Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Friday 10.11.13


1.  Pulls
6 x 3-pos. pause Snatch Pull
Pause for 1 full second (1) below the knees, (2) above knees and (3) mid-thigh before powerfully extending the hips and shrugging the shoulders.  Work on strong positioning at every pause.

2. Metcon
60 Double unders
10 Power Snatches, 135/95

3.  Odd Objects/Movements
5 Rounds not for time:
40m between leg sled drag - bend over and keep hands through legs, demo video.
20 weighted sit ups - feet anchored.
10 1-arm DB press (5/side) - go heavy here.

5.  Row
5 x 300m, rest 1 minute

1.  Metcon
"OPEN 11.1"
30 Double unders
15 Power Snatches, 75/55

2.  Skills
3 rounds of:
Max Double unders in 2 minutes
1 minute rest between rounds.


  1. Away this weekend so couldn't resist ...

    1. Open 11.1 = 300 (6 rounds + 30) - 34 rep PR
    2. Double-unders Rx = 158/176/158

    ... traps are fried from the last 3 days.

  2. We can't do sled drag we dont have this equipment.What can we do instead of this ?

    1. There is always a way to do a sled drag, unless you are trying to do it weather that is unsafe.

      Take an old piece of furniture, throw it on its side and tie a set of rings to it, add weight if necessary. It doesn't have to be pretty.

      I have a big puffy lazyboy that my wife would love to see dragged down the driveway....luckily we have sleds :)

  3. Are we working just the pull on the snatch or do we finish the snatch ?

  4. Open:

    1. Metcon - 5rnds + 5 reps.
    2. 100, 120, 36 :(
    That was not my day.

  5. Don't worry about it man, sometimes you are the hammer, sometimes you are the nail.

  6. Gettin ready to hit it, gotta figure out how to rig up the prowler for this, will definitely be interesting.

  7. 1. Pulls- 135, 185, 225, 255, 275, 275

    2. Metcon
    AMRAP 10:
    60 Double unders
    10 Power Snatches, 135/95- Talked over strategy with Shane this morning, glad I did. Singles on the PS from the start. 5 rounds + 60 DU's plus 5 PS, wanted 6 rounds, so close.

    3. Odd Objects/Movements
    5 Rounds not for time- apparently we are in the middle of a super typhoon, this wasn't happening.

    5. Row- 56, 1:00, 1:00, 1:00, 59, 57

    1. me too jeremy! my money chip was 6...got 5 + doubles + 3 snatches

    2. Good shit bro, my dubs went to hell after the first rd!

  8. Reg:

    1. 225 across

    2. 4 rounds, 60 DU, 6 PS, wanted 5 SO BAD! Singles all the way

    3. Beast, even with no timer, had 135 on the sled, only used 45s for the presses, that was not the hard part :)

    5. Row

    Good day again today, legs are wrecked, but enjoyed every minute.

  9. 1) 155/175/195/215/235/255

    2) 3 rds + 33 dubs (dubs went to hell after first rd)

    3) pulled the prowler with 135 loaded on it (this was very uncomfortable, lol)
    65# db for the weighted sit ups and the db presses

    4) 0:51.9/0:55.1/0:56.1/0:57.8/0:56.8

  10. 1) Pulls - 185 across
    2) Metcon - 3 rds + 29 dubs
    3) Used 115 on sled, 55 kb for situps and presses
    4) Avg 1:04

  11. Open:
    1. Metcon- 305 (6 rds + got to 5 snatches)
    2. Had to skip didnt have time ill do it later

  12. Regional
    1) @ 95
    2) metcon - 4 rnds + 7 snatches. Finished the 5th round at 10:23
    3) 185 on sled (did laps on astro-turf), 20 lb slam ball for sit-ups, 30lb dumbbell for presses
    4) will do these tonight!

  13. Regional:

    Pulls: 135,155,185,205,225,225

    Metcon: 5 rounds, really happy this. First wod since the open I've done high volume snatches at 135 and they felt great. Singles the entire way.

