Thursday, August 30, 2012

Friday 8.31.12

1.  Dynamic Box Squats
8 x 2, @ 60% plus band tension - Speed, speed, speed.  Sit on foam (an abmat or two works in place of foam) 1" below parallel.

2.  Snatch
8 x 1 @ 80%, OTM

3.  Clean & Jerks
8 x 1 @ 80%, OTM

4. 21-15-9
Deads, 225/155
Wall Balls, 20/14

5.  400m Sled drag
you choose weight.

 Get after it.


  1. Just a friendly reminder, as Ben mentioned in a previous post we are hosting a fundraiser CrossFit Competition for a family whose 7 year old is undergoing 6 months of cancer treatments. It is this Saturday at CrossFit Cape Cod from 9-3.

    I can't think of a better cause (see FB Page LUV4LEXI) But check out how much fun its going to be!
    1. Bounce House and Beer
    2. Silent Auction with Patriots tickets, Spa Treatments, Golf for four with carts at Ballymeade, Signed Bobby Orr Jersey, and tons of other awesome stuff!
    3. Pizza, Sandwiches, Wine, Chowder, Stuffed Quahogs!
    4.Reebok on hand with Gear signed by Rich Froning Jr., Spencer Hendel, Austin Malleolo, Rebecca Voight, Kris Clever, and Chris Spealler in the auction!!!
    5. CrossFit!!!

    All of the proceeds will go directly to the family-hope to see you there and since you are all competitors-yes there are prizes for the winners!

  2. Hey mark ... Where can I send a donation? I would live to be a part

  3. M/210/6'5"

    1. 135#
    2. 150#
    3. 190#
    4. 8:03

    Thanks again for a great day!

  4. 1. 245+100ish in green band weight
    2. Worked up to 205
    3. 225
    4. 5:54 (too much beer last night!)
    5. Ran outta time

  5. Only had time for oly
    Snatch 185 across
    CJ 235 across
    Have a great weekend!

  6. Limited time this AM so I did the banded box squats and met con:

    1. 215# w/ gray bands. Stood on 2 x 45 bumper plates and sat on a 20" box w/ an abmat on top of it. Worked well. I'll send a photo to you Ben!
    4. 5:18 unbroken

    will do the oly stuff this afternoon!

  7. Ben, this programming is kickin' ass! PR'd box squat @ 280# this week and bench @ 255# this morning. I work offshore in the oil field up here in Canada and have been doing my best to get all the workouts in that my schedule allows. Looking forward to the rest of the season! Thanks dude!

  8. 1. 135# + red band
    2. 115#
    3. 155#
    4. 7:08
    5. 200 meter sled push with 45# (really wanted the 400 meters but no time)

  9. Ben, is this supposed to be a "forward" sled drag like last friday, or backward. Just wondering if we wanted to emphasize the quads or hammys more.

  10. 1. 140# +62# band tension
    2. Snatch @105
    3. C&J @145
    4. 4:50 ...felt fast/in my wheelhouse well minus the wall balls, but still not too bad.
    5. Doing this tonight, gathering some other people to join me on it :)

  11. Thanks so Much Cheryl! Link on how to donate:
    Going to a good family!

  12. Snatch - 165
    C&J - 225
    DBS - 185 first set, 205 last 7, plus red band
    WOD - 6:27
    Sled drag - 115, only had access to tiny sled so this was more of a jog/speed walk

  13. Dynamic Box Squats: 185+Band Tension
    WOD-around 8 minutes
    Sled Drag-135

  14. 1. 135# + red band
    2. 100#
    3. 160#
    4. 8:08
    5. 200 meter sled push with 45#

  15. 1. Dynamic box squat 8x2 at 60%

    145lb+band tension

    2. Snatch 8x1 80% OTM


    3. Clean and jerk 8x1 80% OTM


    4. For time:
    Deadlift, 225lb
    GHD Situps
    Wall Ball, 20lb


    5. 400m sled drag


  16. Snatch 80#
    Clean and Jerk 105#
    DL/ABMAT SU/WB: 11:15
    Sled Drag: 100#, next time go heavier.
    No time for squats.

  17. 1-
    @275 + Green Bands
    @ 150
    @ 220 (power)
    as rxd
    Done @ 90 lbs

  18. 1. 185 for speed and form
    2. 75-95 for form
    3. 165 for form, no jerk (shoulder)
    4. as rx'd 8:55, took my time with the deadlifts to get my glutes involved
    5. 400m sled drag @90lbs

  19. DBS #185 6x2
    Snatch #125
    C&J #185
    WOD 5:43
    400 meter Sled drag w// 3x #45 (new drag straps are awesome!!!!)

    Great work nooners!!!

