Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Saturday 11.2.13

Congrats to Becca for completing SEALFIT.

1.  Track
12 x 400m, equal work/rest.  Goal is to hold the same split every round.

2. Gymnastics
30 Muscle ups for time.

3.  Barbell 
Odd:  8 Front Squats - you choose weight.
Even:  8 Bench Press - you choose weight.

4.  Accessory Work
100 Fast Banded Face Pulls
100 Fast Band Pull aparts
100 Fast Banded Tricep Push downs

6 RFT:
400m Run
20 Pull ups
20 Burpees


  1. Didn't get a chance to do the MU's and I was a little disappointed, the gym our L-1 was at didn't have rings hung high enough for me, or anyone over 5'8'' for that matter.

    Odd: 8 Front Squats - Ended up being back squats, had to share the weight with someone from the L-1. 225
    Even: 8 Bench Press - did 135, in retrospect this should have been higher but I wasn't sure for 80 reps. It actually got easier as it went along.

    Did a team WOD as part of our L-1, wanted to do Fran but this is the 3rd world and the gym was a little limited.

  2. Hey All --
    I am saying this assuming that people care :), so if you don't - you can look past - but I know some of the girls on here that I "check-in" my scores with might :)

    I am doing the workouts a day behind because I have grad school on Monday nights. I was going to the gym after class (8:30), but I was just too run-down and not motivated, so I switched up my rest day from Sunday to Monday. So - just in case you are wondering if I fell off the radar, I didn't. I am just posting a day late! :)

    1. Actually I was wondering what happened to you the other day deb, glad to know you haven't fallen off the radar!

    2. I care Deb. :) it sucks posting in the past though, I did that for a while and definitely fewer people read it. Thanks for letting us know you are still in the game!

    3. I'll be back to on time posting after December 9th! :)

  3. Reg:

    1 - Did 8x800m with 1:1 rest on Thursday, (avg'd just under 3:00) so I did the OTM 5x ctb pullups and 15cal today (only did for 20min cause of time constraints)

    2 - 4:17, huge PR for me by almost 3 minutes! Did first 13 unbroken too! Wanted to hit sub 4 so bad but missed on MU 29. Hungry for next time!

    3 - Right knee a bit sore, gonna rest it till monday

    4 - done

  4. Regionals:

    5'8"/180 lbs./Age 43

    1. Monsoon in the Tampa, FL area so I (gladly) skipped.
    2. 5:59. Last time we did this, I finished in 5:21, but that was with a false grip, probably some reps that didn't have full extension at the bottom and a lengthy adjusting session to get the rings at JUST the right height. These were done with just grab and go on rings that I have to jump to. Pretty happy about this.
    3. Front squats: 185 lbs. Bench: 155 lbs. rounds 1-6 and then 135 for 7 and 8. I thought the front squat would be the killer, but I was wrong as usual.
    4. Did our gym's team WOD with a whole bunch of rowing, wall balls, sand bag cleans, etc. Fun day.

  5. 2) muscle up work while everyone did 30 for time.
    3) bench 85#, front squat 145#
    1) done. 1:40, 1:54, 1:52, 1:52, 2:05, 1:52, 2:02, 2:11, 2:10, 1:46, 1:48, 1:40

  6. Oly clinic today, workin the little things to get better... got the motor going w/ Annie prior to @ 6:36

  7. Reg:

    Not the day I was expecting but still got some decent work in.

    Tried to row for a min and it felt bad from waist down.

    Really wanted to test snatch 1RM....went after it but shouldn't have, spent about an hour warming up and working up to bigger weight but couldn't quite get under it....really pretty tired from the previous days.

    Set up the EMOM with 185 for both....made it 12 minutes. Somehow we guessed weight for this based on 10 min EMOM's....oops, still good work.

    At this point it was 2 hours, just called it for being tired and headed out. See you guys next week :)

  8. Did regional today. Usually do open.

    1) 12 x 400: 1:23, 1:25, 1:24, 1:26, 1:27, 1:28, 1:29, 1:27, 1:28, 1:27, 1:27, 1:28.

    2) 30 MU: 4:55. (PR is 3:57). Tried breaking them into smaller sets. Didn't work like I hoped.

    3) EMOM x 20: Used 185# for front squats and bench press for all 20 minutes. Maybe could have done a bit more on front squats. Didn't do the band stuff.

  9. Open/Masters 43

    Open: 26:36, felt good with the pacing, should have gone faster as had gas left in the tank at the end, shoulders should be recovered for next week, have a good one all!

