Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Thursday 12.13.12

1.  Snatch 
1 Rep heavy
2x2 moderate

2.  Front Squat

3.  Opium Dream
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Plate GTO, 45/25
5 Burpees + 30 Double unders between rounds

4.  Goat Training
Pick two of the following, base on greatest weakness...
A.  Box Jumps
For time:  10 x 12 unbroken Reps - you choose the height.

B.  Double Unders
For time:  10 x 20 unbroken reps

C.  Rowing
For time:  3 x 500m, OT3M

C.  Running
For time:  4 x 400m, OT3M

D.  Strength
Deadlift 3-10-10

Taylor Domengeaux, 315 rack jerk at body weight of 166


  1. Opium dream retest? I remember doing this during get huge stage.

  2. Great work Taylor! Beast right there!

  3. Nice work Taylor!
    Ben- should we end with the burpees and dubs after the round of 3? Or just do them where there is a dash? Thank you!

  4. Nice job Taylor! I thought of something watching the video - does the width of your grip matter? I was keeping a narrow grip to keep it the same as if I had cleaned the weight first. I assume a wider (snatch grip) makes it easier? And is there a "preferred/prescribed" grip width?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Good Lord, you'd think Id know better by now. Got off schedule so I did my own thing today. Including heavy swings and double unders of course. Too funny.

    Great work Taylor. Super strong

  7. Are the Plate GTO designed to be done with a bumper plate or does it not matter?

  8. That's a hell of a jerk! Also, I've often of though of making a squat rack like that! Good to know it'll work!

  9. Man wish I would have been there today. Good work training partner!!

  10. 1. Grip still compromised from Bar MUs last Tuesday.
    1x1 175#, 2x1 165#

    2. 295, 265 (Both PRs)

    3. 8:30 (PR, could've been faster but my rope knotted up a little before the 8 min mark)

    4. Had only time for one goat...

    Deadlifts 375, 315

  11. -snatch- first time doing squat snatches in over a month (shoulder). Just did singles up to 200 working technique and overhead position. Felt solid, stopped there

    -front squats- strength way down. Think I'm still not 100% after flu. Failed second rep at 325, failed on 9th rep at 275

    -box jumps 10x12@30" OTM. All sets between :22-:24

    -4x400 run -1:32, 1:34, 1:36, 1:23 these were spicy after box jumps

    -skipped metcon. Did same movements yesterday.

  12. 1. 90kg, 75 kg across
    2. 130kg, 110kg, which is 10kg heavier then last time, which shows I was being a lil bitch last time.
    3. 9:25
    4. Deads-405-325, running later

  13. I'm about Taylor's size, 5'10" 167 and he's my new hero.
    1). Only had DB today so I did 105lb DB Snatches
    2). 255 x 3. 215 x 10 and I felt weak and awful today. Don't know why
    3). 10:07, went unbroken. Had some left in the tank
    4). 400 x 4 run. 1:19, 1:21, 1:25, 1:25
    500 x 3 row. 1:51, 1:54, 1:52

    1. Did a set of Burmese and DU after the round of 3 GTO.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I didn't do too many Burmese but I did do burpees.

  14. Is everyone ending with burpees and DUs here?? And thanks to everyone for the comments above. God be the glory!

    1. I havent hit it yet but im assuming that ending with the burpees and double unders completes the set right?

    2. Seems that way. That's what I willdo

  15. 1. 195 forgot 2's oops
    2. 10@225
    3. WOD 10:43 with the extra set at the end. 8/22 did 8:46 w/o last Burpees and Dubs not sure wich is the intended standard.
    Goat work later

  16. 1. 130/120/120... 120 feels great but still pulling the bar behind me too much on everything over 130
    2. skipped -tried to start wFmjng it up but my knees r still not well....getting there but going to give them til Monday .. n e thing over 135 felt bad
    3.6:35 don't remember my last time but felt about the same
    goat training at 2 ... going to do deadlifts only today .. nurse the knees grrr!!

  17. I admire your patience and smart training Cheryl.

    Did my 400's in case I missed the chance later. Same course that starts with hills and turns from last week. 1:43,1:36, 1:40, 1:29. What a goat!
    No Goat 2 today.

  18. 1. A:135 B:110
    2. 185/198/198
    3. 18:15 struggle with DU. big goat :/
    4. 1: BJ 30 inches 10x12 unbroken 08:45
    2: DU do them tonight.

