Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Thursday 2.28.13

Will Blackburn.

1.  Rack Jerk
5 x 5, Climbing
Post scores for all 5 sets

2.  21-15-9
Power Cleans, 185/135
Front Squats, 185/135

3.  L-sit
Accumulate 2 mins

"No, it doesn't ever get any easier. You wouldn't want it to either."
- Greg Glassman

How fast are you?  How aggressive are you in training?  
Do you grunt and scream like a Tasmanian Devil?


  1. Holy crap that guy is fast underneath the bar.

  2. Hey Coach, are these split jerks or our choice? thanks

  3. That is super fast and aggressive. Thank you for that video. Inspirational!

  4. Looking for some advice... I'm struggling a bit with following the programming now. There's weaknesses I need to be working on. ( I dont have muscle ups yet, i suck at chest to bars, i'd like to work on my butterflies more, i'm pretty terrible at high rep ring dips...) So do I add more gymnastics sessions in or replace some movements? Example would be last week instead of doing the deadlifts 5x5 i spent 20 minutes doing T2B and now I can link them unbroken, success! I've been following since August steady and deffinitly don't want to quit now. I'm so thankful i've come across this programming and thankful for Ben's dedication and time spent on this site. Looking forward to seeing it through to the end of the season.

    1. Scale where you have to, just keep working to the best of your ability. Give the program a full year, and you will be where you want to be right now -

    2. I work my weaknesses where I can, either before or after the WOD session. For me they're muscle- ups Ii want to do a strict one), overhead squats/snatches (although there's plenty of those in this program), double unders (have gotten much bstter). Sometimes I skip certain movements, when my body tells me it needs rest in those areas. Sometimes I even take full days off from this program and I'll work goats. Trying to keep up with the animals on here keeps me motivated. Follow the best you can, but listen to your body!

    3. Thanks for the advice, the folks on here ARE animals. I love it.

  5. That guys hips are insaannnnneeee. So angry. So precise. Lol

  6. Just want to share this article.... Way to go Cheryl!

    1. thanks! this has been an awesome resource for me... and the advice from Ben himself and this awesome community is unmatched ! :) team Bergeron! lol

  7. 1) 154/165/176/187(4)/185
    2) 31.19. Hspu are my biggest goat.
    3) done.

  8. Decided to start with the met-con today but it kind of back-fired because I just warmed up for an extended time beforehand.

    2- only made it through the 15's at 30:50 before being called into the house for daughter duty. I was staring down a 35-40 minute time.

    Cons: taking forever, and I had to break FS which I didn't expect

    Pros: kipping HSPU are getting better, did at least 3x power cleans at a time, pull-ups felt decent. I guess I was just resting longer between my sets. Def wanted to finish this one regardless of time but baby comes first.

    Good luck everyone! I expect some sub-20's, maybe even sub-15 from some of you animals!

  9. No jerks
    1 mi jog cooldown
    Shoulder stuff

    As a side note, I've been taking a pre workout drink (muscle pharm assault), and its pretty good when doing some lifting before a metcon but I took it right before the metcon today and felt awful. My heart rate was so jacked up right from the get go and I couldn't regulate it. Spent a lot of time staring at the bar waiting for it to go down. More important than the impact on my workout, it freaked me out a little bit. Obviously we are all competitive but we need to remember that we do this stuff to be healthy and fit. Personally, I'm taking some time off of this stuff and am going to focus on just getting more sleep. Just my two cents...

    1. It's funny you mention this because I just bought a tub of ON's Ami.N.O. Energy stuff and took my first dose this morning before the workout. I definitely felt a little "off" in my belly the entire warm-up and it almost gave me a weird buzz. I'm going to give it a few tries before making a decision on it because I'm hoping it was just the first exposure that made me feel so strange.

    2. I've tried a few different pre workouts. My opinion is some of them did allow me to do more work which in turn gave me better times/ loads. The discrepancy I see with them is having to rely on them. Once every 1-2 weeks, ok, daily? I wouldn't.

      I drink a cup of black coffee on an empty stomach in the morning, it just get's me going a little bit. I even cycle coffee as weird as that may sound and I don't drink it on rest days.

    3. I've been using progenex force! I like it ;)

    4. all i use is EAS for post WODs. it does me right.

    5. I also switched to Progenex Force. Doesnt get my jittery and gives me some good energy and focus, along with my goo clean meal before hand of course.

    6. I second Kyle on the black coffee on empty stomach. I do not second the coffee cycling lol good work dude, I should try that.

    7. SFH Endurance Daily Pre WOD. With coffee every now and then. :)

  10. Traveling this week so I did this one yesterday.

    1. Started with the PC + SC complex: 255#
    2. Today's WOD: 23:08 rxd. Wow that felt horrible.

    Heading to CFNE on Saturday to meet the man himself, thanks Ben.

