Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Thursday 10.17.13

Happy Anniversary Heather.

1.  Snatch Skills
8 x 3 Snatch from low hang.

2. Clean and Jerk Skills
High Hang Squat Clean with 3 second Pause at the bottom + Jerk - work up to a moderate to heavy single.

3.  Squats
3x8 Back Squats, across

4.  Gymnastic Skills
100 Shoulder taps - free standing or against wall.

5.  Metcon
OPEN 13.4
AMRAP 7 of:
3 CJ, 135/95
6 CJ, 135/95
9, 12, 15... continue up the ascending ladder as far as possible in 7 minutes.

1.  Metcon
OPEN 13.4
AMRAP 7 of:
3 CJ, 135/95
6 CJ, 135/95
9, 12, 15... continue up the ascending ladder as far as possible in 7 minutes.

2.  Clean and Jerk Skills
High Hang Squat Clean with 3 second Pause + Jerk - work up to a moderate to heavy single.

3.  Strength
3x3 Front Squat


  1. Where Is The First Pause On Part 2 Of Open WodTo Be?

    1. Why Are You Capitalizing Every Word?

      Clearly the description has a screwup in it.. Pause at the bottom of the squat.

    2. I was wondering the same preacher man. Thanks for the correction Ben.

  2. Gonna have to take a rest day thursday so did it wednesday.
    Had time so did Regionals:
    1. Hit 185# pr
    2. Stayed light to work on jerk form 225#
    3. 265
    4. done
    5. 5 complete rounds (90 reps) 16 higher than what i did in the open. could have gone harder and got more. Kind of disappointed...

    1. Darren, no offense bro but you are looking at that the wrong way. 16 reps more is huge, if you could have gotten more then do so next time. Take the positive from the situation and keep building!

  3. Had to flip the day based on equipment setup and current surroundings. Will do the oly work and squats later in the day.

    Metcon- Game planned this one possibly a little too much. 87 reps, 4 rep improvement from last time. Singles on the clean and jerk and sets of 3 on the ttb. Last time I went to failure on both which obviously didn't work. Normally I am scraping myself off the floor for metcons and I wasn't even really tired. So that let's me know that a smart/all out effort will get me pretty close to 100 reps.

    1. 1. Snatch Skills- Worked 3 position squat snatch, had to have someone come up with a snatch program that attacks my areas of improvement.

      2. Clean and Jerk Skills- Worked up to 275

      3. Squats
      3x8 Back Squats, across- 335

      4. Gymnastic Skills
      100 Shoulder taps - finished in 2:54

  4. Open
    Metcon - 80 reps RX
    C&J Skills - 200Lbs
    FS - 240lbs

    1. Nice work Stas!

    2. But I feel very weak at "strength" movements such as C&Js with more than 135lbs and so on. And can't keep good pace. So now I'm going to try more strength and Oly Lifting-oriented program.

  5. Open

    Metcon- 60 reps RX (gonna keep working the gymnastic movements since that's what slows me down) 6 rep improvement from the spring nonetheless.
    C&J- 225
    FS- 245

  6. Reg:

    Snatch- 95, 135, 155, 175, 195 (failed last rep), 175, 175, 175

    C&J- worked up to 235

    B/S- 275 across. Felt awesome.

    13.4- 90. Did not feel awesome.

  7. Reg:

    1. 155's

    2. worked up to 225

    3. 255 across, knees were under control, may start back on pursuit of big boy weight now.

    4. skipped due to time and fear of not having shoulders for WOD.

    5. 98, 2 rep PR from OPEN, 92 in August on a very similar day. I think that could be chalked up to improvement! TTB weren't really a problem, bar moved every time I tried, the only thing slowing me down was bar speed on recovery and a flaming lack of oxygen in my glutes and hips.

    Really happy I set a PR on this today....definitely getting better.

  8. My first post on here, my name is Josh, M/36/188... will be following the Open WOD!

    Open - 64 reps: ttb were no prob, sustaining power is my weakness as #135 c&j proved difficult...
    Pause - 174... last one was just above the knee, not a true high hang
    FS - 205 across

    Appreciate any and all feedback, thanks for letting me join in!