  10. Open
    OTM x 15 1 strict MU and 2 Kipping
    1) 28:32

  11. 1) 1:27 avg
    2) 4:35 pr
    3) 0# squat/165 bench (groin still healing, so no squats yet)
    4) done

  12. Actually was off today, didn't matter I couldn't do much of the programming anyway. Knee was flared up, had to back off.

    1. Did 1:30 on/ 1:30 off Air Dyne.

    2. 6:21. 10 second PR. Not bad, considering my diet has been dog shit the past week and I feel heavy and slow.

    3. No FS, but did 5 Bench at 225, 5 Weighted PU at #35

    4. Skipped. Instead of the accessory work, we used the time allotted for that that to go shoot guns in the woods.

  13. Open Master:
    33:39 rx- need to PUSH

  14. Open

    27:28. 4 laps around the yard per round.. hilly and bumpy but I'm getting used to it now, averaged 2:10ish per run. Pull-ups felt good, was able to do 10-14 unbroken per round. Burpees were burpees. Grinder, but not as bad as I feared. Happy rest day tomorrow CompWodders!

    1. Just to share.. I am building a Crossfit rig outside by the garage, will have two pull-up bars, rings, and a climbing rope. Holes are dug, got the wood and bars today. Excited!

  15. 1. Done
    2. 30 mu's 3:19 10-5-5 no fails. PR.
    3. Bench: 185# front squat 225#
    4. Done.

  16. 1. Done, didn't time very well.
    2. 7:01 Got pissed around rep 20 and started rushing leading to more misses. Look forward to trying again.
    3. 160/185
    4. Done

  17. my schedule has been off lately with kids home from school on random days.

    1)Friday, I just did the deadlifts and "diane"
    Deads - worked up to 300# for 2, then speedwork at 70%, metcon - 7:04 - I had nothing in my arms.

    2) Saturday - just the track work
    12x400m - started off too fast at 1:14 and couldn't keep that pace. All splits were under 1:27, though the closer I got to the 1:30 minute mark, the easier it was to maintain.

  18. 1) 1:20/1:20/1:21/1:25/1:23/1:25/1:24/1:27/1:30/1:26/1:25/1:22

    2) Huge PR for me today, last time was like 15:47, did it in 8:17 today, cut it almost in half!!! Huge progress today!!!

    3) 205 FS across/185x7, 165x1, 135x2. Shoulders got smoked from holding the front rack on the fs and my bench just went away those last three rds.

    4) done

    1. Also, im really excited to say that in the past 8 months or so ive made huge gains in lean muscle. I last tested body fat % in the dunk tank at the end of february right before I started training with cheryl and I was 224.8 and 16.2%, well I retested today and was 218 and 9.7%!!!! I gained almost 9#'s of lean muscle and lost almost 16#'s of fat!!! Had a total of almost 197#'s of lean muscle, pretty stoked about this, I still cant believe how far ive come!

  19. Open Program
    1) 29:23 - runs were terribly slow (still can't seem to translate the running work from things like "Tosh" to these longer metcons), but burpees were solid and I hit my goal of 30:00, so can't complain.

  20. 1. soccer match instead
    2. 15:20, ~4min slower than PR. 15mu in about 3:30 and then 12+ for remaining 15. Tons of misses.
    3. skipped
    4. done

  21. 1. Under 1:40
    2. Worked drills - having lots of trouble with MUs after trying to swap to neutral grip so back to false
    3. Mixed in MU work instead of bench & kept squats light at 95

  22. 1. 1:23-1:25
    2. 2:34
    3. 185 bench/ 205 front squat.
    4. done

  23. 1- done not sure of exact times, it was taking me around 1:45 per round.
    2- 5:40, no pr but I hit 15 straight which is a pr, but was smoked after, I'll try a rep scheme next time.
    3-FS 205 first half then dropped to 185, bench 185 first half then 155.
    4- done, how do you guys usually do them? I did sets of 50 of each exercise and rotated through.

  24. Done average was 1:30
    30 muscle ups 3:37 all doubles
    OTM done both at 80kg

  25. M/29/5'6"/165 - Regionals
    1. Track - 1:30-1:35 pace for all 400s (last two were the slowest)
    2. 30MUS - 7:29, first time doing this. Opened with 10 and basically went to sets of 3s,2s and singles. Learning experience
    3. 20:00 OTM Work 185 Bench (6 rds, then dropped to 155) 185 FS all 10 rds