  11. 25, 5'8" 170

    1. 185, 190, 195 (push) 195, 185 split. All from behind, I pressed many of them out, I suck at jerking, need some coaching. Shoulders also feel impinged so I'm thinking I'm just scared to punch it.

    2. I almost convinced myself to do it with 165 but I'm glad I didn't my legs are so sore right now.

    Time- 20:51

    3. 6:05 to complete, first set 30sec

    1. haha yes. The HSPU's took under 2 minutes, same with the sit ups and even less for the pull ups. So that's 6ish minutes for those 3 movements, meaning it took roughly 15 minutes between the PC's and FS. FS were taken from the rack.

  12. 1. 155-175-195-215-225F (My midline collapsed on the final rep. So almost had it.)

    2. 25:41...Gymnastics work were ok today. Better than the previous week.

    3. Done, finished in 4:50.

  13. That's my hubby! :)

  14. 1. 185/205/215/225/235
    2. 21:45 Rx Damn
    3. have to do this tonight

  15. 1. 176(push), 198(push), 220(push), 242(split with jerk boxes), 242(same as before).
    2. 21:36 rx

  16. 1. 185-205-225-225-(225x4)
    2. 29:28 Rx Kinda bummed with my performance on this I think I have to schedule my meals a little better anyone have any advice on timing for meals today I had breakfast at 8:30am started wod at around 1:30-1:45 and hadnt had lunch in between felt like the life had been sucked from my body I think its because of this but dont know had to teach some classes and didnt get a chance to eat or maybe its just this wod is filled with goats for me anyway any advice on timing meals would be appreciated.
    3. tonight

    1. president nutrition is def different for everyone.... sometimes my best wods are fine fasted ... other times I eat around 12 ... train around 2... most important thing for me is to not eat in the hour before I workout .. I don't like the way it feels.... another suggestion is some type of preworkout drink... not necessarily "energy drink"... but something with some bcaas a little protein and some simple carbs?... just a thought

    2. Thanks Cheryl! guess I just need to plan ahead more do you have a pre workout drink you prefer? just trying to get some ideas

    3. Try a banana an hour before. I personally eat at 9pm and train around 8am fasted with black coffee and it's given me the most consistent energy this way.

    4. Thanks Kyle appreciate the tip man.

  17. 26/5'9/165
    1. 185, 205, 225, 245, 255
    - this is 245 set.

    2. 15:31
    - hspu, ghds and pullups unbroken..
    - power cleans all fast singles
    - front squat: 11/10, 8/7, 9. These were by far the worst part of the wod for me.

    3. 4 sets of 30 sec on/ 30 sec of.

    1. just realized it was rack jerk and not push jerk. need to pay more attention.

  18. 1. 165, 185, 205, 225, 235
    2. 19:58 RXd
    3. Done

    1. Beast as always man! Your score is the first one I check everyday haha. Any footage of your training?

    2. Nah man this stuff is top secret bro! What happens in the man cave, stays in the man crave! Hahaa jk but I have videoed some wods but can't get them to upload for some reason so the only footage I can really catch is the short lifts with my phone! But I can assure you I have enough moral character to only post what is real! Lol

    3. if you have an iphone and a youtube acct you can upload right from your "camera".

    4. How long can an iPhone record videos?? I have never tried anything longer than a single lift

    5. The one time I thought I'd MAYBE have you. Good job. I wanna see VIDEO! :)

    6. You cheated anyways :) lol but geez I'll video a wod to prove my legitimacy, or illegitimacy? No video, no bueno!!

    7. iphone can record any length video. YouTube has a 15 or 20 minute limit.

      You don't need to justify your times. But video is fun for everyone.

    8. On that note , I'll clear some space on my phone!! Thanks coach!

  19. 1.) #185, 205(4), 205, 225(3), 225(4)
    2.) Set a 25min cap, finished the set of 9 power cleans...ouch
    3.) Yep

  20. M/5'9 144# 14 yrs old:

    1: 95-105-115-125-135(4)

    2: 24:36 (1 45 lb bump+abmat under head.....115)

  21. 1. 135-155-175-185-205
    2. 24:05 RX Nasty WOD
    3. Done

  22. 2. 29:32 Rx

    1. 135-155-175-195-215

    3. 4 minutes of L-sit progressives. First time doing L-sits.

  23. Jerk 5x5: 125/135/145/155/165x4

    21-15-9: HSPU/power clean 135/GHDSU/front squat 135/c2b pull up- 26:41
    HSPU unbroken. C2Bs felt good today. Brutal grinder!

    Accumulate 2min L sit- done in 10 sec intervals.