    1. The high hang shouldn't be anywhere near the knee, that would just be the hang. HH should be at pockets.

    2. Welcome bud. trust the programming follow it and improvement will come. great group on here and some great athletes to gauge off of.

    3. Welcome bud. trust the programming follow it and improvement will come. great group on here and some great athletes to gauge off of.

    4. @Mike... yea, my last successful HH was #165, failed twice at 174 so I moved to a hang to end on a pos. Thanks all for the welcome, looking fwd to progressing to the next level!

    5. Ah, got ya. Your going to love it!

  9. Open:

    1) 88 reps new PR :)

    2) #245 no miss

    3) #245

    Good day today.

  10. 1. 72reps
    2. Clean with hold and Jerks 130
    3. 145, 145 (failed on 3rd rep), 140

  11. OPEN
    1. 13.4 - 67 Rx (PR 72)
    2. Clean Complex (OT2M) - 145-155-165-175-185 Rx
    3. FS 3x3 @ 245-260-270 (5# PR)

    ... got to build some capacity on volume C&Js ... TTB unbroken - - the overhead work from Tuesday was lingering ... good times regardless.

  12. Metcon
    Open 13.4 = 97 Reps versus 88 in the 2013 Open

    High Hang Clean + Pause + Jerk = 104kg - New PB

    Back Squat 5 x 3 @ 120kg

  13. Open:
    1. 66 reps
    2. 125#
    3. 155#, 160#, 165#

  14. Open/Masters 43

    Ugh, tried to go today, 2 minutes into the metcon and then just couldn't go anymore. Still recovering from Monday's and Tuesday's workouts. Sore and stiff everywhere, fatigued. As a chiropractor, I would tell my patients it is a good sign to take a day off, just really hard to do. Need to increase my sleep, and look at glutamine?
    Just did 3 x3 front squats at 225.
    Hopefully full game on tomorrow.

    1. Peter - I hear you. I had one of those days too. I was "in my own head". In a weird way, I was hoping that I was becoming ill because I just didn't feel it today. It rarely happens to me, so hopefully we'll both bounce back tomorrow!!

    2. Thanks Jon, yes there is aways tomorrow to look forward to.

  15. Open:
    1) 13.4 = 61 reps, +20 rep increase over the open! Huge improvement there.
    2) C&J Complex:185# - had issues locking out the jerk. Clean & pause felt easy.
    3) FS 205-225-245

    Squatted alone, So I didn't push it today. Definitely had more in the tank.

  16. 1) 85 across
    2) only worked up to 140
    3) 185 across. Pretty happy with this
    4) worked on shoulder taps for a while. Did not get near 100
    5) only 88, 5 reps off pr. Hoping its bc I was pretty tired after 1-4

  17. 1. 165 for the first 3, but missed 2 total lifts, so I dropped to 155 and concentrated on keeping it close and being fast underneath of the bar and back out of the hole.

    2. Worked up to 245. Felt good, felt strong.

    3. 255, 260, 265. In june, 265 was a 3RM for a high bar BS. I was always more of a low bar squatter, especially during get huge last year. Changed to high bar to get better with the olympic lifts.

    In short, Ben will make you strong.

    1. Awesome to see others making such fast gains, great work Danny!

    2. Thanks dude! The gains this year have been just as fast with get huge last year, and this time, I don't get winded running down the street.

    3. 100 taps. Wasn't sure if this was supposed to be for time or not, didn't specify so I just did it anyway, 2:54. Did them against the wall, no free standing.

      Pumped on this one. 15 Rep PR from the open. 90 Total. Went all out, felt good.

  18. 1. 185/185/205/205/205/205/215/225x2 (missed the last rep)
    2. up to 275
    3. 365/365/385 (felt good so i went up on the last set)
    4. done. did not time.
    5. uh, this was a struggle. I finished 12 ttb. was only moving at abuot 50% intensity. movin heavy weight before drained me!

