Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Friday 11.1.13

Michele Letendre, Elizabeth Akinwale, and Michelle Kinney.

1.  Pulls
1x2 Dead Lift
7x3 Speed Deads at 70% of the above double.

2.  Metcon
Dead Lift, 225/155

3.  Odd Objects/Movements
1 mile Sandbag Run, 100/70

4.  Rowing
8 Rounds of:
:25 on, :35 off for total meters.

5.  Core Work
3 RFT:
20 second L-Sit
20 KBS, 70/53

1.  Metcon
Dead Lift, 225/155

2.  Skills
For time:
1-2 Strict MU + 1-2 Kipping MU, EMOM x 15 - if you can't do strict MU do 2-4 kipping MU every minute on the minute for 15 minutes.


  1. Open Program
    1) 5:05 - very disappointing, PR is 4:48. Round of 21 was like 1:35 but things fell apart once I switched from strict to kipping HSPU. I really need to improve my kip because at this point staying with a strict HSPU would have been faster for me, even having to rest more between sets.
    2) Did a mash-up of yesterday's strength and today's skills due to equipment and time restrictions:
    EMOM x20, odd: 1 back squat (305), even: 1 strict m-u + 2 kipping m-u - felt really good actually. Squats were tough after the deadlifts in Diane but made it through OK.

  2. 1. Pulls
    1x2 Dead Lift- Worked up to 465 (475 was my old 1RM)
    7x3 Speed Deads at 70% of the above double.- 325

    2. Metcon
    "Diane"- HSPU standards can be nebulous depending on the person and the surroundings. I talked it over with my training partner and decided when it is not specified that I should start doing the Regionals standard 36'' x 24" box . It makes it much harder for a bigger guy like me but I figured I needed to start now training for that standard. Hit 6:25 which is a PR by a little over a minute I believe.

    3. Odd Objects/Movements- Our 400m run course was blocked off so I did sandbag shuttle sprints, farmers walks, with various sandbags and KB's. 3rounds.

    4. Rowing
    8 Rounds of:
    :25 on, :35 off for total meters- Shane you are the man, felt like rowing was a completely different exercise today. Worked on speed back on the return, felt amazing. Was pulling 35-37 SPM at about 1:35 pace for all. Averaged 120-135M

    5. Core Work
    3 RFT:
    20 second L-Sit
    20 GHDSU
    20 KBS, 70/53
    Done, We don't have GHDSU so I did abmat.

    1. Fat fingers, box was 34"x24"

    2. By 34"x24" are you talking defecit hspu???

    3. Hey josh, ha ha I wish I had a deficit Diane that was that fast. No I am talking about the little taped off box that athletes had to perform HSPU in at regionals which was 34 inches wide.

    4. Ok... I figured it had to be something else, thanks!

    5. Happy to help man! With a reach like you have and the strength you have.... You should be owning the rower. Glad to see my tips helping you :)

  3. Hey Ben, what do we do if it's raining outside?

    1. 1. Pulls
      1x2 Dead Lift
      7x3 Speed Deads at 70% of the above double.

      2. Metcon
      Dead Lift, 225/155

      3. Odd Objects/Movements
      1 mile Sandbag Run, 100/70

      4. Rowing
      8 Rounds of:
      :25 on, :35 off for total meters.

      5. Core Work
      3 RFT:
      20 second L-Sit
      20 GHDSU
      20 KBS, 70/53


    1. Pulls
    1x2 Dead Lift-345lbs
    7x3 Speed Deads at 70% of the above double-245lbs.

    2. Metcon
    "Diane"-8:30. LARGE improvement from last time, but I still suck at HSPU.
    Dead Lift, 225/155

    3. Odd Objects/Movements-Didn't have the time or equipment.
    1 mile Sandbag Run, 100/70

    4. Rowing
    8 Rounds of:
    :25 on, :35 off for total meters.-2,014m. I enjoy rowing. Held the split to about 1:32 every round.

    5. Core Work-Done
    3 RFT:
    20 second L-Sit
    20 GHDSU
    20 KBS, 70/53

  5. Had to modify for time

    1) a) 405
    B) 285

    2) 11:55 (I hate hspu, this is where I go from good athlete to chump, all deads unbroken and fast, all hspu suck)

    3) did half of yesterdays otm

    15 min otm

    Odd - 3 - 4 c2b
    Even - 15 cal row

  6. Open:
    Diane - 6:56... not my best, but not my worst. Just let my kip get out of control and started rushing.
    MU - complete, 1 strict/ 2 kip for 8 min, then 2 kip rest of the way.