  20. 1. 135# + red band
    2. 150#
    3. 210#
    4. 5:34 Rx'd
    5. No time


  21. Snatch 165
    C&J 220
    21-15-9 6:10
    Sled drag with 115# which was too light

  22. Box squats- 125# + bands
    Snatch - 105#
    Clean and jerk - 125#
    WOD as rx'd - 6:14
    Sled drag - 60# + sled weight

  23. 225-245# with band tension 8x2 box sq
    165# snatch 8x1
    205# c&j 8x1
    90# tire drag check
    46m 197# 5'10"

  24. Box squat- 225 no times to set up bands
    Snatch- 125 felt good
    C&J- 190
    WOD- 8:43 I think. I wrote it on the board.

  25. 1. Subbed lunge squat type things, back is starting to feel better and didn't want to piss it off.
    2. 175 hang power snatch across
    3. 230 hang clean and jerk across.
    4. Subbed reverse lunges with 135 for the deadlifts. 6:45
    5. 1/2 way done with 6 plates on a wooden pallet

  26. Oly afternoon

    snatches - 155/160
    C & J - 205/210

    no time for sled drag, plus we don't have one...

  27. Squats - 205 1st two sets, 225 next three, and 235 for the last three, i used the red band for resistance

    snatches - 155 all sets
    cleans 185- all sets

    wod: 6:17

    no time for the sled drag

  28. 1. 225+green bands (75# tension)
    2. Snatch 180#
    3. C&j 225#
    4. WOD subbed elevated HSPU for wb's- 10:08
    5. Sled drag 90#

  29. 165# w/ blue band tension 8x2 box sq
    135# snatch 8x1
    185# c&j 8x1
    90# tire drag check

  30. 1. Box squats- 240+green bands
    2. 185#
    3. 215#
    4. 6:20
    5. 1/2 way done with 6 plates on a wooden pallet

  31. 1. Dynamic Box Squats: 150# No access to bands. Focused on speed anyways.
    2. Snatch: 90#
    3. Clean and Jerk: 135#
    4. 21-15-9 RX 11:38
    Deads 225# (1st time doing this weight in a wod like this)
    Wall Ball 20#
    5. 400m Sled Drag: Cooler with 155# inside.


  32. 1. 225 plus green bands
    2. 200
    3. 245
    4. 5:59

    no time for sled drag :-(

  33. 1. 100# with red bands
    (does anyone know a link for what each band colour's tension weight is?)
    2. #76
    3. #100
    4. 8:11 with sit ups
    5. done

  34. 1. No time
    2. 165 snatch
    3. 205 c and j
    4. 6:02
    5. No sled, did 4x10 Romanian dead at 135#, trying to get that posterior chain destruction, def felt it

  35. 1. 95 pounds. Used chains for 4 sets
    2. 65 pounds
    3. 90 pounds
    4. 8.59 rx
    5. Skipped. Ran out of time

    I think I might take tomorrow off. We are hosting the fundraiser and my right arm/elbow is bothering me so I'm thinking it's time for a planned rest day.

  36. 1.8x2@245# *felt weak on this today, not the speed I was wanting.
    2.Power Snatch@130#. First time in almost 2 months I could snatch with no shoulder pain. Felt easy.
    5.No sled. Tied a rope to 2-25# plates & dragged those outside in the grass. Got a good burn in the calves.
    *Great workout today!

  37. m/49/5'8"/165

    1. DB: 7x2@185+blue band (100#?), did one set at 225+ blue but it was too slow so went down
    2. OHS 10x3@83 trying to get mobile
    3. Snatch 8x1@125 OTM
    4. C&J 8x1@185 OTM
    5. WOD: 5:46 Rx
    6. Smoked and not feeling well post WOD so bagged the pull

    Generally felt like shit today after 12 hours in a plane yesterday

  38. 1. 145 - I don't have bands at home
    2. 93
    3. 118
    4. 14:00 rx except 20# WB to 10' and PREGNANT
    5. No sled either

  39. 145# w/ blue band tension 8x2 box sq
    115# snatch 8x1
    145# c&j 8x1
    tire drag no time

  40. Box squats: 250# + green band
    Snatch:160#... Did 9x1. Got sloppy on my 4th round, did a make up round,
    C&J: 200#

    Doing Metcon and sled later...

  41. 1. 185 plus chains lockout weight + 35lbs
    2.Snatch 165 C&J 200
    4.Check-83lb sled+45lbs

  42. 1) BS - 115#+1" band x 8 x 2 (below parallel on ab mat)
    2) Snatch @ 135# x 8 x 1
    3) C&J @ 155# x 8 x 1
    4) Metcon as Rx'd - 6:15 (all sets unbroken)
    5) Out of time.

  43. Actually did this on thursday, luckily doing this at anther juncture I could see around corners and rested friday for my USAW L1.

    1. Squats at 185
    2. SN @ 175
    3. CJ @ 210
    4. 6:55 RX
    5. Saved the legs for the weekend.

  44. Squats at 210p
    Sn @ 135
    CJ @ 195
    7:05 Rx

  45. 1. 235, no bands
    2. 165 across
    3. No time for cleans, but hit a heavy snatch single for 195. Form was much better than my previous PR at that weight...
