Thursday, December 19, 2013

Friday 12.20.13

2012 and 2013 Games Athlete from the North West.

1.  Pulls
3x3 Good Mornings

2.  Odd Object/Movement
3 RFT:
20 1-Arm DB OHS (10 left arm then 10 right arm) - you choose the weight
2 Rope Climbs (1 legless + 1 regular)

3.  Metcon
5 RFT:
9 BJ, 30/24 - games standards
6 Deficit HSPU - you choose the deficit
3 Hang Power Cleans, 225/155

4.  Core Work
5x10 2-arm Ring Extensions.

1.  Metcon
5 RFT:
12 BJ, 30/24 - games standards
6 Power Cleans, 185/135 

2.  Skills
Odd:  3-5 Squat Therapy
Even: Max unbroken Muscle ups

Three-time Games Athlete and North East Competitor...


  1. Can I get an explanation on ring extensions? Gracias.

  2. justin allen is the north central region, fyi


    1. Pulls
    3x3 Good Mornings-165,175,185lbs

    2. Odd Object/Movement
    3 RFT: 6:03. KB OHS at 53lbs, and both rope climbs were legless(Short ceiling)
    20 1-Arm DB OHS (10 left arm then 10 right arm) - you choose the weight
    2 Rope Climbs (1 legless + 1 regular)

    3. Metcon
    5 RFT: 8:25
    9 BJ, 30/24 - games standards
    6 Deficit HSPU - you choose the deficit 5"
    3 Hang Power Cleans, 225/155 Did 205lbs here.

    4. Core Work-Done
    5x10 2-arm Ring Extensions.
    Solid day overall!

  4. Life git in the way of yesterdays training so kind of a combo hodgepodge today

    12 emom snatch at 205# missed a couple just got lazy with my tech.
    2. 5rft bj,hspu,pc
    7" deficit
    3. 20 ring ext. done
    4. 5 min rope climb amrap
    1 legless + 1 regular
    10 rounds

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Anyone near troy Ohio? Looking for a place to train next week where I can keep following the programming. Thanks

    1. I'm from Portsmouth Ohio (farther South), but Practice Crossfit in Troy Ohio is a great gym. I'm not sure what their open gym schedule is, but I'd dfefinitely give them a visit.

  7. 1) 185, 205, 225

    2) 6:43 with 53lb kb

    3) 13ish... all strict HPSU with 4" deficit. Major goat

    4) Done.

  8. My wife and I will be traveling to Uganda for the next two weeks, so this will be my last post of 2013. Taking my jump rope, rings, and some bands for travel wods!

    1) 185 across
    2) 5:45 w/ 55# db
    3) 15:15 w/ 12" (last 2 rounds changed to 9")
    4) done
    5) yesterday's lever emom
    6) 1:40/0:20 x 9 rnds row from Tuesday - 3900m total

    Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and happy New Year to everyone. See you all in 2014.

    1. Safe travels!!!! You and Aimee are gonna love it!!!

  9. Regionals.

    1) 155/176/198
    2) done with 44# kb. Really highlights my overhead flexibility issues.
    3) 12.54

    Today was one of those days. Not sure why but just wasn't quite in it today. Good practice on some weaknesses of mine.

  10. 1. 135# Across
    2. 6:02 with 50# DB
    3. 8:28; 45+25 plates deficit
    4. Done (Midline trashed after levers yesterday)

  11. OPEN
    1. 13:15 Rx (PCs were definately the gate keeper)
    2. EMOM 14
    Odd - Squat Therapy - 5/round
    Even - UB MU - 5/4/5/4/4/4/4 (30 reps)
    3. EMOM 10
    Odd - Front Lever (humbling)
    Even - Back Lever (encouraging at least compared to the above)

    ... last day of work - 16 days off ahead - have to blow the dust off the home gym so I'm not breaking apart when I back at it on the 6th - Merry Christmas CWOD Crew.

  12. Will be MIA posting this weekend because competing in a partner competition!!
    First wod tonight, three tomorrow, and one Sunday!
    Will be back for the holiday week!