  7. Reg:

    1. 385
    2. done at 275 as quick of a rest period as I could between and stay fast.

    3. Diane: 5:27, went strict HSPU for 12 in first to gain time, maybe shouldn't have because the last 14 HSPU were resting inverted slow kips. I think I would have been faster to just do first 5 strict then kip the rest for each round... next time.

    4. Nope

    5. 1233 meters after last pull, but before it ran all the way out to 1254. Kept SPM at about 43 and 500 pace sub 1:30 for all. This was a LOT more fun than the 1:40/:20 thing the other day.

    6. 10:10, holy Core Killer today!

    The whole day was a core monster, everything between ribs and mid-thigh have been rendered useless for the rest of the day. Was not as fun doing it alone, but still enjoyed each part once I got going.

    1. Correction, went in and looked at the history on the rower, it showed 1088. I guess it records the timed meters separately from the total rolled out.... anyway, wanted to keep it honest.

  8. Strained my groin first thing Monday morning during squats, so this week has been frustrating. Today was the first day back to almost 100%

    1) 315x7x3
    2) 2:16 stoked about this!
    3) 13:40 - holy calf burn!
    4) 1063m
    5) done

    1. Woah, epic Diane time!

    2. Lightning! I guess it's fair to say that these two movement are in your wheelhouse!

    3. Stellar Diane time - great work.

    4. Thanks y'all. 2 years ago I would dnf the hspus. I timed it when it was posted for 2012 regionals at 4:30ish. I've come a long way!

  9. Diane 'Lite' with DLs at 176lbs
    = 14.33

  10. OPEN
    1. Diane - 5:55 Rx (0:21s off PR pace)
    2. EMOM - 15 - 3 unbroken kipping MU's
    All rounds complete except R14 - failed on 3rd rep

    ... committed to establishing a kipping HSPU - doing these strict is not helping my times ...

  11. Master/ opens
    Diane 4:46rx. :20 pr
    Mu otm- first consecutive mu for me today- so psyched.

  12. Open:

    1. Metcon - 5:15 Rx. Supposed to do everything unbroken, but HSPUs had another opinion. So 15 and 9 rnds were totally broken.
    2. My arms still crushed, and I was rather tired after 9-hour-driving so didn't do.

  13. 1. 21-15-9, 225# DL, 135# PP--3:58, everything unbroken. HSPU not happening today
    2. EMOM12: 3 C2B, 6 ring dips.

  14. Open

    1) 3:21

    2) 50 total (all kipping, don't have strict, hurts my elbows)

  15. Open
    1. 4:14 pr by over a minute

    2. 2 rounds of 2 strict 2 kipping then last the strict and did 4 kipping every minute

  16. Reg:

    1. Did Wendler Deadlifts (clean grip), pulled 395x8 on my 5+ set

    2. "Diane" - 2:29 (+27sec PR!) went unbroken, however after video review, I only did 14 deads in the 15R. Bummer

    3. 19:53 - 1 mile farmers carry (800m with 4pood, 800m with 3 pood). I dont know why I thought 2poodx2 would be a good idea

    4. 1208m total averaged about 134m per interval.

    5. 8:48. Slowed down transition time so I could go unbroken.

    Keep it up everyone!

  17. Open/Masters 43

    Diane: 11:00 This was more like a slow technique wod than metcon, due to the really bad HSPU. Shoulders and arms were just not working today.
    M.U.: Only did 2 rounds, as arms are toast.
    Tomorrow is a new day.

  18. 1. 1x2 405#
    7x3 315#
    2. Diane: 4:19, really wanted sub 3. My triceps were toasted.
    3. Rows: stayed at 139-140 then at the end got 157
    4. 8:04

  19. Open:
    1."Diane": 2:34 thats a 30 sec pr so pretty happy!
    2. Done

  20. Jumped in late on the training session today so did out of order so I could work with my training partners...

    2. Diane - 6:35 - DLs felt great, still a lot of work to so on HSPU
    3. 18:20 - This was terrible. No sandbags so we loaded up barbells and ran with them on our backs. Shoulders went numb after about 800m. ha!
    1. DL 1x2 275# and 7x3 195#
    4. 954m total
    5. done in around 10 min

  21. 1x2 deadlift 450#
    7x3 @315#
    Diane 3:09 huge pr . Jeremy used your hand placement standard thought that was a great idea
    skipped run due to time
    row averaged 1:43
    And im spent. great work today everyone

    1. Dude, awesome Diane time. I have good ideas every now and then.....

  22. Open:

    1) Diane 8:06

    2) Did 1 strict + 1 kipping for 4 rounds. Had to switch to all kipping after.

