Sunday, August 5, 2012

Monday 8.6.12

CrossFit St. Thomas is getting Ha-uge.
1.  Deficit Deads
Work up to a 3RM - Stand on 45# plates (maybe 45 +25 if you are short).  These can be done as sumo or traditional pulls.  Use chains and/or bands if available; Demo Vid.

2.  Olympic Pause Squats
3 x 6 - Use high bar rack position and pause for 2 seconds in the hole of each squat; Demo Vid.

3.  GHR
3 x 6-10 - knees should be in contact with pad.  No breaking/flexing at the hips.  Want it to be harder - Use weights for added resistance.  Want it to be easier - attach a band to a pull up rig behind you.

4.  Double DU "Annie"
For time:
100-80-60-40-20 Double Unders
50-40-30-20-10 Abmat sit ups

5.  Split Practice
Spend 8 minutes (4/side) working towards a split

6.  Recovery Row
7 mins of easy rowing - no straps, no monitor

See yourself on this site.
Send pics and youtube clips of your training to  

4 mins/side...


  1. Double Annie looks fun! Everytime Ben says go get em at the end of the demo video it gets me psyched!

  2. Sub for GHR?
    and I can get 100 double unders in about 15minutes... should i do DU attempts or another sub? thats my only real goat.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. if you work out with a partner, you can lie face down on the floor with an abmat under your knees. have your partner hold down your ankles and then do a GHR. not perfect, but i think it will best simulate the movement.

    3. Charles - in your case, you should just do regular annie.

    4. GHR sub = pin your weighted bar against a wall so it can't roll, put a pad on the bar for your ankles, pad under your knees and do them on the ground.

  3. Any %age for the squats as reference since will be coming off the deadlifts?

  4. would using 25# iron plates be an appropriate sub for the deficit deadlifts?

  5. 1. 405 for 2, 2nd rep caused blinding pain in my lower back, cannot currently bend over or squat.

    Had to skip 2 and 3 due to the back pain.

    Double DU Annie done but not for time due to back pain.

    Kind of pissed about my back, coming off what can only be described as one of the best weeks of training I have ever had, I am pretty worried I did serious damage, we'll see how it feels tomorrow.

    1. Did you hear a pop? I was working out with Erin (you know the one that gets "psyched by bens videos") and she heard a pop. She had an exray, turned out to be muscular thank goodness. Don't be crappy and try to work through it. Ice and rest. Hope you feel better.

    2. I heard a pop when doing DL's a little too carelessly last summer. I thought the worst - herniated disc, etc., but it turned out to be a pulled lower paraspinal muscle ( I couldn't stand up for about 20 mins. It heals in about a month if you rest it. I could comfortably run and swim during recovery.

    3. Thanks for the link Joe. I will read it tonight.

  6. 1. 385 for 3, i think i have a little more... maybe
    2. have never done high bar position so i built up weight, should have been consistent, next time, 135-155-185-205 all 6 every time
    3. could not physically do them, humbling for sure, worked reverse hypers
    4. DU Annie, 9:21
    5. Done (painful)
    6. Done

  7. Thanks for the shout out on the picture Ben. Perfect timing. Today's my birthday!

    1. Thanks folks. What better way to celebrate than crushing my body with a WOD...

  8. 1. Worked up to 315#, ran out of time
    2. 135#, 155#, 175#
    4. Annie - Started w/DU attempts, then 2xsingles 13:04
    3. done
    5. will do tonight
    6. done

  9. 1. 255#
    2. 135#, 155#, 165#
    4. Annie - Double Double Unders 13:32
    3. done
    5. done
    6. done

  10. 1. 375
    2. 225/225/245
    3. Done. 3X6.
    4. 12:15. Double-unders are not my friend. Goat from hell.
    5. Done.
    6. Done.

  11. 1. Deficit Deads 3RM - 375# w/ chains *2, 325# w/ chains*3
    2. Olympic Pause Squats 3 x 6 - 225#, 250#*5, 225#
    3. GHR 3 x 10
    4. Double DU "Annie" - 10:43 Rx, I hate being bad at sit-ups
    5. Done
    6. Recovery Row 7 mins - Done

  12. 1. Deads-405+2chains
    2. Squats-225,255,275
    3. 9:09 subbed airdyne cals for du (achilles)
    4. 8, 10, 10
    5. Check

  13. 1. Deadlifts - worked up to 295# (could have done more, ran out of time, but was fun as I hyper-focused on form)
    2. Squat - 185#s across
    3. Double DU Annie - 11:31 Rx (situps stink)
    4. First time every to get those GHRs. Did a few then had to leave.
    5. Will do today
    6. One day I will have time to do the row...