  19. Open
    13.4 - 93 reps
    C&J skills - 205#
    Front Squat - 275 x 3 , 285 x 3 , 295 x 2

  20. Hit this one straight through...holy smokes I am exhausted...

    1) 155x3, 165x3, 175x1, 185x1
    2) 185, 205, 225, 235, 245, 255 failed jerk
    3) 295 Across
    4) 6:43....75 on a wall / last 25 free standing
    5) 88 reps...not a PR but after all this volume I was smoked and happy to crack 80

  21. Open:
    1. 56 reps I don't know what happened here. Unfortunately it was 4 reps less than my original attempt. I think I was watching the clock too much and thought I had more than enough time.
    2. 175# this was a squat clean & jerk. I forgot that it was supposed to be a HH. Again, I guess my head wasn't in the game.
    3. 155# x 3 across

    Looking forward to tomorrow.

  22. Started following compWod on the 15/08/13 and this was the 1st wod I got 70reps...

    Today I got 88 reps 18 rep PB! Very happy! Great programing.

    Clean and jerk complex 95kg PB also.

  23. Started following compWod on the 15/08/13 and this was the 1st wod I got 70reps...

    Today I got 88 reps 18 rep PB! Very happy! Great programing.

    Clean and jerk complex 95kg PB also.

  24. Open
    1)75, again I held the bar too much. Much faster with singles. Got 88 in the Open and I am much better with T2B now. Next time we do this and I decide not to do singles someone smack me in the back of the head!
    2)235, love the HH, nothing to do but get under that bar
    3) Started a Hatch squat program courtesy of Mel

  25. 1. Low hang 235#
    2. High hang clean 300#
    3. 345# back squat across
    4. Done
    5. 13.4- 95 reps. PR'd by 3 reps from the open but still really, really frustrating. Like sets me on fire frustrating.

  26. Regional:

    1. Worked up to 195# for 3 sets, working on locking down that technique!
    2. 275#
    3. Did Wendler Front Squats

    5. 106 with a judge (2 no reps, both on the T2B)
    Started WoD and got a few reps into the round of 12 before the clock shut off! Rested about 10 minutes and then hit it again. Super stoked about this! 7 rep PR from the open!

  27. 1) 105 x 2, 115 x2, 125 x 2, 135 x2
    2) Worked up to 185
    3) 185-205-215 - I know, across
    4) Done - 70 on wall, 30 freestanding
    5) 99. 4 reps shy of open score, but much better than a couple months ago

  28. Open

    1.) 3x3 front squats first....hit #305 (#5 PR)

    2.) 13.4= 92...PR is 99, hate this workout.

    3.) Arms really inflamed so skipped...getting looked at soon:(

    Happy anniversary to the power couple!

  29. 1) power snatch

    2) worked up to 90kg

    3) 120kg across

    4) done

    5) open 13.4

  30. Snatch Practice:

    13.4 wod score: 102

  31. Open

    1) 43 reps, T2B unbroken, but struggled with pace on the CJs

    2) 185#

    2) 205# across

  32. Regionals
    1.Snatch-135lbs. Really focusing on form today
    2.C+J-185lbs. Was a little crunched for time so had to rush this more than I wanted
    3.Back Squats-240lbs. It's crazy to see the improvement I have gotten here.
    5.82 reps. 22 rep improvement from open. Went all singles on C+J

  33. Open
    1) 13.4- either 98 or 99 reps. lost count in the last set of c&j's just trying to go balls out. either way tied pr or beat it by 1 so happy with that.
    3) got stuck at work, no time

  34. 1) 95/115/135/145/155/155 (fail)/145/145 (fail)

    2) Worked up to 255, went for 265 and couldn't get the high hang clean

    3) 325 across

    4) done

    5) 86 (really disappointed, got 92 in the open. I took way too long of breaks, was very smoked from the strength, especially the squats, they just blasted me, took everything I had to make that last set of 8)

  35. Open
    1) 90 got 95 in the Open
    2) 255
    3) 265,275,285

  36. Open
    1. 80 reps. 4 rep PR. Took some if your advice and did all singles on CJ, sets of 3 or 4 TTB. Thanks!

    2. Worked up to 255. Felt a bit soft on the jerk so stopped there.

    3. 275, 295, 315x2. Didn't try the third rep cuz I would've dropped it. 315 is my 3RM but after all the other work, I'm happy with that.