  23. Reg:
    1x2: 480
    7x3: 335

    Diane: 2:12!! PR!! Did all unbroken only had to kip the last 4 hspu. Old PR was 2:49

    No row. Rowed yesterday cause no air dyne.

    SB carry run:16:37...I hate running..lol

    3RFT: 6:53

  24. Open
    1) 5:26 Rx
    2) started with 3 kipping and ended with 1 kipping. Shoulders are smoked! Need to work my transitions for strict MU

  25. Regionals

    2. Diane: 3:18 @RX
    Fastest Diane I have ever done. My 2012 Regional Diane was 5:26 Can't believe how strong and fast I have gotten through this programming. Cant thank you enough!

    3. 1 mile 70lb sandbag Run: 14:51

    Fridays are tough for me only had time for those two today.

  26. Did part of REGIONAL today. Usually do Open.

    1) 1 x 2 DL: 385#
    7 x 3 Speed DL: 220# (accidentally did 60% instead of 70%)

    2) Diane: 2:19 Rx. (Old PR was 2:32) Everything unbroken. Didn't have to kip any.

    3) Row intervals: 131-138 range. 1052 total meters. Didn't have time for sandbag run or core work.

  27. 1. 405. 425 and my back started to round on the 2nd. Stopped and called it 405. 285 for the triples

    2. Man. This sucked big time. I don't even want to post my score because I was so bad at this today. The handstands were rough, going to hit those hard in the next few months. GOT to get better in the handstand realm. 7:45. This is 2 full minutes off my PR. Just felt shitty. All the deads were unbroken though. Oh well, suck it up and move on.

    3. 15:01. Did it with an 80# sandbag and a 20# vest. Slow and steady wins the race. Now I understand how it feels to weight 310# and try to run a mile. Tough.

    4. Total distance was 1199. Tried to keep splits sub 1:30, but my booty was screamin.

    5. 7:42. This is just, put your head down and grind through.

    Tough training day. Didn't look that bad on paper, but today was a grinder.

    1. On a side note: This is the type of day where it really pays to have a training partner.

  28. Open
    6:30 Diane... Not a PR but definitely getting much better with deadlifts

    No muscle ups right now so worked on stricter chest to bar chin ups and ring dips

  29. Open

    1.) 3:49...1:01 PR, all my extra hspu work has paid off! Awesome job by people on here. Sub 3 is nuts

  30. 1. Diane
    7:27 rx (this is 3:31 pr from last time I did it in July.)
    2. Run with awkward object. One-mile run with 20lb wall ball. 10:50

  31. Open:
    1. 5:36- PR- hit 21 hspu, i paid for it in 15's & 9's
    2. Snatch complex from yesterday
    Worked up to 205#!
    3. Didnt mess w MU' s shoulder is still funky and we have a couple pullups tomorrow

  32. 3) at or under 13:00... halfway down the hill when i saw leard hit the door with a 12:30something, then realized it was the end of the course, quit running like i didn't know how much longer i had to go and hauled it in. this was... fun! (can't believe i just said that about RUNNING.)
    4) :25/:35 - 1065m - rowing without a lean. yuck!
    1) 1x2 - 285# (then went on to hit a PR for 1 at 315#. oops.) 7x3 -
    2) diane - 5:31 Rx (1:30 PR!)
    5) subbed toes to bars for GHDSU... hurt up tailbone. : (, 3 RFT - 9:30ish

  33. OPEN

    1) 3:12 rx (4 seconds PR)

    2) Went up to 12 minutes (4-3-3-3-3-3-3-2-3-3-3-2)

  34. Got back in after work and finished what I couldnt this morning

    1 mile 100# sandbag run - 11:47

    8 rds :25 on/ :35 off - averaged 1:28.5 and went 1129 meters

    Core work done in 8:27

  35. Open

    1.Diane 7:00
    2. No muscle ups ( elbow issues)

  36. Open

    1. "Diane" - 5:17, a 3:08 PR! Last time I did this was 11/29/12, got 8:33. Before that was 4/20/12 and it was 8:25. I am please to see I improved by over 3 minutes in less than a year. DLs were 21, 8/7, 9. Felt the best they have in a long while. Came off the wall only once, first 10 hspu were strict.

