Thursday, August 9, 2012

Friday 8.10.12

1.  Snatch 
6 x 2 at 65%, OTM

2.  Clean and Jerk
6 x 2 at 65%, OTM

3.  Box Squat Jumps
8 x 2 - You can use dumbbells and/or weight vest to weight these down, but speed trumps load.  Demo Vid.

4.  Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats
2 x 8 ea/side

5.  3 RFT:
6 Deads, 275/185
12 Box Jumps, 24" (same for men and women)
18 TTB

Enter the tunnel boys...


  1. Saturday's WOD make up:
    Push press: 175
    Snatch grip shrug: 215 I think
    Ring push ups: 60/30 left with a few in the tank on rd 1
    Flys/belly to bar- check
    9-6-3 metcon:
    5:41 RX....first muscle up WOD in 3 months...rusty! Used an 6-8inch defecit on paralettes.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. 1. 125lbs.
    2. 175lbs.
    3. 45lb vest
    4. 45lb DB
    5. 5:16 Posterior chain is fried. :)

  4. 1. 145
    2. 165
    3. 24" box, 17 lb vest
    4. 53# KB each hand
    5. 4:30, stand at top of box jump (Games Standard)

    hamstrings are no happy right now

  5. 1. 85#
    2. 130#
    5. 6:54 Rx
    3. worked up to 30" box + 3 45# plates
    4. 45# db each hand

  6. Snatch: 80#
    Clean & Jerk 105#
    Dancing Geisha 10:30 245#
    Box Squats: 7 @ 24" and 1 @ 30″
    2X8 Romanian Split Squats 25# dumbells

  7. 1. Snatch: 130#
    2. Clean and Jerk: 165#
    5. 3RFT: 4:45 Rx
    3. Box Squat Jumps 8*2: started 30" box added 1 45# bumper each set up to 51" inches(6 45#'s)*2
    4. DB Bulgarian Split Squats: no time will make up later

  8. 1. Snatch - 65#
    2. Clean and Jerk - 90#
    3. Box Squat Jumps - 8x2 @ 24" box
    4. DB Bul Split Squat - 2x8 using 20# dbs
    5. 3 RFT - 5:58 RX

  9. Wow. This one killed me.
    Snatches: 115,115,125,125,115,115
    C and J: 135,145,155,155,155,155
    Box squat jumps: 36" box
    Bulgarian split squats. 45lbs db 50 lbs db 2nd set
    9:19 on met con but did a 30" box instead of 24" because I'm an idiot and grabbed the wrong box

  10. Snatches- 100
    C&J- 155
    Box Squat BJ- 5x2 bwt, 1x2 20# DB, 2x2 25# Sandbag I'll wear a vest next time.
    BSS- 2x8/8 w 25# plates
    WOD- 8:57 TTB in the last round and a half were crazy slow.

  11. Snatches #95
    C&J #145
    Box Squat. 8x2 24inch
    Bulg SS- 2x8 per side #35
    Wod. 9:48 RX

  12. Snatch 110
    C&J 155
    WOD 5:35rx
    Box Squat 8x2 24"
    Bulg SS 2x8 45#

  13. Snatch #85
    C & J #125
    WOD 5:16 RX
    Bulg Split Squats #45 DB

  14. 1. snatch - 115, c&j - 155
    2. box squat jumps - to 30" box, holding two 20# db
    3. bulgarian split squats - 35# db
    4. 3 rft - 4:40 rx (games standard box jumps)

    shoulders smoked from wednesday, hamstrings smoked from today. and the oly lifts were performed outside. it was 114 in bahrain today.

  15. Body Weight 233
    Snatches #160
    C&J #205
    Box Squat. 8x2 36inch
    Bulg SS- 2x8 per side #55
    Wod. 12:14 RX

  16. Snatch: 65#
    C&J: 85#
    DG: 6:24. (185#/ 24″bj)
    Box squats: 24″. (4 x 2 no weight 4 x 2 w vest)
    Bulgarian split squats: 30″ dumbbells 2 x 8
    great pictures!

  17. Snatch: 115
    C&J: 140
    Box Squat Jump BW (192)
    Bulgarian Split Squat 30# dbell
    Dancing Geisha: 6:57 Rx

  18. 1. 115#
    2. 190#
    3. 45# vest.....awesome posterior recruitment
    4. Double 16kg KB
    5. 6:39. Rx'ed

  19. 1. 50 pounds
    2. 75 pounds
    3. No weight.
    4. No weight
    5. Wod. 9:00 rx
    Really really tired going into this today.

  20. 1. 100#
    2. 130#
    3. no weight 24' box
    4. 2 45# DBs
    5. Dancing geisha: 6:16 with 34' box and 225# DL (my body hates Deadlifts)

  21. 1. 65#
    2. 135#
    3. no weight 24 inch box
    4. 2 25# dumbbells
    5. "Dancing Geisha" 8:21 Rx

  22. Snatch: 115
    C&j: 145
    Box sq jumps: up to 45"
    Bulgarian sp sq: 1.5 pood KB's
    Metcon: 6:24 (Rx)

  23. 3 rnds of crossfit warmup to get moving along with some mobility stuff.

    Snatch 100
    C&J 125
    Box squat/jumps Check
    Bulgarian sp sq. 25#dbs Check
    metcon 6:42 rx'd

  24. 1. 135x3, 140x7 (did 10 min woops).
    2. 175 across
    3. Check 30" no weight
    4. 40, 50 lb DB's
    5. 8:31 rx. (last round of t2b killed me!!)

