Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Wednesday 8.22.12

1.  Unstable Bench
Work up to a 1RM - Demo Vid, record weight as barbell + weight of both kettlebells (ie, 185+70)

2.  Band Tricep Push Downs
2 x Max Reps

3.  Superset
Weighted Strict Pull ups, 3 x 6-8 - any grip is allowed
Band Pull aparts, 3x10-12

4. 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 for time of:
Plate GTO, 45/25 - ground to overhead anyhow with a bumper plate. 
5 Burpees and 30 Double Unders between rounds.


  1. Usually I can figure this stuff out, but question regarding the bench. Should we shoot for a higher weight on the bar and go for 35's for kb? Or should we go lighter on the bar and heavier on the kb? For example 185 with 140 in kb or 245 with 70 in kb?

  2. K-star would not be pleased with that picture: the guy is super over extended!!! Gotta brace and hold neutral.

  3. 1. Switched it up from last week since I went with heavy KB's. 215 on the bar plus 106lbs of kbs (2 1.5pd) for a total of 321, failed at 331
    2. Used band that weighed 55lbs from last weeks box squat. 24 and 19
    3. 53#. 6/10, 6/10, 6/10
    4. 9:22

  4. Hey Crappy,
    six in one, half dozen in the other. More instability or more load. If I had pick one I would go for more load and lighter bells.

  5. Unstable Bench - 180 + 70
    Push Down - red band, 18/8
    Wtd Pull ups - 3x6 at 53
    Pull aparts - check
    MetCon - 8:09

  6. Bench 205+70
    Wod 8:45 rx
    Push downs red band 22/12
    Pullups 6x44, 3x44 stopped bc I was Kipping at the top. 6x30, 6x30

    1. I've never done a plate ground to overhead... Does it have to go flat to ground? Or just touch a side?

  7. *skipped bench-bum shoulder
    1. Tricep press-downs (red band): 8, 10
    2. Super-set:
    Pull-ups (18# KB) 7-9-8
    Pull-aparts (red band) 12-12-12
    3. Met-con: 8:28 Rx

  8. 1. kept down by the base gym "man." reg bench with chains - 285#

    2. didn't know what this was. did strict stationary dip ME - 32, 12

    3. wtd pull ups/band pull aparts - x 8/ x 12, 35#

    4. met-con - 8:06, i looked at ben's time for this right before i did it and was like, "i think i can do that."

  9. Unstable Bench - 155 + 50
    Push Down - blue band, 9/9
    Wtd Pull ups - 3x6 at 50
    Pull aparts - check
    MetCon - 8:40

    First day of many!! Glad to be on board!!

  10. 1-
    275 with 35lb kbs

    25(green band)

    pull-ups w 35lb 5,5,5


  11. 1. 230# w/ 30# DBs
    2. a bodylastics band 26, 24
    3. pull ups w/45# 6,7,6
    4, WOD 17:14
    GTO was hard damn

  12. Standard bench 3 x100# shoulder not up for the instability
    wod: 13:38 rx
    Push downs: red band 23/22
    Superset: pull ups w/#10 6,5,6, pull aparts 3 x 12

  13. Wed

    1. Unstable bench 1rep max of day

    233lb (135lb bench+88lb of KBs)

    2. Banded tricep push downs (black band)
    2 sets Max reps: 30/30

    3. 3 supersets:
    A)weighted strict pullups (45lb) 8-8-6
    B) band pull aparts

    4. For time:
    Ground 2 Overhead 45# plate
    (between every set 5 burpees+30 double Unders)


  14. Bench- was horrid today, I was all over the place, I am having some shoulder issues so I wasn’t feeling very strong there! I had done #125 Last week and this week #105

    WOD: 7:39RX

  15. 1st wk back in 2 months due to shoulder&knee. WOD crushed me

    1.155#+60#lbs (Could have gone heavier, but felt slight discomfort in shoulder) Didn't want to max since its first day back on upper body
    2.Blue band-35,20
    3.WSP w/10#-8,8,7--BPA w/blue band--10,10,10
    4.15:35 - Did 60 singles instead, just to take it easy w/shoulder

  16. 1.) Close grip bench (bum shoulder) 175 +35KBs
    2.)Green Band...25,26
    3.)No weight on pullups 3x6 (shoulder)
    4.) shoulder modification:
    Russian KBS (70)
    In BTW 5 High Box Jumps
    30 DUs
    Time: 8:03

  17. 1. #65-2 #35 KBs -same weight as last time but MUCH cleaner
    2. Blue band 15/20
    3. #15 kb got all 6 except switched to switch grip last 2 reps - red band pull aparts
    4. 8:04rx felt awesome!

  18. 1. 155 + (2) 45# kb's = 245#
    2. Blue band. 30, 30
    3. 35# on pull ups. 6, 6, 7. Blue band pull aparts
    4. 13:26. Felt slow and sluggish. Dubs were good though.

  19. CT SWAT challenge all week, shooting running burpees and more, today and then 7+ mile.run with 30+ obstacles Thursday, trying yo get back to the program Friday but may need an extra rest day, that run should be fun......

  20. Unstable Bench - 205 + 70 (20# PR from last week)
    MetCon - 14:04Rx
    Push Downs - Green band: 41/51
    Wtd Pull ups - 35x3x6, broken
    Pull aparts - 3x12, red band

  21. Unstable bench- 210+90 5 lbs up plus I made it more unstable than last week

    Pushdowns purple band- 15, 12

    Weighted Pullups- 20x8, 41.4x6, 41.4x6

    Band pull aparts- 15, 12, 12

    WOD- 15:50 DU's got terrible when my shoulders got smoked. I did like the plate GTO though. Those were new to me.

