Friday, November 29, 2013

Saturday 11.30.13

Simon Paquette
Half Marathon Row:  3rd Place
Burden Run:  4th Place
Registered Athlete in the Competitor's Competition

1.  3 RFT:
7 Snatches, 135/95

rest 20 minutes

2.  3 RFT:
7 Hang Power Cleans, 155/105
21 Box Jumps, 24/20" - games standards

rest 20 minutes

3.  3RFT:
7 Thrusters, 115/80
21 KBS, 53/35

Teams of two complete the following:
5 Snatches, 115/80
10 Wall Balls, 20/14
One athlete completes a full round, while the other rests.

Here is the Challenge...
3 RFT:
1 Legless Rope Climb, 15'
2 Snatches, 225/145
3 Back Squats, 365/245
4 Parallette HSPU, 13" to the top of parallette.

Beat Jon Pera's time of 8:12
Email max@crossfitnewengland with a YouTube video of you doing "Godzilla".
If everything checks out I will comp your registration fee to
The Competitor Competition on Jan. 24-25th at Reebok One.


  1. if u pay for my plane flight ill do it in 6 min

  2. What is the deficit for the hspu?

  3. 3 RFT:
    7 Snatches, 135/95
    21 GHDSU- Anton and I shared a GHD and it's upstairs and the bars are downstairs. We did 6 rounds total, 3 rounds each, 5:04

    2. 3 RFT:
    7 Hang Power Cleans, 155/105
    21 Box Jumps, 24/20" - games standards- 2:34

    3. 3RFT:
    7 Thrusters, 115/80
    21 KBS, 53/35- 2:58

    This was about as much fun as you can have legally. It was fun to just cut loose on the met con and not worry about a technical aspect slowing the down or having to pace. Good times with good people.

  4. Regional / Games

    1. Time - 7:33 (don't have a GHD, did toes to bar instead)
    Snatches - Singles
    Toes To Bar - Sets of 7 first round, then sets of 3

    2. Time - 3:21 RX
    Hang Cleans all unbroken
    Box Jumps Cycled jumping up and down

    3. Time - 3:50 RX
    Thrusters - all unbroken
    KB Swings - 1st unbroken, 2nd round 11,5,5 3rd round - 11, 5,5

  5. Regionals:

    1) 6mins
    2) 3:54
    3) 4mins

  6. Open:
    9rds +10 reps
    Me: RX
    Heidi: 45lb bar/ 14 lb ball.

  7. Open but did regional wod

    6:49 with 115
    4:34 with 135
    4:03 with 95 thruster

  8. Regionals.

    1) 5.53
    2) 2.35
    3) 4.01.

    Only did 10min breaks due to time constraints.

  9. 1. 4:10 regular sit upd
    2. 3:10
    3. Worked up to a 225# snatch.snatch tech. was feeling fast today so wanted to take advantage with what little energy I had left after those two wods. Happy tomm is a rest day. yall have a great weekend.

  10. Open:
    I did 9 rnds + 2 snatches rxd. Everything unbroken. Partner full 9 rnds, scaled to 90 snatch

  11. Regional -
    1. 4:54
    2. 2:43
    3. 3:20
    The last couple of days have left me quite sore.... :)

  12. 1) 512 55 13 TTB
    2) 404 80
    3) 444 65

  13. Regionals:

    1) 5:25 Rx (Snatches- UB, UB, 5-2)
    2) 5:00 Rx (H. P Cleans all UB)
    3) 4:45 Rx (all UB)

    1. only took 10 minute breaks (more Thanksgiving shenanigans today!)

  14. 3:46

    Everything unbroken. These weights are starting to feel manageable. Last year I remember thinking I was about 10-20 pounds from getting through the lifts feeling fast and this year they look challenging but doable. Feels good.

  15. Open but today I did regionals
    1. 5:34 all about my ghdsu which were slow
    2. 3:59 all step downs
    3. 7:57 wheels came off on this one.

  16. Open

    No team so did equal work/rest.
    11 rounds completed.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Did regionals this morning
    1) 5:32 @ 115# & TTB bc of limited GHD.
    2) 2:59 @ 135#
    3) 4:26 @ 44 KBS - was happy to go unbroken in this one

  19. 1) 4:03 RX all unbroken till last round: GHDSU broken to 10/7/4
    2) 2:58 RX box jumps felt slow....legs I'm fat and slow from food and booze
    3) 4:54 RX+ 2pood KB....1st round unb but tripped on 5th thruster, recovered and kept going....2nd 11/10 KBS...3rd 8/9/4 KBS

  20. Masters 46
    Teams of two complete the following:
    AMRAP 15: Partner went first I was able to get 7+2 rx (tough doing snatches with a bad hand tear)
    5 Snatches, 115/80
    10 Wall Balls, 20/14
    One athlete completes a full round, while the other rests.

  21. All unbroken:
    1. 5:03 (subbed deficit leg extensions off of 24" box for GHDSU; floor to past vertical)
    2. 3:12
    3. 4:06

  22. Did regional
    1) 4:25 80#/13ttb
    2) 3:29 105#/20"
    3) 3:54 80#/35#

  23. Reg:

    1. 5:06, Snatches only in small sets, not unbroken, GHD's got very slow in the last round.

    20 min rest

    2. 3:32, all step is what it is

    3. 3:26, all unbroken except at rep 5 in third round...had to stand there for s sec to let some oxygen in the legs.

    Fun one today, a lot of sitting around, but still fun to tear it up for a bit and get to rest.

  24. 2014 REGIONAL & GAMES ATHLETES-Late night workout! Woohoo! Lol not. I could feel all the crap I had eaten all day (Cheat Day)
    1. 3 RFT: 5:50. Felt really slow
    7 Snatches, 135/95
    21 GHDSU
    rest 10 minutes

    2. 3 RFT: 4:20. Felt alright.
    7 Hang Power Cleans, 155/105
    21 Box Jumps, 24/20" - games standards
    rest 10 minutes

    3. 3RFT: 5:23. Felt slow.
    7 Thrusters, 115/80
    21 KBS, 53/35

  25. 1) 7:02 slow transitions and final GHD round was broken into 6/5/5/5
    2)4:48 step ups on the last round
    3) 5:16

    Couple breathes too many on the rest but definitely felt good to be back at it. 3 days of thanksgiving was tough!

  26. 1) 7:02 slow transitions and final GHD round was broken into 6/5/5/5
    2)4:48 step ups on the last round
    3) 5:16

    Couple breathes too many on the rest but definitely felt good to be back at it. 3 days of thanksgiving was tough!

  27. 2014 Regional & Games:
    1. 6:14
    2. 2:40
    3. 4:16

  28. Dis open, equal work/rest
    8rnds, 14:25

  29. Open: 15 rounds + 1 snatch between two of us.

  30. For Godzilla.... I'm thinking about giving it a go! The deficit for the women, is it same as the men? Im 5"0.... should be... entertaining with these short stubby arms!

  31. 1. 4:22
    2. 2:36
    3. 3:24
    All RX. This was fun!

  32. 1. 5:21
    2. 3:51 - step downs due to knee
    3. 4.14 - Thrusters killed me

  33. Open:

    Did this one with my mom, very proud of her, she did 10x 15lb db swings & 10x 10lb db thrusters

    9 full rounds + 1 round + 10 swings.

  34. Open :
    Me: 8 rounds
    My husband : 7 rds plus 5
