Sunday, February 17, 2013

Monday 2.18.13

Erika Snyder

1.  Snatch 
3 x Max Reps, TnG
Beasts 195/125
Ninjas 165/115
Rest 2 minutes between sets.  If you drop below 4 reps decrease the weight.

2. Box Back Squat - demo vid.
3x3 across, set up box at parallel.

4.  For time:
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Jerk, 205/145 - no racks, must be taken from the ground.
2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16-18-20, Pull ups

5.  L-Sit
Accumulate 120 seconds
Hold a perfect L-sit for as long as possible, note the time and rest as needed between efforts.  Repeat until you have accumulated 2 minutes.  

"The L-sit is little know outside the gymnastics community but may be the most effective ab exercise.  
Athletes who have developed their L-sit to the point where they 
can hold it for three minute subsequently find all other ab work easy."
-Coach Glassman


  1. If I already know that 145 is not going to be doable, what weight do you suggest? My ORM is 160 Jerk w/o a full clean... How heavy should I make this for me? Just wondering how heavy this is for most of you :)

  2. This entire workout looks really spicy. Someday.

  3. What is the significance of the breaks in the WOD (ie 9 8 7) do you have to leave the barbell/bar are can you plow through the numbers especially on the lower rep sets? ie take it as an accumulated total.

    1. It's alternating jerks and pull-ups. So 10 jerk, 2 PU, 9 Jerk, 4 PU, 8 jerk, 6 1 Jerk, 20 pull-ups.

    2. ...and I still managed to screw it up. I think I missed the round of 10 pull-ups and then did the round of 16 twice to make up for it.

  4. Pumped for this! I'm going to have to hit this Tuesday. Did a comp. this weekend (Sunday).

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Well, this was an ass-kicker.

    1) 5, 5, 3 @ 165 (dropped from top because my shoulder doesn't seem to like the lowering motion) last time I did this at 155 and did 4-4-4 but TNG

    2) 225 - this was like the 3rd time I have done box squats in my life. Tried to keep a wide stance and get back as far as possible.

    3) Done (haha) - scaled to 185 (bodyweight) and it was still brutal. I was just happy to get through the entire thing considering my record with these two movements at this kind of loading.

    4) no time - will do later

  7. 1. 5/4/4 with 195#. Not focused and missed a few..
    2. 335# across
    3. 15:40. This whooped me till about 5 reps on jerk. Ended up clean and jerking more than just jerking.
    4. Done

  8. 1. Ninjer weight: 11,7,8
    2. 305#
    3. 19:46Rx
    4. 4:36 (behehehehehehehehh) that's a gymnasty goat

  9. This will be my first WOD following Competitors WOD, I am fairly new to crossfit only 6 months in, it has completely changed my life. Its challenging being 5'6 147 lbs but that's the fun part! Can't wait to see gains and see where I can go from here!

  10. Snatch 165 - 7, 4, 5
    WOD 27:50
    The barbell felt like it might crush me today, which is discouraging.

    1. If it makes you feel better, I scaled the WOD to 185 and it took me about 28:20 or so. I'm pretty sure there were a few times where a full minute went by between reps of the Jerk on the rounds of 9-5.

  11. Extremely limited time today only did the metcon. 20:07@205. Garage is COLD

    will try to get more in tonight

  12. TnG Snatches: @ 135 - 4 4 5 very happy with this
    3x3 box squats 225,245,265
    WOD: 17:45@ 165 (5# over bodyweight) nervous about negatives on my shoulder it sublocates
    6:00 to accumulate the 120 sec lsit

  13. Saturdays work today (had a competition yesterday so i rested on saturday)

    1. 7:48 - Muscle ups were no bueno today...i don't know what was up...just didn't have it
    2. 1:57
    3. 23+22 Rower Last week; 40

    Happy with that...
    Me and my brother did our first "team competition"yesterday. Boy/Girl Challenge. It was a lot of fun! We placed high in all except one event, which was just really bad strategizing! :( Ah well! Still had a great time. Not too sore from the competition; just a little tired! :)

  14. Got sick after L-1 cert and only trained once in over a week. I was going to take today off but I needed to do something and I felt better as I warmed up.

    1. 135# 7,6,10
    2. 235, 245x2
    3. 14:01 @ 165 (b/w and 70% of 1RM) worked on technique doing push jerk with keeping feet in same spot, I like.
    4. Only did 1 min, harder than I thought.

  15. 1. Warm ups felt heavy so 195 was a no go...did 176 first rd and 187 for 2nd and 3rd...6-4-5
    2. 315-365(was pretty tuff)-365( wasn't comfortable going for a third set at 365)
    3. Scaled up to 210, to use 2.5kg clamps...25:52
    4. Skipped til later

  16. 1. Ninja: 4,5,8

    2. 405 on BBS

    3. 31:47 Rx

    4. Will do it this afternoon

  17. Nowhere to work out today except for my basement, so I pretty much subbed everything - finally got to toss around my new 95# DB's though :)

    1. 3 x Max Rep Alternating 1-Arm DB Power Snatches (95#) - 8, 8, 8

    2. Had no rack, therefore had to clean it up and do box FRONT squats - 235# across

    3. 15:37
    - 1-Arm 95# DB Push Jerks subbed (half w/ left, half w/ right)
    - 95# Barbell Bent-Over Rows subbed for pull-ups

    4. Skipped.

  18. 1) used 154.
    2) 308 across.
    3) scaled to 185# and still sucked. Took 30.35. Overhead strength is huge weakness.
    4) done.