  22. Unstable bench - 65kg + 32kg kb weight. Failed at 102 total but will get it next time
    Tricep pushdown - 40 reps green band 20 reps blue band
    Weighted pullups - 8@15kg across
    Pull aparts - done
    Met con - 9:30.
    Good sess, great sess!

  23. 1. 200 + 2x35#kb=270
    2. 40,30
    3.8@35, 8, 7
    4. 7:43....not sure if we were supposed to do burpees and DU after the round of 3...I didn't....fun little wod

  24. 1. 95#: 65#+30#kb
    2. red band 15/15
    3. strict no weight 7/6/6 pull aparts 10/10/10
    4. 10:57 RX

  25. 1. 105
    2. Red band- 17/16
    3. No weight- 5/5//4: pull aparts- red band10/10/10
    4. 11:45 RX

  26. 1. 65+30
    2. Pull downs red band 17,17
    3. Strict/band 4/10, 3/10, 4/10
    4. 11:39 rx

  27. 1. Unstable Bench: 120# on bar 2 25# DB hanging
    2. Band Tricep Push Downs: 24/24
    3. Superset: 30# W. Pull Up 7/6/6
    12 band pull aparts each set
    4. Met-Con 19:28 Double Unders till major goat for me, but getting better.


  28. 1. Unstable Bench 155+70
    2. Pull downs red band 30/40
    3. Weighted PU 3x6 #53
    4. WOD 8:04 rx

  29. Blew a tire getting to CFNE this am so had to take it at the globo gym

    1. Bench (dumbels) 8x85#, 7x85#, 6x85# each set to failure - closest I could come to unstable bench but this smoked my arms
    2. Weighted dips: 2x10x35# at failure at 10
    3. superset 53# weighted pullups, 5/6/5 smoked, 3x12 cable pull aparts at 50#
    4. WOD 10:05 Rx steel plate couldn't stand on edge, trouble with twisty rope today

  30. 1. 195+70kbs (8am)
    2. cable press downs 100lbs x 20ea (3pm)
    3. 3x6 @ 53 / red band
    4. 8:08

  31. 1. 245 + 70 = 315
    2. Banded Push Downs 12/10
    3. 6 x 35lb kb/12 x Pull aparts red band
    4. 9:01 RX

  32. 1. 175# + 35#kb on each side.
    2. Green band - 30/35
    3. 3x6 - 70/53/53
    4. 9:20 Rx'd Did 5 burpees/30DU after last set, just to be sure.
    I feel I am slow as hell on these metcons. Possibly because I've gained 11.5lbs of muscle over the last few months.....


  33. 1. Unstable Bench 145+ 2-53# KB's
    2. Pull downs red / Green band 20/20
    3. Weighted PU 3x6
    4. WOD 11:04 rx

  34. 1. 185+2 35lb Kbs
    2. Green 17,17
    3.Pull Ups 30lbs x 6 Blue/ 50lbs x 6 Blue/ 50lbs x 6 blue
    4. 8:47

  35. Bench - 150 + 52
    Band pushd downs - green, 14, 15
    Pull ups - 3x6 @ 35ish (KB + pretty heavy chain that used to thold the garage doors up)

  36. Closed Grip Bench 145+70
    Band push down 25/17 (blue)
    Pull ups all 3x6, 12 kg, next 2 12 kg+2.5 lbs

  37. 1 321
    2 28&18 Green Band
    3 6@36 5@36 6@26 & 3x12
    4 9:39

  38. 1. Unstable bench 155# + 70lbs of KB's

    Made up 8/11/12 WOD instead
    1. 3 rounds Dips: 3 @55#, 3 strict, max kip 12/8/6
    2. 3 rounds pullup: 3@45#, 3 strict, max kip chin over 12/12/10
    3. push press 4x8 @ 175
    4. bullet proof shoulders- check

  39. 1. 85+30
    2. Pull downs red band 25,15
    3. Strict 10# 8/10, 6/10, 6/10
    4. 12:14 rx - Such a bummer of a time

  40. 1. 165 + 70. 10# PR :)
    2. Pull downs #2+#3 band (blue + red) 12/8
    3. 8 reps @ 35#, 6 reps @ 35#, 6 reps @ 35#
    4. 7:49 Rx - the last 2 rounds of burpees/Du's slowed a bit.

  41. unstable bench- worked up to 1RM 105+52.8 KB= 158.2. Tricep pull downs w/ band 17/16/16. Strict weighted pullups 6@12#/ 7@15#/ 6@ 17.6#. SS w/ banded pull aparts 3x12. WOD w/5 burpees to plate & 20 DUs between rounds = 7:03.

  42. 1. 220# (150#+2x35#) PR!
    2. Green Band (1+3/4") - 24/20
    3. Pull Ups (25#/25#/27.5# x6), Blue Band for Pull Aparts (3x12)
    4. As Rx'd - 8:12
    *had to untie a not in my rope on the 3rd round, that cost me about 10-15sec, I was pissed!)

  43. 1. 280 PR
    2. Weighted P/U - 45#, P/A-blue band
    3. 25-22 green band
    4. I did this while i was sick so I opted out of the met con.

  44. 1) 295
    2) nope
    3) 40, 60, 70
    4). 11:05 soooo slow