    5 rounds not for time

    Sled weight 215

    Sits ups 25lb plate

    DB press 55lb

    Took about 25 minutes, pretty fun. Sled pills were awkward at first.


    Great day.

  14. 1. snatch pulls 135#x3 145# x 3- focused on positions
    2. 5 Rounds +63 - my right calf/leg has been bugging me on and off and it got really flared up today...was able to be pretty consistent ...did first 3 rounds unbroken on snatches...just my calf was killing me on the double unders today
    3. Done (weight of prowler= 75# +90#); 2-35# kbs for weighted situps (bicep burn! lol); 35# dumbbell for shoulder press
    4. Rows- 1:03.6/1:04/1:03.9/1:04.2/1:03.5 - PRETTY CONSISTENT :) i hate being short sometimes! lol but love it MOST of the time :)

  15. 1. snatch pulls 135#, and 185# focusin on stayin on my heels throughout and vertical hips
    2. 10min amrap: 6 rounds even. double unders were good till round 3 then it was back to the usual frustration.
    3. 40m sled drag done with 150# out of pure scrotum preservation. lol
    sit ups with a 55# kettle bell
    1-arm shoulder press done with a 40# db every set
    4. rows: fastest was :53, slowest was :55. tried to stay under a 1:30 pace the whole time.

  16. Open:
    1) 5+43 (268 reps) Stoked on this one!
    2) 47-78-60, rested too long and couldn't string together more than 10! kinda frustrating.

    Had some extra energy so I did #3 of regional programming.
    95 lb sled
    25 lb sit-up
    30 lb press

  17. Reg.
    1. 205x2, 215x2, 220x2
    2.5 rounds, broke PS into 5/5
    3.45+35# plates for drag, holly butt cheeks!, 25# sit up, 45# DB
    4.Fastest 59, slowest 1:00

  18. Open
    6 rounds + 17 scaled to 20 du's and 40 lbs

  19. Regionals
    1.3 pos. snatch pulls-185lbs
    2.3rds +61 reps. Stoked about this. First time doing this many snatches at that weight in a metcon!
    4.Done. All around 56 seconds

  20. Open/Masters 47

    1) 5 rounds plus 43 @ 55#.

    2) 110/119/119

  21. OPEN:

    1) Metcon: 6 rounds + 34 reps.
    2) 2 min. DUs x 3: 142, 112 (had to tie my shoe halfway through), 129.
    3) 7 x 4 Back Squat: (make up from yesterday): 275 across

  22. Open
    1. 7 rds +3- broke snatch rds 4/5
    2. 131/115/105
    Messed around w sqt snatch thruster- 185/225/255/265F

  23. Open/masters (43)

    1- 6rnds
    2 - 141/154/116 ...poor effort on last rnd!

  24. Open/masters (43)

    1- 6rnds
    2 - 141/154/116 ...poor effort on last rnd!

  25. OPEN

    1) 7 rounds.
    Paced too much on the snatches. Gotta learn to move faster also.

    2) 103/51/47
    Didn't go all out. Calves were dead also.

  26. Open
    Metcon - 6 rounds + 27 rx (PR by 20 reps)
    d/u - 133, 122, 127

  27. Open

    1. 5 rounds 39 reps. Wanted to get 6 rounds (chasing Chris :) ) by came up 6 reps short. Felt pretty good.

    2. 110, 117, 108

    Thank you for programming a lighter load today Coach!

  28. AM
    -Front Squats
    1. 225(2), 245(2), 265(2)
    2. WoD 4+65
    3/5. No sled or rower :( Ran 7-400s at a 1:15

    Bench, 8x4 at 215
    Every 0:30 for 15:00
    -1 Pwr Clean at 265
    Yesterdays chipper in 11:15, had to do step downs on the BJs tho (not trying to go hard on BJs after those DUs this morning!)

  29. Open
    1. 6 rds +6 reps (276 total reps)
    2. Did some core work.
    3 rounds not for time: 20 reverse hypers
    15 ghd sit-ups
    10 ball slams

  30. Open
    1.) 5 RDS + 30...was halfway through RD 5 at the 3 min mark when my back got super tight so stopped and went 50% the rest the way:(

    2.) Did some O.H.S x5, kept it light at #155 just to get some comfortability back.

