Sunday, November 3, 2013

Monday 11.4.13

1. Snatch

2.  Clean and Jerk
A.  3x1 at 90-95%
B.  2x2 at 80%

3.  Front Squats
7x2 across

4.  Gymnastic Benchmark
A.  Max reps of Strict Parrallette HSPU
B.  30 Kipping PHSPU for time.

1.  Metcon
30 OHS, 135/95
30 TTB
20 Power Snatch, 135/95
20 TTB
10 Squat Snatch, 135/95
10 TTB

1. Snatch

2.  Metcon
30 OHS, 115/80
30 TTB
20 Power Snatch, 115/80
20 TTB
10 Squat Snatch, 115/80
10 TTB

3.  Front Squats
3x2 across


  1. Open:
    1. PRd at 210. Failed at 225. Previous PR was 200, so happy with this result.
    2. 12:05. TTBs became huge problem.

    1. Поздравляю

    2. Я плохо говорю по-русски

    3. Thank you Jeremy. Your russian becomes better and better!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. 1. Snatch- Worked up to 205, My squat snatch PR is 215, 205 felt fine. I tweaked a few things after the L-1 this weekend and receiving so many good cues. Everything up to about 175 felt super fast and I had plenty of time under the bar, I think about 185 I stopped hitting full extension. This is going to take some work. Bottom position felt fine.

    2. Clean and Jerk
    A. 3x1- 265
    B. 2x2-225

    3. Front Squats
    7x2 across- 275, after about 4 hours in the bottom position at the L-1 I didn't feel real strong today.

    Did another met con because of time. See you guys on Saturday or Sunday. This is going to be a hectic week.

  4. Metcon: open athlete
    TTB need refinement.


    1. Snatch
    1RM-Well, once I got over 145lbs my form fell apart. Everything was out front. Only worked up to 165lbs. Oh well, there's always tomorrow!

    2. Clean and Jerk
    A. 3x1 at 90-95%-215lbs. Never felt easier.
    B. 2x2 at 80%-185lbs. Once again, felt great.

    3. Front Squats
    7x2 across-225lbs. Way to easy. My previous 1RM was 245lbs and I think it's time to blow that out of the water.

    4. Gymnastic Benchmark-Will do in the afternoon session.
    A. Max reps of Strict Parrallette HSPU
    B. 30 Kipping PHSPU for time.

    1. 4. Gymnastic Benchmark
      A. Max reps of Strict Parrallette HSPU-Did normal HSPU's. Got 5.
      B. 30 Kipping PHSPU for time. Used parallettes for first 12 w/ a 3" deficit, then switched to normal HSPU's. Slowly killing this goat-7:30

      1. Metcon- 14:30. This is one of those I was just happy to finish. OHS SUCK.
      30 OHS, 135/95
      30 TTB
      20 Power Snatch, 135/95
      20 TTB
      10 Squat Snatch, 135/95
      10 TTB

  6. Open:
    Snatch - 160, fail at 163... so 160 is my previous 1RM. The good is that on all 3 attempts at 163 the pull was great the catch was great, I just could not drive out of the hole. Every time my shoulders would give... really enjoyed this though!

    METCON - 10:58, everything felt good, ttb were hard but efficient. Really slowed on the pwr snatch.

    FS - 225 across

  7. Open/Masters

    Snatch: 165, tied pr, bar was super cold, working in sub-zero temperatures, anyone have an idea for gloves that don't slip?

    Metcon: 13:38

    1. Mechanix? Reebok has a glove but I am not sure how it will work in sub-zero, I would try to mechanix gloves first. I like them fine.

    2. +1 on Mechanix, but my experience is only from working on dirtbikes in cold temps hahaha! My wife used the Reebok ones for a while, managed to rip them after a few uses. They have zero insulation.

    3. Hey Peter,

      I went to the local auto parts store and picked up a pair of mpact mechanix gloves. I've been using them for the last two months and no complaints!

      I can't remember how much I paid but it was cheaper than $35.

      Let me know if you have any questions,

    4. Thanks guys, that's awesome!

  8. Reg:
    1. Did this on Saturday instead of running, got 185 easy and recent PR is 195, so put 200 on and proceded to fail a dozen times. Not going to let it get to me... it'll come.

    2. Done, felt fast and clean.

    3. did at 235 thinking it would add up, it did not, should have gone heavier.