  14. 1. #355 + 2 chains
    2. squat - 135/165/185, nervous how my knee would react to this, did okay.
    3. "double d" annie - 8:29, double unders unbroken (even i'm surprised)!
    4. GHR - did the best i could with our back ext thing
    5. check
    6. check - i love the recovery row

  15. M/49/5'8"/162

    At CFNE this AM - felt like coming home!

    1. Deficit Deads 3RM - 295# w/ chains - grip limited
    2. Olympic Pause Squats 3 x 6 - 225# across - OMG
    3. GHR 3 x 6 protecting hammy
    4. Double DU "Annie" - 9:10 Rx, trying to catch Heather at the end - no luck
    5. Done but I didn't like it
    6. Recovery Row 7 mins - Ditto - thanks for the tips Heather.

  16. DL #245
    BS #185
    -Should of went heavier on both lifts. Was kinda hard to gage where to start,so didn't have enough time to really finish.
    Double Annie- 9:24

  17. 1. Deficit Deads – 235# (Post Surgery PR)
    2. Pause Squats – 135#
    3. GHR – 3 x 10
    4. Quadruple Annie (cause my DUs are suspect) – 10:20
    200, 160, 120, 80, 40 SUs
    50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Sit Ups
    5. Split Practice (ouch)
    6. 7 min row
    7. 1/2 mile swim

  18. 1. 335 + chains
    2. 225 across
    3. done w/ a slight push at bottom off a stack of plates
    4. 10:36
    5. Ow
    6. 500m then ran out of time

  19. 1. Deficit DL: 3 x 203#
    2. Pause Squats 135# across (should have gone heavier on DL & PS- feeling my way w/ these new movements)
    3. "Annie" w/ 2 x DUs- 14:32
    4. GHR- 3 x 6 wow, these are really hard
    5. Split practice
    6. Row

  20. Couldn't Get anywhere with DUs as usual. After session i tried for another 40minutes of practice. UGH

    1. 405x3 with bands
    2. 225 across 6x6x6
    3. Used plyo box with bands and abmat 10x10x10
    4. After 5minutes and 12dus, I quit.
    5. Done
    6. Done

  21. F/36/125

    1. Deficit deadlifts up to 245#
    2. Pause squats 125#, 135#, 145#
    3. GHR 3 x 10
    4. Double DU Annie - 8:19 rx'd
    5. Split practice
    6. Recovery row

  22. 1. Deadlift deficit- 215
    2. Squats worked up to 115
    3. Done-
    4. Double Annie- 9:22
    5. Did them but didn't time it
    6. Done.

  23. Deadlifts 360 x 3
    BS - 235 for last set
    GHR- yes, RX on rogue abram GHD
    Annie with double, DU's - 6:59, unbroken on all
    Split practice, ouch!
    Recovery row, yes

    One of my training partners got 451 on FGB today.....something's working alright I'd say!

  24. Deads: worked up to 335 with chains so 375

    Squats 225,225,245

    Ghd: check

    Double doubles Annie: 7:48

    Slpits: check

    Rowing tonight

  25. Schreiner and The crappy crossfitter have sucked me in.

    1: 405
    2: 225, 255, 275
    3: 6,6,5
    4: 7:44
    5: done
    6: done

  26. Deadlifts 325 (with no injury!)
    Squats 225, 245, 265
    GHR 3x6
    Annie with 2x DUs 11:05
    Cold shower

  27. DDL: 6 sets up to 305x3.
    Pause Squats: 135,185,205 (back was a little funny so went easy)
    GHR: done
    Double Double Annie: 10:46. Started rough and got smoother every round.
    Splits: Done, much needed stretching.
    Rowing: Done.

  28. DL 405x3
    Squat 315,315,335
    GHR - ouch
    Double D Annie - 8:19 rx
    splits - need work
    row - love not looking at the monitor!

