Sunday, October 6, 2013

Monday 10.7.13

A class at CFNE warming up.

1. Snatch
After a sufficient warm up complete the following on the minute:
Min 1:  1 rep at 85%
Min 2:  1 rep at 85% +5#
Min 3:  1 rep at 85% + 10#
Min 4:  1 rep at 85%
Min 5:  1 rep at 85% +5#
Min 6:  1 rep at 85% + 10#

2.  Clean and Jerk
work up to a heavy single, not max.

3.  Metcon
"Nasty Girls"
3 RFT:
50 Squats
7 Muscle ups
10 Hang Power Cleans, 135/95

1.    Metcon
"Nasty Girls"
3 RFT:
50 Squats
7 Muscle ups
10 Hang Power Cleans, 135/95

2. . Snatch
10 x 1, OTM at 70-75%


  1. Open:
    1. Nasty Girls - 8:02
    2. Squat Snatches 10x1 - 165

  2. Open?Masters 43
    1. Nasty Girls: 11:59, ok with this as dealing with a tight back, had to go slow and steady, felt like Rocky doing muscle ups outside in the dark, stormy weather etc.
    2. Snatches: 10 x 1 at 125

  3. Open
    1) 9:03 Went to single MUs too early, feel like I haven't done them in forever
    2) no time

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. 1. Nasty Girls - 6:59

    2. Snatches 10x1 OTM @ 70kg

  6. Reg:

    1. Done (155, 160, 165) no misses

    2. 185, 205, 225, 235....probably should have stayed at 225, but 235 is not a max, just close.

    3. 7:41, couldn't string MU's after first round...all esle was good and fast. Last few MU's had WAY too much rest in between.

    1. Somehow I knew you were going to have some silly time on this met con.

    2. HAHA! My training buddy beat me by a minute, and that's with a slighty bum knee!

  7. Reg:
    I didn't treat my body well this weekend so keep that in mind when you read my numbers.

    Snatch- pretty much a jumble of 175 and 185. Was not feeling it this morning.

    C&J- ended at 245. That felt pretty solid.

    Metcon- 11:01. Felt gross the entire time. Had to sweat out the poison. I'll hit it hard tomorrow.

  8. 1. Snatch- Was sharing the "platform" with someone else making EMOM work impossible. Did squat snatch+ drop snatch complex. Hit 205, Missed 225 snatch.

    2. Clean and Jerk- Hit 275, hit clean on 305 and missed the jerk. This is a 15 lb PR on squat clean but it was not max effort.

    5. Metcon
    "Nasty Girls"
    Did a bastardized version of this one since I ran out of time, usually I start during the 430 class and continue into the 515 Open gym but the 430 class was packed. Did an amrap 5 of Nasty Girls. Made it through 1 round and back to muscle ups on the second.

    1. Nice work Jeremy! 305 is a PR, but not max effort.....I don't think that happens too often.

    2. People don't need to wonder anyone if you will get stronger on this program. Just take a look at my numbers and your numbers and compare to when we started......

  9. Finally had a chance to do "Barbell" from last saturday and my quads are still destroyed. Suffice to say that today was a rest/mobility day. Time was 21:07 RX.

  10. 1. Done @ 135, 140,145. Its getting there. Trying to gain my confidence back in the bottom position.

    2. 185, 205, Failed 225 attempt. Still trying to get the strength back in my legs. I have hit 235 before just need to build back strength.

    3. Metcon 6:39. Unbroken on first two sets of MU's, broke the 3rd into 4 then 3. Unbroken on 1st two sets of squats and a couple micro pauses in the 3rd. Re gripped a couple times on the 3rd round of cleans. Good day when you beat your training partner that gets you most of the time. (Shane H)

  11. Open:

    11:43 C2B in place of MU
    10x1- 6 reps at 135, 4 reps at 155 felt good...

  12. OPEN
    1. Nasty Girls - 8:03 Rx (4:32 PR from a year ago - boyah!)
    2. Squat Snatch (OTM) - 10x1 @ 135#

    1. Not a bad PR right there, congrats buddy

    2. Nice bro I got 8:24 your then one on here Im chasing.. look out! ;)

  13. Master open: Nasty girls: 15:46 rx! Big day, I've wanted to do this rx since my first pull up in 2007.

  14. Open:
    1) 11:45 @ 120# (the only scaling i did)
    2) 115# Squat snatch OTM

  15. 1)155-160-165
    2) 245
    3) 7:22 (quads are on fire, saturday did 11min trushthers 7@95,7@135 with add one burped every minute over bar)

  16. Anyone in the Bradenton Lakewood ranch area in floridamk. I have to be there for a wedding at the end of the month and it is always hard to drop into a box and hope I can do whatever we have programmed here as a drop in. hoping one of yall might be in the area and can train with you. thanks

    1. i know the owner of crossfit LWR...his name is Aaron Weedo...super awesome guy him up!! He will work with you!