  25. 1. Snatch 60lb
    2. C&J 80lb
    3. Box squat jumps with 15lb vest
    4. Bulgarian split squats with 25 lb dbs
    5. 8:43 rx

  26. 1) snatch 120
    2) c&J 165
    3) just fast
    4) BSS with 40lb DBs
    5) 4:06 rx

    thanks Ben. this is fun.

  27. 1. Snatch: 85
    2. Clean & Jerk: 135
    3. 8 x 2 box squat jumps.
    4. “Dancing Geisha”: 4:30 rx
    5. Bulgarian Split Squats: 2×8 w/35# dumbbells.

  28. 1.140
    4.Bulgarian Split Sqauts 40,35 Dumbells
    5. 4:54rx'd

  29. Snatch-105-115-115-115-125f-115
    Clean and press 135-155-175-185-185-185
    Box- 55 lb db
    Squat 55lb db
    3 rounds:4:48

  30. 1. Snatch
    6 x 2 OTM at 115#

    2. Clean and Jerk
    6 x 2 OTM at 145#

    3. Box Squat Jumps
    8 x 2 - No vest, so i used 50" box jump instead

    4. Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats
    2 x 8 ea/side - 2x40lb DBs

    5. 3 RFT:
    -10:20 RXd - too slow on the T2Bs

  31. Snatch 110#
    C&J 135#
    WOD 5:30 rx
    8x2 box squats
    BSS 25#

  32. Snatch: 90#
    Clean & Jerk 125#
    Dancing Geisha 6:28 Rx
    Box Squats: Worked up to 24" box and 2 45# plates
    2X8 Romanian Split Squats: 45# dumbells

  33. 1. Snatch @ 105#
    2. C&J @ 135
    3. Box Jumps 24" box +3 25# plates
    4. Doing them momentarily
    5. WOD 4:32 ttb fell apart and i hit my shin on the box! grrr!!

  34. Snatch-165 check
    Cj-195 check
    Metcon-subbed burpees for bj (Achilles)- 6:04

  35. 1. Snatch 80
    2. Clean/J 105
    3. No weight 24" box
    4. #15-#25-#25 BSS
    5. 5:51rx - t2b crushed me!
    Love it!

  36. 1. Snatch 95
    2. C/J 145
    3. 20# Vest 24"
    4. 50# DB Across 2x8
    5. 4:52 RX, grip couldnt hold T2B
    Wicked fun workout Ben! I video recorded this one ill send it over

  37. 1. Snatch: 135
    2. Clean & jerk: 185
    3. Box squat jumps: up to 36"
    4. Bulgarian split squats: 45# DBs
    5. 3RFT: 7:14 Rx

  38. 1. Snatch: 75#
    2. Clean & Jerk: 105#
    3. Box Squat Jumps: 24" w/ 5# each hand
    4. DB Bulgarian Split Squats: 25# first set, 45# bumper plates second set...these were hard! Threw balance off.
    5. 3RFT: 225# DL 7:07


  39. 1. Snatch 105#
    2. C&J 155#
    3. BW @ 30" + 1 45# Plate
    4. 1x8 Split Squat 40# called it after hip flexor starting hurting
    5. WOD 3:36 Rx

  40. 1. Snatch -- 145#
    2. C&J -- 195#
    3. Box Squat Jumps -- Stayed at 24"
    4. DB Split Squats -- 40# DB
    5. 3 RFT -- 4:50 Rx

  41. Snatch 6x2 OTM

    140lb (power snatched due to knee pain in squat)

    Clean and jerk 6x2 OTM

    175lb (powercleaned due to knee pain in squat)

    (actually did these with an ice pack wrapped around my knee)

    8x2 Box Squat Jumps

    To a 30'' box

    2x8 DB Bulgarian Split squats
    **Did not do due to knee pain

    3 rounds:

    6 Deadlift 275lb
    12 box jumps 24"
    18 TTB


  42. 1. Snatch: 110
    2. Clean & jerk: 155
    3. Box squat jumps: 36" (30" box plus 2 45 plates)
    4. Bulgarian split squats: 45# DBs
    5. 3RFT: 5:15 Rx

    note: Snatch and C&J felt MUCH easier this week

  43. Snatch #65
    C&J #85
    BSJ dumbells #15
    B split squats #20
    Wod 8:57 rx

  44. 1. Snatch: 105
    2. C&J: 145
    3. Box squat jumps: 30"
    4. Bulgarian split squats: 35# DBs
    5. 3RFT: 5:11 Rx

  45. 1.) 95#
    2.) 125#
    3.) done
    4.) 30#db
    5.) 11:58 rx

  46. Snatch 125#
    C&J 155#
    WOD 5:17 rx
    Box 30"
    BSS 35#

  47. Posting late but my wife and I had a baby on Friday!

    3) 30" with 40lb vest
    4) 3:42rx

  48. Snatch: 65
    Clean and Jerk: 85

    That's all today. Competition tomorrow.

  49. 1. Snatch 155
    2. C&J 185
    3. Box squat jump with 25lb db's
    4. split squats with 45lb db's to 30" box
    5. WOD 4:02 Rx

  50. 1. Snatch (105#)
    2. C&J (125#)
    3. 30" Box (bw/10#/15#/20#X5 vest)
    4. Split Squats (50# db's)
    5. 4:48 as rx'd except 250# DL's.

  51. Rested today, for a competition on saturday.

  52. 1) 155
    2) 165
    3) done
    4) 165 barbell, no dumbells around
    5) 6:05. The Deads were broken on the last set, felt heavy