  13. Open:
    1) Metcon: 6:47 Rx. Rebounded all box jumps. HSPU unbroken. Dropped every clean except last round unbroken.
    2) EMOM 14:
    Odd: 3 squat therapy. (Pathetic)
    Even: unbroken muscle ups: 9, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4

  14. Regionals:

    1) 185 across

    2) 5:00

    3) Done! BUT I did it lika a team metcon with my friend instead. 10 Rounds. I go, you go...

    4) DONE. :-)

  15. Reg:

    Headed home to Minnesota from Fla this morning. Had a 30 minute window to get what I could in.
    1. 185, 195, & 205
    3. 10:44 with 7" Strict HSPU (stricts are a big GOAT). HPCs and BJs felt good.

    Packing a barbell and some plates, planning on doing something every hour on the hour or something like that!

  16. 1. coming back this afternoon
    2. 4:32ish... all climbs with leg assistance
    3. 10:42... 34" box, 6" deficit
    4. coming back this afternoon

  17. Open
    1)13:35 Not pleased as nothing felt good today. Legs are need in some recovery, had no drive in the clean. But nonetheless fun woding with Jon and company, he killed it!
    2) Will do tomorrow AM before work

  18. Open/Masters 43

    1) 15:42, everything felt slow and heavy, 30 " box jumps are still new
    2) 14 x OTM squat therapy, max pull-ups (it is freezing rain here, the rings are outside)

  19. 1. 135
    2. 53#kb + towel pull ups
    3. 7:17 11" deficit 225#
    4. Done

  20. 2014 Regional & Games:

    1. 95#, 135#, 155#.

    2. 7:31. No rope so I subbed 5 Ring MU's. 20 1-Arm OH Squats (35#). This is very very awkward for me.

    3. 12:54. Roughly 30" box, roughly 8" Deficit, and 225#.

    4. Done.

  21. good morning: 135# across
    1. 6:37 (70# db) this was fun.
    2. 6:48 rx (6" deficit, really focused on doing the hspu unbroken and did.)

    accessory: done

  22. Open

    1.) 7:34...felt good only wish I went singles sooner on cleans. Bounded all bj with 2-3 misses. Hspu unbroken

  23. 1. 3x3 good mornings at 195

    2. 7:15 with 70# DB , messing around with the 100's after, next time for sure

    3. 9" deficit ... 7:33

    4. 5x 10 done

  24. Regionals

    First metcon should be called: Andrews Goats For Time
    9:07 w/ 30# db

    Metcon 2

  25. Open
    1. 10:43 @155# A little heavy, but manageable. I think my form was decent. Bounded all box jumps for the first time at 30" (with a few misses). For some reasons, box jumps are quickly becoming a favorite/strength. Hopefully my knees agree tomorrow. All HSPU unbroken. Also did my first one-handed handstand. Unfortunately, no one to take a pic.

    Even = 4 squat therapy
    Odd = Strict pull-ups 8, 6, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4

  26. Snatch 7 emom
    Squat clean jerk 12 emom
    205 across

    Metcon 8:50
    9 bj 30"
    6 hspu
    3 cleans 185

  27. 3rft 4:30
    35 kb ohs 20 reps
    10 t2b

  28. Open/Masters 47

    1) 11:25. 6 hspu and 155 PC.

    2) done only got 1 mu per round. Worked on rocking back on the way down.

  29. Open Masters
    Metcon rep scheme scaled to
    12 24" BJ
    9 HSPU
    3 PC 135#

  30. 1. 3x3 GM @135#
    2. 5:09 (50# DB)
    3. 8:28 (5.5" deficit, 185# on HPC)

  31. Open
    1) 17:06 first 2 rounds 185# last 3 rounds 165#. Instead of scaling the weight I should have scaled to 6 HSPU
    2) Did 5 Squat Therapy and subbed 12 Abmat sit ups instead of MU. Shoulder was tight.

