 flies w/15# DBs
    - SHRUGS - 135, 135, 155 (grip was the limiter)

    Monsters all around at 6:30a class...

  12. Wow very humbling day
    Push press 105 , had a hard time with redip any heavier
    Pullup row hard almost touching
    15# flys
    Snatch grip shrug made me realize I have a weak back and have been engaging wrong muscles on the pull! 95# 1 set 45 2 sets
    10:45 9,6,3 blue band mu added purple at end
    Handstand pu with 1 mat 2 at the end

  13. 1. 235
    2. 25/38
    3. Wod 1 plate defecit-12:24
    4. 3x6, 3x8
    5. 8x185.205,205

  14. 1. 3RM PP: 155 (165#x2, missed the 3rd rep)
    2. Ring Push Ups: 31 / 23
    3. “Honey Highball”: 16:45? kipping HSPUs, attempted MUs then C2Bs. Oh where oh where have my MUs gone. These are getting worse by the day.
    4. BOR: 135#s superset flyes: 15#
    5. Snatch grip shrugs – 135#s across

  15. 1. 180#s x3
    2. 18, 35
    3. pullup row- 7,6,6 flies- 12,12,12 @ 20#s
    4. 8 x 133 x3
    5. 10:38 Rx'd

  16. 0) Power Clean 3x175,3x185,3x185,2x195 (argh),3x175 catching up from yesterday
    1) 3RM PP - 3x195, 1x205
    2) RING PU - 31/25
    3) WOD - 16:16 HSPU strict on paralettes, MU - need to lern kipping HSPU, all singles except the first set of HSPU and the last set of MU, could not control descent on the burpees!
    4) PULL SUPERSET - 3 sets of 6 PU Rows (about 6" away from bar) + 12 flies w/10/15# DBs
    5) SHRUGS - nothing left 10xbar, 10x95, 10x95

    iced the shoulder

  17. Got 155 on pp
    Did 16 1st set and 13 2nd set of ring push ups. These were awesome. My shoulders were blown!!
    Used TRX for body rows. Got 12,12,10 superset with 10 # DBS. Smoked my back.
    Got up to 135 with shrugs. After yesterday's cleans my traps are done. Gonna do triplet tonight. Will reply with result

  18. 1. Push Press- 225
    2. Paralette Push ups with feet set a little higher than bars
    20, 27

    3. Pulling Superset
    A. Pull up Rows- 6,6,6
    B. Bent over Reverse Flyes- 10# plates: 15, 15, 12

    4. Snatch Grip Shrugs
    3 x 8 - 135, 155, 185

    5. Triplet
    15:15- Strict HSPU on paralettes. They wrecked me. I was pretty smoked and wasn't able to really string together MU's like I know I can. I was down to singles on both of those at one point.

  19. Not feeling it today.. I jacked my wrist on the power cleans yesterday and it was really hard doing all the push motions. Anyone have rehab ideas?

    1) 3 rep max 185 I have done 205 but I couldn't get it today.
    2) 25/30
    3) 6 pull-up rows 10 db flys at 25lbs same for all three sets
    4) 155, 205, 225
    5) 11:36 w/ Parrallets and 2 ab-mats. Shoulders were shot...

    1. Your risk can be tricky so generic rehab advice may not be a good idea for something that can be a multitude of things, I would make sure to use wrist wraps in the future.

  20. PP: 3 x 115#. pr
    Ring push ups: 16/13
    Honey highball: 7:48 2 ab mats, ctbs
    Superset: pull up 6" away x 3/ 10# RF 8s prob should have done rows as belly not close enough to bar- next time
    S Shrugs 3 x 8: 105#, 85#, 85#

  21. 1. 195 3rm
    2. 26/200
    3. 6 pull-rows/ 10 Rfly @ 25#
    4. 175# 3x8
    5. 17:30. Shoulders were smoked. MU sucked.