    2. My hotel is waking distance from crossfit lwr that's great news. do you mind if I drop your name as who reffered me?

    1. 85% was 125#, completed each snatch
    2. Cleaned 185 but didnt jerk it cuz my shoulder has been hurting a bit.
    3. Metcon 8:31

  18. Open:
    1. Nasty Girls - 7:45 Rx
    2. Squat Snatches 10x1 - 195

  19. Open:
    1: Nasty Girls - 5:00 everything unbroken.
    2. 170# roughly 70%

    1. Hoho! Amazing pace and power. Wanna be like you man!

    2. Thanks bro! short wods never give me a problem, however, look for me to be at the bottom of the leader board on a 12 min amrap lol

    3. This is a 12+ min workout for most people :)

  20. Open
    1. 12:53 (substituted 7 pull-ups & 7 ring dips for the 7 MUs)
    2. Squat Snatch (OTM) - 10x1 @ 85#

  21. Open Masters 40-45 5'7" 230#



    I am seeing a lot of improvent very fast. I am getting excited.....

  22. 1) 85% was 105 - I missed my 2nd attempt at 115
    2) worked up to 150#
    3) metcon: 16:44 - not amazing but the first time I have even attempted it, so I'm happy

  23. metcon- 8:45 (substituted 7 pull-ups & 7 ring dips for the 7 MUs)

  24. Open:

    1.) 14:35 (Shoulder still banged up, couldn't do MUs. Scaled 3 PU/3 Bench Dips per MU)

    2.) Done at 60% (95#)

  25. Open:
    Nasty Girls - 5:53rx
    snatch - 115# across

  26. OPEN:

    1) 5:28 Rx.
    2) 5 reps at 155#. 5 reps at 165#.

  27. Reg.
    1-190 to 200
    2-stopped at 265
    3- 7:19

    Havent had a chance to eat today. Really tired...

  28. 1) snatches 185,190,195. No misses
    2) heavy single at 230
    3) 9:30, when I think i have a good time I look at the posts on here and I'm dropped back to earth!!

  29. Open
    1) 8:33 - 5MU per round
    2) 135#

  30. Rough day. Just felt sore, slow, not very strong, glad the volume was a bit lower.

    1. 200, 205, 210 miss, 200, 205, 210 miss. That effing 210 bar felt like a 410 bar for some reason.

    2. 255, power clean and push jerk. Knee is feeling funky.

    3. Modified for the knee. Amrap 7 of 5 muscle ups, 5 clean and jerks. Wish this knee was okay, this is one I have never done, but have always wanted to.

  31. 1) made first 2 minutes failed the rest, lightened up to 155# and hit a couple there. Snatch is very frustrating for me, most of the time it sucks, every now and then I get a glimor of hope and it cones together for a nice lift, lol!

    2) 275# this is a 20# PR and felt like I had at least another 10#'s in the tank, clean and jerk is feeling really good and getting strong!

    3) 12:39

    1. Congrats on the PR man!

    2. Thanks bro, been on cloud 9 since I left the box! My jerk used to be horrible, it was like a split jerk press, lol! Its finally coming together! Got it on video too,

    3. And congrats on ur 305 clean, I'm gunning for the 300 club myself, hopefully soon!

  32. Open
    1. 7:26- broke MU's 3rd rd 5/2- would have been PR but i video'd it and was 3 sqts short...miss counted...damn,
    2. 185x9, 205x1

  33. 1. 185,190,195,185,190,195 then hit 200 just for fun. everything was solid today.
    2. 285 for heavy single. which is also a pr for the jerk. any higher would have been a max so I stopped
    3. 9:24 m.u. continue to be a goat of mine. unbroken 1st round 5 and 2 second round singles last round. everything else unbroken . trying to improve everyday. keep grinding everyone.

  34. Open
    1. No muscle ups right now so I
    did 3 round of 10PC #115/10burpees instead for met con 4:16
    2. Snatch workat #95

  35. Open
    1.) Snatched first...70% - #135 across, needed to iron this out before any weight jump.

    2.) 5:56...was right on pace for 5 min then failed the 7th muscle-up on round 3 which killed it. On the bright side, my forearms had a nice swole session!

    1. Thanks brotha! You as well, per usual. Love competiting with everyone.

  36. 1. snatch: 215,220,225--- hit all but 1 rep at 225. just caught it loose. i bounce back and got that rep.
    2. worked up to 315. been focusing on rowing the bar into my lap and its progressively killing me haha so the experiment is over.
    3. metcon: 7:15
    that was a really fun one.

  37. 1-snatch work
    had a couple fails in there. working hard on my snatch. I have been stuck at 235 for almost a year. any advice or tips would be helpful. on the bright side my metcon work and gymnastics is far improved, so not all bad.

    2- "nasty girls"
    first time doing this wod
    7:34 rx
    had to do strict seated muscle ups from my rack in the garage because no gym today. all singles but no fails.

  38. Open:
    1) 8:10. upper body felt fatigued and took too many breaks on muscle ups
    2) 145 across

  39. Open
    1. 7:06...2mu's per round
    2. 95#

  40. 1. 170# 175# 180#
    2. 185#-235#
    3. 12:11 muscle ups slow but huge pr for how quickly I could do the sets of them.