  29. DL - 295+40# chains
    BS - 225, 235, 245
    Annie - 9:04
    GHR - check
    Splits - check
    Row - check

  30. M/210/6'6"

    1. 330# - lift fealt really good, even from the low position.
    2. 175# - knees are a bit quirky.
    3. GHR - somehow forgot to do this! FML
    4. 11:25 - DUs wen't great, after i started focusing more on whipping with the wrists and relaxing shoulders.
    5. Done - this was hard!
    6. Done - this fealt long, but good.

  31. 3rm deads: 275#
    Back sq: 185/215/215
    GHR: 3x8
    Double DU Annie: 8:14
    Split practice: check
    Row: check

  32. 1. #275 - prolly could have gotten more, form kinda faltered
    2. #125-135-135 - turrible
    3. Um... Aparently I have no hamstrings. Did the best negatives I could on the ground w/ partner - must get hammies!
    4. 7:45 - the two mvts I'm good at...
    5. Splits - turrible
    6. Done

  33. 1.335 6" box
    2. 225 quads were still sore from DE day so this was decent I guess
    3. Did band pull throughs
    4. 16:15 DU have been a goat historically but it had been getting better. This was a step back. I could not get it going today.
    5. Splits...sort of
    6. Row subbed for speed lawn mowing

  34. 1. 285 + bands (420 at the top)
    2. 185, 225, 245
    3. GHR 3 x 9, 10, 10
    4. Double DU Annie: 11:22
    5. Split Practice: Check
    6. Row: Check

  35. 1. Deficit 345
    2. OPS 205
    3. GHR 1 x 6 Rx, 2 x 6 with band
    4. Double DU Annie: 9:32 (double+single, double+single)
    5. Split Practice: Check
    6. Row: Check

  36. 1.Deads 295#+ 2 chains
    2. Squats 185# across
    3. Double Annie 11:11

  37. 1. Deads 385+2 30 lb chains held back from Max effort strained hamstring almost fully recovered
    2. Squats 275,295,295
    3. GHR Skipped see note 1
    4. Double DU Annie 7:28
    5. Recovery Row completed at 2:15 pace
    6. Forgot to do the mobility again, which in turn leads to issued like note 1

    Awesome programming excited every day to see what is in store

  38. DL - 400x3
    BS - 205 Across
    2x Annie - 5:50
    GHR - 3x4
    Splits - check
    Row - check

  39. 1. 130kg
    2. 85kg across
    3. Managed broken sets of six across 3 sets
    4. Wod 13:08
    5 + 6 done.

  40. DL - 345
    BS - 205, 225, 245
    2x Annie - 11:45
    GHR - 3x6 (anything but RX)
    Splits - check
    Row - check

  41. DL - 295# x 3
    BS - 205#
    GHR - done (10,8,6)
    Annie - 10:05
    Splits - done
    Row - done

  42. 1. Pause Squat 225, 235, 235
    2. GHR 3x8
    3. replaced deads with bench press/pull up superset from saturday bc I missed it. 195# 12/22, 9/16, 7/14.
    4. double annie: 16:40 (brutal... hit a wall on the sit ups)

  43. 1. 285 + bands (420 at the top)
    2. 185, 225, 245
    3. GHR 3 x 9, 10, 10
    4. Double DU Annie: 13:54
    5. nope
    6. nope

  44. DL: 315 + chains
    BS: 185, 225, 245
    Annie: 14:01
    GHR: check
    Splits: nope
    Row: check

  45. Deficit DL: 185#
    High Back Squats: 115# across
    GHR: 3x6
    Double DU Annie: 10:50 Rx (Plus an additional 6 sit ups because I lost track of where I was in the WOD....woops)
    Splits: Check
    Row: Check

  46. 1.DDLx3 315lbs plus blue band
    2. OPS 225lbs
    3. Have a Bone Bruise or Fracture on inside of left shin so I did Airdyne 1 mile, .7, .5, .3, .2 13:14 (wish I saw your post Derek! I'll try Cal. next time!)
    4. Kind of
    5.Ran out of time

  47. 1. 400
    2. 225 245 265
    3. Attempted a goat
    4. 8:50rx
    5. Check
    6. Check