    2. Did 2 "strict" muscle ups OTM15 on low rings, from an L position. I say "strict" because I am using a mini kip on these, so not truly STRICT! Does that still count? Comments please...

    Left ankle is still on the rebound since wake boarding injury in June.. Shoulders are behaving, back almost fully healed... Feeling positive! Here's to staying healthy and injury free!

  37. Regionals
    1. Warmed up for Diane
    2. 5:38min (almost a minute and a half PR)... DL's felt super easy, shoulders were destroyed after the first 21 unbroken HSPU
    3. Did this one with 4 people total. Rotated every 200m: had 1 x 70# sandbag, used 45# plates for other 200m runs
    4. 3 rounds of 60# med ball ground to shoulder length of gym, then 7 ground to shoulder with 100# and run 100# length of gym
    5. Completed (not for time)

  38. Regionals
    1. 1x2- 495 (this is 10 lbs above my 1 rep PR!)
    7x3- 345

    2. Diane 4:33 (+17 seconds from PR) I was dead after the strength

    3. No sand bag and no time

    4. 1235 meters. Kept all rows at 1:32 or under.

    5. Clock was no longer available. Either way, it was rough.

  39. Open
    1) 5:07 23 sec PR
    2) will do tomorrow

  40. Deadlifts, completely messed up this part. Went lighter on both parts then I should have.

    Diane- 2:02 RX (30 second PR). I broke up my Deadlifts on my set of 15 (10 and 5) and set of 9 (5 + 2+ 2). Unbroken on HSPU. I need to hold the bar longer because I had the same problem with Grace the day before. I'm happy with this though. Training partner Lee People's got a nice PR today as well!!

    Row - 1012 meters

    Huge oly lifting session for me tomorrow so I needed to take off a little today. Great job to everyone today and congrats on all the new PRs!!!

  41. 1. Pulls
    1x2 Dead Lift ---> 295lbs
    7x3 Speed Deads ---> 205lbs

    2. Metcon
    "Diane" ---> 8:10

    3. Odd Objects/Movements
    Completed a buddy carry (185lbs) x5 at 50meters distance in place of run.

    4. Rowing
    ---> 1,097 Meters

    5. Core Work
    ---> 6:38

  42. Open:
    Diane- 7:08. This was a pr but I can feel a big improvement coming. Gymnastics has been a big priority lately.

    M.u. - managed sets of 3 emom at first. Ended up switching to doubles after 5 minutes. Round 14 and 15 were singles.

  43. Open
    1. "Diane" - 23:08, was more of a HSPU practice.
    2. MUs - 1 strict on a minute.

  44. Did a bit out of order due to work and access to different equipment during day.
    4. 1131m, done with interval setting and added up meters for each interval
    1. a. 425# b. 295# felt much faster than last week
    2. 4:40, huge 2:50 PR from July 17th!
    3. skipped
    5. about 10:39, subbed 10# weighted deficit leg lifts off of box for GHDSU

  45. Open:
    1. "Diane" - 5:43 @185# This is a 1:13 PR in 2 months!
    2. Complete - 2 strict pull-ups and 2 butterfly pull ups EMOTM for 15min

    I completed this yesterday and can report that my upper back is sore today...I'm hoping it is from the pull ups and not Diane!

  46. Deads 200kg
    70% 140kg
    Diane 3:11
    2.5km run with weight vest
    8 rounds lowest 143m highest 148m
    Held 1:25 pace
    No GHD so did 3 rounds
    20 sec L sit
    5 stict 15 kip TTB
    20 kbs @ 32

  47. Open
    Over 3 min PB - proper excited by that

  48. Dreads 200kg
    70% 140kg
    Diane: 2:09 (47sec PR)
    Run: 16x100m shuttle with 50Lbs vest + 50Lbs sled drag
    Rows: 143 highest/130 lowest 1:37ish pace avg
    Core: no GHD - Sub 5 strict + 15 TTB
    TIME: 8:57

  49. M/29/5'6"/165 - Regionals

    1. DL 2 reps 405 then 7x3 @ 300.
    2. Diane - 2:10 (Not a Pr but felt okay)
    3. Row -1132 meters
    4. Midline WOD - 5:20