  22. PP: made it to 145
    Ring push ups: 20 then 26 moved a lot quicker second time
    Pulling super: 8,8,6 w/165# BOR 8,8,8 flyes @20#
    snatch shrugs: 165, 175,185
    WOD: 8:35 6" deficit and 12.1 standard on burpees

  23. 1) 205
    2) 42, 38
    3) 10, 10 across all three with 25lb DBs
    4) 205, 245, 295 should have started heavier
    5) 45 plates to deficit. all done in a titin weighted shirt (about 10 lbs) 6:02

  24. Push Press – up to 125# x 3
    Ring Push ups - 17, 20
    Pulling Superset
    -Pull up Rows, 3 x 3 – I had to add a bit of a kip to touch bar
    -Bent over Reverse Flyes, 3 x 8 @ 15#
    Snatch Grip Shrugs - 3 x 8 @ 95#
    Triplet - Time unknown, but MUs were slow and singles…arms were toast!

  25. PP 3rm: 155x3, 165x2 (f)
    Ring Pu: 30/25
    Superset: pullup row 3x6, rear flyes 3x12 (20#)
    Shrugs: 175#
    Tripet: 6:31 Rx, 7"deficit on hspu

  26. PP: 245x3 (PR)
    RPU: 24,15
    HHB: 13:37 with standard HSPUs @ 9-6-3 and MUs @ 3-2-1 reps
    BOR: 135x3x10
    BO reverse flys: 40x3x10
    Snatch Grip Shrugs: 135x3x8

  27. p.p. 100x3, 105x2
    ring push ups 10/13
    bent over row- 85 pounds.
    shrugs- 65 pounds. Kept them strict to help me get HA-UUUUGE
    WOD- 10:21. blue band muscleups, assisted hspu.

    Sleep tonight, massage tomorrow... get Hauuge again Friday.

  28. 1. 185 3RM
    2. 33/21
    3. Triplet 13:48 (8 of the 18 reps up on 45#plates)
    4. 3 sets of 6 PU Rows/ 9 flies with 15#
    5. Shrugs 3x8@95#

  29. It's actually Heather writing in on Ben's account :)

    1. PP: 165×3 (170×2…think that’s a PR??)
    2. Ring Push-ups: 30, 28
    3. HHB (with MU’s): couldn’t tell ya’ my time because it took me so long that Ben reset the clock for the NEXT class to start. did the 9′s on 45# plates, but had to scale to the floor for the rest.
    4. Superset of band pull-aparts (3x12) and BORs (3x12, nursing my bicep)
    5. Shrugs: 103, 3x8...all sorts of issues with this bar today :(

  30. 1 - Push press 110# x 3
    2 - Ring Push ups - 15/16
    3 - Pulling Superset
    A)Barbell Bent Over Rows 90#
    B)Bent over reverse flyes - 15#
    4 - Snatch Grip Shrugs - 100/100/113
    5 - Triplet 15:33 band assist on both HSPUs and MUs. Shoulders gone...

  31. 1. PP 3 rep max 215lb

    2. Ring Pushups

    3. Super set
    8 BB ROW (165)+12 Rev Flys (15#)

    4. Snatch Grip shrugs 275-8/8/8

    5. Replaced WOD with a challenge wod in local area

  32. Push press 215x3
    Ring push ups 25, 25
    Super set 165x6, 20x8
    Shrugs 215 across
    WOD 18:38
    Fun WODs don't have to be fun.

  33. 1. 3RM Push Press: 105
    2. Ring push ups: 10/19
    3. Honey Highball: 10:10, 10# plate elevated HSPU, C2B for MU's
    4. BOR/flys: 83/10
    5. Snatch shrugs: 93, 103, 108

  34. 1. 3RM Push Press :265, 275 (2)
    2. Ring Push ups 39/41
    3. Superset 6 & 12@25 X 3
    4. Snatch Grip shrugs 225 3X10
    5. Completed with high deficit and no scaling ( did not time)
    Holy hell wed is becoming the most dreaded day of the week!

  35. 1. Push Press 200# 3 rm PR
    2. Ring Push ups 16, 12
    3. Pullup Rows 6,6,5 superset with Bent over reverse flies 10 x 20, 25, 30lbs
    4. Snatch grip shrugs 8 x 135, 155, 175
    5. 8:55 struggled on round of 6 HSPU. (no elevation). Muscle ups were modified due to no high rings.
    rest day. golf. yes.

  36. 1.205
    3. PUR 6 Across/Flys 20lb DB's 10 Across
    4. 205,225,255
    5.13:25 Quickly got rid of the elevation during the first round. Otherwise as written. Rest Day!