  32. Stopped in here
    for a wod today...
    Deadlifts at 175 and burpee box jumps--- 14:00 (All pretty and felt easier than usual)

    then max sets of 20 unbroken DU's in ten minutes-- did 20 sets
    After class, in the back corner I did3 rounds of 20 one OHS @ 20# and 2 rope climbs
    followed by 50 TTB and 30 2'' deficit HSPU's (broken up in sets of 5)

  33. 1. 195 Across.

    2. Skipped. No rope at home.

    3. 12:36. P-HSPU with a 6" deficit. I suck at those. Realllllly bad.

    4. Done.

    Instead of the OHS and rope climb, I did some Air Dyne intervals. New least favorite, suckiest workout, 30 Cals OT2M. I went for 14 minutes because that's all I had, next time I'll go for 20 if my quads don't fall off.

  34. Open
    1. 9:36- hspu got me- went UB on cleans
    2. OTMx14- odd: sqt therapy -5
    Even: 25 du's /7 T2B

  35. 1: did push press work.....1X5@ 165/ 1X5 @ 195/ 1X6 @ 220

    2: 4:05...used 2p KB....heaviest dumbbell not being used was 55.

    3: 7:27 RX with 45 and 35lb VTX plate on each side.

    4: done

  36. Open
    1) 13:32 @ 165#. Started and completed the first round at 185#...just got too heavy and had to drop weight. Went UB on BJ & HSPU
    2) 5 sqt therapy - 6/4/4/4/4/4/4 = 30 MU

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Open:
    8:51 rx'd. Rebounded all box jumps. Did HSPU's strict and UB. PC went 3's then 3 singles.

  39. 1. 185# across
    2. 7:30, 53# kb + sub 10 strict towel pullups
    3. 10:38 @ 7" plate deficit. Last set of dHSPU was very broken, everything else unbroken.
    4. done

  40. Metcon
    7:09 8"deficit
    Back squat
    10x3 @245 stayed light due to time
    Core work
    Done. Did some on knees early rds from feet.

  41. Open
    1. 10:22 with 115#
    2. 11 total muscle ups.

  42. Open

    1) 8:46
    2) Odd: 5
    Even: 5 across scaled with black band

  43. 2014 OPEN ATHLETES
    1. Metcon
    5 RFT: 13:23
    12 BJ, 30/24 - games standards
    9 HSPU (modified)
    6 Power Cleans, 185

  44. Open:
    9:19... Just need to speed up overall, was certainly beat today and took this one easier than I should have.

  45. 1) 145-155-155 these are feeling better
    2) 7:58 with 45# KB. Did 4 12ft legless instead
    3) 20:02, 8" deficit. All box jumps rebounding and all HSPU unbroken. Finished first two rounds in 3 minutes, and my Cleans were fried after that. Got interrupted briefly in between round 4 & 5, allowed me to recover and get moving. Definitely need to work on heavy power Cleans when fatigued because I feel apart.
    4) done

  46. OPEN

    1) 8:22 RX
    Rebounded box jumps but rested at the top. HSPU strict and unbroken. Happy

    2) Done, MU, 9-4-4-5-4-3-3

  47. "1. Pulls - 3x3 Good Mornings - 185#

    2. Odd Object/Movement - 5:35 @ 45#DB

    3. Metcon - 9:36 @ 12"" deficit

    4. Core Work - 3x10 Done here.

  48. Open

    1) I got interrupted halfway through by a phone call from my wife. Continued from where I left off. was 2:15-2:45/rnd so probably a little over 10 minutes?

    2) MU - 3,2,2,2,2,2,3

  49. Open Program
    1) 12:48 - subbed 6+6 strict KB press at 55 lbs for HSPU since no place to kick up in my garage. Probably tougher for me than 9 HSPU. Cleans all singles but moved relatively quickly.
    2) Did this on a different day.

  50. Cliff Lewis 49 Open
    1) 9:58
    2) Had to shop

  51. Cliff Lewis 49 Open
    1) 9:58
    2) Had to shop

  52. Open
    1 did regional Metcon 9:07 8" deficit
    2 5 rounds of 5 unbroken Muscle ups stopped Muscle ups due to elbow pain from comp

  53. DNF

    me sentí muy mal del estomago