    Good training day! Oh and today is my 37th birthday :)

    1. Happy birthday! I just had my 34th. Motivation enough knowing someone 3 years older is going strong here!

    2. Ha! Thanks Chris. Trying to keep up with all you young bucks around here...

  37. Open
    1. 72 reps
    2. 225#
    3. 235-255-285(2)

  38. Regional
    1. 95,115,125,135,145,155,165,175
    2. 265#
    3. 265# Felt heavy
    4. Done on wall sets of approx 10's
    5. 100 reps

    1. Nice job Wags!!!! Now if I could only post that score with Rx weight.

  39. Open
    1) 13.4- 67 reps... 23 rep PR from last time we tested it 3 months ago!
    2) 185# but then had to go for PR's today- 225# PC PR and 235# SC PR
    3) Front Squat, 3x3- 205# across from ground

  40. Open
    1) 70. 10 reps better then the open, 2 reps better then the last time we did this.
    2) worked up to 185#
    3) 205 across

  41. 1. 155# 155 160 160 160 165 170 170(f), bad callous tear
    2. up to 215# but failed jerk
    3. 275# 295# 295#
    4. done but harder than expected supporting body alternating arms
    5. 4rnds+18 (78reps). -6 reps from 13.4 score in spring. :-(
    Felt good though. Slow T2B as usual.

  42. Open:

    1. 90 reps; 3 less than the open, accidentally did 15 TTB on the set of 12 (broke it up 10 an 5). If I hadn't made that mistake I think I would have at least hit my open score of 93, if not beat it. Oh well, have to concentrate better :). Did singles on C&J's.

    2. 205#

    3. 225-235-235 need to get stronger on front squats.

  43. Open/Masters 47
    1) Wags challenged me to beat him and he said I had to use 65#. Got 100 reps and I tied him.
    2) worked hang clean after 3 tng deads as that is the format of a competition wod this weekend. worked up to 205#

  44. Open
    1) 82 reps ties PR from August
    2) 215#
    3) 215/225/225

  45. Hopped on the program about 3 weeks ago with big Dex Hopkins.
    1. Worked up to 175
    2. 225 no jerks. Was not stable under bar today.
    4. Nope! Something new to work on.
    5. 91 reps

  46. 1) 68 reps
    2) 185
    3) 245, 255, 265

  47. 1) 68 reps
    2) 185
    3) 245, 255, 265

  48. Open

    1) 90 reps
    2) 102.5kg
    3) 110,115,120kg

  49. Open
    1. 60 reps, 14 more than the last time. Pretty happy. Ttb unbroken.
    2. 165#. Cleaned 175#, could not jerk.
    3. 185/195/195

  50. Reg
    1. Snatch: 135
    2. C&J: High Hang - worked up to 155 - felt solid
    3. Squats: 3x8 Back Squats - 175, 185, 195 (missed #8 at 195 - rushed it)
    4. Gymnastic Skills: 100 Shoulder taps - against wall - done in 2 sets of 50
    5. Metcon OPEN 13.4 - 81 - 6 rep pr from open but I expected a lot more - hopefully its only because I was tired from the other training

  51. Open

    1. 85 reps. TTB still frustrating...
    2. Worked up to 135
    3. All three sets at 185

    Did this yesterday, but I forgot to post.

  52. Open
    37 reps. 13 more reps then when I first did this one. I had just started CrossFit a few months prior to the Open.

    I did the Front Squats. Should have gone heavier. 95-105-115

  53. Open Program
    1) 85 - down a few from Open. Tried to string more c&j together and I think it backfired as my t2b sucked really bad. I'd be fine not seeing this one for a long time, just a mental thing with it.
    2) up to 215 - stopped before form really deteriorated
    3) 225, 245, 265 - last set felt good. Nice way to finish after a poor metcon.