  19. 1. Snatch 175, failed at 185

    2. Front squat: 335 for 3 and 275 for 10

    3. Opium dream: 8:48 mostly unbroken, I ended with burpees and DUs

    4. Goat: box jumps at 30" and running

  20. Squat Snatch - 115 (stayed light to work on form)
    Front Squat - skipped (knee)
    Opium Dream - 18:16 Rx. DUs need a little work.....
    4x400m run - 1:36,1:38,1:31,1:28(PR)
    Deadlift - 365(PR), 315(PR)

  21. 185 shoulder feeling wonky
    Back squat because I couldn't front rack so it was
    405, 325
    8:15 unbroken everything love this work out!
    No time for goat bad planning

  22. 1. 205 then 185.
    2. 355, 305 (lower back kills me in the bottom of the squat, )
    3. 8:03 - first time doing this one. Wasn't sure about the GTO with the bumper.
    4 du's. much improved

  23. 1) 185, 165
    2) 305, 285
    3) 8:07
    4) row 1:40, 1:42, 1:43
    DU all unbroken

  24. 1. 205, 175
    2. 295, 245
    3. 7:48 RXd
    4. DL 3 reps @ 405
    2 x 10 @ 315#
    DUs ( I hate DUs and feel like I'm exposed Everytime they come up in a wod! Luckily I'm killing that goat as we speak!)
    One ME 500m row @ 1:35.3 (wanted give one a go, legs felt shot!!)

    1. Felt off on my snatches today. Taking a positive from a negative though and hitting 205# on an off day feels good! Let's keep workIng hard guys! I hate when a goat comes up in a wod, but that's the only way I will get better! Just wanted To thank everyone on this blog for pushing me, because to be honest I like pushing myself to work hard but without having you all for the extra push I wouldn't be where I am today! Let's all keep getting after it and we can all do it big at regionals!! My priorities:
      1. God
      2. My wife
      3. Crossfit and this blog!!! (basically fun because this is my fun!!)

  25. M/5'9 140# 14 yrs. old

    Snatches- 105#

    Front squat- 175#=to pr
    135# new pr

    Opium dream- 12:14 (jump rope broke in middle of wod) 25 lb plate

    Goat- deadlift- 240# 205# 205#
    Double unders- 5:44

    Good day today, felt great and got better than I was yesterday!!!!

  26. 1. 205, 185

    2. 315, 265 failed on 9

    3. 7:58

    No goat work today :(

  27. 1) 215, 205
    2) 305, 255
    3) 8:42
    4) rows- 1:30, 1:35, 1:38

  28. First time caller, long time listener... Starting the program today.

    1-200, 185
    2-185, 205, 225
    4-385, 315, 315

  29. 0. OHS 3x10x85
    1. Snatch 3x1 135 145 155 (tied pr)
    2. FS 3Rm 270 Pr 10RM 230 Pr
    3. Opium Dream 9:23 Rx unbroken
    4. Goat 1 Deadlifts 3x355, 2x10x315 These are close to pr
    4. Goat 2 4x400m run 1:30 OT3M
    5. 3x20x80# weighted situps

    big day

  30. snatch 1x180, 2x2 165
    front squat 3rm 285 pr, 10rm 230 pr
    opium dream 10:25 messed up some du
    no time for goats
    knees are shot may have to skip cleans tomorrow

  31. 1. 205x1 / 185x2

    2. 275x3 / 225x10

    3. 8:53 RX....dunno what hurt more the wod, or hitting myself in the face with the plate...yea...that happened...

    Goat work - Counted The DUs and Hit some RDLs

  32. 1.155, 145
    2. 255x3
    215x8 lost my fingers
    3. 14:17
    Deads 355x3

  33. M/36/5'10/180

    1. 165 (right shoulder is tweaked and walked into the box saying I was going to skip snatches tonight....riiiiight). Failed on 175 and felt it, so shut it down.
    2. 3 x 275 (10# pr from last week), 10 x 225 (failed on #8 at 245 - went way too low on #7 and used all energy to get out of it)
    3. 8:41 rx
    4. Goats:
    1. Romanian DL - sets of 10 - 135# clean grip, 135# snatch grip, 155# clean grip

    Out of time.

  34. 1)165# -155#
    2)235# -200#
    3)13:47 did burpees and doubles between each. Think was right. Just started this programming last week.
    4) 400- 1:43-1:46-1:50 -1:40
    5)Deadlift 295#-255#

  35. M/22/5-5/145
    1) hit 170 failed on 175 but got it overhead just could not settle with it.
    2x2 (155)
    2.)255(old 1RM!)-215
    3.)9:29 DU's have improved a lot with the goat work

  36. Mixed it up due to missed days and limited time:

    1) 275 lb rack jerk

    2) 7:09 Opium Dream (w/o last det of burpees and du's, oops)

    3) 3x500m:
    1:39 damper at 10
    1:41 damper at 8
    1:45 damper at 6

  37. 1.175 got under 185(f) but totally freakin frustrated with the snatch today. Ben I had remembered you telling me at the Crossfit Cape Cod carnival pull and punch up on the bar that seems to still be the thing thats lacking so I worked on some snatch push press 2x5 1@185, 1@205, then some snatch balance 2x5 light @ 155 felt good please let me know if there are some other things that will help my lock out I dont seem to have a problem getting under the bar its just that punch.
    2. 10RM 245pr
    3. opium dream-9:59 I made the standard on the burpee for myself to jump on top of the 45# plate that I used for GTO's. was tripping a little bit on the du's ended with burpees and du's
    4. goats tonight :)