  24. Tired today... Body feeling yesterday's workout. But did it anyway! Mental challenge, here by myself in the garage every day.

    1. Rack jerk 5x5: 185, 195, 205, 215, 225. Happy with that

    2. 21-15-9 for time: HSPU, 185lb cleans, GHDSU, front squats, C2B: 35:20. Content just to finish!

    3. L sits a little later..

  25. 1) 135, 145, 155, 175, 195
    2) 21:19
    3) got it

  26. 1. 165, 185, 205, 225, 235.
    2. 21:06Rx
    3. Done after my 7PM class. 4:01

    1. First time since my elbow surgery I was able to hold the bar in my hand and on my shoulder with jerks. Biggest PR since 2009

    2. thats awesome man.....congrats!

  27. 1. Spent extra time getting my back ready.
    2. Spent extra time getting crush by yet another WOD 28:10
    3. Drove home pissed.

    1. refer to yesterday ;) reflect and learn! u r 1% better today :)

  28. 1. 205
    2. 32:30 @ 155 for PC/FS. Felt like vomiting whole time. First/last using jacked 3d workout
    3. DNF most awful headache ever, see two above

  29. 1. 235,245,255,265,275 (all from behind the neck)
    2. 18:39 RX good grinder
    3. completed


  30. 1. 225,245,275,295,309 all from from rack. Super pumped about these numbers. When I started I struggled with 275 on 1 rep.
    2. 19:23 Rx. Wanted sub 20 do bad. Small goals met today.
    3. Done.

  31. 1. 95/105/115/120/3@125(dropped bar lowering it to shoulders)
    2. 29:00 scaled this PC/FS @105# and 15-12-9 for C2B. Fun WOD, done at the YMCA.

    Knees were feeling real bad and achy for a few days, extra day off and icing after wods seemed to help.

  32. 1. 145-185-225-275. Damn negatives hurt me

    2. 27:40rx. Never felt so much pain in my lower back like that.

    3. Done. Not looking forward to tomorrow

    1. I spent precious minutes doing scorpions because of my lower back. Was shooting for a low 20's score

    2. Lower back pain is no bueno! Did the cleans get you or the jerks? Heal up man!

    3. felt it on the jerks then on the front squats. def no bueno man. had a game plan for a sub 25but couldn't execute. time to invest in a lifting belt now for support on the lower back

  33. 1. 130-135-140-145 -150 (3) - went back and did 5 at 145 again.

    2. 26:33 (used 125 instead of 135)- everything else as prescribed

    3. Done...not well (one leg out, focusing on keeping my leg straight and above/at parallel) - but getting better! Took me close to 7 minutes or so...

  34. 1. 145/150/155/160/165(4)-Push Jerks
    2. 17:23- power cleans got star-fishy lol but got them done...It is really amazing to see different power outputs in similar time domains...for instance...take that Open workout we redid...with the box jumps/ttb/push press...i was knockin on 15 rounds which was over 500 reps! Today, I completed 207 reps in almost the same amount of time...This doesn't mean n e thing...just an observation ..kinda weird to think about that
    4. Skipped....I have specific gymnasticsi programming with lots of these in it

  35. 1) front rack - 185,205,225,245,265. Last two sets were broken to protect the wrists on the negatives
    2) 24:15. Not satisfied with the time but very happy that the HSPUs were the easiest part of the WOD. 9 months ago I couldn't do 1 HSPU.
    3) 6:01 (38 sec PR from last week)

  36. sore elbows from attempting strict muscle ups yesterday, but im closer, got my head through but not in the best position on top of the rings.

    Rack Jerk
    5 x 5, Climbing
    Post scores for all 5 sets
    135/145/155x3/155x3/155x3 this was annoying at attempt #3 lol/150x5 weight didnt feel heavy, just having trouble locking it out due to my arthritic bows :)
    2. 21-15-9
    Power Cleans, 185/135
    Front Squats, 185/135

    29:43 Rx, messed up the order once but was corrected 3 reps in thank god or that would of pissed me off. hspu 14/4/3, 14/1, 8/1. c2b are a goat, I usually underhand kip them but way to much pressure on elbows today so I butterflied one at a time, worked on reloading feet after wod, and got 3 in a row. Ill be doing these from now on.

    3. L-sit
    Accumulate 2 mins
    skipped will do tomorrow.

    Going to listen to my body, joints are hurting, going to begin tapering a bit for the open.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. 1) 113-133-143-153 1 rep and had to stop from shoulder pain, didnt want to keep going and not be able to do hspu. was aiming for 173-183
    2) 25:23 rx
    3) done in 3:35-first minute unbroken

  39. 155-165 -175-185-205(4)

    I stare at the damn bar to long . Major goat. Any suggestions . Besides pick up the damn bar!!!