  37. Heather I told mark today that I miss you posting. (and Mel) I love seeing the numbers you strong girls can put up, especially amazing since you JUST gave birth.

  38. 1. Push Press: 110
    2. Ring Push Ups: 17,15
    3 Pulling Superset: 6 (not so pretty), BOF 3x10 @ 15lb
    4. Snatch Grip Shrugs: 3x8 @ 95lb
    5. Triplet: 9:19 blue band muscle up, assisted HSPU

  39. 1. 135x3 -140x2 (almost!)
    2. 7/13 - never done these before...
    3. Had to kip pull up rows/#8 flys
    4. Shrugs 125-145-145
    5. Banded HSPUs, MU progressions
    -both movements I am super weak on. Great to have them all the time to work on!!

  40. 1. 3 rm push press @140
    2. 35/32
    3. strict green band 6 /1x15 w/12# then 2x12 w/15#
    4. shrugs 135 dynamic/used straps
    5. 45# plates kipping hspu 10:30 ish

    feeling rough today...my morale is very low...just sharing...i have been feeling like i suck at everything. those power cleans yesterday were very hard for me...and i had been getting much better at them...then today those muscle ups were really hard....trying to get over the fact that i just drove across the country i guess.

    1. everyone has those good days and bad days at the gym, it took me 36 minutes to complete a workout last week, and yep it had muscle ups in it too, we've all been there. Try and take the positive pieces away and leave the rest at the gym, come back Friday fresh and ready to accomplish the next task at hand.

      were all gonna achieve great things from this program, just stay focused and positive, let the rest fall into place

      hang in there

    2. Thanks Geoff ;) advice taken :) going to move on!

  41. 8am worked on squat c+j: pr'd 260#

    3)3x6 + 3x12@20# (was hoping for db curls today!)
    4) skipped, got a knot in neck during the c+j in am
    5)parallette hspu (w/ 1 ab mat) 11:05rx

    1. nice work on the parelletes

    2. Thanks Geoff. Mostly singles after three straight to start.

  42. 1. 215
    2. 22, 30
    3. 6/12, 6/12, 6/12 15# plates
    4. 185x8, 235x8, 285x6 (No straps)
    5. 10:20

  43. 1. PP 175 3rm
    2. 35, 37
    3. 6/10,6/10,6/10 25#
    4. 135x8,185x8,185x8
    5. 10:54 2 #45 plates per side

    My arms have not been this smoked in a long time!!!

  44. 1. Push Press 155# 3rm PR!
    2. 26/27
    3. A-Bent Over Rows 155# 12reps, 145# 12 reps, 155# 12 reps (3" away from doing pull up rows)
    B- Reverse Hypers 25# 12 reps, 10 reps, 12 reps
    4. Snatch Grip Shrugs- 135/150/150
    5. Triplet 6:24 Did this entire wod in the rain. Lets just say NC weather sucks right now for garage gyms! I used a 45# and a 25# plate under each hand for the HSPU and didn't want to hang the rings back up after it started raining. When we saw it wasn't going to let up, we decided to do Chest to Bar and just get it over with raining or not.

  45. 1. PP 195 x 3
    2. 28, 41...left a little too much in the tank on round 1
    3. 6/10, 6/10, 6/10 20#
    4. 145# 3x8
    5. 11:20 2 45 plates...not bad on lungs but brutal on muscular fatigue!

  46. 1. PP 215# x 3
    2. 43/32
    3. Triplet 11:13 using 2 45# plates stacked up
    4. Bent Over Rows (underhand grip) 135x10/15# DB's x 12
    5. 215# x 8

  47. 1. PP 185 x 3; 205 x 2
    2. RPU 34/37
    3. Triplet 14:54 Rx w/ 1 plate deficit
    4. Superset check (15# DBs)
    5. 135, 185, 185 x 8

  48. 1. 215 3RM PP
    2. 24/20
    3. 19:30 w 1 45lb plate
    4. Superset x 3 w pull up rows x 6 and flys w 15# x 12
    5. 215x8 snatch grip shrugs

  49. 1.) 165# Ugly, but got it!
    2.) 15, 17
    3.) A.) 12, 12, 12 Close, not perfect.
    B.) 12, 12, 12 10# db
    4.) 135x8, 155x8, 185x8 last set felt really good w form
    5.) HSPU, band assist on pullup bar w/ 2 plates
    MU, off box, transition work.