    4. set it up and tried, got 2 and fell off the wall....reset and got 2 again....
    considered doing the 30 for time, but I really wanted to do the WOD...skipped

    PM1) 10:12,

    did 20, 10 on OHS, 10,10,10 on TTB, singles on P.Snatch, 10,10 on TTB, all went to plan but I think this could easily be done in 9:00 with the same breakups I took....too much rest.

    Shoulder a little tender from over doing bench on Saturday, but it was mostly OK today. I really liked the WOD, it was right on the cust after just a few reps.

    1. Good atitude. When you get 2 bills, slam that bar so hard that the needle on the Richter scale moves.

  9. Regionals.

    1) 165. Failed at 171 a few times. Not a pr or close but a decent start after just getting back.

    2) done at 198 and 178.

    3) done at 275.

    4) 2. And 26reps in 7.56. Ran out of time. Hspu and overhead movements continue to be a big weakness of mine.

  10. Open: I've had better days....

    1) 160, I have issues getting under 165lbs. Strength is there, technique isn't.

    2) 14:54, ripped my hands after the first set of 30 TTB. Rips slowed me down big time.

    3) 210 across

  11. 1) 245
    2) 275x3, 255x2x2
    3) skip (groin still tender)
    4) @8" - 1 strict, 7:55 (was not sure of the depth here 6",8",12"?)
    5) 9:25

    Groin was still a little fussy today under heavy loads, so I took another day off of squats. I also didn't want to re-strain it by over exhausting a weak muscle. Suffice to say I was pumped to get back under a barbell today. Also, a year ago I would have dnf'd the PHSPUs. All in all a great day of training.

    1. Games style PHSPU is 12", I had an ABMAT under...which I think is still in games standard.

      Anyone want to back me up on this?

    2. Per the 2012 Games vids, there are 2 35# competition plates and a 10# high temp (I think) and that comes out to a 3-5/8" total. Rogue parallettes are 12" high. So, "Games" Standards from the last time they were used was about a 9"ish deficit.

      Correct me if I am wrong, but I don't think there were any PHSPU in this years games. There were deficiets in the Cinco on the final day, but nothing with the parallettes, so I don't know if that standard will be revised.

  12. 1. 95# (5# PR)
    2. 14:05 - 70# w/ GHD instead of T2B
    3. 155# (2) 160# (1)

  13. OPEN
    1. 1RM Snatch - 175# / 180#(f)
    2. 9:07 Rx
    3. FS - 3x2 @ 275#

  14. Open
    Snatch: 105, failed 115
    Wod: 11:05
    F/S: 165... I thought I could do these at 185 but FS felt surprisingly heavy after the wod

  15. Master open:
    Wod: 14:49. 80#
    Ss 1rm: 102#. 2# pr
    Fs, 140, 145, 150

  16. OPEN:

    1)1 RM snatch: 220# (old pr was 210#) Did power snatch. Squat snatch is less due to poor mobility and bad technique, but it's catching up.

    2) Metcon: 7:50 Rx. This is the best I've felt on OHS and squat snatches maybe ever. Did 20-10 on OHS and 5-5 on squat snatches. That's much better than normal for me.

    3) 3 x 2 FS: 305# across

  17. 1. 120# (pr since knee surgery, tie from 2yrs ago.)
    2. Southie Compition wod 20 T@B, 15 OHS (85), 30 C2b, 15 Squat Snatches (85), 20 T2b. 10mins to complete took 10:34
    3. 155x2, 155x1 (failed rep two), 150x2

  18. Open:
    1. 135# - tied my recent 1RM. I'm actually pretty happy with this confirmation because I still wasn't confident after my last one. Jumping another 10# looks like it's just going to be mental! I failed at 145#
    2. 16:15 @95# Not the greatest results, but that was a killer on my wrists. The highlight for me was that I was able to do all of the T2B's via kipping! I broke them into manageable sets and gave it everything I had. Extremely happy.
    3. 175# FS across

    1. "Gave it everything I had" ... and that's the way you do it, great job!

  19. Open
    1) 195#. Not a PR. still having trouble dropping under the bar
    2) 9:08
    3) 265# across

  20. OPEN

    1) 220#
    15# under PR....

    2) 7:36 RX

    3) 245#

  21. Open - had to miss Saturday due to work so felt sluggish today. Too much rest.

    1) 92.5kg (5kg pb)
    2) 11:50 TTB went
    3) 120 - 125 - 130kg

  22. On the road missed the last three workouts.

    managed to get in a grace late last night 2:48 which is a 30 sec PR.