  48. 1. Deficit Deadlift 3 rep max


    2. Good morning 3x6

    (subbed GM due to knee pain)

    3. Glute Ham raise 3x6


    4. Double Double Under Annie
    100-80-60-40-20 Double Unders
    50-40-30-20-10 Abmat Situps

    5. 8 min split


    6. 7 min cooldown row


  49. 1. Deficit deadlifts up to 295#
    2. Pause squats 175#,
    3. GHR 3 x 6
    4. Double DU Annie - 11:49 rx'd
    5. Split practice
    6. Recovery row
    7. bullet proof shoulders

  50. 1. 195#
    2. 125#
    As others said, could have gone heavier, was not really sure where to start or how the lifts would feel, def needed more time
    4. 8:38 or 8:48, forget. Need to stop with the death grip!
    5. Done
    6. Done

  51. 1. 345#s
    2. 155, 165, 175#s

    4. Double DU Annie - 11:50 Rx'd
    5. Split practice

  52. 1. Deficit Deads 3RM - 225#
    2. Olympic Pause Squats 3 x 6 - 155/ 165/ 180#
    3. GHR 3 x 10 reps each with spotter
    4. Double DU "Annie" - 25:17 Double Unders are not my thing. After this I realized I probably should've done regular Annie, however I stuck in there and finished it. At least it was good practice for the DUs.
    5. Split Practice


  53. 1 DD's 3rm 315 no chains
    2 Pause squats 185,225,225
    3 GHR 3x6
    4. Double DU 11:16 got a bad start.
    5. No time for splits.
    6. Row done

  54. 1) Deadlifts - 205 stayed really light and worked on form.
    2) 185, 205, 225
    3) WTF?
    4) 2x Annie: 12:18
    5) Check
    6) Check

  55. Dl deficit: 295
    Pause squat: 155/175/195 (knee is still bothering me)
    Double Annie: 9:02
    GHR: 3x6
    Split: done
    7min recovery row: done

  56. Deficit deadlift 3@275 felt good ... Could have gone up 10#... But i would have lost midline.

    Backsquats @ 175... Comfortable ... Working on forcing knees out

    Gh raises w/ 10#

    Double annie- 7:38 - chest to knees on sit ups

    Splits - just finished

    Recovery row - love this!

  57. 1. Deads 3@195
    2. Squats 3x6 @ 125
    3. GHR 3x10
    4. Reg Annie 15:33 (suck at double unders! starting to link them together now)
    5. Done
    6. No rower, boo.

  58. 1.) 295#
    2.) 155# 175# 185#
    3.) GHD back extentions w 25#. our GHD is barely a GHD, Hahaha.
    4.) 37:50 YEP. Purchasing new rope soon. DU have been very difficult
    for me lately. Gotta get back to basics and build myself back up.
    5.) Done
    6.) Done

  59. Dead lift on45s 175#
    Squats 145 165 165
    Ghr done
    Double Annie 9:03
    Splits done
    Row felt good:)

  60. 1. 375
    2. 2x215 1x225
    3. Could not do these and not at a familiar box at the moment so i didnt want to nove their equipment around to set up a band lol
    4. 10:40 rx
    5. Done
    6. Done

  61. 1. Deads 3RM @315 no chains
    2. Pause squats 185,205,No Time
    3. GHR 3x6
    4. Modified Annie: DUs (25,25,30,20,10) 8:56 (DUs need work)
    5. No time for splits
    6. Row done

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. Wasn't able to do the full wod yesterday due to time constraints.
    1.3rm Deadlifts @ 385 with 24lbs chains on each side
    2.Squats at 275
    3.Double double under Annie Rx @7:33

  64. 1. Deficit DL 3RM @ 395
    2. Olympic HBBS 225x6, 245x6, 265x6
    3. GHR 3x6
    4. Double Annie 8:30
    5. done
    6. No time for row

  65. 1. 345 from 3.25".
    2. I was training for a local comp that had a clean ladder, so I did a 1RM clean - 265.
    3. Oly squats. 135 - 165 - 185
    4. Done, way harder than expected.
    5. 13:49 RX
    6. Done
    7. Done

  66. 1). 315 grip was an issue not sure why...maybe residual from Lynne
    2). 225 across
    3). 12, 12, 12
    4) 9:07