  41. Regional
    1. Didn't have it tonight on the snatch. Working a wider grip and really trying to row the bar into my body then open to full extension of the hips. 205, 210, 215F, 205, 210F, 215 (weird)
    2. 275#
    3. 6:10 First time able to string all 7mu's all 3 rds! Grip shot on final 10 H.PC's

  42. Open
    1) 7:50 PR by 1:56
    2) 175 no misses

  43. Open Program
    1) 9:19 - air squats are a weakness of mine, but the other two movements went fairly well. Cleans unbroken, m-u were mostly 3's and 2's but pretty short breaks.
    2) Done at 145

  44. Open/Masters 47

    1) 5:04, scaled to 35 squats, 2 muscle ups and 80# cleans. However, I couldn't get any muscle ups in round two so after 3 tries I did 5 C2B and moved on. Then in round 3 I got 1 muscle up. I scaled this way down at the suggestion of my coaches to keep me moving as fast as possible.

    2) 10/1 OTM snatch done with 65#, not 70% but close enough as shoulder is a little tweaked.

    3) did some thrusters at 95# due to upcoming comp.

  45. Open
    1) 6:39 jumping bar mu's/95#
    2) 95#

  46. Open

    1) "Nasty Girls" - 9:12

    Really disappointing. Was headed for a time in the 7-ish, but then got stuck on the last 3 muscle-ups for about 2 minutes. Didn't feel tired or anything ; they just wouldn't happen... Movements that were reliable in the past like muscle-ups, HSPUs and double-unders have been giving me trouble lately.

    2) Snatch - Done @ 145 lbs. Felt easy.

  47. Open

    1. Nasty girls... Dang it I still don't have high rings setup. Had to do this on low rings, so no kipping.. Semi strict with the smallest band. Ended up with 10:42, but it was the squats that slowed me down! Still don't think I'm fully recovered.

    2. 145 across. These felt great once I warmed up. Amazing how snatches feel so awkward to me at first when I do them each time. And we must snatch 2-3 time a week.. Anyone else feel that way? Trying to focus more on technique as I'm fighting the tendency to be forward.

  48. Open
    1. 7:22 rx'd
    2. 135# across

  49. Open
    1. 4:53 scaled way too heavy, but a work in progress 35 squats, jumping ring mu's, 55 lb
    2. 50#

  50. First post here
    1) 176, 180, 190f, 176, 180, 190f
    2) went to 225
    3) 10:40 rx

  51. OPEN

    1) 7:06 rx
    Felt good, 1st time stringing MUs since shoulder injury. Happy with this time.

    2) 165-170 power snatches
    My squat snatches are solid and power snatches need a little work. So switched for today.


  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. Day 1 of this program. I had to stop my previous training plan do to time commitments. I really like how you organize this stuff. Its lowish volume so we are not burnt out. I got this all done in 35 min today. Not ideal for proper warmup and cool down, but it is the best I can do.

    Snatch-stayed 195
    C&J missed 265 jerk
    Air squats are not one of my strong points. If I go fast, I miss reps.

  54. 1) 160-165-170
    2) worked up to 205, about 90%
    3) Nasty Girls - 6:57

  55. 1) 200,205,210
    2) 265--still recovering from a slight disk bulge, some days are better than other, this wasn't one of those days
    3) Nasty Girls-- 8:00

  56. Open
    1- 11:59. Could not get my muscle ups together

    2- 155

  57. Snatch: 185, 189, 196 x 2
    C and J: 275
    NG: 8:02

  58. Snatch: got up to 221, failed 226 multiple times
    CJ DNP
    NG: 9:31 squats were slow, broke up rds 2n3 MU to 5/2, 4/3

  59. 1) snatch 75 - 77,5 - 80 - 75 - 77,5 - 80 kg

    2) got up to 107,5kg

    3) Nasty Girls 8:13 (bar muscle ups, no rings yet)

  60. Open
    1) 8:35 rx..last round of muscle ups was atrocious(2,2,1,1,1)
    2) done 145 across
    3) Airdyne work

  61. Newbie here :))

    1. Snatch 115, 120, 125 all good
    2. C&J worked to 165
    3. Nasty Girls 15:15 subbed 3 c2b & 3 ring dips per MU - transitions ate my time

  62. 7:04 JBMU
    160# snatch felt light and solid form on all of them

  63. Open:
    1) 12:22 (95#, MU trans)
    2) 75#

  64. Open:

    1. 9:51...first time doing this. pretty happy until i saw some other times up here. crazy.

    2. ran out of time. crazy day with some power outages.

  65. Nasty girls 13:45 with 4 muscle ups a round
    Snatch 75% 105 otmem x10

  66. Regionals:

    1) Snatch: 150-155-160-150-155-160

    2) Clean & Jerk: #230

    3) Metcon: 8:10 --- I think that this may be a PR but forgot the look for the old time before posting this.

  67. Open
    Muscle up meltdown
    80-90kg snatches