    1) 205, missed 215 which is current PR
    2) 9:55
    3) 255 across

  23. 1st Day
    Masters Open

    1. SS 105#
    2. 10:58 Rx
    3. 135#

  24. 1. snatch: 255# ties a pr, really frustrated i've been stuck at this since june. I didnt miss till i got to 260 and it just crushed me, plenty of elevation, but couldnt catch it solid.
    2. 315#x3 (1 miss)
    3. max rep phspu: 1 rep. pr haha
    30 phspu for time: 6:14 (pr to start, 7 in a row. pretty pumped about this.)
    4. metcon: 9:20 rx. felt pretty good. probably too conservative on toes 2 bar.

    1. Felt the same, could have rested less, tried not going all out on them to have more for the barbell. Still good WOD

      Killer time for thinking you could have gone faster BTW

    2. thanks brotha. Toes to bar are a huge giant killer to me, but they've improve since the open.

  25. Been posting day or so behind and caught up yesterday. No rest day cost me today though.
    1. 185#, 15# off of PR, did not feel good at all.
    2. a. 225#-245#, felt better than I recently recall.
    2. b. 195#
    3. 275#, weak compared to the sets of 3s we did last week
    4. a. 1 (pr) @ 9" deficit + abmat
    4. b. 10 in 10min @ 12" deficit + abmat, getting the hang of these. BIG KIP
    5. Did 50 t2b instead due to no day off + soccer match yesterday. 4:56

  26. Open
    1. 115#...5 away from pr
    2. 9:13 65#
    3. 150# across

  27. 1. 225
    2. a. 255.
    b. 225
    3. 275
    4. a. 5 reps strict 12" paralletes
    b. 4:05

    1. 6:05
    30 ohs unbroken
    30 t2b 20/10
    20 power snatch 10/10
    20 t2b 15/5
    10 squat snatch unbroken
    10 t2b unbroken

  28. Masters open
    1. Skipped
    2. 16:05 rx
    3. 4x2: 135, 155, 165, 175 (PR)

  29. Open:
    1. Subbed in 2 pood KB snatches + turkish get-ups OTM
    2. 7:58 RX, all singles on snatches
    3. Stayed light

  30. Open
    1. 190#
    2. 9:18
    3. 255/265/275

  31. Open

    1.) #200 PR...finally in the club

    2.) Skipped and did some comp prep

    3.) #295 across

  32. Open
    1- 95# PR by 5 lbs
    2- 42:00. Spent 20mins on snatch squat. Literally!!! I can get under the bar all day but then lean froward too much/ do not control shoulders = FAIL
    3- 135#

  33. Open Program
    1) 200 - tied the PR I set 3 weeks ago. Pumped about this bc last time I was totally fresh, today I was coming off 120 burpees and 120 pull-ups (did Saturday workout a day late on Sunday)
    2) 12:08 - not great. Grip killed me, plus T2B are generally a weakness.
    3) 245, 255, 265 - felt run down by this point so didn't push it.

  34. Open

    Only could get 185 on snatch. Been in a funk with it since clovis

    Wod. 7:34 with 95#

    225 across

  35. Open/Masters 47

    1) not my day.... nuff said.

    2) 9:13. Used 65# and did 20/15/10 on ttb.

    3) 185/185/205. Again, not my day.

  36. Open/Masters 47

    1) not my day.... nuff said.

    2) 9:13. Used 65# and did 20/15/10 on ttb.

    3) 185/185/205. Again, not my day.

  37. Open

    1. Failed 205 twice. PR is 200 from a few weeks ago.. But that may have been a fluke. Snatches have felt good in general lately, but technique still breaking down as the weights get heavy. Not fast enough under the bar. Had to settle for 185 today.

    2. 11:30

    3. 295 across. Failed the second rep of the first set, was too cold plus no weight belt. No fails on other sets.

  38. Open
    1) 115#
    2) 9:02 65#
    3) 155#/175#/195#

    1. snatch - 125# (10# PR!!!) pulled 130 high enough just couldn't get under it.
    5. 10:52 (85#)
    2. c&J: 3x1 - 145#, 2x2 - 135#

  40. Open
    1) hit 165# and felt great, so I went after 185#. Right elbow buckled overhead. Current PR 175#
    2) 7:35 @ 95#
    3) @ 205#

  41. Open
    1. 80#
    2. 7:17 45#, 20-15-10 for TTB
    3. 115

  42. 1. 145# (5# from PR) almost hit 155 but could not get out of the hole.
    2. 14:56@100#
    3. 190

  43. Open

    1) 265 (missed my pr-tie at 275 behind a few times because I couldn't settle and I have a swing at 280 and got under it but couldn't settle again)

    2) 8:26

    3) no time today....