  19. Hey folks. I haven't been the best about posting as of late. No excuse other than life gets in the way. On travels for a week and going to do my best to keep up but will be fine just doing WODs at the local box. I'm personally not a fan of going into someone's box and asking if I can be on my own "special" program. I think it's rude. Besides, I think a week of another gym's programming will do me good actually.

  20. 1) Used 100lbs - 6-5-5 :) Happy with this!

    2) 145 for all three rounds. First time doing Box Squats.

    3) 27:29 - Used 125 which is just under 80% of my last tested 1RM - Mentally, this was a great WOD for me. I haven't completed a WOD like this with 125 before. This weight used to be pretty difficult for me to even Power Clean. So - yeah!!

    4) Done...I would say that my L Sits were not perfect, though...still working on it :)

  21. BW 168
    Ninja 4/6/6
    3x3 345
    Used 185 16:29
    Haven't done L-sits yet

  22. 1) 195# - 5/6/6
    2) 285,315,315
    3) 17:30 Rx
    4) 6:39 total time

    1. Nice work Pots. Well rounded

    2. Thanks Conor, it was the best I could do in the presence of greatness (aka Hobart).

      Nice Ninjer numbers - beast mode for you next time!

  23. 1) 195lbs/ 4, 5, 4
    2) 295
    3) 24:28 Rxd.

  24. 1)125# 4/5/5 - this happens to be the same weight I used last week, got 4/4/4 last time
    3)22:24 Rx - that was heavy

  25. M / 5'8 / 165#

    1. Ninja: 10,8,4
    2. 300# across
    3. 17:01 RXd (super goat wod, but I'm pumped about that performance. Not the best, but I held my own in a wod that is at the bottom of my list. Touché' Ben, you got me this time! Lol)
    5. Done

  26. 1. 135 - 8, 155 - 5, 155 - 5
    2. No time
    3. 185lb, 22:05 - only broke the set of 9 jerks and sets of 16 - 20 pull-ups
    4. Later

  27. M/5'9 140# 14 yrs old:

    1: 2/2/4 (105)
    2: did regular back squats, 175 across
    3: 14:25 (105)

  28. 1. 5-4-3 went BEAST but it bit me in the ass on the 3rd set.

    2. 325 across. Should've went heavier on those.

    3. 19:39rx. Damn! That was a good one

    4. 5:39 did them on those parrallettes. Growing them pork chops.

  29. 1. Ninja today: 10,8,7
    2. 300# across
    3. 14:12 rxd
    4. 5:10....big goat

  30. 1.) #135 went 5/3/8

    2.) First time doing them, liked it! #245 across

    3.) 21:37 went #185...BW is #170 and it was 70% of my 1RM

    4.) 9:40, had nothing:(

  31. The quote from Gregg about the L-sit... Someone can hold it for 3 minutes? Sheesh...

  32. 1. 165: 3 165: 2 185: 2

    2. 305 across

    3. 20:23 RX

    4. Done

  33. 1. Ninja-7-6-5
    2. 295 (across)
    3. 22:52 rx
    4. No time

  34. 1-ninja 6/5/5 should have gone heavier but didnt feel that I would have done well at the beast weight.
    2-315 across
    3-22:14 rx all pull ups unbroken except set 20

  35. 1) Beast 9/8/6
    2) 1st time box squatting, was coming way to far forward stayed at 265 and tried to clean up.
    3) 14:24 rx

  36. 145-4,4,4
    305-I think my box was too high as they felt easy (first time trying)
    Almost bedtime so had to cut it short.

  37. Jason and staff at CF Rife in Virginia Beach were super accommodating in letting me get in what I needed to.

    1. Did the gym WOD. Bunch of work up to a 1RM clean. 265.
    2. 275 on box squats.
    3. 25:45 Rx
    4. 4:54.

  38. Been following the programming for a few months now, but new to posting. Thanks to Ben for the great programming and Competitors for pushing everyone.

    1) Beast weight 5,5,5
    2) 365 across 3x3
    3) 16:09 RX
    4) Done


  39. 1. 175# (what's between a beast and a ninja? Average guy?) 6/4/5
    2. 305# across
    3. 15:29 Rx
    4. 5:30 total

  40. 1.) Beast: 6,7,7 (TnG snatches like this destroy my skin on my thumb from hook grip. Next time I am going to try Oly straps, I seriously think I could get way over 10)
    2.) 365#, made sure these were perfect.
    3.) 14:19
    4.) 9:45(triceps and quads did nothing but cramp the whole time, this sucked)

  41. 1. 175#: 5,5,6

    2. 255, 275, 275

    3. 30:34 (Should've scaled down)

    4. Done
