Saturday, November 16, 2013

Sunday 11.17.13

Danny Bostwick
Rest Day


  1. Couldn't get to the wod yesterday so did it today. No team, so did regionals work

    1. 4 x 400. 1:22, 1:22, 1:28, 1:27

    2. 6x4 HPC - 185, 205, 225, 225, 225, 235! I know it said "across" but I couldn't help myself. Felt great on these today. 235 was my HPC 1RM! When I started Crossfit 20 months ago I couldn't power clean 225.

    2RM bench press. 325. Did it easily, could've done more but wanted to move on. Happy and a bit shocked I could do this much weight given I haven't benched in months. I'm as strong as I've ever been in this lift!

    3x30 close grip bench- 155, 185, 185. Failed the last rep of last set.

    4x10 bent over rows - 135, 155, 165, 175. Hadn't done these in years, didn't know how it would feel. I feel damn strong.

    3. Ring dips: 20 weighted strict (20# db between legs)+ 25 strict+ 30 kipping - 6:53. Arms were jello.

    4. Accessory work - Done.

    Long but awesome session!