  44. Open
    1) Missed 245 about 6 times PR 240
    2) 10:37
    3) 275

  45. open
    1. 205 (was very slow today...damn mondays)
    2. 9:15 rx
    3. 265# (improvement)

  46. 1 RM Snatch
    -Didn't do this because Im in the middle of an Oly cycle so Im hitting on percentages. Only got 2 more weeks of this cycle left.

    7:31 RX Felt good on this. Stringing Snatches is a weakness for me,b ut did really good with that today. T2B are really good for me in most WODs.

    Front Squat
    2 sets at 275#, 1 set @ 285#

    Tomorrow looks like its going to be a rough one, but Im ready for it!!!

  47. Snatch up to 220. way off pr.
    Open wod in around 9 min. Dragged ass here. Still coming back from oly focused trianing.

  48. 1. 200 PR
    2. a)225 b)195
    3. 225
    4. a)Sub stict HSPU- 4 b) 11:51 scaled with mats
    1. 18:06 Rx. This WOD beat me up and stole my lunch money. Ouch.

  49. 1. Snatch
    Hit 150# (7# PR)... felt really good, tried 155# three times but wasn't fully opening and pulling under the bar, next time for sure.

    2. Clean and Jerk
    A. 3x1 @ 175#
    B. 2x2 @ 150#

    3. Front Squats
    7x2 @ 190# (felt great, really good depth!)

    4. Gymnastic Benchmark
    A. Max reps of Strict HSPU... did not do Paralette HSPU... 4 total
    B. 30 Kipping PHSPU for time... did 22 deficit HSPU

    5. Metcon
    12:56min wow this destroyed me... dang

  50. Open
    1. snatch - 125#. 10lb off pr.
    2. Hatch squatting
    3. Metcon - 15:54 with 95#

  51. 1. 205 still banged up from comp no where near my 1rm
    2. 7:35 did 95# 15-10-10 ttb wanted to go as unbroken as possible
    3. 295-305-315

  52. Reg
    1. struggled a lot today, couldn't hit more than 115#

    2. Clean and Jerk
    A. @ 145-150#
    B. @ 135#

    3. Front Squats
    @ 160 across

    4. took about 20 minutes just working on my p-HSPUs

    Metcon - 12:39 rx (95#)

  53. Did this work today

    1) could only hit 175 this morning, 30#'s off my pr

    2) a) 245
    b) 220

    3) subbed push press for fs, legs still murdered from sunday 7x2 @ 205

    4) 1 strict with 2 45's, 1 15 and an abmat
    16:31 for 30 with 2 45's and an abmat

    5) 10:54

  54. 1) 9:32 rx

    2) 135 - same as old PR

    3) I am starting Wendler 5-3-1 to improve all of my lifts. Started Phase One, Week 1 today with Back Squat.

  55. Regional
    1. 225# Failed 235 and 230 PR is 240 Bummer
    2. 270#, 230#
    3. 185,205,225,245,265,275,285
    4. Skipped
    5. Metcon 7:54

    1. Snatch - 1RM - 135# tied PR - got under 145# a few times but was out front & couldn't correct - felt good though...its coming!

    2. Clean and Jerk - these felt terrible today
    A. 3x1 at 90-95% - 155#
    B. 2x2 at 80% - 145#

    3. Front Squats - 7x2 across at 165#

    4. Gymnastic Benchmark
    A. Max reps of Strict Parrallette HSPU - NA - worked on full depth kipping
    B. 30 Kipping PHSPU for time. - Completed with 3" deficit - 6:30

    1. Metcon - 16:30 - T2B felt great but lower back was giving me problems so took is slow on lifts

  57. Open
    snatch - 165#
    metcon - 10:26rx
    front squat 3 x 2 @ 275#

  58. M/29/5'6"/165 - Regionals
    Had to do everything in one session
    1. Missed SN @225
    2. C&J Pt. A 265, Pt. B 220
    3. Worked up to 325 (forgot it was across)
    4. 1 Strict Parallette HSPU, 30 for time 5:22 - Games Standard 9" Deficit
    5. WOD 12:18 shoulders were completely done

  59. snatch 95kg missed 102.5 and 105 a few times
    clean n jerk 115
    80% @ 100
    front squats 110
    1 strict and 20 for time was 6:13
    metcon 7:55

  60. Snatch: 155# Tied PR, tried 165# but I think my technique did me in

    Metcon: 18:09 rx

    Front Squats: 200# across
