Thursday, December 6, 2012

Friday 12.7.12

Jessa Lamoine is one of FIVE former Individual Female Games Athletes 
that will be competing in the Competitors Competition, 1-19-13.

1.  Power Clean

2.  Macho Man
OTM for as long as possible:
3 Power Cleans + 3 Front Squats + 3 Jerks 
Ninjas:  165/115
Beasts:  185/135
Don't be a meat-head.  Lighter is harder than big weights in this wod.  Pick a weight that you can get 6-9 rounds of.  If you don't finish 5 rounds, you need to reduce the weight and go again.
3.  Goat Training
Pick TWO of the following, based on greatest weakness...
A.  Overhead Strength Endurance
5 RFT: 15 unbroken Push Press, 105/75

B.  Overhead Squats
5 x 10 reps, moderate - not for time.

C.  Ring Dips
60 reps for time

D.  Rope Climbs
10 x 15' Rope Climbs for time

E.  L-Sits
10 RFT:  10 seconds of L-sit hold

F:  Toes To Bar
10 RFT: x 6 unbroken reps


  1. 1. Did a 1RM Clean... 265# PR

    2. Meathead set:185, 4 rds + 7 reps, proper set: 6 + 6 reps. First set took its toll already.

    3. C. 5:10, F. 7:11

  2. Finals week is killing my recovery time.

  3. I have a dumb question I'm sorry. On the Toes toe bar workout, are you doing 10 rounds of 6 unbroken reps as fast as possible, meaning after you complete 6 reps you must come of the bar before starting your next 6 but just get back on the bar as fast as possible?

    1. Yes John that is correct. 10 rds of 6 reps unbroken. Total the time it takes to do the 10 rds.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Paddy B

      1. 245 - Felt real sluggish, took forever to get the motor goin

      2. "Macho Man" turned my arms into slim jims - 7 rounds @165

      3. Goat 1. Ring Dips - 2:49
      Goat 2. T2B - 4:47

  5. Macho man 185- 6 full. Stopped. Jerks getting funky didn't want to push shoulder. Only had 1 maybe 2 more. Harder than I thought

  6. 1. 120kg, failed on 130kg
    2. 12 rds...9 rds at 165, felt like I could 20 rds so I added 20# after rd 9 and finished another 3 rds @185#
    3. C- 2:40(last ten were tough) ... F- 5:05

  7. 1. stopped @ 155...tried 170 once but was getting in my head... my knees are screaming at me from the box jumps yesterday.
    2. used 115 ... should have tried 135 but last time I really struggled and wanted to keep tge intensity. so I made it through 20 rounds at 115 keeping an :18-;21 sec pace per round... then at min 20 jumped up to 125 and did 5 more rounds ( kept a ;30 sec paced) stopped not from failure but because I was seriously lightheaded and my knees were really hurting even with just the 10 # extra...
    feeling pretty beat up in the legs today! goingvto spend s good 30 min on more mobility ... going to do the ring dips and rope climbs

  8. 315 new PR baby!!! so stoked about that. will have to finish the rest of the WOD this evening. im just gonna enjoy my accomplishment for a few more hrs

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    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. 1). Started and got to 225 and stopped
    2). 165 7 times
    3). PP at 4:58 and ring dips at 1:40

  11. 1) 265
    2) 185- 8 rounds
    3) later

    Angie- 18 something. Terrible.

  12. PC - 295 PR
    Macho Man - 8 rds @ 185#
    Rope Climbs - 10 in 8:46
    Ring Dips - 60 in 6:15

  13. 1.245-PR is 265
    2.used 165-7 rounds
    3.Ring Dips 60 in 4:27
    4.TTB 10 unbroken sets of 6 in 3:52

  14. 1. 235# 1RM Power Clean
    2. 155 on Macho Man 6-rds, failed at 175-2 & 165-4
    3. Goats- 60 ring dips-3:23 & OHS 5x10 @115#

  15. 1. 265#
    2. Meathead 5 rds @ 185
    3. L-sit 10 x 10

    I counted wrong. i did 5 rounds not 4. still bad..

  16. 1. 235#, 245#(f)
    2. 185# 5 rds and it about killed me, 165# 6 rds
    3. dips 3:40 (should of broke them up more)
    rope climbs 3:30

  17. 1. 265#
    2. 185#= 5 rds
    Push Press

  18. 1) 285
    2) 185 for 6 mins
    3) goats

  19. 285 pr
    185 4 rounds then the jerks got scary so I did 4 more rounds with 165
    Ring dips did as much strict as I could wow my chest is smashed.
    No time for second goat

  20. 1.320- stopped there cuz of tweaky lower back.
    2. 185# for 7 rounds.
    3. L-sits on parellettes and OHS with 155#

  21. 1. 295
    2. Subbed tomorrows WOD so I could hit this with Chris tomorrow. 14:31 Angie
    3. TTB

  22. 1.275
    2.175. 6 rnds
    3.l -sits 12 min to finish six

  23. 1. did it earlier

    2. 185 8 rnds

    3. t2b and overhead squats

  24. 1. 225, tied PR misse 235 4 times. Really close.
    2. 155 x 4...very close. Legs are tired.
    3. T2B-4:28
    Ring dips -2:56. I was going to do L-sits but after the T2B I couldn't get through 3 rounds without failing so I went to dips.

  25. 1-275 missed 305. 300 pr
    2-6 rds at 165 stopped so I could do goat work
    3-rope climbs 5:30
    L sits 4:20

  26. 1. 287.5
    2. 6 rounds @ 185
    3. out of time goats tomorrow