    3.) 180/136/103

  31. Open 2rds plus 2 snatches 1st complete WOD with DU for me
    2 _ 27/28/31 not good at the DU

  32. 1. 225 across on pulls
    Did sled drag first oops. might explain why metcon sucked as much as it did.
    2. 180 on sled 35# sit ups 70# dumbbell
    3. Metcon 3 rounds plus 60 d.u. wish I would have went in the right order. really wanted to test this . oh well.
    4. Done.
    phew... rest up for tomm everyone

  33. Went ahead and did the 3 pos snatch pulls

    Metcon: 6rds + 16 reps (301)

    DU: 168/143/121 wowzah!

  34. 1) pulls
    115kg across

    2) metcon
    4 rds + 51du

    3) 5 rounds
    300m row
    20 weighted situps
    Dumbell press 5/5

  35. Open
    1. 6+34
    2. 161/150/106
    It was a good day

  36. Wasn't able to WOD yesterday, and really need to Oly and Strength work so did 2&3 from yesterday.
    2)115 not on the minute. Took Jons advice and focused on getting under the bar faster and more efficiently. Getting there slowly.
    3) 275 back squat shouldn't be a weakness of mine but my positioning and strength conditioning have really gone down here. Going to keep concentrating on proper form over all else.
    Thanks Jon for all your help today!

  37. 1. 205# 205# 205# 225# 225# 245# nailed Jr.'s head on 1st. Awkward. Better than crushing the boys tho.
    2. 3+69 Rx Singled snatches. Was really hoping to get through 4th round. Snatches did not feel strong at all.
    3. 225# pulled on wooden board, 45# plate held to chest, #53 KB
    4. 600m on AirDyne: 1:02 1:02 1:03 1:02 1:04 wholey legs-no-more!

  38. Open Program
    1) 6 rds - pretty disappointing, matched my PR exactly. Going to write this off as a result of being worn down from Thursdays workout.
    2) 111, 100, 107 - not in it mentally. One of those days.

  39. Open
    1) 5 rounds +30/11
    2) 130/115/128

  40. light clean practice off boxes
    opens wod
    11.1 7rds + 8rx started with snatches first woops
    anyone know how to view our old scores from 2011? I cant seem to find it on games site

    1. yes if u go to the leader board and click the drop down for year it brings up previous years

  41. Regional
    1. Skipped Snatch Pull and did yesterdays 7x4 back squat used 305#
    2. Metcon accidentally did Snatches first then 60 du's. (5rds +9snatches)
    3. Done! 135lb sled, 30db sit ups, 55db press
    4. Skipped. Completed earlier in the week.

  42. Open

    1. 8 rounds + 5 DU
    2. 177- 164-151

  43. Open
    1- 6 rounds + 2 reps

    Made up work from yesterday
    5x5 tng snatches @125#
    7x4 back squat @235#

  44. Open

    1- 5 rounds plus 39...not sure what I got last time i did this, but im sure its a PR of epic proportions

    2- skipped, short on time

  45. Open:

    1.) 5+37

    2.) Make up later this week

  46. Open
    7 full rounds.
    Stoked about this. A ton better than my score from the orig open comp.

  47. regionals
    1- worked on hang snatch worked up to 195
    2-4 rounds even. rough at first on double unders, then got in a rhythm
    3- finished with tabata airdyne bc no rower

  48. Open

    1) 125 reps

    2) Couldn't string DUs at all today. 40-31-25

  49. Open

    1) 4 + 16
    2) 88, 78, 65 --some things to work on here

  50. 1. Pulls - 85 105, 125, 145x3
    2. Metcon - 4+10 - started with snatches oops!
    3. Done - sled at 205# (inside on turf), 25#-35# alt on situps, 20# db for strict press
    4. Rows - 1:03.4, 1:03.9, 1:04.1, 1:03.8, 1:03.6 - Gotta be the most consistent I've ever rowed. Kept pace at 1:46