  50. 1. 70kg
    2. 15-20
    3. A 6 reps each set
    B 10 reps with 10kg DB
    4. 60kg-70kg-70kg sets of 8
    5. WOD completed with normal kipping hspu. 10.18

  51. #135 X3
    Ring PP 25/20
    Didn't finish the old tendinitis in my right elbow/arm
    started really bothering me...Could barely get through the WOD :(
    Bad training day!

  52. 1. 195#, 205#(f)
    2. 51, 17
    5. Triplet: 12:30 Rx w/ one 45# each hand for HSPU, tough day HSPU were down to singles
    3. a) Pull-up rows 3 sets of 8 but did the 8 in sets of 2,3's
    B) Reverse fly 3*10 w/ 20# then 35# DB
    4. 3*8 w/ 135#

  53. 1. 175#
    2. 25/20
    5. 15:34 Rx w/ one 45# each hand for HSPU
    3. Pulling Superset
    A. Pull up Rows- 6,6,6
    B. Bent over Reverse Fly- 3x10 w/15# DBs
    4. 3x8 w/135#, 155#, 155#

  54. PP 3rm: 225x3
    Ring Pu: 50/27
    Superset: pullup row 3x8, 3x12 (45#)
    Shrugs: 225#
    Tripet: 9:08 Rx, 7"deficit on hspu. Not too disappointed since I couldn't even do one parallette hspu at the beginning of the summer!

  55. PP 3rm: 165x3 (new 1rm also)
    Ring PU 15/16 shoulders still rocked from cleans or something
    Pullup rows 3x6, flyes 3x12@15#db's
    Shrugs 135,135, 185
    Triplet 20:21 Rx'd. This was very tough after not practicing muscle ups for months. Shame on me. Had to take my medicine and get through it this time. Got 3 MU's linked for the first time ever in the middle round. Round 3 took forever!

  56. So.......
    1. 205x3
    2. 20/20
    3. 6/8 across at 25lb DBs
    4. 135,185, 205

    At firehouse that's very CF unfriendly....
    5. 13:59 on exterior wall in dirt ditch HSPU. MU were my rings from home tossed in tree and uneven + 28" apart ( branches).....I look at it from gpp standpoint.... Nothing is perfect and even in life outside the box.....

  57. 1. Pp 3rm 215
    2. 20/25
    3. 3x6, 3x10 with 20#
    4. 215, 265,265 x8
    5. Triplet with 2 45# plates- 12:20

  58. 175#
    DNF the wod. couldn't do any MU after the 9 hspu.

  59. 1. Push Press 185x3, 205x2 (failed on 3rd attempt)

    2. Ring Push ups (had to sub regular pushups (shoulder)) 25, 17

    3. Pulling Superset
    A. Barbell bent rows 3x8 166, 175, 205
    B. 3x8 25# dumbbells

    4. Snatch Grip Shrugs 3x8 205 (didn't realize snatch grip until after completed regular shrugs 3x8 225, 275, 315)

    5. Triplet 10:27 standard HSPU, Pull ups subbed for MUs

  60. 1) Push Press (155# x3)
    2) Ring Push Ups (33/35)
    3)Pull Up Rows (6/6/8), Reverse Flys (15#x12x3)
    4) Snatch Grip Shrugs (125/145/175#) could have gone heavier.
    5)Triplet - 8:30 as rx'd except just did standard hspu's. Still being careful with my shoulder. Really liked this workout!

  61. This was a rough training day, nutrition was off, and actually almost passed out at one point, got super dizzy and took a break and ate some nuts and had a shake then got back to it.

    1. 215 PR
    2. Set 1 - 20, Set 2 - 20
    3. Rows - 155 Flies used 25's too heavy but it was all we had. Prob should have tried the 8KG KB's in hindsight.
    4. Used straps, 185, 205, 225
    5. 11:43 RX. HSPU & burpees are a huge goat.

  62. 1) 215x3 PR
    2) 25, 21 not sure what happened there
    3) 8,8,6
    4) 185, 205, 205
    5) 7:25 used 2 plates to elevate

  63. 1. 215
    2. 20, 20
    3. 6, 10
    4. N/A
    5. 11:17; 45lb bumper on either side.
